Eyebrows and eyelashes

What is natural eyebrows (36 photos), who is suitable and how to model them


Of course, you can buy stencils or read the first online instruction to draw a perfect eyebrow. But nevertheless we advise only indirectly to concern the general rules, after all there are no identical persons. Let it be only small points from which you can make a start at correction.

Follow the three main lines.

The base of the eyebrow should be perpendicular to the wing of your nose. Another line - through the nose wing and the outer corner of the eye - will help you find the end of the eyebrow. Finally, the highest point can be calculated by drawing a line from the wing of the nose through the outer border of the pupil.

Even if you dye your hair badly and change the color type from season to season, your eyebrows should naturally look on your face. The only exception is the fashionable beauty shooting! In everyday life, be guided by your natural hair color at the roots. And here it is important to remember that if you are from a natrual brunette, then your eyebrows should be a shade lighter. Conversely, blondes are recommended to select a color that is darker than the main color.

Prepare your eyebrows for correction.

Do not pluck eyebrows in the process of makeup. At a minimum, the eyelid may turn red, and the appearance will no longer be so attractive. At most, you can get an infection. Be sure to disinfect your skin with chlorhexidine solution or hydrogen peroxide. And only then proceed to the correction!

The theme of hair cutting in eyebrow questions is quite complicated, because even professional opinions differ greatly. For example, in browning bars of Benefit Brow Bar, clients often cut off extra hair. Only this way you can achieve perfect shape. The main thing is to always comb the hairs up and down until you adjust the length so as not to remove the excess. Although Brows.Me’s design studio doesn’t approve of this method, because cutting provokes hairs to start curling.

Eyebrow Makeup Products

Do not rush to buy all the eyebrow makeup products, especially since there are a lot of them now. If you naturally have dark eyebrows, in which there is a lot of pigment, limit yourself to a transparent fixing gel and a couple of strokes with a pencil.

Another thing, if you have obvious gaps. Then eyebrows for eyebrows, a beveled brush will help (try as if to draw the missing hairs, and not just fill the void), as well as a tinted gel that will add texture where it is missing. Be sure to go around the eyebrow with a pink or peach pencil and shade it well. So you visually raise the eyebrow and make your eyes look fresher.

3D brow technology

This is a favorite technique of the famous makeup artist Elena Krygina. We deliberately do not give all the variety of ways to make eyebrows, as we find it the easiest and most natural. So, comb your hair up and work out small strokes with shadows. Then draw the missing hairs with the liner to the eyebrows, if necessary. Finally fix everything with gel. Try not to overload your eyebrows, then everything will look as natural as possible!

What is eyebrow naturalness?

According to one of the versions, the founder of scouse style is Megan Fox.

In a different way, the effect of natural eyebrows is called scouse. Its distinctive feature is the density, often having such a significant width, which can be modeled depending on the features of the face. For information on how to make eyebrows thicker, read other articles on our website.

On a note! According to one version, the American model and actress Megan Fox became the ancestor of such a trend. Another version says that this trend has come to us from England, and in particular from the city of Liverpool.

Moreover, the type of eyebrows can be arcuate, and straight, and a house, and others. Therefore, at least some people mistakenly think that wide and thick variants are not suitable for everyone, yet you can choose the effect of scouse to any kind of face.

Wide eyebrows with a natural effect - the current beauty trend.

But, of course, for this you need to know how such beautiful eyebrows are made. Yes, yes, if they are natural, this does not mean that they do not need to be adjusted in various ways, and they may have the appearance of neglected thickets.

Well, those whom nature has not rewarded with thick and wide options, all the more they will need to make some efforts to gain a fashionable appearance.

Andreea Diaconu can be grateful to nature, because her eyebrows are really real.

For example, in order for them to get scouse, you can do a natural tattoo of the eyebrows in the salon with the master. For those who either cannot afford the price of such a procedure, or for other reasons do not want to apply it on themselves, an independent method of adjustment with tweezers and proper make-up may be suitable.

