Useful tips

How to prepare for the first visit trichologist?


The procedure with a terrible name is in fact absolutely harmless, but very informative. In just forty minutes, specialists will use a video camera to photograph parts of your skin and mark dots, like on an ultrasound, some parts of the skin. It does not hurt at all!

For what:
· To find out how many live and fallen follicles,
· Determine the percentage of hair in the growth and resting stages,
· Identify increased hair loss, if any, and determine its cause,
· Determine the type of scalp, its fat content,
· Find out the thickness of the hair shaft and the size of the follicle.

Procedures at the trichologist: Phytotrichogram

A technique based on microscopic examination of the hair roots. To carry out this procedure, you will have to sacrifice a small section of hair (do not be afraid, no one will notice). In areas of approximately 1 square millimeter, hair is shaved off, after several days these areas are dyed and scanned with a special device (trichoscan).

What are these torments for?
· To find out the density, thickness, length of the hair,
· Determine the rate of hair growth,
· Find out the percentage of downy, source or diseased hair,
· Determine how many empty follicles are on the head,
· Ensure that there is no risk of developing alopecia or prescribe treatment if necessary.

Spectral analysis

The beauty of your hair depends on the state of the body. If there is not enough microelement, you immediately notice how your hair begins to dull, break, and, even worse, fall out. In order to determine which trace element is missing your hair, and there is a spectral analysis. Hair can accumulate and store all the information about mineral metabolism, so by examining them, you can understand which minerals are in short supply and which are in abundance. For this procedure, you also have to sacrifice a few strands of hair from the neck.


Many of us ask ourselves how to prepare for the first visit to the trichological office. To wash your hair or not? Do you use your favorite styling tool? Take with you any research results? Or maybe our favorite shampoo? On how to prepare for visiting tricholg in the office, so that it was fruitful, you will learn in our article.

To start. Do not wash your hair at least 24 hours before the visit. This will allow the trichologist to investigate the level of the sebaceous glands and assess the degree of keratinization of the epidermis. It is important not to use any foam products, varnishes, pastes or gels that can get on the scalp. Hair should not be immediately after dyeing, especially in the case of dark colors. It is recommended to wait a few weeks. Prepare for a trichological interview by answering two basic questions: what problem do you address and how long does it take. It is worth having a new blood test. It is important, however, that it be made no more than six months ago.

The trichologist, after a detailed interview, will recommend additional tests. To prepare in advance, it is worth examining the levels of TSH, FT3, FT4, ATPO and ATG, the level of ferritin, vitamins D3, B12, zinc and CRH or CRP. Women can be asked to perform sex hormonal tests: testosterone, androstenedione, prolactin, estradiol and progesterone. Prepare a list of medications you are taking. Tell about all chronic diseases and health problems. Remember whether you recently had a general or local anesthesia, and if you used antibiotics. The trichologist may also ask a question about the regularity of your menstrual cycles and the use of hormonal contraception.

You will also be asked about home care. Write down the names of the products that you use, for example, you can provide information about the composition of products, especially shampoo, which you wash your hair. Tell us about all the procedures that you have used so far. Also think about how to answer the question about diet. Are your meals regular? Do you have fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet? Do you supply the body with the right amount of water? Do you use any dietary supplements? How often do you consume foods that are highly processed or fast food?

The last question you can prepare is a question about your lifestyle. It contains information about the amount of sleep, smoking and stress levels. Depending on the problem that you are addressing, the trichologist will ask you in more detail about these issues. Therefore, prepare for the visit by thinking briefly about the above issues, and this will certainly help you find the root cause of the problem. Trichological therapy will be meaningful only if we try to eliminate all internal factors that contribute to the deterioration of the hair.

Keywords: How to prepare, visit trichologist, trichological office, whether to wash hair, oily hair, what to do, dandruff, itching, itchy head, analyzes

Who is a trichologist?

The name of this medical specialization comes from the Greek word "trichos", which translated means "hair". Accordingly, the doctor is engaged in the study, treatment and even hair restoration. According to the general classification trichology is a section of cosmetic dermatology.

A qualified trichologist should have a completed medical education, as well as have a thorough knowledge of skin diseases. They most often become the cause of alopecia, which is impossible to cure at home with folk remedies. Although this is far from the only culprits of severe hair loss.

Modern trichologists regularly attend seminars organized by representatives of pharmacological companies or manufacturers of medical equipment to keep abreast of all the new products that appear on the market. Only such a doctor can provide truly qualified assistance even in the most neglected cases.

