
Henna hair dyeing: application features and breeding rules for different shades


What to mix henna with? How to cook paint? What is the result in the end? You will find answers to all these questions in our article containing a photo catalog with the results before and after dyeing.

Many of us have heard of medicinal hair coloring with henna. And someone has long disowned chemical dyes, preferring a natural remedy. If you like painting a novelty, you should first learn the advice of professionals.

  • ALWAYS carry out the test paint by applying the mixture to a small strand. So you will avoid unpleasant surprises, at the same time you will find out what color this mixture gives to your curls. After all, the same composition can give different shades on different hair.
  • Be careful with coffee blends. If the dye stays on the hair for a long time, caffeine can penetrate the pores, causing a headache.
  • To henna not perereshil hair, you can add oil (essential or olive).

How to cook paint

  1. Prepare the mixture preferably in a plastic or ceramic pot.
  2. It is not recommended to apply the paint immediately after preparation. Let it stand until the mixture changes color to a darker one. To do this, store it in a warm place, after adding lemon juice or vinegar.
  3. The longer the paint remains on the hair, the more reliable the effect. Do not wait for the result after 15 minutes, staining can take from 1 to 8 hours.
  4. The amount of henna and the total weight of the mixture depend on the length and color of your hair. Up to 100 grams of henna can be spent on short hair, 100-200 grams on medium ones, and 300-500 long ones. On blond hair, the result is more noticeable.
  5. We advise you to cook more than the required amount. The rest of the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. The henna dilution fluid should not be too hot. If you heat the mixture, do not bring it to a boil - it will worsen the coloring properties.
  7. The optimum thickness of the mixture should resemble the consistency of sour cream. To paint less flowed - add diluted gelatin.

How to apply henna on hair

Use gloves (so that the skin of the hands does not stain). After you put the mixture on your hair, put on a plastic hat or a regular transparent bag and wrap your head with a towel. Apply petroleum jelly or oil to the skin along the hairline so that the henna does not leave marks on the face. Dye is easier to apply to wet hair than to dry. To make your hair better colored - dry it with a warm spray of a hair dryer. After finishing the dyeing, wash the henna until the water is clear.

It is important to know: henna continues to change the color of your hair after removing the mixture. After a couple of days, the shade may change.

So, the basics learned. What are the options for hair coloring?

2. Corn

100 g of henna, 220 g of lemon juice, 7 tbsp. spoons of corn syrup, 3 tbsp. cloves, 13 drops of frankincense oil, 13 drops of benzoin oil, 6 drops of rosemary oil.

Insist the mixture for 15 hours. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

100 g henna, lemon juice, coffee, yogurt

Dilute 100 g of henna with lemon juice to a thick paste, add cold coffee, diluting sour cream to the consistency. Insist the mixture for 3-4 hours. Add yogurt (in a ratio of 1: 1). Apply to hair. Then leave the paste on the hair for 2.5 hours.

4. Carnation

100 g of henna, lemon juice, 2 bags of ground cloves, a cup of plum juice.

Mix 100 g of henna, lemon juice and add 2 sachets of ground cloves, bringing the mixture to a thick paste. Insist the mixture for 12 hours, then add a cup of plum juice, bringing to the state of sour cream. Apply to hair and hold for 7.5 hours.

75 g henna, lemon juice.

Insist 20 hours. Dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

7. White wine

50 g of pectin, 150 g of white wine, 150 g of water, 100 g of henna, cinnamon

50 g of pectin + 150 g of white wine + 150 g of water = the mixture is heated for 12 minutes, stirring every minute. Insist 1 hour, then add 100 g of henna, insist 3 hours. We add cinnamon for a smell and we put on hair and we leave on all night. In the morning wash off the paint.

8. Red wine

100 g henna, 200 g red wine, 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Dilute the mixture with water until we get the density of sour cream. Insist 3 hours. Apply to hair for 1 hour.

100 g of henna, raspberry tea, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, olive oil, red wine vinegar, kurmum, paprika.

Brew strong raspberry tea with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. 1 cup of tea diluted 100 g of henna. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 4 tbsp. red wine vinegar. Add a pinch of turmeric and paprika. Give the mixture to infuse an hour and a half. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

10. Chamomile

Henna, lemon juice, lavender essential oil and tea tree, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika.

We mix henna with lemon juice, add the essential oil of lavender and tea tree, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika. Mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. If the mass dries, dilute it with lemon juice. Apply to hair and leave for 4 hours.

Pros with proper use

The photo shows how henna hair coloring improves their condition.

Henna is a natural dye, so it is guaranteed there is no harmful chemistry. On the contrary, it is saturated with beneficial substances that, when painted, have a beneficial effect on the structure of the curls and the condition of the scalp.

After applying it:

  • the structure becomes rigid, elastic,
  • stops falling out
  • bulbs strengthened
  • the rods are saturated with moisture,
  • dandruff will disappear.

An important advantage of this tool is also the fact that the resulting shade lasts a long time. It does not cause allergic reactions, so everyone can be painted with it without exception. Lawson's dye covers every hair with the thinnest layer through which UV rays do not penetrate. The price of this natural product is quite democratic.

Negative sides

It happens that powder Lawson has a bad effect on the state of the curls, if it is used incorrectly. Too frequent staining leads to severe dryness of them, as well as the scalp. The tips as a result of this can begin to split.

Even among the negative properties of this product can be identified:

  • “Shreddy” coloring in the presence of gray hair (henna hair painting in the photo above),
  • impossible to paint with henna on dark hair,
  • Not everyone has a pleasant smell during the procedure.

NOTE! After painting, this powder is forbidden to do perm.

Features of application and technology of painting

Modern beauty salons do not use henna, as well as other natural products for painting curls. They focus on chemical pigment formulations. With their help, much faster, easier to find the right shade. And the result is almost 100% predictable. Plus, the price of natural dyes is available to everyone, so you can’t take much for such a procedure.

Henna and Basma are best used independently. They provide an opportunity to experiment with their own hands with tones and save a significant amount of money from the family budget. Moreover, it is so nice to be aware of yourself as the creator of your own individuality.

Secrets of effective staining

Henna hair coloring will be of high quality, if this tool is applied abundantly.

You do not know how to dye your hair with henna at home? This business has its own nuances:

  1. You should never use when washing your head before painting air conditioning. This will reduce all efforts to zero.
  2. The number and composition of the finished paint depends on the length of the order. In order to achieve the best result, they need to be “redeemed” in it. That is, "greedy" is not recommended.
  3. It is not necessary to make painting with this tool, if it was previously done highlighting or discoloration.

