Tools and facilities

Hair mask for the night: the best for yourself


Do not find time to care for hair? Abbreviation at work, time trouble at home, there's no need for masks ... There is a way out! To have a beautiful head of hair, you can make masks for the night! However, for this you need to know some of the rules and the composition of the "allowed" mixtures. We will help you to understand this simple science, and you will only enjoy the result!

Night hair mask: rules

In order for your night care to bring only benefit, and not to come back irritated on the skin or, worse, an allergic reaction, it is important to take into account certain rules.

1. Be sure to conduct a rapid test before applying the mask. Suddenly you are allergic to one component? All as usual - put a small amount of mask on the elbow bend and wait 15-20 minutes. If there is no irritation, feel free to use it!

2. Put on a mask half an hour before bedtime, to be ready for surprises. The mask can flow, and it is better to know about it in advance to take action.

3. Treat only dry hair.

4. Never put on a mask with a burning effect for the night! Save these recipes for the daytime. Under the ban: onions, garlic, pepper, mustard.

5. Do not wear a warming cap, you risk waking up with a headache. Just wrap your head with a linen towel.

6. Do not overdo it with essential oils, otherwise the head will ache.

7. Wash off the mask with warm water and then shampoo. If you choose oil wrap, you may need to apply detergent twice.

8. Night masks are better for carrying out courses. For example, in this mode: twice a week for a month.

Hair mask for the night: choose the composition

You have several options:

1. Oily wraps

Indian beauties with oils help solve any problems with hair. And often cause your favorite oils for the night! Follow their lead! For better penetration, heat the oil in a water bath, and then rub it into the hair roots with gentle movements and only then distribute it throughout the hair. To heighten the effect, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil.

The best oils for night care:

How to make a mask at night

Before you go for a mask, you should find out how to apply it correctly in order to get the benefit and not waste your strength. Be sure to test the composition. Unfamiliar means should not be applied to the hair before an important event. If the hair mask for the night has not been used once, then it is unknown what condition the hair will be in the morning.

Experts recommend that you first stand the mask not the whole night, but two or three hours. Especially this advice is useful if the scalp is sensitive. The problem is that often the discomfort is not immediately felt, and during sleep feelings become dulled.

It is not recommended to apply a mask for the night overnight with a risky composition. Risky ingredients are warming and odorous substances, such as garlic and onions. It is advisable to avoid hot ingredients, such as pepper, mustard and alcohol. At least in the composition of their number should be minimal.

Do not massage these masks into the skin, apply to damaged hair. If the mask threatens to dry curls, it is not recommended to apply it on the tips, and for greater safety, it is better to protect the ends with oil.

Apply a mask for hair at night half an hour before bedtime, and not a couple of minutes before putting your head on the pillow. New conditions are a stress for hair, albeit a pleasant one. And without adapting the hair does not do. At the same time, you can understand your own feelings, make sure that there is no burning sensation, and the mask does not flow into your eyes. Hair before applying masochki must be carefully combed. The shag should be dry!

Be sure to consider the type of hair and pay attention to problem areas. To put on the oily scalp and roots means for dry strands in royal generosity is unacceptable: the benefits of the use of such a mask for hair at night is small.

It is recommended to use a bandage for the head, a towel or a shower cap to remove hair. Do not use cling film: the skin can not breathe, and the greenhouse effect during the night is harmful. It is permissible to wrap a headband with wrap, and for hair, use a thin cloth or collect curls in a loose bundle.

A pillow from a hair mask for the night also needs protection. You can wear an extra pillow case or put a thick towel on top. If the mask is liquid, then to secure it under the towel, put the oilcloth on it mono.

Masochka wash off with hot water. First, the hair is simply washed, and then use shampoo or baby soap. Some night masks do not wash off after the first time, you will have to use detergent twice.

After washing - rinse. It is very useful to use water acidified with lemon. Curls will get shine, become more docile and silky. The smell after a night hair mask at night, especially if it is not too pleasant, is completely neutralized.