When is the time to go to the doctor

Unfortunately, a visit to the "doctor of the hair", as many people call trichologists, not knowing the correct term, people usually postpone to the last, trying to solve the problem themselves. Although it’s better to start with it as soon as you notice two or more of the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • excessive oily or dry scalp,
  • persistent itching or irritation,
  • reddening of the entire skin or staining,
  • increased baldness or baldness,
  • sharply accelerated hair loss
  • suddenly appeared or early gray hair,
  • copious dandruff or thick white crusts,
  • nodules or bulges on the hair shaft
  • pimples or pustules on the scalp,
  • wet skin ulcers or scaly growths,
  • severe thinning, hair breakage,
  • lost shine, fading of natural color.

In 90% of cases, these signs do not indicate serious pathologies of the body and can be quite easily and quickly eliminated. But if the disease is still present, the sooner it is diagnosed and treatment is started, the higher the chances of not remaining without hair in a short time.

What to do

When you come to the conclusion that the condition of the hair bothers you, you must take action immediately. For a start, carefully observe yourself and try to eliminate all physiological causes of active hair loss or excessive dryness / oily skin of the scalp.

If the situation has not improved within 1-2 weeks, you should go to the doctor. But the more you tell him about your observations, the more accurate the diagnosis will be.

Watching ourselves

One of the most common causes of poor condition of hair is avitaminosis. And this is despite the fact that today we have an almost unlimited choice of food! But how many people who systematically monitor their diet and try to at least somehow balance it? So start by evaluating the menu and the amount of clean water consumed daily.

The second important point - check the impact of negative external factors. Analyze and answer these questions for yourself:

  • Is shampoo and hair balm suitable for you?
  • How often does the hair get stained?
  • Do you abuse styling tools?
  • How often and properly dry hair blow dryer?
  • How many times a week do you thermocouple ironing and curling?
  • Do you indulge your hair with healing oils and masks?
  • Do you protect them from sunlight and bad weather?

It would be nice to calculate how many hairs you lose daily. The average daily rate ranges from 70 to 150 pieces.

Notice if there is a small white capsule at the end. If it is absent, it means that the hair is broken off, but does not fall out. And now you can go to the doctor who will ask you all these questions.

At the reception at the trichologist

Professional diagnostics at the reception of a trichologist consists of several stages and the first is the history for which the doctor will need the information you collected. After a detailed conversation with you, he will proceed to a visual and hardware examination of the head.

Examination of the surface of the scalp today is done absolutely painlessly using a video dermatoscope or the latest computer technology. They allow the doctor to examine in detail the condition of the skin, and the program even calculates the exact number of active, dead and dormant hair follicles. After that, conclusions can be drawn about the possibility of a partial or even full restoration of the hair.

If the opinion of a specialist after the initial examination suggests that a possible cause of problems with hair is a disease of the skin or internal organs, then he will direct you to an additional examination, which may include:

  • bacterial seeding of the skin,
  • study under a voodoo lamp,
  • scalp biopsy
  • general blood analysis,
  • detailed analysis of hormones
  • Thyroid ultrasound, etc.

In some cases, it may be necessary to consult other specialists: an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist, and even a nutritionist or psychologist. Refusing to visit them is not worth it, because if you do not remove the root cause, then a full-fledged hair restoration is impossible. All efforts will yield only temporary results.

Treatment methods

After the examination and obtaining all of his test results, the doctor can usually tell exactly the cause of baldness or other problems with hair and recommend suitable treatment. If a primary or chronic disease is detected, then all efforts should be directed first to it.

At the same time, it is necessary to revise and adjust the diet in the direction of increasing fresh vegetables, fruits, high-grade protein and fiber-rich foods. In most cases, problems with hair in children aged 12-17 are related to the fact that a teenager outside the house eats junk food or convenience foods.

Usually, the course of treatment includes cosmetic and hardware procedures on the background of medication (the doctor will write out a prescription and determine the dosage) or multivitamin complexes. Such a comprehensive approach gives the fastest possible chances for a full recovery.

Twice a month you will have to come back to the appointment, where the doctor will check the condition of the hair and give advice on correcting the treatment if necessary.

In some cases, the head continues to go bald, despite all the measures taken. It may be genetically programmed or may be a rare undiagnosed form of alopecia. Even medication treatment does not help here, but an experienced highly qualified trichologist can carry out a hair transplant from a non-infected area. Their survival rate reaches 95%.

