Useful tips

When and how to cut baby for the first time?


The baby is born either bald or with liquid soft hairs that wipe and fall out soon after birth. With this first hair do not need to do anything, but by the year the first child's haircut becomes a necessary event. Why do you need it? How to mow crumbs? You will find answers to these questions below.

Myths about hair cutting in one year old

First, you should deal with the myths that still managed to live to our times, despite the rapid increase in public awareness.

  • Myth 1. If a child’s hair is cut in a year, he will have thick hair in the future. In fact, the number of active hair follicles will not increase from the manipulation, so the hair will no longer become. When the manipulation is carried out at such an early age and at the same time the hairs are cut completely, the risk of damage to the follicles and thinning of the hair increases. The hair after the first haircut may indeed seem thicker, but only because of the small bald spots left by the friction of the head of the baby on the surface.
  • Myth 2. Haircut helps to strengthen the hair and seal the rods. In fact, such an effect in no way affects the texture of the hairs. The baby's hair will be thick, strong and silky only when parents learn to care for it properly and regularly.
  • Myth 3. If you keep a strand of hair cut from a child’s head per year, he will study well, see only pleasant dreams and will not suffer from headaches. Scientific confirmation of these statements was not found, and the statistics do not allow to believe in their veracity.
  • Myth 4. The first haircut of a child contributes to ridding the baby of unpleasant impressions experienced up to this point, cleanses his body of many harmful components. This statement is indeed partially true, but only when it comes to adults. In the period of the first year of life, children, due to the peculiarities of care, simply do not have time to accumulate in the body as a whole and on the hair in particular, harmful elements that must be eliminated.

In addition, each culture has its own ideas about the timing and reasons for the implementation of the first haircut. So parents will eventually have to make their own decisions when to cut a child - a year, a little sooner or later.

Arguments in favor of a haircut at the age of

People who are inclined to think that in the year of the baby still needs to be cut, usually the following arguments are given:

  • It is necessary to emphasize the floor of the baby. Indeed, boys' long hair often leads to being mistaken for girls and not all parents can take it with humor. Yes, and the little princess will not interfere with a neat haircut. By the way, it is better to slightly scold the hair than to dress them with stiff rubber bands and fasten with hairpins.

Tip: If the decision to conduct a haircut at an early age is still made, you need to take into account that manipulation can only be carried out with scissors and the hairs should be cut off at the root. The skin of a one-year-old child is very delicate, and not only the follicles, but also the epidermis can easily be damaged by a typewriter or a close exposure, causing irritation, inflammation or infection of the tissues.

  • After the haircut, even if you make it yourself, the hair on the baby's head begins to grow more evenly.
  • Often, the skin on the scalp in children is covered with small crusts. And to remove them is much more convenient, if it does not interfere with long hair.
  • It is not very good when the hairs get into the eyes of a child. This not only creates discomfort, but can also have a negative impact on the quality of sight of the toddler. In the year it is recommended to at least trim the fringe.
  • In summer, on the street and in the apartment it can be very hot, and the long hair will create additional inconvenience, making the kids sweat even more.

It turns out that the use of a one-year-old baby's haircut is obvious. Well, if the above factors do not work in a particular case, then you can wait a little with manipulation. The main thing is not to forget while taking care of the hair of the toddler.

Arguments of people opposing early cutting hair

Making the final decision, it is worth considering the negative points of an early haircut. Basically they come down to the following:

  1. Children in one year are not yet able to fully control their behavior, so there are cases when manipulation for both children and parents turns into torture. You can try to carefully handle with scissors the problem areas while the child is sleeping, but even here there can be no guarantee of the complete safety of the crumbs.
  2. If a haircut does not affect the quality and speed of hair growth, and they do not interfere with the baby, then there is no point in arranging an unnecessary procedure at the moment just because “it’s supposed to be so.”
  3. Fans of cutting children in one year bald is worth considering the fact that when the hairs begin to grow, they are a rather dense stubble. She can bring significant discomfort to children, causing itching and irritation.
  4. In the cold season, the hair is an excellent warming cover. Without them, the baby’s head may just freeze.
  5. Cases of inadvertent damage to the skin of babies with scissors during manipulation are not uncommon. These cuts are not even always noticeable. Sometimes they make themselves felt after the start of the inflammatory or infectious process.

If the decision to conduct a haircut is still made, you need to do everything according to the rules. This will help you to spend a minimum of time on manipulation, get the desired result and minimize the child’s discomfort.