Cooking according to popular recipes requires consideration of the length of the hair and the density of the hair. If the hair is long and thick, the number of components is desirable to increase two or three times. If the haircut is short, half of the indicated dosage is sufficient.

The best masks for the night

Among the masks for hair at night, you can select the most productive.

Opens the list honey masochka. For it, beat the yolk, add to it a couple of tablespoons of pre-heated light honey and mix the mixture thoroughly. The composition gently massage in the roots, the residue is distributed along the length of the hair. Nourishing mask suitable for any type of hair.

Damaged, dry, weakened due to staining curls will return to life the mask for the hair at night with oils. You will need to mix a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil with a mixture of one tsp of almond oil and the same amount of jojoba oil. In the end, add rose oil to one teaspoon. After such a mask curls will receive additional volume.

If the hair split, they need a mask with ginger. Thirty milliliters of sesame oil are mixed with a tablespoon of ginger powder. Hair will get shine, strengthen, and dry tips are provided with food.

The hair mask for a night and small potatoes, carrots and an apple grated on a fine grater can give a surprisingly spectacular shine to the curls. To the ingredients add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Liquid pulp is massaged into the roots, distributed along the length. This should be done carefully, and before removing the strands under the towel, let the mask dry.

Silky curls and the absence of dandruff - a mask for hair at night with coconut oil. It is melted on a water bath, three drops of ylang-ylang are added and the composition is stirred. Put the mixture on the roots, spread over a slightly moist hair. In the morning, disobedient dull hair is unrecognizable: shiny, smooth, elastic, small wounds heal faster, and the amount of dandruff decreases significantly. Coconut oil will help with split ends.


There is an overnight hair mask to restore weakened lifeless long strands. For him, take in equal quantities aloe juice, burdock oil and honey. The tool is applied to curls and wrap a head with a towel.

Mask make a week or ten days in a row, washing off the morning with shampoo. To fix the result, repeat the course will have an additional about a week, but not longer than nine nights. For ten days you need a break. Then you can use the restoring mixture once a week.

Rules for masks at night

Make hair masks for the night preferably once a week. If the hair is strong and healthy, and Masochka is preventive, then it is enough to do it once every two weeks. With dry and very weakened curls, it is desirable to apply effective masks twice a week for a couple of months. Then you need a break for the same time.

It must be remembered that addiction reduces the effectiveness of masks, and therefore the composition of even your favorite products should be changed.

Often, ready-made industrial compounds, literally stuffed with chemistry, acquire due to lack of time. Yes, and a day mask makes you sit at home, and not to do business. But the night mask in this regard is simply irreplaceable: they put it in - and sleep in half an hour! And in the morning - to rinse, dry at breakfast - and a shock of health-shining curls will provide an immaculate image, the image of Charm itself.

The effect of the day mask is not long, it is superficial, and the night one gives a longer result, and such masks are often not necessary. They act gently and carefully, because aggressive ingredients are not used for cooking.

That's just to use hair masks at night you need to correctly, so as not to get the opposite effect. It is worth paying attention only to the recipes, which indicate that the mask is superimposed on the night. The presence of salt, spices, soda, citrus, any seasoning is unacceptable: they are capable of causing burns or provoke allergies overnight.

No ingredients giving stickiness or lumping should be. Because bananas and bread for the night mask can not be used. A single laundering will take more time in the morning than a full formal makeup. Even hot water and shampoo immediately cope with the task is not always under force.

Be sure to check the hair mask for the night for the presence of allergens: for this, a little money is applied to the sensitive skin behind the ear for a quarter of an hour. If rinsing and other discomfort appears after flushing, you should not use the mask.

New hair mask for the night - a day off, when you do not need to hurry. Only without haste, one can be convinced of its superproperties and not worry about unpleasant surprises. Before the procedure, the head must be washed and dried.