How to get to the trichologist

It turned out that many not only do not know what the trichologist is treating, but also how to get to him. Unfortunately, you will not meet such specialists in the district clinic. Yes, and in small towns, they are mainly only in private clinics. Although in recent years the equipment for the primary diagnosis appears in good beauty parlors and beauty salons. The method of working with them is simple and any qualified doctor can make general conclusions about the state of hair.

Do not forget before making an appointment, to carry out the self-test described above. It usually takes at least 2-3 days, and all this information is very important for the doctor. Otherwise, he may ask you to come again, and this is lost time and money. The consultations of the trichologist are mostly paid, but the prices are quite affordable.

According to reviews of those who have already used his services, a good doctor will not only help you quickly restore your hair, but will also give you useful tips on nutrition and care. And this means that you will be sure that you are doing everything correctly, and the next time you will have to apply for medical help soon.

Research and analysis of the mineral composition of hair

A hair has a tendency to accumulate in itself many substances from both the inside and the outside. Therefore, it is more truthful and shows in more detail the mineral component of the body. To identify the lack or excess of macro-and microelements of the body contributes to the spectral analysis of hair. Diagnosis will allow to identify many diseases or predisposition to them in the early stages, as well as to detail the characteristics of the body.

The structure of the human scalp

The results of the study reveal the quality of human nutrition, the impact of bad habits and habitat. Also disclosed the secrets of all body systems, the influence of professional activity.


Folliculitis is an infectious disease that is most often caused by staphylococcus bacteria and is characterized by purulent inflammation of the hair follicle (hair root). It can be caused by minor injuries and skin contamination, changes in ambient temperature, unhealthy diet, and the presence of chronic diseases. Folliculitis begins with the formation of inflammation (redness and swellinga) around the hair follicle. After a few days a bubble forms (abscess), filled with purulent fluid (yellow green). A few days later this abscess may burst (to open) and in its place a dry crust will appear, which will peel off. Hair that is involved in the infectious process easily falls out or is removed. Folliculitis is usually accompanied by itching and soreness.


Trichoclasia is a pathological condition of the hair, which is characterized by their fragility. Externally, the hair is usually not changed, but break off at a distance of 10 centimeters from the scalp. Usually foci with damaged hair are rounded. Trichoclasia may be accompanied by itching, dry scalp and peeling. The development of this pathology may be due to a genetic predisposition to increased hair breakage, exposure to external factors (curling irons hair dye), improper hair care or lack of vitamins in the body.


Trichoptilosis is a pathological condition of the hair, which is characterized by their longitudinal section. The tips of the hair while split into several parts.Over time, this can lead to thinning, weakening, brittle hair and hair loss. More often, trichoptilosis is subject to women with long hair that do not cut them for a long time. From the severity of the hair structure begins to deteriorate, and they begin to split. The causes of split ends are many factors. Some of these are improper hair care (blow-drying, frequent dyeing, curling), temperature fluctuations, malnutrition and, as a result, lack of vitamins.

Symmetric limited allotrichia

Symmetric limited allotrichia is an anomaly of hair development, which is inherited and is characterized by the presence of symmetric foci with impaired hair growth. Unlike other inherited diseases, allotrichia begins to manifest itself in adolescence. This pathology may be accompanied by the growth of thin, hard, bleached and spirally curled hair. Hair begin to get confused and gradually fall out. On the scalp can be observed scant peeling.


Leukotrichia is a genetic disease characterized by congenital graying of the hair. This pathology is due to the lack of pigment (colourant) or insufficient production. Clinically manifested by gray hair, eyelashes, eyebrows. Also in people with leukotrichia, the skin becomes white and sensitive to the effects of external factors.


Moniletrix is ​​a pathological condition of hair that is inherited and begins to manifest itself in early childhood (in the first year of life). At the same time on the scalp (in the place of hair growth) small dense nodules resembling beads are formed. The skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Hair take the form of a spindle and are called spindly. Lots of hair thickening alternate with thinning areas. Also, the hair becomes dry, brittle, split. Foci of balding may be formed.


Hypertrichosis is a disease that is characterized by excessive hair growth anywhere on the body (even where it is not typical). It can develop in both men and women and does not depend on age. Excessive hair growth can occur as a result of genetic mutations, disorders in the hormonal system. Also, the development of hypertrichosis may contribute to some diseases (fungal skin lesions, anorexia nervosa) and medication (antibiotics, corticosteroids).

Hirsutism is a disease characterized by excessive growth of hair on the body and face in women of the male type. Hair appears on the chin, above the upper lip, in the upper chest, back and abdomen. In this case, the hair becomes dark in color and becomes stiff. This pathology is associated with increased levels of male sex hormones (androgen) in the blood of a woman. Hirsutism often leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding, infertility.