But before proceeding to it, for a start it would be nice to figure out what shape eyebrows come with a natural effect and what to be guided by when choosing. After all, they, like other details of the face, give it a certain expression. And even the legendary Coco Chanel was of the opinion that they "make" a lady's face.

Yes, and almost all other stylists argue that the disharmonious combination of their lines with the configuration and parts of the face can help create a ridiculous image. That is why they should pay special attention - they should fit perfectly into the overall look.

Attention! Adjusting eyebrows for scouse style is possible only if they are maximally grown to the original state. This is especially true for strongly plucked strings. Help to quickly restore their former thickness will help, such as castor oil.

Depending on the features of the face

Despite the fact that the Scaus style presupposes the natural naturalness of the eyebrows, nevertheless, their intergrowth in the nose in this case is unacceptable. It will be inappropriate on any type of person. Therefore, selecting their shape, depending on the parameters of the appearance, this rule should be taken into account.

Axial eyebrow classification.

Also, when selecting their form, it is recommended not to neglect the following fundamental criteria:

  1. A beautifully slightly curved line of eyebrows with a straight "tail" is suitable for any type of person.
  2. Straight eyebrows are appropriate for an oval shape.
  3. For a round face should choose a pointed eyebrows with visible kinks.
  4. On a triangular face, rounded arcs look good.
  5. Just sharpened without obvious kinks, their shape is suitable for square-faced ones.

Note! In any case, too low “tails” near the eyebrows should be avoided, since this form will give the face a sad or offended expression.

General recommendations

Scouse combines perfectly with a dull natural make-up.

Eyebrows, scaus, in addition to differences in shape, can be either very or moderately wide. The first option is appropriate for faces with rough and very large facial features.

Those individuals whose face details are not so pronounced, they should do scouse already. In this case, to make the features more pronounced, you can wear such eyebrows with feather shadows and bright lips.

But since Scaus is in itself a rather bright accent on the face, the makeup in this case should not be saturated and catchy. By the way, in the presence of wide eyebrows in the summer, it becomes very light, as if barely noticeable. But in the winter he can add a little graphic.

For owners of naughty eyebrows, scouse style is just a godsend, since it is appropriate to have a sloppy creative shaggyness. Vivid examples with similar eyebrows are our well-known compatriots: Sasha Pivovarova and top model Natalya Vodyanova.

Photo Sasha Pivovarova with the effect of careless eyebrows in the style of scouse.

This variation will give the image a little cockiness and audacity, thereby giving it a special zest. Especially it is appropriate for fading facial features that are not as expressive as we would like.

The process of adjusting eyebrows for scouse style with tweezers, pencil and shadows

When modeling brows it is very convenient to use these stencils.

In order to achieve perfect eyebrows with scouse effect, you need to work:

  • tweezers
  • a special pencil
  • shadows.

Moreover, the task of how to naturally make up eyebrows, can facilitate special stencils for eyebrows. The blessing to get them now is not a problem in any cosmetic shop.

In the photo - the blonde girl, whose cosmetics are perfectly matched to the color for modeling eyebrows-scaus.

With regard to the choice of color pencil and shadows, it should be taken into account: they should be slightly darker than the existing hair or in tune with them. Then the question is quite relevant, as it is natural to make up the bright eyebrows?

Now there are special cosmetics for them, and the range of shades in it is extensive, including for fair-haired ones. For scouse you should definitely buy such pencils.

This makeup should be strictly avoided - it will simply disfigure the face.

Note! The pencil lead should not be too soft, since it is possible to apply unnatural strokes when modeling the eyebrows. And in this style decision, they are completely inappropriate.

Directly, the process of modeling brows is as follows:

  • First, you should decide on the shape of the future eyebrows-scouse.
  • Next you need tweezers to remove inappropriate elements that spoil the shape of the eyebrows. At this stage, be sure to pay attention to where the inner tip of the eyebrow begins. Ideally, when it is located at the point of intersection with the wing of the nose. To find this place, it is enough to attach a brush or a pencil to the nasal wing, as in the photo below.