For volume

Taken in a teaspoon and mixed oils of almond, rosehip and pumpkin are enriched with sour cream, yolk and five drops of ylang-ylang ether. Spinning strengthened after such power and gain volume.

To accelerate hair growth will help mask for the night hair from warm kefir, warmed up in a water bath. Dry curls need the fattest kefir, fatty - fat free.


Against dandruff effective composition with aloe. For the recipe, cut the two lower leaves of the plant and put it on a few in the refrigerator. Then, they are crushed in a blender into a slurry, it is added with a tablespoon of burdock oil, olive oil and mixed.

A homemade hair mask for the night is a real ambulance of a long-haired modern lady occupied with hair. With the right choice of recipe and following all the recommendations curls will shine health and beauty.

1. Give yourself time.

The composition should not be applied right before bedtime, but half an hour before you go to bed. This is due to the fact that some components of the tool you may begin an allergic reaction. In a dream, you will not notice a slight itch or other alarming sensations. As a result, instead of being good, such a mask for hair at night can be harmful.

Mask for hair at night at home: the best recipes

Professional hair cosmetics are undoubtedly good. However, homemade has several advantages over it: only fresh ingredients are used here, which you are sure of, and there are no additives for long-term storage of the composition. And the ratio of elements can be chosen specifically for themselves and their hair, taking into account their condition.

Deep nutrition

Gorgeous nourishing hair mask for the night is obtained from a whipped egg yolk and a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey. The main part of the composition is rubbed into the scalp, and the residues are distributed along the entire length. Egg-honey mixture is washed off in the morning without using shampoo.

This is a popular recipe for homemade cosmetics, and the overwhelming majority of those who use it speak positively of the effect of such a mask. Naturally, it can not be used by those who are allergic to honey or egg white.

Moisture retention

To help dry, mechanically damaged or burned-out chemicals for dyeing and styling hair is the following recipe. It consists of oils: burdock, jojoba and roses in the ratio 4: 2: 1. The first is known as a great hair care product from ancient times. It nourishes, moisturizes and accelerates their growth. The second - moisturizes the scalp, relieves irritation and prevents flaking. Rose oil is used as an antiseptic and flavoring agent.

The mixture is applied to dry hair, paying particular attention to the tips. Oil mask is washed off with shampoo after 6-9 hours. Interested in feedback from those who used this recipe? They are mostly positive. Of the noted drawbacks, it is worth mentioning the danger of smearing bedclothes with oil during sleep. But this problem is solved easily with the help of a dense headband from an old towel.

Lamination of hair

Hair mask with gelatin for the night allows you to achieve the effect of lamination, similar to the result of a salon procedure. This is not surprising, because in fact, and in this case, collagen is used. It is the main component of gelatin and creates the effect of straight, heavy and mirror-shiny hair.

The dry substance is diluted in water in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging, for a better dissolution, you can use a water bath. The second component of the mask is your usual hair balm. Mixing one with the other, evenly apply the product to the hair over the entire length, taking care not to touch the roots.

It is important that during the night the mask does not dry out on the hair - hard gelatin is very difficult to wash off. Wrap your head with a foil and a terry towel, and in the morning wash it with warm water.

This recipe ripped off a flurry of rave reviews: the lamination procedure in the cabin is not available to everyone, so getting the same effect at home for a penny price is very good for girls and women of all ages. It is also noted that it is preserved only until the first washing of the head. But what prevents to repeat the gelatinous mask?

Growth stimulation

What is the most popular hair mask for the night? For hair growth - pepper. The easiest option does not even require wrapping and washing. Bitter pepper tincture of 10 grams of stinging fruits and 100 ml of alcohol is drawn in a dark place for a week and a half. Then dilute it twice with water and rubbed into the hair roots before going to bed. To do this, use a cotton pad. The mask causes an increase in blood flow to the scalp, which leads to the stimulation of the bulbs and the acceleration of hair growth. In addition, new follicles are awakening, and the density of the hairstyle increases with time up to one and a half times. It also reduces or stops hair loss. The recipe is not for those who complain of dry skin and peeling - these symptoms may even worsen.