Dandruff is a syndrome that is characterized by prolonged detachment of white scales from the scalp. Often this syndrome develops in people with oily hair. Causes of dandruff are considered improper care for the scalp and hair, lack of vitamins in the body, reduced immunity, constant stress.

Early gray hair

Early gray hair is a pathological process that is characterized by the appearance of gray hair (discolored) hair at the age of 25 years. Causes of early graying are thyroid disease, iron deficiency anemia, gastritis, genetic predisposition, nervous stress, frequent chemical effects on the hair (coloring, curling). All these causes can lead to disruption of melanin production (hair coloring pigment).

Allergic reactions

If you experience allergic reactions that affect the scalp, you must also contact the trichologist. Allergies can occur as a result of hypersensitivity (idiosyncrasy) to certain substances or tissues. An example would be the use of hair dye, shampoos, gels, wearing hats. Allergies can develop not immediately, but after carrying out several such procedures. Initially manifested as redness of the skin, the formation of rashes or blisters (liquid bubbles). Then the itching and burning joins, peeling appears. Gradually, the hair begins to thin and fall out.

How is the reception of trichologist?

To visit the trichologist it is recommended to follow some simple rules. The day before the consultation of this specialist, you should wash your hair with shampoo, which the patient uses constantly. Directly on the day of inspection it is recommended to exclude tight tightening (weaving) hair, the use of any cosmetics on the hair (gels, varnishes), the use of curling, ironing.

Reception of the trichologist begins with a detailed survey (history takinga) patient. The doctor asks about the complaints, finds out when they started and what the patient associates with it (after which the symptoms appeared). It is necessary to clarify if some symptoms worsen or diminish after certain influences or circumstances. You also need to find out if any self-treatment was undertaken (creams, masks, therapeutic hair lotions, vitamins), how the body reacted to it and to clarify the features of hair and scalp care. When interviewing takes into account the presence of chronic diseases, family history (with hereditary pathologies), patient's lifestyle, bad habits and eating habits.

After collecting the history, the doctor proceeds directly to the examination. At the same time, the condition of the scalp and hair is examined and assessed. After examination, the doctor may suggest exactly what causes could cause this or that disease. Depending on the proposed pathology, additional tests or examinations are appointed to confirm or exclude it. After receiving them, the doctor compares all the data obtained about the patient (complaints, results of examination and studies) and prescribes a course of treatment that improves the condition. These can be drugs or homeopathic remedies, herbal tinctures, physiotherapy or surgical treatments. In some cases, the trichologist may appoint consultations with other specialists. Also, the doctor may recommend the use of certain means to care for the scalp and hair that is suitable for this patient. The result of the treatment will depend on the correctly chosen regimen and on the attitude of the patient to the doctor's prescriptions. To achieve the most positive result (effect) it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and in case of any questions, do not delay or feel free to ask them.

What symptoms are appealed to the trichologist?

In the event of symptoms that affect the scalp or when hair damage occurs, you should contact a specialist such as a trichologist. If the hair begins to fall out, become dry or oily, thin and split, lose their luster can not self-medicate. If any peeling occurs on the scalp, dandruff and itching, it is necessary to seek help from the trichologist. Only this specialist will help to determine whether the symptoms that have arisen are related to the skincare cosmetic products and hair, or whether their appearance is caused by the presence of any disease. It is very important to consult a trichologist in time so as not to lose time when it is still possible to save hair and get rid of pathological conditions.

Symptoms that should be addressed to the trichologist

Trihologist tips for thick and healthy hair

We bring to your attention advice trichologist to improve the state of their curls.

    1. Pick the right comb. It is important to abandon metal and plastic products, if you do not want to harm your "feathers." Use natural bristle brushes or wood options. Also, give your preference to combs with a long bristle of moderate hardness - so you will achieve the maximum massage effect and save yourself from the problem of split ends.
    2. Comb your hair wisely. You might be surprised, but improper combing can cause various hair problems. Never brush your curls wet - wait until they dry. Begin to perform this manipulation with the tips and gradually rise up.
    3. Wash your head properly. How often you need to clean your hair - it would be more rational to ask the trichologist at the reception. The specialist will visually evaluate the condition of your hair and will be able to give you an individual answer. To wash your hair, take warm water, but not too hot (especially for hair prone to excess fat), apply shampoo twice, and then massage it with gentle massage movements. After washing it is recommended to blot the curls with a towel and leave it on the head for a while.
    4. Discard the hair dryer, curling iron, ironing and other thermal appliances. They are very harmful to hair and provoke various problems of the scalp. If you can not completely remove them from your life - at least minimize the use of harmful devices.