Find the perfect starting point of the eyebrows in such a simple way.

  • Then you will need to correct their shape with a pencil, putting light strokes. In this case, you can either use or not use a stencil (as you wish).
  • After the shape of the eyebrows is modeled, special shadows can be applied over the hairs. Make it comfortable with a stiff brush. At the same time it should be ensured that they are light on the eyebrows as naturally as possible.
  • At the last stage, excess shadows are removed from the eyebrows with a cotton disc, and then they can be combed or slightly ruffled with a special comb, which is often available at the end of the pencil.

If the shape of the eyebrows is naturally perfect, then simply combing them and removing too long or unnecessary hairs, you can get a scouse without makeup.

On a note! Some persons (photo above), nature has awarded almost perfect in form with thick and wide eyebrows. And in such cases, they require an extremely easy adjustment using only one tweezers or nail scissors. With it, some unnecessary elements are removed, and the scouse is ready!

Correct Correction

Eyebrow correction, perhaps, is the main treatment. The shape of the eyebrows will be considered ideal only if the line looks as natural as possible and without hairs sticking out in different directions.

To achieve this result is easy. The main thing is to remove extra hairs in time. And since the red areas may remain after the plucking procedure, experts recommend doing this before applying makeup.

Perfect eyebrow shaping

To view every extra hair, it is better to sit in the light part of the apartment (by the window).

To give the correct shape of the eyebrows, use a regular pencil. To do this, place it near the left nasal wing. Where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow, and there will be a starting point. If there are hairs behind this line, remove them. To identify the next point, attach the instrument to the left nostril and position it so that it passes through the center of the eye. The line of intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow will be a new point. Here is a bend area.

Correct eyebrow architecture

To preserve the naturalness, it is not necessary to narrow the eyebrow strongly, pulling out hairs from the starting point to the center.

So, there is a third coordinate, which will show the area of ​​the end of the line. To do this, the pencil is again applied to the nostril and a line is drawn through the outer eye corner. Where the tool and the intersection crossed, and there will be a final point.

All excess hairs outside this area are removed.

Some important secrets when plucking unwanted hairs

  1. To make the procedure less painless, steam the area you need. Then the hairs will be removed without discomfort.
  2. If there is no time for stripping, dip sponge in hot water or in chamomile broth. It will also protect against pain.
  3. To make the hairs softer, apply a cream with fat content on the skin area.
  4. Try to keep the distance between the eyebrows not small, otherwise it will add age.
  5. To give the perfect shape, first draw a line with a pencil, and only then remove unwanted hairs.
  6. Try to pull out eyebrows only in the lower growth area.
  7. The lower part of the eyebrow should not be higher than the top, otherwise you will have a dull facial expression.
  8. Choose tweezers with narrowed and sharp ends.
  9. So you grab the inconspicuous hairs.

Eyebrow correction

If you are unsure of your abilities - trust the professionals.

Daily care tips for eyebrows and eyelashes at home

Many women believe that when visiting a beauty salon, proper eyebrow care is completed. Unfortunately, this opinion is wrong. The wizard gives shape to your eyebrows, but does not carry out caring procedures. Therefore, you need to do it yourself. The time of the procedure will not take much (only 5 minutes), but the result in a few weeks will please you with a beautiful reflection in the mirror.

Daily eyebrow care is required.

  • So, proper eyebrow care should begin with makeup. To do this, take a special hard brush made from natural materials, with which it is applied and distributed any nutrient through the hairs. With the help of this important tool, the desired shape is given to thick and unruly eyebrows.

If the brush is not at hand, you can use a regular toothbrush with stiff bristles.

  • The second important rule is the combing of the eyebrow house. The morning procedure will affect the giving of a neat and natural shape, and the evening one will produce a massaging effect that promotes the accelerated growth of hairs.