There are conflicting reviews regarding this mask. Some women who use it, note a sharp acceleration of hair growth and improvement of their structure. Others speak in the sense that the remedy does not help, but only irritates the scalp.

Magic coconut oil

Coconut oil stands apart among the natural care products. The mask for hair at night (for hair growth) with this substance has its own nuances. It is worth starting with the fact that coconut oil is refined or unprocessed. The one that has not undergone cleansing is more effective - it protects the hair from mechanical damage, protects the bulbs, helps to maintain protein to the maximum extent, but with prolonged exposure may cause skin irritation. Wash off such a tool should be after 30-40 minutes using herbal shampoo.

If it is planned to mask the hair with coconut oil for the night, then only refined substance can be used. It is less effective, but it also harbors much less danger.

Universal kefir

No one doubts the benefits of dairy products in their application inside. It turns out that this is not the only way to use them. For example, kefir hair mask at night gives a strong regenerating effect due to the vitamin composition of its main component.

It contains retinol, thiamine and pyridoxine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. These components contribute to the acceleration of hair growth, prevent their loss, increase the density and volume of hair. Vitamins E, C and biotin heal and restore.

Kefir mask is a magic wand with split and brittle hair. Reviews of its application indicate the fact that almost everyone is satisfied with the results of the procedure. The main thing is to rinse the kefir well out of the hair, otherwise there may be an unpleasant smell from the head.

As part of such a mask, you can use honey, egg yolk and your favorite oils in addition to the directly fermented milk product.

Night mask for hair with mustard

Mustard activates the work of follicles, as does the pepper mask. However, it will not burn, if everything is done according to the instructions.

So, you need dry mustard, kefir and a pair of egg yolks. All this is mixed and applied to the hair, especially at the roots. Since the mustard is used precisely powder, it does not contain sugar, and this will save you from unpleasant sensations on the skin during sleep.

In the morning, rinse off with warm water. The recipe is suitable for normal and oily hair, owners of dry should treat it with caution.

Exotic Avocado

Such a mask for hair at night at home is prepared easily. You will need the soft fruit of avocado, which must be kneaded to a state of mashed potatoes. An egg and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil are added to it. The recipe contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, due to which the scalp becomes more healthy and hydrated, which naturally affects the appearance of the hairstyle. About this mask speak as a very convenient in terms of application. Creamy texture does not flow, evenly distributed over the entire length and remains on the head until the morning. The procedure will make combing and styling easier.

Choosing avocados in the store, make sure that there are no black spots on its surface, otherwise you will have to throw out most of the fruit after cleaning it.

Why precisely night care?

Why do many women prefer nightly hair masks? The fact is that during the day it is not always possible to find 2-3 hours of free time for regular care. At the same time, night is a suitable option for relaxation combined with an improvement in your appearance.

After your morning shower, your hair will look as if you have just returned from the salon, which means that you will be guaranteed a perfect hairstyle and good mood for the whole day. And all without much difficulty!

What is the use

The benefits of night masks are quite obvious, as it is much more convenient. After all, during the day, when we are busy, there is often not enough time for home care procedures. Therefore, only at night it is possible to take time to make a mask for yourself. And in the case of special night means they also do not have to be washed off.

The mask is applied to the hair in the evening and lasts for the whole night. During this time, all its components penetrate into the structure of the curls, filling them with nutrients and significantly improving. For some products, prolonged exposure to the scalp or hair is considered an added plus.

In this case, for a long time of use, the hair has time to fully feed on all the useful components. Therefore, even quite noticeable problems disappear quickly.

Why at night?

Even if you are doing cosmetic procedures for hair at home from "improvised" means, you need at least 1.5-2 hours to prepare, apply, hold and remove them. Unfortunately, during this time from what the mask ingredients can give, not all the useful substances have time to be absorbed into the scalp and hair roots.