  1. Watch your diet. Often you can hear the advice of the trichologist on proper nutrition, restriction of fatty foods and an increase in the diet of natural products rich in vitamins and microelements. This item should not surprise you - after all, what we consume for food, in the most direct way affects our appearance, especially on the skin with hair.
  2. Give up bad habits. If you have problems with hair, you need to drink alcohol very moderately and stop smoking. Otherwise, the work of the vessels is disturbed, spasms appear and the follicles do not receive all the substances they need.
  3. Monitor the state of your nervous system. Stress, constant lack of sleep, chronic fatigue extremely negatively affect the body as a whole and the state of hair in particular. If you have problems with the nervous system, contact a specialist in time and treat them.

By adhering to all these rules, you will be able to independently improve the state of your curls, without resorting to the help of a specialist. If there are any problems with curls - the right decision will be consultation of the trichologist. You should not put your problems on the back burner, it is important to solve them as soon as possible, then you will quickly achieve a positive result, and the illness will not have time to go into the chronic phase.

Advantages of the procedure: based on the reviews of trichologists

  • no damage to the skin
  • no infectious agents can enter the human body,
  • high-quality information content of the material
  • there is no need for a rehabilitation period,
  • high inspection capabilities.

Damaged hair

The imbalance of elements found after the diagnosis of hair makes it possible to predict and recognize the following:

  • diabetes,
  • diseases of the skin, nails and hair,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • the threat of immunodeficiency
  • endocrine system diseases
  • dysbacteriosis,
  • allergies and many other abnormalities.

The process of carrying out a spectral procedure for studying curls on microelements

For the hair analysis to give reliable results, it is necessary to pass the material correctly. For the procedure, several strands are trimmed at the root in different places in the occipital zone. For the study takes a beam up to 1-1.5 cm wide and up to 5 cm in length from the root, the tips are thrown. Too short hair cut a volume with a teaspoon.

Verification procedure

At the time of the procedure, the hair should be without styling products and washed with regular shampoo, not curative. Hairdressing manipulations (dyeing, perm, lamination, etc.) should take place a month before the examination. In the case of the absence of hair on the head, vegetation with a chest or underarms will fit for diagnosis.

Spectral analysis of hair for microelements is difficult in technical implementation, therefore, it takes two weeks to get its results. As a result, a mineralogram is compiled, reflecting a complex of macro- and microelements with their normative indicators.

With a slight deviation of indicators from the norm, experts make recommendations in terms of nutrition and select a complex of necessary mineral preparations or dietary supplements. With strong changes, the patient needs to consult a specialized specialist (immunologist, cardiologist, allergist).

After treatment, re-diagnosis is carried out after 10 months.

Analysis of diagnostic results

Indications and contraindications for the Invintro session: is it worth doing?

Investigate the amount of mineral elements should all people, and especially:

  1. Supporters of diets and supporters of fasting.
  2. Athletes.
  3. Pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  4. Adolescent children.
  5. Employees of enterprises and hazardous occupations.
  6. People with chronic illnesses.
  7. Residents of the zone of harmful enterprises and highways.

There are no contraindications for such a study, as well as complications and consequences.

Residents of areas with a bad environmental situation are recommended to regularly visit the trichologist.

Diagnosis in trichology - stages

The effectiveness of treatment for any disease depends primarily on timely and complete diagnosis. High-quality diagnostics is also important, where not only the experience of the doctor is important, but also the availability of modern diagnostic methods. So, what awaits the patient when he turns to the trichologist?

It should immediately be said that in the West practical trichology has been developing for many decades, but for us this is a rather new science. In America and Europe there are several specializations of trichology, we have not yet grown to this. Among other things, in the western trichological centers there are necessarily special hairdressing salons where trichologists-consultants work. They practically show how with the help of hairstyle and available means it is possible to visually increase the volume of hair, to mask out their thinning, in the extreme case - to choose the right lining of hair by color and texture. Thus, diagnostics in trichology and treatment are closely related to proper hair care.

A trichologist should not only monitor the current trends in the development of his science, he must constantly become acquainted with new methods of diagnosis and treatment. Mandatory conditions - the trichologist should be well versed in the fields of medicine related to dermatology. First of all, in therapy, endocrinology, psychotherapy, neurology, etc.

Methods of trichological diagnosis

All diagnostic methods in trichology are divided into:

  • Research.
  • Intended for practice.
  • Specialized.
  • Non-specialized.