For hair of different lengths, an individual amount of lavsonia powder is required: 50-100 g - for short, 200 g - length to the base of the neck, 300 g - to the shoulders, 400 g - to the waist.

ON A NOTE! In order not to resort to using scales, you can use a glass / tablespoon. In a 200 gram glass, 100 g of Lawsonia powder is placed, and in a tablespoon - 7 g.

What is required for painting

To dye hair with henna, you will need to prepare gloves, be sure to have a glass dish and a brush.

Before painting you need to prepare everything so that you do not have to look for something. The process will require:

  • hairpins, which will be fixed colored strands,
  • a sheet to cover yourself from getting paint
  • plastic bag or shower cap,
  • brush, comb,
  • cup / bowl (exclusively glass or ceramic),
  • unnecessary towel
  • brush,
  • disposable gloves,
  • wooden spoon for kneading coloring composition.
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Stepwise technology

All things from the list should be near you. So everything will go according to plan, no unforeseen situations will arise.

Instructions for painting their own hands is:

  1. The mixture is prepared. The calculation is done based on the length of the curls.
  2. Carefully combed curls. First, the usual brush, then a comb with a wide, and then with a small tooth. The head is divided into partings.
  3. Lubricated ears and border near the growth of hair cream.
  4. Wear disposable gloves.
  5. A brush is taken and the coloring process begins. You need to start from the top of your head and move to your forehead.
  6. After working through all the zones on the head, the curls are stained carefully over the full length. To do this, the mixture is scooped up with the hand in the glove, distributed evenly along the strands, then movements are made, as if during a wash. All actions should be as careful as possible.
  7. Hair is laid on the top of the head, packed in a shower cap / plastic bag and on top of everything covered with a towel.
  8. You can go about your business. After the right time “compress” is deployed and the paint is carefully washed away. The procedure is carried out until the water becomes clear.

ATTENTION! Henna painting on dark curls is performed by a similar instruction. Do not expect that your hair after that will get a juicy red shade. This dye is almost powerless on this color, but can deepen the natural shade, giving the curls power and radiance.

Dilution and proportions depending on the desired color

The photo shows the possible shades that can be obtained using only henna, depending on the base color and structure.

The color obtained in the process of dyeing lavsonia powder may be completely different. It depends on the quality of the dye and the structure of the hair. For each person, they are individual, because differently react to the dye.

And the time required for fixing the same shade, each person will have his own. To get dark colors, including chocolate or rich chestnut, you need to mix henna plus basma in a certain proportion.

Basma is another natural substance used in the beauty industry. This vegetable powder has a grayish-green color. Basma is obtained from the leaves of the indigo plant and is used for dyeing in dark colors. Combined hair dyeing with henna and basmoy makes it possible to experiment with your hair.

The table of proportions and the exposure time when dyeing different shades of hair with henna and basma for obtaining a specific color.

THIS IS USEFUL TO KNOW! Clean Basma is not used for dyeing hair. This is especially true for people with pronounced gray hair. Suffice it to recall the character of Sergei Filippov from the Soviet movie “12 Chairs”, which received a greenish-blue shag after similar experiments. Wash away such a “result” is very problematic.

How to dye hair with henna and basma to get interesting shades? It's pretty simple, just follow the recommendations below.

"Saturated chestnut"

The photo shows the result of dyeing hair (saturated chestnut) with henna and basma in the proportion given below.

You do not know how to dye your hair with henna chestnut color? It is quite simple. It is only necessary to add brewed coffee and basma to the powder from leaves of lawsonia.

This paint is prepared as follows in the following proportions:

  1. A pack of henna (about 152 g) is mixed with 2 packs of basma (125 g). To get the desired color, the mixture is poured with strong coffee and allowed to brew for about 2.5 hours.
  2. Honey is added (a couple of tablespoons) and 5 capsules of vitamin E. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin and the bulbs.
  3. All is mixed with a wooden spoon.
  4. The paint according to the technology described above is applied as intended.
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"Bitter chocolate"

Hair color is a bitter chocolate made with henna, basma and coffee.

It is possible to dye hair with henna in chocolate color by adding basma to it. The subtleties of cooking such a composition:

  1. Take equally 2 components and then mix. In this case, it is necessary to calculate how much powder is required, taking into account the length of the strand.
  2. Add ground coffee to the mixture (4 tablespoons).
  3. Pour the mass made white wine to get not too thick or liquid composition.
  4. Put in a water bath.
  5. Let the mass warm up and immediately start painting.
  6. Keep this composition on the hair need about 2.5 hours.
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Magenta hair color with henna and beetroot

In order to achieve this effect, you will need lavsonia powder diluted in red beet juice. It can be replaced with elderberry squeeze or freshly brewed karkade tea.

Dark tone

To get almost black, henna and basma are mixed in a 1: 2 ratio, poured with water and thoroughly ground. Make a very thick mixture. To get a deep black color, sit in a plastic bag and a towel on your head will have about 3 hours, no less.

NOTE! It is possible to get almost black color instantly fail. The final result will be known only in a day, or even two.

Gray hair painting rules

Henna and Basma are perfectly combined with each other and together paint over gray hair well.

The older a person becomes, the more his hair loses coloring pigment. After quite a long time, it is completely discolored. For some, this moment is not important.

However, many women are very worried about the appearance of white hairs, but do not want to use non-natural dyes. The question is very relevant for them: how to dye gray hair with henna so that they stay healthy?

It should be noted that this natural dye with gray hair are incompatible, since in the process of dyeing all the white hairs will become carrot or orange-red. The alternative is to add other substances to the powder.

  • Basma,
  • pharmaceutical chamomile extract,
  • walnut infusion,
  • natural coffee (ground),
  • borage juice,
  • saffron powder,
  • other.

Henna without impurities on gray hair can paint them unevenly, as in the photo.

Some subtleties when coloring gray hair with henna with various natural additives are as follows:

  1. Test the finished paint on a separate strand. Remember how many minutes it took to complete painting. The very first procedure spend exactly the same amount of time.
  2. After a few days, repeat the staining. Keep the paint for about 2 hours.
  3. Coffee, chamomile or walnut extracts are suitable as additives to this powder.They will give noble shades, eliminating the formation of bright red tones.
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Ways to get rid of henna

Kefir yeast mask will gradually reduce henna from the hair.

If you want diversity, and the hair is painted powder Lawson, have to resort to various tricks. After all, this dye keeps on hair for a long time. What to do? You can just wait. During this time the strands grow back. The truth will be at least six months or a year, if the hair is shoulder-length or longer.