How to be? Increase exposure time? But where to take so much time? There is a way out - leave the mask for the night! And the night masks at the same time has its advantages:

    Time. On the one hand, we save it, but on the other hand, we increase it. Saving time is that the night mask does not take away from us too much to wait until it has its effect. Yes, at this time it would be possible to do household chores, but with a mask on your head you will not leave the house, you will not leave and you will not receive guests. So why not make a mask when no one sees us - for the night? And to combine a dream with a useful procedure is a double benefit! In addition, the effect of night masks lasts much longer than day, and therefore they do not require frequent use. The increase in time is that the range of exposure of the mask is not limited to an hour or two. It can be left for longer, which means that the nutrients penetrate deeper, work better, and the result will be longer and simply amazing.

How to apply night masks?

To get the expected effect and not lose your hair, you should follow certain rules for the preparation and use of masks:

  1. When choosing a mask, consider its orientation - what problem it will help to cope with. In addition, masks that are applied for a long time (6-8 hours) should be marked “at night” or “night mask”.
  2. Be extremely careful: night masks should not contain aggressive ingredients (salt, soda, pepper, onion, garlic, mustard, cinnamon, citrus). With prolonged exposure to the scalp, these ingredients can cause an allergic reaction or even burns, which can lead to hair loss.
  3. It is not recommended to use sticky ingredients in night masks (bread, banana, etc.). They are good for hair care, but during the night they manage to dry and turn into a crust, so in the morning it will take a lot of time and effort to wash off and comb the remains of such a mixture.
  4. If you make the chosen mask for the first time, do not forget to make an allergy test. On the wrist or elbow bend, apply the prepared composition and leave it for 10-15 minutes, and then wash it off: if there is no redness, rash, no itching, then you can safely use the mask. In order to avoid an unexpected coloring effect, it would be useful to test the mask on a separate strand of hair, leaving the composition for the whole night.
  5. It is best to try out new masks on a day off so that you don’t have to hurry anywhere in the morning, and at the same time look at the result during the day. Some masks can produce an undesirable coloring effect (especially on blond hair) if they use coloring ingredients (for example, henna powder, oak bark, juices of some vegetables, berries and fruits).
  6. Before the procedure, the head should be washed, dried and combed thoroughly.
  7. Apply the mask to 30-40 minutes before bedtime: during this time, excess liquid will have time to drain, and most of the oils will be absorbed. However, so that bed and night clothes are not affected by possible fatty or colored spots, you can wrap the pillow with an old terry towel.

As we have said, night masks have a long-lasting effect and are considered the most effective way to treat hair, so they are used no more than 1 time per week. Follow the rules of the use of night masks, and they will not disappoint you.

Recipes Night Masks for Hair

We have selected the most popular night masks for you and grouped them according to the direction of impact:

1. For split and damaged hair (including after hairdressing procedures - perm, dyeing, etc.):

  • 2 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 tbsp. almond, castor and jojoba oil, 3 drops of rose essential oil (sage, coconut, lavender). Rub the mixture into the ends of the hair. The next morning you are provided with shine and delicate aroma from the hair, and with regular use, you still increase the amount of hair.
  • 1 tbsp. ground ginger, 1 tbsp. sesame oil - mix, apply the mixture on the tips and along the entire length of the hair.

2. For dry, damaged and falling hair:

  • 1 tbsp. gelatin pour 100 ml of water and leave to swell for 20-30 minutes, then constantly stirring, gradually add conditioner for your hair type - until a mixture is obtained, like thick sour cream. Apply the composition only to the hair, without affecting the scalp, otherwise it will “pull off” by the morning. This mask also produces a “lamination” effect.