By the way they are conducted in relation to the patient, diagnostic methods are divided into:

  • Invasive (skin sampling).
  • Non-invasive (without compromising the integrity of the skin and pulling hairs).
  • Semi-invasive (pulling hairs).

Invasive are all diagnostic methods that provide information about the state of human health. This ultrasound, laboratory tests, etc. Any of these methods may be appointed by the trichologist as additional. They can reveal, for example, anemia, deficiency of vitamins or microelements, pathology of the thyroid gland or hormonal imbalance.These and similar factors can be the main causes of hair loss, or they can seriously aggravate other problems.

Specialized methods

These include specific methods such as:

  • The use of computer programs that analyze the thickness, density of hair, concentration of hair follicles per unit area, etc.
  • Review photos.
  • Trichoscopy
  • Trichogram.
  • Biopsy.
  • Contrast photo trichogram.

The most frequently used in daily practice of trichologists are the methods of trichoscopy, overview photographs and photo trichograms. No trichoological study is complete without trichoscopy. This method is non-invasive, it became widely used in the beginning of the 21st century. It is carried out using a manual dermatoscope or more modern way of video-dermatoscopy of hair and scalp. This method is very simple and convenient (due to non-invasiveness), while it is quite informative and allows you to immediately put a lot of diagnoses. Trichoscopy is divided into:

  • Immersion when a special liquid is applied.
  • Dry - examination without fluid.

Dry trichoscopy reveals problems such as seborrhea, desquamation, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, etc. Immersion allows you to examine the skin and blood vessels and diagnose more rare diseases. Trichoscopy allows differential diagnosis of different types of alopecia.

According to the results of the examination, the doctor and the patient receive a trichogram, which exactly defines:

  • Type of skin on the head.
  • The general condition of the hair follicles.
  • Condition of hair shafts.
  • The amount and percentage of normal hair.
  • The number and percentage of thinned hair.
  • The number and percentage of prone to hair loss.
  • Type of alopecia, if any.
  • Other options.
  • If you want to increase hair, then these technologies will help you.

For trichoscopes, lenses with varying degrees of magnification are used, from 10x to 1000x, but the most practical lenses are with 20-70x magnification. Thanks to this method, it is possible to study the condition of hair shafts, exits of hair follicles and skin vessels, the condition of the epidermis, the presence of scars on the skin. This method is in principle sufficient for the diagnosis of psoriasis and seborrhea. Detection of structural abnormalities in hairs makes it possible to identify genetic hair diseases.

Also, this method allows you to identify the presence of too thin and too short hair. With its help, so-called black, red and yellow dots are found in the mouths of hair follicles, which are characteristic of completely different diseases.

The assessment of the state and appearance of the vessels is also very informative. For example, the detection of twisted vascular loops is a sign of psoriasis, the strongly branching vessels localized inside the yellow dots are a sign of lupus erythematosus. If trichoscopy revealed uneven pigmentation of the skin, the so-called "honeycomb", then the cause of problems with hair is excessive insolation. Also due to a number of external signs hair loss due to hormonal failure is diagnosed.

The method of trichoscopy is basically sufficient for the diagnosis of deprived of hair. Recently, a trichoscope with an ultraviolet irradiator was used, which makes it possible to immediately identify ringworm on the scalp, that is, problems caused by microscopic fungi.

Despite the huge number of advantages, trichoscopy has limitations, and doctors trichologists have no right to make a final diagnosis only according to trichoscopy. Moreover, the picture after such a survey is not always unambiguous. To look inside the hair follicles, it is often necessary to prescribe a biopsy. This is a highly specialized method, it can only be performed by highly qualified specialists - histologists, and patient's skin samples are taken for examination.

Phototrichogram method

Refers to non-invasive research. It is standard and contrast when using computer programs. This method is widely available and very accurate. In addition to the diagnostic value, it allows you to track the dynamics of treatment, the cyclical nature and correctness of hair growth, accurately measures the various parameters of hair. These diagnostic devices are increasingly found in good hairdressing salons, and not only in cosmetic clinics.

Algorithm of examination by trichologist

  • First stage. Consultation is being held, anamnesis is being collected and an inspection is being done, i.e. primary trichoscopy. Based on the results, it is decided whether it is necessary to conduct additional surveys, and whether consultations of other specialists are needed.
  • Second phase. A phototrichogram is made to clarify or final diagnosis, or as a control of the effectiveness of treatment. A preliminary diagnosis is made.
  • The third stage. Upon receipt of the results of all studies, a secondary consultation is conducted, a final diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is developed.