You can make some sacrifices using the aggressive method of “flushing” - a mask with alcohol. For this you will need:

  1. Find alcohol 70%.
  2. Moisten a sponge in alcohol and rub it with hair.
  3. Do nothing about 7 minutes.
  4. Apply any oil on top of alcohol (olive oil is ideal).
  5. Wrap your head with cling film or put on a bag / shower cap, roll the turban out of a towel.
  6. Hold this "compress" for 40 minutes.
  7. Use soft shampoo to rinse.
  8. Repeat all actions again after a couple of days.

There are ways to get rid of henna and simpler. They are not so aggressive, however, they need to be carried out a large number of times in order to completely “wash” the annoying color. For such purposes, suitable oil or kefir-yeast mask, rinsing with vinegar, washing the head with soap.

Is it possible to dye hair after henna and how to do it better. This is not a separate short topic, so if such information is of interest, you can find out about it by the link.

At last

As it became clear, it will be easy to paint with henna on its own. But if you have questions, you can see everything in the video. Do you have experience in this matter? Or do you know any exclusive dyeing options using natural lonsony powder? Write about them in the comments.

Composition and beneficial properties of henna

She received the coloring ability due to the content of dyes and tannins in it, in addition, it contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair:

  • Chlorophyll - a substance that gives the shrub a green color. It is a strong antioxidant, due to which it rejuvenates and has a beneficial effect on the scalp as a whole.
  • Hennotanic acid - the main dye. In various types of henna its content is from 1 to 4%. That it gives a fiery hue to the hair and the more hennotanic acid, the brighter the color will turn out when painting. Also this substance has tannic and antibacterial properties. Due to this, it relieves inflammation of the scalp, reduces the amount of dandruff and strengthens the hair.
  • Polysaccharides - moisturize the skin and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Pectins - absorb toxins, reduce oily hair. In addition, pectins envelop every hair, as a result of which the hair looks visually thicker and more voluminous.
  • Resins - make curls shiny and silky.
  • Essential Oils and Vitamins - tones, improves blood circulation and the condition of the scalp as a whole, which positively affects the condition of the hair.

Traditionally, henna was designed to dye hair a red color, it is called red. However, now on sale you can find henna, which can dye hair in different colors.

Basic shades: Burgundy, black, chestnut, white. In addition, colorless henna is sold, from which the coloring matter is removed. It is used as a firming mask.

All these colors are obtained by mixing in different proportions henna powder and basma powder. This is indicated on the packaging of the drug. Exceptions: white henna, which is a clarifying agent.

Positive sides:

  • Does not harm hair. Henna is a herbal preparation, it does not adversely affect the hair.
  • Low price - cheaper than chemicals for dyeing.
  • No special skills are required when using.
  • Allows you to achieve a stable and bright color.
  • Improves the condition of hair.

Henna + Basma

The easiest option is to add basma powder to henna powder. Depending on the proportion, you can get different hair color.

Depending on the original factors, the resulting shade may differ from one person to another. For example, the thinner the hair, the brighter the color will be. Of great importance is the original color of the strands - when dyeing dark hair with pure henna, you get only a reddish tint. But if you dye her blond hair - they will become red.

In addition to Basma, you can add other substances to obtain different shades.


There are several ways to get a golden hue:

  • Henna bred strong infusion of chamomile: 1 tbsp. l dry chamomile pour 50 ml. boiling water and infuse for 30 minutes. Broth is not necessary to filter. Chamomile moisturizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp.
  • Turmeric powder or saffron is mixed with henna in a 1: 1 ratio. These spices are strong antiseptics and antioxidants, which has a strengthening effect on hair.
  • Golden color increases with increasing acidity, so henna powder can be diluted with kefir, sour cream or rhubarb decoction. With this method of dyeing, the hair will acquire a special shine, since a weakly acidic solution washes away the mineral film from them, which is formed during washing with water.


Chocolate shade can be obtained by mixing henna with coffee, ground cinnamon or extract of walnut shell.

  • Henna with ground cinnamon is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • When mixing with coffee, there are several ways: 1. You can mix 2 tbsp. l ground coffee and 1 tbsp. l henna and dilute the mixture with hot water. 2.A can make a strong infusion of coffee - 1 tbsp. l 100 ml of boiling water and dilute the bag of paint. Both methods are quite effective.
  • Infusion of a nut shell can be prepared, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed shells with a glass of water, bring to a boil, and then infuse for 40 minutes. The resulting infusion to dissolve henna powder. The same result gives dilution of paint and strong tea.

All these substances contain tannins, which have drying properties, which helps to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and reduce the amount of dandruff.


To get a reddish shade henna should be diluted with beet juice, red wine, carcade tea infusion or mixed with cocoa powder in equal shares. In addition to obtaining a red tint, the use of these components improves the condition of the hair, as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients.

There is no exact proportion for henna dilution. It is bred infusion to obtain a thick slurry. Depending on the humidity of the henna, the amount of the additional component may vary.

Many authors advise to cook broths for breeding, but this is not entirely true. When boiling, vitamins are destroyed, essential oils evaporate, so instead of decoctions it is better to prepare infusions.

What is henna?

It is a greenish powder, obtained by grinding Lawsonia inermis shrub leaves. The leaves of this shrub contain a luminous element - Lawsone, due to which henna dyes not only the hair, but also the skin in a red-orange color.

Cultivated in the warm tropical climate of northern Africa and northern and western Asia.

Humanity began to use henna a few thousand years ago. Some scientists claim that even Cleopatra and Nefertiti used it to maintain the beauty of hair.

How is henna better than regular hair dye?

I understand perfectly well that not everyone, like me, is in love with red hair color. But now there are many different types of henna mixed with various herbs that will help achieve a wide variety of hair shades, of course, depending on the natural, original hair color.

It is important to understand that henna is not able to lighten the hair, since this requires bleaching of the hair pigment.

  • closes the hair cuticle, attaching to the hair protein and does not penetrate the hair cuticle, but envelops it, while the usual dye penetrates the hair shaft.
  • Absolutely natural and if you choose high-quality henna - does not contain chemical components that can be absorbed into the blood when applied to the scalp.
  • safe and does not cause allergic reactions, unlike paints.
  • gives incomparable shine, smoothness and durability to your hair, making each individual hair shaft noticeably thicker. Hair looks thicker and more voluminous.
  • It has antifungal effect and can be used to fight dandruff, unlike chemical dyes, which can provoke this dandruff.