You can trim the child using:

  • professional scissors
  • hair clipper.

In the first case, you should also get a comb with frequent teeth, a spray gun and patience. Before you cut your baby, wet his hair with water. This version of the haircut is suitable for calm children and older children who are able to sit still for a while.

The machine is used only on dry hair. Before cutting long hair, they should be trimmed with scissors to make it easier for you.


Cutting a baby even at home, in a familiar setting, is not as easy as it sounds.

In this case, it is necessary not only to make the haircut neat and fashionable, but also to take appropriate security measures.

  • Purchase a cordless typewriter, not one that depends on the electrical grid. So you can, firstly, choose at home any convenient place to cut the baby, and secondly, save yourself from constant monitoring of the outlet and cord.
  • Place the tools you need (especially the scissors) so that the child cannot grab them.
  • Ask another adult to help trim the baby. Sometimes in the process of cutting (for example, when making the border, processing the area near the ears, thinning, etc.) it is required to ensure that the child does not make sudden movements. In such situations, an assistant at home is simply necessary.
  • Take care of bright light. You should see the head of the child well - this is important both for the result of the haircut and for its safety.
  • Having put the child on a chair, do not leave him for a minute. Even if it is a highchair with five-point belts, children are very unpredictable.

To simplify cleaning after cutting, seat the child in a room with linoleum or in a bathroom: removing hair from a carpet is much more difficult than from a smooth floor.

How to prepare a child for a haircut?

Most children are afraid of cars, no matter where it is used - in a barbershop or at home. However, in the latter case, the child, of course, will experience less stress: the environment will be familiar. To nullify or even reduce such fear, listen to the following tips.

    • Try to arrange a trip for your child to the hairdresser’s, so that he can see why and how people are cut. For example, take it with you when you are thinking of cutting your bangs. When the baby sees that the mother quietly tolerates such a procedure, he will have a different attitude to the process of cutting.
    • Play the haircut scene using baby toys or glove dolls. Through the game, children find it easier to learn something new. Try to involve your baby in such a presentation, then just before the haircut, you can refer to his experience.
    • Many parents include their children favorite cartoons during unpleasant procedures. Before you use this technique, do not forget to inform the child that you are going to cut his hair.
  • Show your baby the machine and the scissors, let him touch them. Tell us about their functions in a language understandable to him ("This is a machine. It buzzes like a little bug (WFW). It will help us to cut your hair, see how long they have become!").
  • In the process of cutting do not be silent, talk with the child, or about something else, or, conversely, commenting on their actions. This will help him calm down.

If we are talking about a one-year-old boy (and even more so about a one-year-old girl), do not rush to take the typewriter. The myths created around the question of whether the child should be cut hair a year, have long been debunked by modern pediatrics.

How to choose a home hairdresser

If you are afraid that you will not be able to trim your child on your own, but do not want to take him to the salon, knowing that this threatens with a grand hysteria, call the master to the house. Now such services are provided even in small towns. In this case, be sure to find out from such a hairdresser about his experience of working with children, since he should be able to communicate with a child of any age and be ready for whims and tears.

It is best to choose the wizard according to the recommendations of friends or reviews in urban forums.

How to cut a child with scissors at home?

A child at the age of 1-3 years is agile, curious, restless. Before you cut the baby with scissors, you need to prepare to process as quickly as possible and without negative consequences.

Scissors cutting steps:

  1. prepare the tool - scissors, a cape, a spray with warm water,
  2. set a chair so that the crumb does not shake during the haircut, do not hurt yourself with scissors,
  3. pick up a toy that the child likes to play more and longer to distract and relieve stress,
  4. to organize a child for an interesting, unusual process, give scissors to hold, show, prick, so as not to spin. Allow combing hair comb.

And, then it is not difficult to cut a child by yourself. Having seated the baby, arouse interest in the game with a typewriter, rattle, bear. Then explain tenderly what comes next. And to cut the child at home will be a pleasure and a joy to both. The child will admire themselves and smile with a contented smile.

How to cut a small child at home with scissors video:

If the child is tired, began to be capricious, give a few minutes to rest. Play a bit, and continue to cut. When the work is finally completed, give a look in the mirror to see the result.

How to cut a baby at home?

There are two ways to trim children at home:

The first method is convenient and widely available - there are scissors in every home, and there are many instructions for using them. But it is rather dangerous to shave a small child with this tool. One wrong move and a cut is inevitable.