Interested in a review of drugs that help to increase the breast.

Examination by a trichologist may show the absence of any diseases. And it may turn out that the problem with hair is not caused by a disease, but by elementary improper care of them. This occurs very often, which is why the correct diagnosis and hair care are inseparable. And after consulting a trichologist, in any case, you will receive valuable advice on the proper care of your hair type, whether you have a pathology or not. And only for this it is necessary to visit the trichologist at least once!

What do such specialists treat?

Initially, this medical direction arose as a branch of dermatology and venereology. This science, in comparison with the latter, deals with the study of various problems associated exclusively with the skin and scalp. Accordingly, the main field of activity of specialists from this area is the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of any pathologies in this segment.

Reception at the doctor-trichologist.

INTERESTING! This specialty is still missing in the national classification of occupations of the Ministry of Health. But despite this, interest in it is growing, and in 2008 even the Russian Society of Trichology was opened.

It is mandatory to receive the trichologist's doctor in several stages:

  1. Collecting history. This includes a visual inspection of the scalp and curls, a conversation with the patient, consideration of complaints.
  2. Diagnostics. Only after the first point and an adequate assessment of the situation, the specialist is determined with the choice of the diagnostic method and the analyzes that need to be taken. As a rule, these are general laboratory indices of blood and urine, as well as the study of hormonal levels (in most cases, mandatory). The purpose of this is to identify the causes of current pathological conditions. From the results of a competent examination will depend on the choice and effectiveness of further therapy.
  3. Consultation with other doctors. In addition to its recommendations, the trichologist may refer the patient to an additional examination by an endocrinologist, a gynecologist, and other specialists to compile a complete picture of the disease.
  4. Diagnosis and prescription of therapy. Only after carrying out all the examinations the doctor can already accurately identify the cause of the problems. Based on it, the most suitable treatment is selected, as well as preventive measures.

A qualified good doctor trichologist on the hair does not miss the above steps at his appointment. Before you go to him for a consultation, you should at least read reviews about him.

The list of diseases in which the trichologist is competent

Sometimes such a doctor is addressed to simply visually improve the state of the strand. But usually the reason for the visit to him are certain diseases:

  • ringworm and asbestosa,
  • alopecia of different types and forms (diffuse, focal, genetic and other alopecia),
  • mycoses of the epidermis (microsporia, trichophytosis and others),
  • diseases of purulent bulbs (mentagra) and infectious nature,
  • parasitic damage, including lice,
  • early gray hair
  • dropping out,
  • seborrhea and dandruff.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight such a hereditary ailment as atrophy of curls. This pathology is detected during the first year of life. For its diagnosis and treatment will require pediatric trichologist.

ON A NOTE! Such a doctor does not deal with pathologies of internal organs. And since changes in the condition of the hair and skin of the head can be symptoms of serious systemic or infectious diseases, it often works in conjunction with endocrinologists, infectious disease specialists, gastroenterologists, and gynecologists.

Diagnostic methods

Indicators of hair density after the study.

The extent to which a specialist possesses diagnostic skills will determine the result of a visit to him. During the examination, they should identify the following indicators of the order and the epidermis of the head:

  • general condition and structure,
  • the degree of change and damage
  • composition and amount of secreted sebum,
  • presence and causes of inflammation, itching,
  • density and growth rate
  • the adequacy and effectiveness of a particular treatment method.

The choice of diagnostic method depends on the severity of the disease and related problems. In the clinic, where the physician takes trichologist, there must be equipment for the following diagnostic methods.

Trichogram and phototrichogram

A trichogram is assigned to identify the percentage of hair at certain stages of growth. Normal is up to 80% in the active growth phase and about 10% in the rest. There are 3 of their names:

  • anagen - active growth,
  • telogen - transitional period
  • catagenic - the rest phase.

For this procedure, 50-80 elements are removed from different zones of the hair coat with tweezers. The resulting material is studied under a microscope.

The process of trichogram hair.

During this procedure, you can check parameters such as:

  • general condition of hair,
  • tendency to baldness of different types,
  • availability and number of thinned items.

Phototrichogram involves the use of a special scanner. With the help of this device it is possible to identify the stages of growth strand, to determine the degree and type of alopecia present.

This procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. There are 2-4 areas of hair cover (0.1x0.1 cm) and then the material for research is shaved from them.
  2. After 2 days, a special dye is applied to the shaved areas, and then the epidermis is scanned with the device.
  3. The received data is processed on the computer, then the result of the check is issued.