Here is how I cook henna:

1. Henna, powder: the amount depending on the length and thickness of the hair. On my sparse long to mid-back hair, it goes somewhere around 3/4 cup.

Note: Henna is different. And not only the final result depends on its quality, but also your health. I was scared to learn that unscrupulous companies add heavy metal impurities to henna. Therefore, choose quality, not quantity.

2. Strong solution of black tea. In a small saucepan, I boil water (I take 2 cups just in case) and as soon as it boils I add 4 tablespoons of black tea. And over low heat, stirring occasionally, brew it.

Note: I am a big fan of turmeric (a very strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects) and I try to put it not only in food and in the morning smoothie, but also in henna. Even once put in a home coffee scrub, but then went all the yellow spots Turmeric strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss.

My henna also contains chili pepper, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation, creates a feeling of warmth, which helps to further consolidate its color.

Spices (1 teaspoon) I add along with tea and boil.

3. Then I breed henna this tea solution to the consistency of fatty yogurt. Cover and tidy in a warm place for 2 days to infuse.

Note: henna does not like metal, so do not use metal dishes to brew it, only ceramics or glass. Mix it with a wooden or plastic spatula or spoon.

4. Before you apply henna, I wash my hair, as it is better fixed on clean hair. I put henna on dry hair, on wet it starts to flow and creates confusion.

I always add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, shea butter and argan oil and a couple of drops of oregano and orange essential oils to henna.

Note: You can add any oils. Oil is necessary, not only to nourish the hair, but also to prevent their dryness. By trial and error, I already know that olive and shea butter are best suited for my hair.

I add orange essential oil just for the smell. And oregano - for its antifungal properties. It will help those who have problems with oily scalp or dandruff.

5. Mix the mixture well with a wooden spatula. Apply to the roots on the roots with a brush, after combing hair well. And then hands on the entire length of the hair.

Note: henna stains the skin, so I advise you to wear rubber gloves if you do not want to have yellow palms

6. Having finished applying henna, I massage the scalp for a couple of minutes. Then I collect hair in a bun and put plastic bags on my head. As many as 2! And then another wraps my head with a towel. Henna loves warmth!

I keep henna for 2 hours. I used to try to do it at night, but it was very hard and uncomfortable to sleep.

7. I wash off henna at first with just warm water. Then I apply conditioner and massage the scalp and the hair itself. I wash off. I apply the conditioner again, wait a couple of minutes and wash it off until the water is clear. I do not recommend washing off henna with shampoo, this can lead to severely tangled hair and not such a bright color.

After that I rinse my hair with vinegar, I already wrote about this method here, which not only adds shine, but also fixes henna.

Note: a couple of days your hair will smell like henna. But this smell does not irritate me at all.

Also, I try not to wash my hair after dyeing with henna for at least 3 days. So that the color does not disappear and survived longer.

I use henna once every 3 months. I buy this natural, without impurities.

It has the ability to accumulate in the hair and with each use the color of your hair will look deeper and richer.

Nature has not presented me with elegant hair and I can not boast of thick hair, but henna gives my hair the thickness and volume that they need. Hair looks well-groomed, smooth and shiny.

Henna is a natural, time-tested, hair care method that not only colors the hair, but also takes care of their appearance and health.

How do you dye your hair with henna? And how does your hair look after this?

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Comments (75)

  1. Helena
    4 years ago Permalink

Wow ... even heavy metals are added to henna, I didn't know. Previously, always used henna for painting hair, natural. time-tested tool.

There were cases when thallium (radioactive metal) was found in henna. Heavy metals add to henna for a stronger coloring effect. And of course, as part of the ingredients, no one will think about it. So, it is worth choosing the henna checked not only by time, but also by serious organizations!

I used to wear henna in my student days too. But lately I prefer highlighting, so I don’t use it.

I think many "passed" through henna at some period of time :)

Thank you for such a detailed description of the process of henna hair dyeing, I just wanted to try.

Please :) I know that the process looks very laborious, but believe me, it's worth it :)

Please write the name of the manufacturers of which henna to buy ... who does not add metals, where can I find out?

I, too, in my youth loved the red color. I remember we somehow mixed henna and basma. Proportions do not remember. But henna strengthens hair for sure.

Basma has never tried, but as far as I know she dyes her hair black. I can say that henna strengthened my hair, it used to be hard to grow them below shoulders :)

Wow. About heavy metals in the first time I hear

Yes, for me, this one too was frightening news. Now I use a brand tested for heavy metals.

My mother still dyes her hair this way and they are in very good condition for her old age.

I hope that, like your mom, my hair will also be in perfect condition :)

And yet I am convinced that the natural substances of the human body are harmless, and artificial, chemical - exactly harm. So henna, by definition, can only be beneficial.

I'm on your side, Nikolai :)

Always and in everything we must strive with natural, full-fledged products. And this concerns not only nutrition and self-care, but everything that surrounds us!

In her youth, she tinted her hair with henna or a mixture of henna and basma, since her hair color is dark. It is not recommended to dye your hair with one basma. because the hair will be with a green tint.
Now the daughter has begun to tint her hair with henna, so your clue about proper use is just the way.
I have always liked hair coloring with henna, because after prolonged use the hair becomes lively and silky, not a single chemical dye will give such an effect, their hair dries out very much and loses its vitality.

About green color after Basma never heard! Probably some kind of reaction occurred.

And yes, henna strengthens hair, while all chemical dyes weaken it.

I didn’t dye my hair with henna, I did some kind of highlighting, but then I refused to do it, because it all dries my hair very much.

I, too, before I began to dye my hair with henna, dyed them with chemical dyes, the hair below the shoulders is not the industry, they constantly split off. And, frankly, scary on his head to keep a chemical. factory:)

I also paint my hair with henna, though I add some more basma and cocoa or coffee. Sometimes beet juice. I use Indian henna, I like it better.

I never experimented with Basma, but I really like the idea of ​​coffee and cocoa :) And what color do you get?

I also like red hair very much, only he doesn’t like me
There was a period when it was painted with henna, and added tea and coffee)), but did not last long. In order to "wear" this color, I have to brighten than usual is painted, but it is not so easy.

How the color looks, I think, depends on many factors: the color of the eyes, skin, etc. When I wore green lenses (about 10 years ago) a redhead looked super at me :)

Thank you very much for such a detailed description! So many great henna tips! Oh, I would know all this 10 years ago! I then once was fond of all shades of red. Used and dyes and henna. And now I'm blonde))

I know about it even 5 years ago, now I’d have hair before my waist :)

Never painted with henna, and my daughter really wants. Thank you for sharing your experience, it will be very useful to us.