The machine in this regard is much safer. It allows you to quickly and painlessly make your baby a neat hairstyle. And you can cut as "under the night", and leaving a few millimeters of hair.

Preparatory stage

The first haircut is a serious matter. For a child, this is a new, unusual, and possibly frightening occupation. It is necessary to dispel fears and prepare the baby for the procedure so that during the process he does not accidentally jerk and cut around the scissors. From these considerations, it is better to choose scissors with rounded ends.

  1. Tell your baby you are going to cut it. Explain what it means and why it is needed. Show off the tools (hairbrush, scissors, machine).
  2. Show the haircut on the video or show on the doll. You may even be able to entice the baby so much that he himself asks him to mow.
  3. Seat the child in a comfortable high chair in front of a mirror.
  4. Give crumbs toys or turn on your favorite cartoon to distract the child.
  5. Just in case, ask one of the relatives to be present at the haircut. If the baby starts spinning and acting up, an adult can hold it.

How to cut a child's hair with scissors?

So, you have chosen scissors for cutting baby. Prepare all the tools in advance:

  • scissors,
  • water spray bottle
  • hairbrush.

One year old babies usually do not make model haircuts and cut all hair equally.

  1. Sprinkle the baby’s head with water and gently brush the hair. Talk to your baby all the time and explain all your actions. You can imagine that you are playing a game: you are a hairdresser, a child is a visitor.
  2. Pinch the strand between your fingers, comb it and cut it. It is necessary to do everything extremely carefully and quickly.
  3. Start the haircut from the most "hairy" places, because if the child is overworked and does not reach the end of the haircut, the bulk of the work will be done.
  4. Praise the toddler for having courageously moved the new procedure, and say that you are proud of him.

Immediately remove all hair and sweep the floor. Make sure that the baby’s skin does not have small hairs.

How to cut a child's hair with a machine?

For cutting children's curls, it is better to choose a special children's typewriter. From the "adult", it differs in ceramic blades and a smaller gap between them. This provides a more neat haircut - the machine does not pull hairs and does not damage the hair follicle.

The preparatory stage is the same as when cutting with scissors: get the baby interested in the process, turn everything into a game.

Cut the crumbs from the back of your head, gently combing your hair, and then cutting off with a typewriter. Next, go to the temples and temechku.

Baby hair clippers

In children's stores and on the websites you can purchase such goods as a special children's hair clipper. It will greatly facilitate and speed up the first baby, make it pleasant and entertaining.

In comparison with older counterparts, children's machines have a lot of advantages.

  • They are quiet. So, their buzz will not frighten the child and will not turn the hairdressing process into anguish.
  • They are safe. It's all about special ceramic knives. They will not hurt the baby’s skin.
  • They are comfortable. Both mom and dad can use them - operation difficulties will not arise. In addition, children's cars are designed to cut children from birth to 9-10 years.
  • They are beautiful. Drawings and bright colors will attract the attention of the child - with such a machine he wants to have a haircut.

The most popular brand for children's hair clippers is Codos BabyTreem. There are several models - the difference lies in the weight, the number of nozzles and a set of functions.

The BabyTreem machines can operate both on mains and batteries. Included are 1-2 nozzles that allow you to make a haircut of different lengths. Also, the distinctive feature of the devices of this company is a beautiful design: the cars are decorated in delicate colors, there are cute drawings. Price - 2000-3000 rubles, depending on the model.

Also, children's cars are produced by Philips, Ramili Baby, Panasonic.

What to do with the hair of the child after the haircut?

Many mothers are worried about the question: what to do with the kid's hair cut? It is a pity to throw them away, and signs strongly prohibit it. What then? Keep them all your life?

In fact, many people do just that. And our ancestors existed their customs and omens.

  • If you bury the hairs in an anthill, the crumbs will have thick strong curls.
  • Hair need to hide behind the beam in the house.
  • If the hairs are thrown away, the birds will drag them to the nests, which is why the child will certainly have a headache.
  • Hair should be given to fire or water.
  • For the baby to be healthy, you need to bury the hair or give it to the dog.
  • In a coma case, you can not give hair to other people.

Of course, all these signs have nothing in common with real life. Nevertheless, many parents prefer to play it safe and do not throw out the first hairs of the baby. Perhaps this is correct.

If you do not know where to put the locks of the toddler after the haircut, burn them or bury them in the ground. But you can save them as a keepsake along with other things of the child.