3. Against hair loss:

  • Mix in equal proportions freshly squeezed apple (white grape) juice and any vegetable oils (olive, burdock, avocado or almond). Apply the mixture with massage movements on the scalp.
  • Mix 1 tsp. almond oil, dog rose and pumpkin, 1 tbsp. sour cream (preferably homemade), egg yolk, 5-7 drops of ylag-ylang ether.

4. For greasy hair:

  • 2 tbsp. honey a little (up to 40 ° C), heat on the steam bath, add 1 beaten egg yolk - mix. Rub the mixture into the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair.
  • Boil in 50 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. dry chamomile flowers. Let it brew for 2-3 hours, strain, add squirrel whipped into foam.
  • 1 tbsp. yeast dissolve in 1 tbsp. warm water, add the whipped protein.

5. Nourishing masks - applied to the roots, spreading over the entire length of the hair:

  • Beat 2 eggs, add 2 tbsp. liquid honey to a homogeneous mixture.
  • 1/3 cup of carrot juice, 30 g of apple juice, 30 g of aloe juice or gruel. This mask will not only saturate the hair with vitamins, but also relieve dandruff and give them strength, shine and beauty.
  • Take 1 large ripe pear, remove the stem and the core with the seeds, puree the fruit with a blender or a small grater (if the fruit is too juicy, then squeeze out excess moisture). Add 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1 beaten egg.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. castor and burdock oils, 2 ampoules of retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E), 2 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Soak 2 slices of dried rye bread in boiling water, chop into mush and leave for 2-3 hours, squeeze out moisture (you can throw out the cake) and add 1 tsp. burdock oil.

Night hair masks are the best way to transform your hair in just a few treatments. Masks will also be useful for hair that has suffered from aggressive manipulations with them (highlighting, perms, lamination, frequent use of irons, curls, hot hair dryer, etc.) The most pleasant thing about these procedures is that in the morning the hair looks much better than in the evening.

Night Mask Rules

Do not apply overnight remedies that increase blood circulation. This is usually a mask for hair growth with mustard, pepper, onion juice. With prolonged contact, they cause irritation of the scalp, hair loss and even burns. The basis of household mixes are usually herbs, honey, eggs, vegetables, fruits, other products, oils.

Rules for the use of masks for the night for hair:

  1. Any mixture, regardless of the ingredients, must be warm. Cold mass is difficult to penetrate under the hair cuticle, the effect will be much worse.
  2. If hair styling products, thermal protection and other cosmetics, then all this needs to be washed off. Otherwise, the substances will penetrate deep into the hair together with the mask, which is not very good, can harm. If nothing extra is used, then no need to wash your hair.
  3. Do not apply the mask only on the length or on the skin. You can nourish (moisturize, cure) and that, and more, if necessary, use tools with different composition.
  4. You do not need to cover your head with polyethylene or put on a hat if this is not indicated in the recipe. Usually one scarf is enough to protect the bed.
  5. Before applying the mask strands must be carefully combed. It is also possible to use a comb for the distribution of the tool, but only with sparse teeth.

All masks that are applied at night are designed to solve various problems. Therefore, you need to carefully choose, taking into account all the nuances. If the product is intended for oily hair, it will ruin dry hair and vice versa.

Important! Often, ready-made balsams or industrial masks are added to the oil mixtures. They help to wash the tool, serve as additional food, but only with a qualitative composition. If the product contains aggressive substances, then if it stays on the hair for a long time, it will harm them and the scalp.

Nourishing honey mask

It nourishes weakened, damaged and colored hair, gives a lively shine, a positive effect on the skin.

Honey - 2 tbsp. l
Raw egg yolk - 3 pcs.

Heat the honey to melt the product. Otherwise it may be difficult to apply. In a separate bowl, beat 3 yolks. This amount of ingredients is sufficient for the average length of the shoulders. Combine liquid honey with eggs, grind carefully. Apply a thin layer of mass to the scalp, rub well. Also process the tips of the hair. Distribute residues along the length of a rare ridge. Wrap, leave overnight.