Please :) You have a good daughter, at her age I did not think to use henna, I was drawn to chemistry :(

Thank you for such an interesting article. I am in position, my hair is in a terrible state, but it is impossible to be painted. But do not walk the same 9 months in a terrible way .. So try your method.

Congratulations on your soon replenishment in the family :)

Yes, it is an indisputable advantage of henna that it can be used without harm, not only for you, but also for your baby :) Health to you both!

henna can be 100% I did

Henna as a hair dye always caused my sympathy, I used it several times, but I didn’t know any special secrets, so I acted according to the instructions. And then there are so many secrets, thanks for sharing your practical experience.

I, too, when I started to dye my hair with henna, strictly followed the instructions, and then decided that it was time to experiment :) And by trial and error I finally found my perfect henna recipe :)

In my youth I also dyed hair with henna with basma, because my hair was dark. She used pure henna not for coloring, but for strengthening hair. Acted on instructions on the packaging. But I really did not like how these colors are washed away.
Once an acquaintance who had gorgeous red hair shared her secret: she used to put henna in warm yogurt, put it on her hair, packaged and left for the night, washed off only in the morning. I do not know whether this method helped or she had good hair by nature. I did not try this way; I didn’t like the idea of ​​sleeping with such a cocoon.

I did not try to breed henna with kefir, but I heard about it. I can't sleep with henna on my head, so I stopped putting it on overnight.

Flushing henna is a matter of course dirty, but in my understanding it is useful for hair :)

Good day or night to all who come to this site. I also use henna for a long time a few days after (2-4) my head itched (natural henna) now began to use factory packaging, like itching had passed. Thanks for the advice, now I’ll go back to naturalka.

Maybe you had an allergic reaction to some impurities in henna, they usually cause itching. Henna is different and it is very important to choose high-quality, pure henna so that there are no unpleasant consequences.

In the past few years, too, I paint henna with Basma. Most of all I don’t like to apply in this matter, and then also wash the grass from the hair ... The recipe is very interesting. Thank. Add to bookmarks

Yes, washing off henna is not an easy task :) I have no problems with applying, I apply it like a regular dye over the hair and then the entire length of the hair.

“My natural hair color is probably what they call a mouse :-) Dark blond and some kind of lifeless.

I always really liked and I was still crazy about red hair. There is something mystical about him that always attracted me. Nature did not give me a redhead, so I decided to take everything into my own hands. ”

Just as I was written off =) I only dyed it with henna for the first time in the class at 7. After I painted it several times with paint, but still I returned to the henna. After it, it feels like your hair is getting better.

Oh, well, it's great that I have like-minded people :)

My hair has also become much healthier and grows faster!

I also used to paint with henna, now I prefer another paint. So described in detail about henna, and such interesting methods that I wanted to try, especially since I was not recommended to dye my hair (I feed breast milk), and henna is less dangerous. Actually, I did not know that henna is of different shades ...

Natural quality henna is safe for both you and your baby (unless you are allergic, of course), and hair is better. And yes, there are many shades of henna and basma, the only thing that henna can not make the hair lighter.

A little off topic, but still about the hair ... Zhenya, do not know why the hair can be electrified?

Nina, the main reason is dry air! It does not damage the hair, but of course annoying. Try to put on the palms a couple of drops of some oil (shea or argan), rub between them and apply on your hair. It always helps me :)

Thank! I will try!

Hello Zhenya. I read the article and I envy ... , but I am 55 years old, and gray hair is a big part (probably), but I don’t know now how my hair looks natural, because I have been constantly dying for many years ... but earlier my hair was brown or brown, very similar to your current one. Yes, in my youth, I also indulged in paints, but not much, LONDO-COLOR mine was in our time - it is a shampoo with a dye. if you hold it longer, you dyed it stronger, but with my dark hair color it was enough to hold it a little bit and the hair shone beautifully. and now ... well, my hair can be said only - “UZHAS.” hair - no, and the condition of the skin on the head - is also terrible! after all paints, the scalp is wounded, sometimes the paint burns the skin instantly, although I use the same company ... I try to paint as little as possible, but still — gray hair should be hidden like that. I tried it like henna, but rarely, because my hair turned out to be light red where there is gray hair ... And I have a question - maybe there is something natural for gray hair. as I bought a hair dye color — AUBURN — I thought it looked like brown, but it turned out more than a red tint on a dark background, I did not immediately repaint, because I was afraid to burn my skin, then ... going outside - the color of my hair was burning like a fire, I was embarrassed, I was justified that I had bought the wrong color, etc., but I decided to endure it ... but in the end it turned out to be very personal, and the sellers at the checkout at different times Steel do compliments about hair color! both men and women ... so I think - and maybe I can completely switch to KhNU, but what is better to choose is coffee, tea or something else to darken gray hair. I understood the red tint - it suits me, it means that I’m not afraid of HNA! I'm too shy to experiment, as if at my age, not very much ... and my hair is fluffy, curly, before such were obedient - I didn’t have to do anything as soon as I did my hair, I can’t stand doing it for a long time, therefore I think GOD gave me such obedient hair that I knew my character! but now, I think that this is a result of permanent dyes - almost nothing good is left of my hair, although the volume has been preserved despite the fact that it drops out terribly, and I constantly have to use varnish, because hair stand on end as if I have an old chemical. waving, although I have never done chemistry ..., in general - the horror and only! maybe someone has experience how to deal with such hair as mine. thanks in advance !

Vera, I think that you can try to dye your hair with henna and tea, you can still mix Basma for a darker color. I personally did not encounter Basma myself, so I can’t give a hint how exactly to use it.

My hair is curled only at the ends, but earlier, too, they bristled and still electrified. The use of natural oils before shampoo (natural) and another mask with bentonite helped me cope with this! I will publish the recipe for hair masks with bentonite in a couple of days, I highly recommend you to try it!

Hi)) the day before yesterday I brewed henna according to your recipe, put it on the battery .. Only with tea, I mixed cocoa, I need a dark color. Can I dye my hair tonight? Or is it better tomorrow? And also, did I do the right thing to brew with cocoa? That is, maybe it was necessary to intervene before applying?

Aljana, yes, you can already paint. And cocoa can be added during brewing henna :)

they say, more precisely, the Indians themselves on the package with basma and henna cannot be brewed with boiling water.

Alexandra, rotated in the Indian environment and saw with her own eyes how it was brewed with boiling water.