Haircut child in the salon

Now many beauty salons provide haircuts for very young children. If your toddler is durable and calm nature, you can take him to the first haircut in the salon. The main thing is to meet the master in advance. Read or listen to reviews about it. How patient and kind is he? Would he scare the little one?

Here are some tips before visiting the salon.

  • Explain to the child where and why you are going. It is recommended to prepare him for visiting the salon in a few days.
  • You can pre-acquaint the baby with a hairdresser who will cut it.
  • Take your baby's favorite toy with you.
  • Do not make your baby a model haircut. At this age, it is completely useless, and takes a lot of time. Normal haircut year-old child should last no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • If the child begins to act up and cry, it is better to stop the procedure.
  • Wash the baby's head at home to avoid doing so in the cabin.


The first haircut is a special event in the life of a child. It doesn't matter what you choose: a buzzing machine or sharp scissors, or maybe even a salon visit - the child may get scared and cry. Be patient. In a kind and soothing voice, explain to the little one what is required of him and why you started all this. Do not be angry and do not break, then the first haircut will go well and calmly.

Rules and features of the manipulation at home

The first haircut of a child a year or a little later is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. It is only necessary to take into account the specifics of the age and the individual characteristics of the child. Usually the procedure is as follows:

  • First you need to choose the optimal time for the haircut. A certain daily routine is already formed in children a year, according to which it can be said at which period he has a more favorable mood to the procedure. Practice shows that children best of all transfer manipulation after a dinner dream to a full stomach.
  • You should not torment toddler during the period of any disease. Against the background of poor health, all the negative feelings in children are exacerbated and will not lead to anything good.
  • From machines will have to be abandoned in favor of the most common scissors. Modern devices not only damage the follicles, but also scare children with their buzzing. The machine is also absolutely prohibited. If you only plan to trim the hairs in separate places, you can consider using a trimmer. It is fairly quiet and relatively safe.
  • Wet hairs are easier to cut, so the baby before the procedure you need to bathe or slightly wet his hair.

  • You need to think in advance about what the child will do during the manipulation (the chances that he will just sit are insignificant). Children per year are well distracted by cartoons, vivid pictures, new toys. In the process of work you need to constantly communicate with the toddler, focusing his attention on the distracting factor.
  • It is best to sit the baby on his knees to someone from the family (whom he trusts).
  • Scissors are best used with rounded ends, they are not so dangerous if the crumb is spinning.
  • After the haircut is over, you need to bathe the child in warm water, washing him every fold in which the hair could get stuck. Additionally, it is recommended to carry out disinfection by treating all the instruments (and with a very short haircut and the baby’s head) with a specialized means, for example, Miramistin.
  • The procedure begins with the processing of the most inaccessible places. Beauty can be added later, while the baby is going to sleep or to be distracted by something.
  • It is best to try to turn the haircut process into an exciting game. When children feel the confidence of their parents and genuine interest in any new event, they are happy to be included in the process. You just need to remember that such a “fuse” of them will be enough for a short time, you need to try to cope in a few minutes.

After the manipulation is finally completed, all the final stages have been completed, it is worthwhile to show the child the result of working in the mirror, evaluate it with the whole family, loudly admiring the courage, patience and beauty of the toddler. Most likely, he will not understand that something has changed, but will remember all the enthusiastic exclamations of loved ones on a subconscious level. Because of this, the need for the next haircut will not cause him a negative reaction, and maybe it will give pleasure.

How to cut the baby boy at home?

Boys 3-6 years old are so restless! They are drawn to discover the world in various ways. Mom, before cutting the baby at home with scissors, will have to prepare internally herself, arrange the baby to sit for 10-15 minutes quietly.

To arouse a preschool boy's interest in the upcoming business, it is worthwhile to tense up: consider magazines with children's hairstyles, videos with a haircut, then it will be easy to cut the child at home with scissors.

It is important to adhere to the technology where the front of the head is processed from the forehead, and the bottom up from the neck. The main part - around the perimeter of the head, finish processing temples and places around the ears. Well before that, if there is no experience, practice on a doll.

With the advent of skill, haircut will be held automatically. The main thing is to keep precautions with scissors, so as not to get into the eye, do not touch the ear. Comb gently hold on the delicate skin of the child.

To hairstyle looked naturally, it is recommended to hold the hair upright - between the index and ring fingers. Cut from bottom to top along the strand, hold the ends of the scissors up. If the hairs are long, fasten with a clip. At the end of work, comb your head in different directions, make a control undercut of the remaining long hairs.