IMPORTANT! The role of these diagnostic methods is invaluable for the early detection of baldness.

Microvideo diagnostics

The process of conducting microvideo diagnostics.

Microvideo diagnostics are carried out with a video camera equipped with a special microscope. The device is connected to a specialist computer, and he sees in real-time comparative graphs (with norms and deviations) of the diameter of the hair, their density per 1 square meter. see depending on color (dark, light, red).

Also, microvideo diagnostics helps determine the condition of the scalp and bulbs. The device used diagnoses with an increase of up to 150 times.

This method helps to identify:

  • the presence of a certain type of alopecia,
  • exact causes of the problem
  • impaired hair structure
  • skin diseases and more.
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Used treatments for diseases of the hair and scalp

The process of hair treatment with a laser apparatus.

Having identified the disease and its causes, the doctor prescribes a specific treatment regimen. Its choice also depends on the individual characteristics and specific diagnosis.

For example, the presence of allergies or chronic diseases. In this case, the selected therapy will have a minimal risk of adverse reactions in the patient.

Among the popular methods of treatment can be identified such as:

  1. Ozone therapy is a rather painful procedure with a good anti-inflammatory, fungicidal, bactericidal, immunomodulating effect. The patient is injected deep into the epidermis ozone molecules. The therapeutic effect is achieved through enhanced blood flow, improved nutrition of the skin and hair follicles. It enhances drug therapy for nesting, diffuse, androgenetic alopecia, and is also used in the treatment of psoriasis and pyoderma on the hairy parts.
  2. Laser therapy is a painless procedure, using special devices with low-intensity radiation. They do not damage tissues, but on the contrary, trigger a natural regenerative process, creating a biomodelling effect in the hair and follicles.
  3. Plasmotherapy - involves the introduction of blood plasma into the skin of the head. This substance is saturated with platelets that accelerate the process of regeneration of follicles.
  4. Ionotherapy - affects the deep layers of the epidermis of the head with shock or ultrasound. At the same time drugs are introduced into the skin cells to stimulate the follicles.
  5. Mesotherapy - involves the injection of various drugs directly into the skin of the head. Usually prescribed vitamins, complexes of peptides, hormones, elements for accelerated growth strands.

The doctor conducts the procedure of mesotherapy.

In what situations it is necessary to enroll to the trichologist

In the photo, various degrees and types of damage to the rods.

There are a number of symptoms that should alert. When they appear, it is better not to self-medicate. These include the following situations:

  1. When excessive hair loss is observed, the trichologist is simply necessary. And no matter whether the strand falls randomly or focally. Sometimes both can be a symptom of a serious illness. The doctor will promptly determine the causes and prescribe the appropriate therapy. This will eliminate many further complications.
  2. Changes in the structure of hairs. If they become thinner, dull, brittle, rare and split, it is advisable not to postpone the visit of the trichologist.
  3. The appearance of seborrhea of ​​any type. In most cases, dandruff, especially oily, is the result of violations in the sebaceous glands of the scalp. The specialist will identify their cause and advise comprehensive ways to deal with this.
  4. Early graying. The appearance of gray hairs at a young age may indicate disruptions in the body, which will identify the trichologist.

Where to find such a doctor

Despite the high demand, it is not easy to find good doctors from this area. They do not take in the usual clinic, and often conduct their activities in private clinics or large medical centers. In any case, when choosing a competent specialist, it is necessary to take into account his competence, experience and real feedback on his work.

If there are no friends who have already had positive experience of treatment in a particular clinic, then you can find a trichologist with reviews. The catalog presents data only qualified and experienced representatives of this profession. It is interesting that the first preliminary consultation of the doctor of the trichologist is free of charge.

There are other additional advantages of the service:

  • selection of a specialist in a particular city,
  • information on where the doctor takes trichologist - clinics with addresses,
  • real opinions of patients.

Search by city is simple. By default, the service will be found doctor trichologist in Moscow. To select a different city, you need to hover and click the cursor on the name, and a tab with other cities will appear. It remains only to choose the right one.

In addition, you can sort the search results by:

  • admission price (ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles),
  • work experience
  • rated by patients.

The service will also help if a trichologist in St. Petersburg is being searched for, even when leaving the house. To make an appointment with the selected doctor, simply fill out a simple online application.

Only, the catalog so far contains experts only from different cities of Russia. For example, if a doctor is looking for a trichologist in Rostov-on-Don, the service will give out such information. But now in Minsk data is temporarily not available. We wish you a speedy recovery!


Watch the video: Scalp Treatment Services with Absolique Trichologist Brisbane (July 2024).