For several years I was wearing henna, adding coffee, cocoa, experimenting .. But over time I saw that she was dying her hair terribly. And I decided to give up this beautiful, but worsening my hair remedy. And here I am not painted with henna for 2.5 years, the tips are still reddish, twisted, and fit) It is a pity that your recipe with oils did not get caught before, maybe it wouldn’t leave)

Victoria, it's never too late to start wearing henna again :)

Good day! I wanted to ask how tea pour henna, filtered from the tea leaves? and what temperature hot? Will tea give henna a darker shade than it can be? How do you feel about breeding henna on kefir? I have not tried it myself yet, but they say that after that it does not dry at all. she dyed once in a simple way — she got straw on her head, although her hair was shiny and shiny (
I always painted with non-samovish professional paints — there was no problem once — but my husband was against — I would try again with henna ... if tea does not darken her, then I will try with tea or kefir, who knows, it may turn out

Julia, you can pour warm tea and yes, filtered without the leaves themselves. I tried it on kefir, I didn't really like it.

The color of tea turns out to be deeper, I would not say that it is dark. If you want lighter - then dilute with lemon juice, only on the tips do not apply, and then dry out. Or half of the tea, and the other - lemon juice.

thanks for the answer! and what if it was not a secret that I did not like it with kefir?

Julia, with kefir did not like it because it dried my hair.

and black tea is also probably better to take bio, so that without chemistry it is grown? and now it's terrible than teas are watered

Julia, tea should always try to choose organic - since you are absolutely right, the majority of them thoroughly pour any chemicals.

I paint with henna like this: I breed henna with sour kefir, add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa essential oils (cloves necessarily) and a bit of sea buckthorn oil. Leave the mixture warm from 10 to 24 hours. Before painting, add the yolk. My hair and put the mixture on barely wet hair. Wrap packages and handkerchief. 4 hours. Wash off with water, then balm. Hair is gorgeous! COLOR RED TREE.

Eugene, reading your blog, I find more and more we have in common, I have the same hair texture, slightly curly, and also a dark blond color! And I also paint with henna, for three years now, I feel at ease in this color! And before that, just what color I was not, all the time was in search of the image :))
The first time I bought Iranian henna, my hair was dry after it, the color was faded, I did not like it. And now I buy Lady Henna henna in the Indian store, amla has been added to it, it is great! :)) My hair after it is soft, can be a little dry, but I think it is because not all of the powder is washed out for the first time. But after dyeing, I can not wash my hair for five days instead of my usual three ☺
Recently I bought amla separately in powder, on your advice in one of the posts I will also try to use it as food! :)) And you might want to try adding it when painting 😉
I wanted to ask about two nuances:
- do you dye your hair completely cold with henna? It cools down in two days ...
- and what is the role of tea? I understand that it is only for dimming, right?

Marrying, take this opportunity to wish you a happy new year and wish your family and your blog prosperity and expansion You have a lot of talent in naturopathy, and you are just clever! I am very glad to have found you!

1. Yes, I paint my hair with absolutely cold henna.

2. Tea is needed to activate henna (instead of acid, which often dries hair).

Thank you very much for the congratulations! Happy New Year to you, too! All the best:)

Thanks for sharing this recipe !!
Tell me, when you write that you paint the roots with a brush, and you distribute the henna with your hands along the length of your hair, does this mean, how to smear everything when washing your hair, or each strand separately?
And is it possible to dye hair roots in such a way often? I already have a lot of gray hair.

Natalija, I try to distribute henna along strands over all lengths. All hair at once is unlikely to succeed.

The roots, I think, you can easily paint once a month. The main thing is to add oil, so as not to overdry!

"Then I breed henna with this tea solution to the consistency of fatty yogurt" and what to do with the tea mass? too henna or not?

Natalija, I don’t put tea mixture into the mixture, I throw it away.

thanks, otherwise I would bring beauty :)

Eugene, tell me please, is the henna to which you gave the link has the manufacturer's code? The code that is listed on the site for some reason is not identified .. And why, on the site you specified, there is henna with different shades, even strawberry. It turns out there is also not pure henna, but with dyes ..

Irina, this is pure henna, just for other shades they add plant extracts like chamomile.

I use regular red henna.

I correctly understood that you insist henna for 2 days? And in what (how) warm place?

Hope, yes, two days. Wrap in a towel and put on the battery :)

I today in a Hindu mage bought a powder of sharp chilli-hair on the guards strongly fall out and nothing helps while it's time to be painted. how much would you recommend to put the powder in henna (I'll add some basmu) so as not to lighten the skin but treat it?

Alexandra, I can not say for sure, I did not try it myself! I would start with a small amount.

Positive moments of using henna for dyeing in ginger color

  • Henna gives the hair the most vivid, rich color, in contrast to the use of synthetic coloring compositions.
  • Henna is not only a dye, but also a strong effective remedy. The essential oils available in the composition of this dye have the ability to envelop the hair, as well as to make it smooth and thick.
  • Henna due to the protective layer will last longer. It penetrates deep into the hair structure, and therefore is not washed off as quickly as ordinary artificial paints.
  • Henna protects hair from the aggressive influence of salty sea water and sunlight, preventing the hair from fading.
  • This natural dye treats hair by acting on its root system. As a result of such therapy, the strands grow more actively, becoming beautiful and smooth.
  • This dye can get rid of dandruff due to its antiseptic properties.
  • The use of henna is possible for women of any age, because it does not affect the structure of the curls.
  • Pregnancy will not be a contraindication to henna hair coloring.
  • Henna will paint gray hair perfectly.
  • Other natural ingredients can be added to this natural dye. It can be: decoctions of herbs, essential oils, for example, burdock or jojoba.

How is henna dyeing?

Before you dye your hair with henna red, the powder is poured with boiled water. At this point, it is important to try to pick up the number depending on the length of the curls. If the products are of high quality, the mixture should acquire a red tonality. In henna, you can add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, so that additional shine and shine appear on the hair after dyeing.

You can also add one egg to the chilled mass. This will allow you to easily comb your hair, and also feed them further. If the locks are damaged and prone to dryness, then you can add 1 tablespoon of kefir and olive oil to henna.

Apply the product to the hair should be still warm. To do this, it is important to carefully distribute the mixture on the root of the head and the entire length of the strand. At the same time, it is worthwhile to make sure that the mixture overlays each strand. On dyed hair, you must wear a special insulating cap or wrap them with plastic film and a towel.

The exposure time of henna red on the head is about 50 minutes. Red henna on light brown hair is aged for at least 40 minutes. If we talk about the process of washing the mixture, it is carried out using acetic water. At the same time have to pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar to every liter of water.