Combing eyebrows every morning

It will be great if you use special nutrients when combing and massaging. This will saturate the hairs with all the necessary substances and vitamins. This procedure is recommended 2-3 times a week.

Application of nutritional formulations on the eyebrows

You can also massage your eyebrows with your fingers. To do this, lightly tap the required area with pads along the hairline, as well as a little higher and lower. This will help strengthen the hair due to the rapid influx of nutrients from the epidermis to the bulbs. Two sessions per week will be quite enough to achieve the desired result.

With the same periodicity, masks are applied to the hair area to nourish, moisturize and grow. There are a lot of such useful tools. It can be essential oils sold in any pharmacy, and a combination of different products that are in the fridge of each housewife.

Eyebrow nutrition with essential oils

The use of oils to make brows thick

The care of natural eyebrows will not cause difficulties for any woman, especially if you use natural essential oils as caring means. To make hairs thick, you need:

  • in 20 ml of non-flavored olive oil, add grape seed oil, jojoba or burdock, inject liquid vitamin A (one capsule) and apply over eye brows, without washing,
  • mix castor oil in heated linseed oil (1 tbsp.), apply the mixture on your eyebrows (15 minutes), rinse with water,
  • in 15 ml of warm linseed oil add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply the mixture to the hairs and rinse with water,
  • in 3 ml of castor oil add the same amount of orange ether and pumpkin oil, apply the mixture for 20 minutes, rinse,

Eyebrow Oils

  • smear hair and skin around with olive oil, cover with cellophane and fix with adhesive plaster, hold for 1 hour, wash off,
  • in 2 ml of warm rosemary or juniper ether add 15 ml of jojoba oil, apply to the desired area, fix and hold for 1 hour, then rinse.

The procedure for applying the mask is carried out daily.

Gel fixing

Fixation with the help of a gel is another procedure that allows you to give your eyebrows the desired shape. The gel is a tube with a transparent or translucent liquid complete with a brush. Means superimposed easily, dries quickly and retains the desired shape.

Before applying the eyebrows are adjusted with wax or tweezers, then outlined with a pencil. After that, the gel is applied using the attached brush.

Applying the gel on the eyebrows

Eyebrow makeup and coloring procedure: permanent tattoo, henna biotatuage, using Kit Sourcils kit

Any woman who wants to look beautiful should have an eyebrow pencil in her beautician. It should be perfectly sharpened and not scratch the skin. Take into account the color of the pencil. It should match the shade of hair or be darker by 2 tones.

Pencil should be applied with strokes in areas where the hairs are much thinner or completely absent, as well as in the area of ​​bending, in order to slightly lift it visually. If you do not have enough time to apply makeup every morning, experts recommend eyebrow dyeing.

Eyebrow tinting with a pencil at home

It is not necessary to draw too thick lines so that the eyebrows do not look vulgar and unnatural.

After applying a pencil eyebrow makeup does not end there. Next should be held on the hairs with a brush to give a neat and natural shape. It is necessary to comb at first up, and then along the growth line.

Take care of your eyebrows and always look stunning!

Limit the amount of funds used

Many beauties use countless tools to create beautiful complexion and skin tone. However, few people know that the region of the eyebrows is very capricious and must be protected from their impact. Try to avoid getting cosmetics on the eyebrows. At best, the hairs will slow down growth, at worst - they will begin to fall out at all.

Buy a good eyebrow pencil

If you want to look perfect, do not save on cosmetics. Do not skimp on this item of expenditure. High-quality cosmetics have a longer shelf life and allow you to achieve a beautiful natural makeup that will allow you to look refined. This applies not only to the eyebrow pencil, but also the entire contents of your cosmetic bag.

Famous make-up artists in one voice claim that eyebrows play the decisive role of a beautiful face. Properly selected form and proper care can allow you to hide and visually correct many of the flaws of the external image. Make sure the above tips help you.