Clay mask for hair at night (for fat type)

Eliminates excess sebum, normalizes the glands, gives a neat appearance and freshness, increases the intervals between washing the head.

Blue Clay - 50 g
Honey - 1 tbsp. l
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
Kefir or water

Melted honey combined with lemon juice, grind until smooth, add blue clay and liquid. You can use plain water or any fermented milk drink: kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt. Pour in small portions, follow the consistency. It should make gruel. Apply to the root part, distribute along the length, if the hair is oily, then up to the tips. Put on the scarf, wash it off in the morning. If you used a fermented milk product, you can not use shampoo.

Night mask for fast hair growth

It supplies vitamins to the bulbs, valuable compounds, cares for the skin, accelerates growth.

Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l
Honey - 1 tbsp. l
Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Pour both types of butter into a bowl, add the remaining ingredients. Put in the microwave for 20 seconds. Or use for heating water (steam) bath. Remove the warm mass, rub until smooth, rub into the skin, make a good massage with your fingertips. Along the length, you can apply any other tool or the same mixture, increasing the number of ingredients.

Mask for burnt hair with avocado

Effective nutrition, moisturizing, restoring, for softness, makes hair docile, smoothes.

Avocado - 1 pc.
Coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l
Aloe juice - 2 tbsp. l

Avocado need ripe. Cut, remove the bone, choose the pulp with a spoon. Grind to puree, add melted butter and fresh aloe juice. To stir thoroughly. Apply hair mask overnight, pay special attention to the tips and damaged length. In the morning, wash your hair as usual.

Revitalizing night mask for all hair types

It gives shine, nourishes, returns strength and tidy appearance, makes hair obedient.

Kefir - 120 ml
Flour rye - 2 tbsp. l
Yolk - 1 pc.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l

Combine melted honey with yolk, add flour and kefir to them. Whisk the mixture with a whisk until smooth. Leave the talker warm for a quarter of an hour for the rye to swell. Apply to the strands in length, put on a scarf, stand until the morning. Wash your hair with regular shampoo, apply balm.

Oil Mask against baldness, hair loss

Strengthens, nourishes the bulbs, increases the thickness of the hair, improves appearance, cares for the scalp.

Almond oil - 1 part
Burdock oil - 1 part
Olive oil - 2 parts

Combine oil in a convenient for heating dishes, soak in a water bath to a temperature of 40 ° C. Stir thoroughly, rub into the scalp, distribute along the length of the strands. Wrap, leave overnight.

Important: Oils release the pigment, contribute to the rapid washing of the paint from the hair. If they have recently been colored, to maintain a bright color, the mixture should be applied only to the skin.

Yeast Mask for Oily Hair

It removes excess fat, gives the hair a neat appearance, makes it stronger and more beautiful.

Milk - 50 ml
Fresh pressed yeast - 25 g
Egg protein - 1 pc.

Heat the milk to make it a little warmer than body temperature. Connect with yeast. Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. All lumps need to knead. Separate the yolk, protein, put in a bowl, beat with a mixer or whisk in a strong foam. Connect with previously diluted yeast. Rub the mixture into the scalp, apply to hair, wrap. In the morning wash the usual shampoo for the fat type.

Glycerin Regenerating Mask

It nourishes, moisturizes, reanimates burnt paint, sun hair, returns shine, makes it strong and elastic.

Aloe juice - 2 tbsp. l
Natural Yoghurt - 125 ml
Pharmacy glycerin - 1.5 tsp.
Aevit - 3 capsules

Yoghurt beforehand removed from the refrigerator. You can put a glass in a bowl with warm, but not hot water. Squeeze the juice from the leaves of aloe, open the capsules and squeeze the vitamins, measure the glycerin. All this is mixed with natural yogurt until smooth, applied to the hair, including the scalp, length, tips. Wear a scarf, leave until the morning.

Brightening hair mask

It lightens hair by 1-2 tones for 1 use, creates the effect of highlighting when applied to individual strands.