How to cut a baby boy with scissors at home with scissors video:

Remove the cape carefully, brush the hair from the neck with a napkin, if you accidentally hit it, sprinkle it with fragrant water. Children react positively to all stages of the haircut, if they did not hurt, and the work was done at a pace. They like to feel older, like dad or grandfather. After all, they are future men!

How to cut a baby girl at home with scissors?

Girls, small pupae, not having time to be born, they want to be beautiful, turn around near the mirror. They are less troublesome in organizing haircuts, it is enough to show a favorite children's film, consider a picture book and focus on the neat head of your favorite character.

How to cut a girl with scissors on your own video:

But still it is necessary to properly cut the child at home so that you do not have to redo work at the hairdresser. The girl is better to sit in front of the mirror, where she will contemplate step by step the actions of her mother with her hair. Provide for the formation of hair scissors for different stages.

Features homemade haircuts

Shaving a child is very difficult even for a professional hairdresser.

Even if you decide to do without visiting the hairdresser and want to call the master to the house - it can don't ease task

Regardless of whether you will cut the child yourself or consult a specialist, it is important to consider one important feature when cutting children: the child can relate to this process. with disbelief and caution.

In this case, a haircut machine at home, in a cozy and familiar atmosphere for the child is a calming factor, but do not forget that this fragile calm can easily be broken by careless movement.

Also consider the following points:

    avoid sudden movements, as this not only can frighten the child, but also lead to injuries,

How to prepare the tool?

First of all, the necessary tools need to be purchased.

To cut your baby you will need:

Ordinary scissors may not fit: you need to buy special scissors for a haircut.

They are sharper and better suited for such work. how to cut a boy at home If necessary, you can additionally use thinning scissors.

First, pay attention to the models that do not work from the mains, but from the battery: it will be more convenient for you to cut the baby anywhere in your apartment, and you will not be “tied” to the sockets.

The second important point - choose from the machines. with adjustable head: this will allow you to control the length of the haircut.

All the necessary tools before cutting should be expanded so that you can have access to them, but the baby should not reach them.

Preparation of the child for a hairstyle

This is perhaps the most difficult stage, and psychological preparation is very important here.

It is no secret that most children are afraid of tools for cutting, especially the sound of a typewriter seems to be unpleasant and frightening.

In this case, the very fact that a mother or father will cut the child is an advantage: the child trusts you completely and understands that you cannot intentionally hurt him.

If this is the first haircut of the child at home - it is advisable to arrange a small “tour” in the hairdresser’s in front of her. So you can show that a lot of people attend hairdressing and haircut, and at the same time people do not feel discomfort at all.

As a rule, all parents can quickly find a way out of this situation, but if you don’t cut your child, you’ll have a guest hairdresser - take care of your child’s clean head in advance so that this problem doesn’t occur during the hairdresser’s visit.

It is very important to remember one simple rule: if a child does not want to do something or is afraid, you need to arrange such processes. in the form of a game.

It is difficult to say how you can turn a haircut into a game - for this, everyone can have their own methods, but to distract a child or encourage him to sit quietly during a haircut is easy enough. For example, many parents include their favorite movie or program before the haircut.

Also important convince the child in that no matter how dangerous the hairstyle tools look, they do not pose any threat. Before the haircut, you can give the child hold the scissors and typewriter (of course, under your control).

How to choose the right compressor inhaler for the child.

We do together a beautiful hair daughter.

If this is possible, you can cut off some hair from your head - so the child will be able to make sure that nothing terrible will happen.

And: try constantly maintain contact with the child, talk to him, calm him down. This will help to distract him and the baby will behave calmly.

On the technical side, in addition to the tools, you also need to choose haircut. It is not necessary to cut a child in a room in which a carpet or carpet is laid: it is extremely difficult to clean hair from it.

The best option - a room with linoleum, and if you allow the size of your bathroom - you can mow the child there.

Choosing a hairdresser for homemade haircuts

Haircutting of children at home today is a fairly popular service, and if you do not feel determined to cut a child by yourself, you can turn to professional hairdressers.

Speaking about the hairdresser, as a specialist in working with people, it is worth remembering that such a master should be a bit of a psychologist, especially when it comes to working with children.

A good children's hairdresser himself can hold preparatory workconcerning the psychological side and described in the previous section of the article.