1. Do not touch eyebrows half a year

We are fully aware of what kind of reaction this advice will cause, but believe me, this is the advice that leading makeup artists, beauty bloggers and owners of the most beautiful eyebrows that we have politely polled gave us. To understand what the natural shape of your eyebrows is, where the hairs grow and how thick it is, you need to wait for the awakening of all the hair follicles.

Some of them are at rest, some are in the active phase, and with regular plucking you can “kill” young hairs instead of old ones, without letting your eyebrows be updated. In six months you will see how things really are: where the hairs are smaller than we would like, where they are greater, and you can make a correction with all the features taken into account.

We recommend using eyebrow growth products for this period: for example, Eyebrow gel from Talika, eyebrow growth stimulant Alerana or BrowRevive, Adonia.

3. Go to the professionals

“You do not treat your teeth. You (I hope) do not cut your hair, it would not occur to you to independently change taps on your shoes, ”says Anastasia Suare, the Queen of Eyebrows,“ so why do you think it is easier to make eyebrows? I do not insist on constant visits to the stylist, but for the first time after growing it is necessary that a professional choose the optimal form and teach you how to maintain it. If we follow the recommendations in good faith, it’s enough to go to the master every 3–4 months for correction. ”

4. Forget about wax and thread.

“These are the most brutal methods of removing unwanted hairs that can seriously damage the hair follicles and even cause the formation of scars and bald patches! - warns Anastasia, - in any case, do not use these dangerous techniques! You can cut the hairs, remove the very “outstanding” point and delicately, but by no means arrange a depilation session for your eyebrows! ”

5. We first paint, then tweak

Beauty guru Kristi Strycher advises all clients: first, paint over your eyebrow with a pencil or shadow, and only then begin to give it shape. The fact is that some hairs are so thin and inconspicuous that it seems as if they are not there. Meanwhile, after applying the pigment, they become noticeable, and they must be taken into account when choosing a form or correction.

6. Do not let the cream get on the eyebrows

Whenever you apply a serum, cream or lotion, be careful to keep your eyebrows dry and intact. Olivia Calpo, winner of Miss USA 2012 and Miss Universe 2012, the owner of fantastically beautiful eyebrows, reveals the secret: “My makeup artist once told me that any cream or mask slows down the growth of eyebrows, and since then I have been careful to nothing superfluous fell on them, and the result struck me right in the heart! ”

8. Choose shades correctly

“The principle is very simple: if you do not want to look like a painted doll, choose eyebrow shades a tone darker than natural hair, if you are blonde or blond, and a tone LIGHT if you are dark-haired. This is the only way to get a natural, natural look, ”insists Christy Strycher.

How to use it?

  • Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to your eyebrows and eyelashes at bedtime.
  • Give it a good soak and wash it the next morning.
  • Use it daily.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains fatty acids, vitamin E and essential minerals.which strengthen eyebrows and eyelashes and stimulate their growth.

Use it every day to prevent hair loss, and very soon you will be convinced of its effectiveness.

How to use it?

  • Apply a small amount of coconut oil on your fingertips and massage your eyebrows for a couple of minutes.
  • Wait until the oil is well absorbed, and leave it overnight.
  • Use coconut oil every day before bed.

3. Almond Milk

Almond milk contains a huge amount of essential fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants. This vegetable milk is an excellent tool for imparting volume and density to eyebrows and eyelashes.

It deeply nourishes the hair follicles and stimulates healthy hair growth.

5. Rosemary oil

The nutrients contained in rosemary oil are easily absorbed into the follicles of the eyebrows, prevent hair loss and stimulate their natural growth.

This is a very soft oil, it is ideal in order to minimize the negative effect of exposure to ultraviolet rays and toxins on the eyebrows.


Watch the video: HOW TO GET PERFECT EYEBROWS EVERY TIME! Quick & Easy Routine (July 2024).