Chamomile - 3 tbsp. l
Purified water - 120 ml
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l
Cinnamon - 1 stick

Pour the chamomile with boiling water, cover, leave for at least 3 hours. If there is no time, then boil a few minutes on the stove, cool and strain, squeeze the flowers. Grind cinnamon stick on a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar, add to warm broth. Squeeze lemon juice. Stir. Apply the resulting solution to clean, but dry strands. It is desirable that they do not have a balm. Wrap up In the morning, remove the scarf, rinse your hair with cool water with lemon juice or apple vinegar. Re-clarification can be done in a week.

Gelatin hair mask for the night

Thicken hair, adds shine, glues split ends, gives the effect of lamination.

Gelatin fine food - 1 tbsp. l
Drinking water - 3 tbsp. l
Hair Balsam - 1.5 st. l

Connect water at room temperature with gelatin, insist, the time specified in the instructions. Melt the swollen mixture. It is better to use a water bath. Add a good balm for hair, stir. Apply the length of the washed hair, carefully rub, smooth, gather in a bun, roll up with a kerchief, leave until morning.

The benefits of night masks for hair

In the daytime, a woman can literally spend a couple of hours in order to bring her appearance in order. But unfortunately, this time is not enough to restore the hair structure, to replenish the balance of nutrients and vitamins. This will require at least 6 hours. In this case, it is recommended to use hair masks for the night at home.

All the benefits of the tool is that for a long time period, the curls are completely saturated with the necessary elements. Another advantage is that it does not take much time and money to purchase components.

The effectiveness of the use of a night hair mask will not be noticeable immediately, as it is allowed to do it only 2 times in 7 days. In any case, after applying the improvement in the state of the curls will be noticeable. As a rule, it is recommended to use them for those who have the following problems:

  • brittle and dry
  • noticeable excessive loss
  • increased sebum secretion (oily skin and hair).

Can I keep masks all night

Many girls and women ask themselves such a question: “Is it possible to maintain a remedy on the head for such a long time”? But the truth is, a person’s sleep lasts about 6 to 8 hours, therefore, all this time the mixture will be on the hair. So, we will understand, dangerous or not, will this action?

Cooked home remedy will not be considered dangerous if you choose the right ingredients.

For night masks, it is worth excluding products that improve and stimulate blood circulation: pepper, onion, mustard, some types of essential oils. Using them for such a long time, you can easily get a burn.

The following components are considered safe components: burdock ether, natural honey, homemade egg, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, decoction of medicinal herbs like chamomile and St. John's wort, aloe extract.

The above ingredients do not harm either the scalp or curls themselves. On the contrary, they have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, improve blood circulation without causing unpleasant sensations. It is important to choose the right composition for your hair in order to maximally saturate them with beneficial substances and vitamins.

Rules for the use of masks at night

To obtain the maximum effect from home remedies, it is important to know several rules and strictly follow them.

  1. To avoid the manifestation of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to conduct a test. Apply a little bit on a small area of ​​skin and hold for 30-40 minutes. If no changes have occurred, you can use.
  2. It is also recommended to check the composition of the hair - whether it has the ability to change color. One strand is richly lubricated and left overnight. In the morning we check.
  3. Apply the product is best for 30 minutes before bedtime. Curls should be clean, dry and well-combed.
  4. In the dry type, it is necessary to carefully grease the tips, and in the bold type - the roots.
  5. After application, you must wrap the head with a disposable bag, and then a towel.
  6. Remove the composition with warm water, and then rinse with a decoction of herbs. In some cases, it is recommended to use shampoo on a natural basis.


As such, there are no contraindications for masks, except for the following:

  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the finished product,
  • the manifestation of an allergic reaction to the components of the tool.

By the way, before going to bed you can do at home and nightly face masks, which restore the epidermis, actively fight wrinkles, skin fatigue and other problems.


Watch the video: DIY Coconut Oil Hair Mask Tips & Tricks (July 2024).