However, when choosing a hairdresser one should focus on other factors:

1. Referring to the services of hairdressers for ads, you need to find out how competent a specialist is: ask him experienceask about the place of work and experience.

2. Before you mow a child at home, it is advisable to interview friends and acquaintances: it is possible that some of them have already used such services and will recommend you good master

3. Having met the hairdresser, pay attention to his appearance: a good hairdresser himself must look neat.

How to cut your own baby: video

Video clip about a child's haircut at home:

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What ways can you mow a child at home?

There are two ways to cut your baby at home:

  • electric clipper,
  • manual method, scissors and comb.

To cut the child at home manually - this option will be optimal for those children who are able to sit in a chair calmly and without tears throughout the length of the haircut. By the time this option is slightly longer than cutting with a typewriter. Applying a haircut with scissors, should prepare a spray with warm water. To cut a baby at home with a hair clipper, hair must be dry. The haircut instruction says that before you start the haircut with a machine, you should cut off too long hair with a scissors, only then cut it with a machine.

At the choice of scissors for a hairstyle it is recommended to stop the choice on the professional tool.

Options for haircuts

Classic haircut is simple in the technique of execution, it will always look fashionable and relevant. To perform it, you need to take a comb, ruler and scissors. You can not cut off the long strands on the back of your head, but to leave them, it will always look fashionable.

The sports version of the haircut is suitable for active boys who attend sports clubs and sections, play sports. Hair will be short, it will give the baby the opportunity to feel free and active, because he will not interfere with long bangs. To trim the child at home, so you need a machine with nozzles, a comb.

Haircut for long hair is performed only at a certain length of strands. It is better to cut the baby’s long hair at the hairdresser’s, because not every mother can make a professional haircut at home just by reading about her technology. But then it is really possible to experiment with styling, fixing the locks with various cosmetics.

Haircut Avant-garde requires constant care and styling. But the hair of a little dandy will always be elegant and elegant.To make the results perfect, the temporal parts are clipped with the help of a typewriter, and the back of the head and the parietal zone are cut with scissors.

What advice to parents

In order to make the haircut as comfortable as possible, you should follow certain tricks during the haircut. The child should not constantly be in fear of the process of cutting. It is recommended to talk with him, to provoke interest. One-year-old baby can be cut in the form of a fun game that will make it possible to make it beautiful.

You can just sit the baby in a chair in front of the TV and turn on the cartoons. Favorite characters will distract capriciousness and give mom the opportunity to properly trim it. It is important not to be afraid of yourself. Comb and scissors should not tremble in their hands.

Haircut for a small child who is naughty

If a child refuses to cut his hair, is naughty or even hysterical, first of all, he needs to be reassured. Next, the child is talking, it is important for him to feel not only that it is a necessity, but also to obey the authority of an adult. All the necessary tools should be ready-made, in order not to accidentally injure the child or to pull his hair. It will also take a cape, which will prevent hair from getting by the collar, where they will prick the baby, causing him discomfort, and thus annoy him even more.

The child should be seated in a comfortable and safe place. It should be convenient to him and to the one who will cut it. The little sufferer is very well distracted by cartoons, which he will be able to watch throughout his haircut. The psychological attitude of mother and child is very important. Baby should explain that it will make it beautiful. Sit it, fix the cape, turn on the cartoons. Adult haircut always starts at the back of the head. But the process will take longer. Therefore, it is better for a child to start a haircut from the front, because if he suddenly starts hysteria, then at least the front will look decent (video).

You need to cut the baby quickly, but very carefully, avoiding sudden movements in order not to accidentally touch the child. The main thing is to make sure that hair does not stick out in clumps on the top and sides. But if the child calmly tolerates the process of cutting hair, you can make him a more complicated haircut technique.

It is recommended to start from the front, carefully moving in the crown and the back of the head, controlling in parallel so that the child does not twitch or hurt himself. And you should not block his screen, so that he does not twist his head, looking for cartoons. Often a child can burst into tears in the middle of a haircut. We need to stop and calm him down, and then, if possible, finish the job. Psychologists recommend telling your child that going to the hairdresser is good, that you need to look beautiful, then you will be friends with him. So you can teach him from an early age to accuracy.

At the end of the haircut, you should praise the boy for his courage and patience, shake off the hairs, take him to the mirror and show how beautiful he has become.

Basic hairstyle tools

Let us dwell on the general rules for cutting children. There are two ways to trim:

  • With a car,
  • Using scissors and a comb.