Henna additives for mahogany shade

Mahogany is a dark color, which in this case is very noticeably red.

  • Cranberry juice. Add it to henna, and also apply to hair before coloring.
  • Cocoa. You can mix a few spoons of cocoa with henna, and then apply it on your hair in the usual way. Thanks to cocoa hair will become slightly darker, but the red shade will remain.

In order to achieve this shade, we need 1/2 henna and 1/2 cocoa. Pour the mixture with cranberry juice or red wine.

Henna hair painting rules

In the 21st century, a variety of colors are available in the cabin, but you still prefer natural and home remedies? For example, do you want to experience the personal henna, which should transform the existing shade to the better and help you to look 100% after the procedure? So you need to understand whether it is possible to dye hair with henna easily and successfully.

The procedure will be carried out according to a specific scheme:

  1. First you should wash your hair in the usual way. Painting is possible only on clean curls.
  2. Lubricate the scalp with a thin layer of cream to guarantee protection against unwanted problems associated with henna painting. At the same time, make sure that there is no individual susceptibility to the paint ingredient, so do a special test for allergies.
  3. Dilute henna with very hot water that has not been boiled. The mixture should be thick, but at the same time it should be applied easily, quickly. For the preparation of natural remedies, use henna powder, which should be enough to paint a curl.
  4. Place the container with the natural coloring agent in hot water. For further preparation it will take about 10 minutes.
  5. Divide the hair into not wide partings to further facilitate the procedure.
  6. When painting, henna is distributed evenly over all curls for high-quality curl painting. Do everything very simple, because it depends on what will be the hair color in the future.
  7. It is advisable to hold the hair under the warm towel for the allotted time, as this will allow the dye components to be active. In order to prevent henna stains, it is advisable to use paper towels or special napkins.
  8. The duration of the procedure may be different. It is desirable to focus on the features of the curls. For example, dark hair may take up to 2 hours, and for light hair it will take no more than 15 minutes. Try to closely follow the upcoming procedure.
  9. Rinse the henna with running water without using shampoo. At the end, rinse your hair with acidified natural lotion (for example, water with vinegar or lemon juice). From this depends largely on how dyed hair will delight with its beauty.

The above principles are taken into account during the upcoming procedure.

The main secrets of henna staining

You need to know how to choose henna and then carry out the staining procedure. What aspects to pay special attention to?

The ink mixture must be applied quickly and easily. To facilitate this goal, mix henna with raw egg yolk. In addition, the yolk will serve as an additional useful ingredient. If desired, for coloring the curl, use herbal teas, natural oils, kefir.

Give up washing your head for a couple of days. The process of changing the shade, regardless of the quality of henna, will last up to 2 days.

Henna is a natural hair coloring ingredient. Despite the absence of chemical ingredients, lasting effect is guaranteed. Apply the coloring mixture only on regrown hair roots. Otherwise, with each procedure, the color will become increasingly dark.

Divorced henna always becomes red.

Girls with brittle and dried hair should use additional ingredients to strengthen and improve the appearance of their hair. For example, planning to dye hair with henna with coffee, you can not only get a beautiful color, but also achieve a strengthening effect.

Proper holding of hair dye using natural henna will certainly contribute to emphasizing the beauty and strength of your curl.

Features selection of hair dye

Many girls and even age women are interested in how to get a bright shade or eliminate gray hair. It is important to understand that the composition of the natural coloring agent depends on the initial shade of the curl.

How to dye your hair in red

Many representatives of the fair sex are weak in front of red shades. Even without additives, the result will be decent, so if you wish, you can use natural henna powder. The only exception is the desire to change the possible result.

For example, to get a bright red color, it is advisable to use about 3 bags of henna and a half bag of ginger. These ingredients are poured boiling water, and then used. For a darker color, it is advisable to infuse a coloring agent longer. In any case, if the natural shade is light, you can count on the bright color of dyed hair.

Henna is a worthy natural coloring agent that simultaneously strengthens the curls and gives extra volume. If desired, you can use oils that promote easy combing of the curl and their softer, moisturized state. Such products are recommended to be applied for a couple of hours so that even almost colorless hair will acquire a bright attractive shade.

Do you want to get a deep red color, distinguished by copper notes? In this case, dilute 4 sachets of henna with water to a slurry state, then add 2 spoons of warm floral honey, a spoonful of cloves. If desired, enter an egg that can improve hair condition. Stir the coloring agent thoroughly and apply at 2 hours. Be sure that the result will be truly worthy.

Chocolate painting options

You can color your curls in chocolate color. To obtain the desired shade using a tool prepared on the basis of Basma and henna in the same proportions. If desired, add additional ingredients that strengthen the curl. The coloring agent is best used for application over the entire length of the hair, as it affects the firming effect and uniformity of color.

It is very important to use coffee in limited quantities. Otherwise, you can give not only an attractive red tint, but also make your hair black. You can make sure that the correct selection of the number of components plays a very important role.

As you can understand, brown hair may differ in its shade, so it is often recommended to focus on the possibility of obtaining a perfect shade, taking into account your own wishes.

How to dye your hair brown

How can I dye my hair brown? The variety of options surprises even sophisticated fashionistas. Be sure that you will find the most suitable option for yourself.

Natural coffee can be safely used, because it is always required for dark shades. Four spoons of coffee use a glass of water.

This proportion is required for a henna sachet:

  • Black tea is also actively used during coloring.
  • Cocoa has also successfully established itself.
  • Buckthorn is the perfect tool for a deep, dark color. It is enough to boil 100 grams of berries in one glass of water to further add to the henna.
  • Walnut leaves and shells will be required to prepare a decent coloring agent. A glass of the mixture is required for a spoonful of leaves and shells.

In fact, it is possible to turn hair into brown or light brown, but at the same time you need to choose the right ingredients and their quantity. For example, light brown shades are obtained with a smaller addition of coloring components, brown - with a larger one.

How to dye your hair in bright shades

How can I get attractive clarified shades? The following natural ingredients are commonly used for this:

  • white henna with chamomile decoction,
  • flower honey
  • cinnamon,
  • turmeric,
  • White wine,
  • rhubarb.

It should be understood that even bleached hair has different shades, including copper, gold, reddish or ashen.

How to paint over gray hair

Is it possible to dye gray hair with henna? It is possible, but at the same time try to be especially careful. For example, you can use dark henna and basma to get a copper shade, a light or dark color. If desired, you can achieve chocolate, brown or brown shades using coffee, black tea or cocoa powder. Remember that you can not use white henna, as it will lead to the acquisition of the original color (for example, green or blue).