These methods can be combined. Not every mother has a professional hair clipper on hand, but scissors are not too difficult to find. Therefore, on the method of cutting with scissors and a comb, we will emphasize.

You can cut the baby with scissors or a typewriter

Considering that such a dangerous tool as scissors is used for a haircut, the person performing the functions of a barber needs to be very careful not to injure the client. This rule is doubly relevant if we are talking about cutting restless children, and some of them are afraid of the haircut process itself. Therefore, it is very important to entice the baby so that he is not distracted. At home, this is easier to do than in the cabin, for example, by turning on the TV. But, in this case, it is important that the hairdresser himself was not distracted by viewing an interesting program, and did not make mistakes.

In the process of cutting you can turn on the cartoons

Before starting the cutting process, select the type of hairstyle you want for your child. For children under one year, it is recommended to use short haircuts, as they do not need long hair.

Equipment and workplace

To begin the process of cutting a hairdresser, you need to have all the necessary tools at hand. He should take care of this in advance. The tools that will be needed during this process include:


  • thinning scissors
  • hairbrush,
  • clipper,
  • spray with water

    Water spray bottle

  • sponge or hair brush.
  • It is better to use a set of professional scissors, but in the absence of those, they use ordinary ones. Required to prepare a workplace. It should be located away from the aisles, so as not to expose the child to the danger of negative drafts. At home, put the child on a chair, and place the tools on the bedside table, near the place where you are, but inaccessible to the child.

    Fashionable bangs

    Oblique bangs one of the most popular options for children's haircuts. There are three types of oblique bangs:

    The latter option because of practicality, it is advisable to use when cutting a child.

    Oblique fringe

    Haircut oblique bangs at home

    Cutting a bang on a child is not so difficult. If the child has a long hairstyle, then separate the hair on the bang from the rest of the mass, and comb it, using gentle, downward motions. Then, using a sprayer, moisten the hair. Visually determine the length that we plan to leave a bang. Take the hair with two fingers, and ottyagyvayem them to the desired length. After that, ask them the desired slope, and then cut the hair.

    No need to try to grab the whole bang at the same time or most of it, it is better to cut the hair with short movements.

    Be careful when cutting

    Thinning scissors

    For filing, that is, thinning hair, it is better to use special thinning scissors. This process can be applied to both the bangs and the surface of the entire head to smooth the transitions, as well as to give the volume to the hairstyle.

    Thinning shears

    In order to profile the hair, fold them into small strands, and press them with scissors in the center. Then the remaining part is again divided into two parts and the process is repeated. The final touch is made at the very tip of the hair. The same is done with the following strands.

    Straight bangs from a little boy or girl

    Haircut straight bangs even easier than oblique. At the beginning, we repeat the same process, but without delaying it to the side with a slope.

    Hair can be slightly moistened before cutting

    In order to properly cut the bangs for a child with a straight cut, the length of the bangs should be aligned on both sides along its middle part. Each next layer of hair we dub the previous, but make it 1 mm longer. Thanks to this technique, the bangs take the form, bending inward.

    Haircut on the rest of the head of a one-year-old child

    If you have not reached the skill of a professional hairdresser, then you can hardly cut the hair on the rest of the head with scissors and a comb at the proper level, especially if your child has a long haircut. Here it will need professional skills. And the ability to cut bangs is clearly not enough.

    To create a model haircut will require considerable experience.

    Although, if the chad has a very short haircut, and you are ready to experiment, you may well risk it. In case of failure, you can always mow your baby bald. However, such experiments are recommended only at preschool age.

    Trimming machine: walkthrough

    No special skills are required for cutting with a machine.

    But in order to mow a child at home with the help of a special special machine skills are not required. It is enough to have a small theoretical knowledge and several times to apply them in practice, so that in the future the whole process goes “like clockwork”.

    Cutting with a machine is much easier and faster than just using a comb and scissors. Therefore, if you have the appropriate equipment for cutting at home, it is better to use this second method.

    The basic rule that should be remembered when mowing a child with a typewriter is that it should be held with two hands while relying on the elbows in the body. Only in this way will the cut be even. Movements should be made in a straight line, from beginning to end, without cliffs.

    Baby hairstyles

    Thus, it is possible to provide the maximum level of quality haircuts.


    Watch the video: BABY'S FIRST HAIRCUT - How to cut baby hair (July 2024).