Properly prepared coloring means will certainly help to achieve amazing results and change the image for the better. However, you should remember how to dye your hair after henna. In fact, hair dye after using henna involves taking into account numerous nuances to obtain a beautiful shade, so it is advisable to contact a hairdresser stylist.

The use of henna for hair dye is justified only with a careful approach to the procedure.

Subscribe to my blog, and you will certainly find out how you can be a beauty with homemade natural products!

What it is?

Henna is a powder from a lawson plant. Eastern women used it before our era, which is much longer than the use of this tool by European girls. In our case, lawsonon causes many questions and disputes, and therefore it is important to understand its essence, because it can bring significant benefits. So, lawsonia grows in warm countries. Its main suppliers are Iran, Egypt, Morocco, India. Although the climate of these countries is similar, it still has its differences, which imposes an imprint on the lawson itself, for example, Indian henna has more tones than Iranian.

The production of henna can be considered wasteless, because every piece of this medicinal plant is used. Thus, oils are extracted from flowers, leaves are colored with powder, and colorless henna is made from stalks for girls who want only to strengthen their hair with a miraculous gruel, while not dyeing them.

The powder itself has a light green, muted tone that resembles khaki. The smell of henna is herbal and almost neutral. Ideally, the consistency should be finely ground, which is famous for products from Indian manufacturers. However, there is a larger grinding, for example, in Iranian stamps one can find unmilled leaves. The cost of Iran is significantly lower. This factor affects the ease of applying and rinsing the mixture from the hair.

It should be said that the tone of the powder can be close to brown. There is no need to be afraid of entering into the composition of artificial additives, however, it is still necessary to be wary. The color directly depends on the grade of henna, and, of course, the best category is considered to be the best with a light green tint. The leaves of Lawsonia, from which such a saturated color is obtained, are collected in the summer, instantly drying them in the burning sun, while chlorophyll, which affects the color saturation, is maintained at the maximum dosage. The middle and lower varieties in the name denotes leaves that are subject to slow drying and have lost chlorophyll in their composition, which means that the coloring with their help is almost inconclusive.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unfortunately, this vegetable dye has its drawbacks, which in particular cases overlap the advantages. However, let's start with the pros. As stated earlier natural henna is a completely natural product, saturated with a lot of oils and vitamins. It allows you to get rid of dandruff and make hair follicles stronger, further enhancing their shine. Another important factor is the possibility of using henna for pregnant and lactating women. Its use is possible both for coloring and for mixing healing masks. The disadvantages of henna include:

  • incompatible with ordinary paints. So, henna can not make a red-haired beauty out of a brunette with dyed curls. The maximum possible effect is thin copper hair overflow in the sun,
  • henna is difficult to paint with chemical paints. On blond hair, a color can easily turn green after such procedures,
  • Blondes who decide to color the curls with henna will acquire this shade indefinitely. It is almost impossible to wash off henna from light strands, because it tenaciously eats into hair scales,
  • ineffective in painting gray hair,
  • has a negative effect on the perm, straightening elastic curls,
  • long and frequent use negates all the useful properties of the plant, making curls dull and split.

Summarizing the above, it is safe to say that henna can transform hair, giving it a mysterious shade, however, in its use it is important to feel the measure.


If you want to entrust your hair to professionals, it is recommended to take the choice of henna manufacturer with particular trepidation. And we should start with the study of Indian henna, because it is she who wins because of the thoroughness of grinding and the variety of tones.

A prominent representative of henna from India is the brand. Lady henna. In its assortment you can see natural brown and red henna. It is worth noting that to obtain a soft brown tone, henna in the composition is mixed with another natural dye - basma. Besides, Lady henna represents natural henna based dyes. Due to dyes, the color palette of products varies from copper-red to shades of burgundy. However, the word "natural" in the name does not exclude chemical components, and therefore an important factor here is to check for possible allergies to components.

Another representative of Indian henna, which can be bought in Russia - Aasha. It is also represented by species diversity. So, henna can be divided:

The first look, presented in several shades, nourishes and nourishes the hair, giving it a light tone from red to brown. Herbal henna, which contains a colorant, can become a durable paint, however, as in the previous case, allergic reactions are possible. Herbal henna cannot be considered completely natural.

Khadi - Brand of natural cosmetics from India. In its assortment you can see shampoos and hair oils, as well as cosmetics for skin care of the face and body. Not stayed Khadi and aside from the production of henna. Five stylish shades, one neutral and two types of Basma - that’s what the brand owns today. It is worth saying that each product is completely natural and contains nothing but henna and basma.

In addition to the Indian in the sale can be found and Moroccan henna. Manufacturer Sahara tazarin produces 100% natural finely ground product, in no way inferior to the Indian. It should be said that the price of such products is much higher, because Moroccan lawson is considered one of the richest in essential oils and other beneficial substances.

Henna in all its variety of tones can be colored or colorless. The brightness of the shade depends on the variety and country of origin. So, it is believed that you can get the most fiery-red shade with the help of Sudanese Lawson. Iran and India cannot be compared with it in terms of saturation, but with the knowledge of some tricks they can give an equally attractive tone.

What color is it?

Indian Lawson is available today in several colors, namely:

However, it is important to be alert, because the natural color of henna is only red, which means chemical or natural dyes have been added to the paint. The latter will certainly make your hair more beautiful. Chemical additives in most cases contain paraphenylenediamine, which is famous for its mass of allergic reactions. It should be avoided and not agree to the beautiful shades with it. You can use pure Lawson powder mixed with various additives.

  • So, from a mixture of henna, you can get a chocolate tone, if you mix it with cocoa or coffee, as well as with walnut or nutmeg.
  • A bright palette of red is available when mixing henna on orange peel broth. For blondes, camomile tea or lemon juice will be the best option.
  • The languid color of hibiscus is easy to achieve when mixed on beet juice, plum broth or red wine. At the same time, the ideal shade is obtained with both Iranian and Indian Lawsonia. Natural dyes will not bring harm to hair.


Dyeing curls with henna is always an interesting process with a share of adventurism, because shades may be different. Color can successfully lie on the dark and dyed hair, creating a beautiful tone. On brown curls henna will fall much brighter, delighting with a copper overflow. According to experts, the maximum manifestation of color occurs on the second day.

Today, beauty salons are moving away from the classic coloring, offering more modern options. So, in the cabin, you can try trendy ombre henna. Dark roots in it smoothly go to the clarified tips. At home, to achieve this result is almost impossible.


Watch the video: Is Henna Safe? (July 2024).