
Ash color for hair: whom it suits and how to choose a shade


I do not know what's happening. Women are still crazy about ashy shades. Looks like this color will always lead the fashion trends.

Why? It is very difficult to obtain, difficult to care for, expensive to maintain (every two weeks plan a trip to the salon), it is very easy to lose. Look, all these epithets are very suitable for a woman. Perhaps that is why ashy hair color is love forever.

Who will go ash tint?

Let's start with those to whom he will not go. If your skin has even the slightest flaws: acne, post-acne, scars, freckles, enlarged pores, redness, wrinkles. Alas, forget about the ashes. If your eyes, natural shade of hair closer to warm shades.

How to get ashy hair shade?

Let's try to figure it out.

Cold natural hair shades themselves are ashy. However, to get it through dyeing, unfortunately, you need to very well get rid of unwanted pigments in your hair. Our most resistant pigments are red. Until the end to get rid of red, none of us will not succeed. That is why, after a while, bleached hair turns yellow, red, and red. This is a normal process. Red pigment makes itself felt. And now we will analyze each situation.

Imagine that you have dark hair color, say 4-5 level. And you would like to become a little lighter, that is, 6-7 level and certainly with an ashy tint.

It seemed nothing complicated. Lighten up to 2 tone levels and paint over with dye with ashes. But if you understand in order, this is the case.

The darker the hair, the more red is the pigment in its structure. When lightening (even if your natural level is 4 or 5 ashen), your red pigment will make itself felt. That is, we will get 7.3 or 7.33 or 7.73 shades. That is, brown brown gold or brown brown red.

What happens next? To neutralize the red pigment, we will add green and blue pigment to the dye. Red, of course, we neutralize, but red + green + blue will give a darker tone. As a result, we will once again return to your ashen 5. So much manipulation, and returned to the beginning.

The correct option in this case is to clarify from your 5 or 4 tone level to 8 or 9, and only in this case, by a few more intermediate procedures, go down to 7 tone level. Such a capricious color.

Does it all have ashen color?

It should be noted that such a hair color can turn any, even the most modest, appearance into a chic one. But remember, not every girl can afford such a hair color. You need to be very neat girls with uneven skin color, small scars or acne.

Ash hair shades are perfect for owners of smooth white skin. But you need to take into account the fact that this shade makes its owner a few years older. So if you are over thirty-five, then you should think carefully before changing your appearance in such a drastic way.

In addition, the owners of red and golden hair need to know that even repeated staining will not be able to give them a beautiful ash color of their hair. Also note that with repeated attempts to achieve this shade, red-haired young women risk losing their curls of health and beauty. So do not try to achieve the impossible and love yourself as you are.

How to get ashy hair color

But if you still decide to dye curls, you should know that simply applying dye to the hair is not enough. Because if you do this, the hair, instead of being almost white, may turn yellowish or greenish. For this reason, there are many procedures that allow you to minimize the possibility of unsuccessful painting.

A prerequisite for successful hair coloring is the use of moisturizers and balms. It is also worth periodically nourishing the scalp with the help of various masks. You can use both store and home masks. But we'll talk about them a little later.

If such a nuisance as yellow or greenish hair color has already happened, then re-staining of the curls with a special balm of an ashy or violet hue can help in this case.

But such an ambulance will be effective only if the curl is not too yellow. Otherwise, the best solution would be to contact a beauty salon, where professionals can correct the situation without causing significant damage to your hair.

You also need to pay attention to the preparation for painting. The best option would be the lamination procedure. So, first of all, you can protect your curls from the negative effect of dye on the structure of each hair. And secondly, this procedure allows the paint on the hair to hold on much longer.

Experts say that having pre-lamination curls, you can extend the retention of color on your curls up to three months. And, of course, if you decide on such a coloring for the first time, then you may want to contact a professional who can choose the optimal hair color of ashy color and a mask for the care of curls.

Shades of ashen color: what they can be

Before you start painting you should study the whole palette of this color. Yes, ashen may be different.

Today the most popular are such shades:

  • Ash Brown
  • Ashen,
  • Light ash.

The choice is very important, because it depends on it your whole image. So if you want to look amazing, be sure to take a little time to thoroughly study this issue and find the shade that will perfectly fit with your type of appearance.

Ash Brown Hair Color

This shade of hair is like the owners of light skin and blue eyes. But if you decide to paint the curls in this color, then you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin. In no case do not allow the appearance of reddish pimples or blemishes, because the color of your hair will further shade the problem areas on the skin, which will make them more visible.

Also, women struggling with gray hair can safely use this color. First, so you can hide it more effectively than with any other shade. And secondly, such coloring will look as natural as possible.

Dark blond ash color curls

In this case, the number of girls that will suit this color is even more limited. Professionals even advise to carry out a test before dyeing curls. To do this, you need to wear a few outfits of dark blue or steel color and compare the resulting image with the previous one.

If you don’t really like this new incarnation, then you should pay attention to the possibility of dyeing curls in a different shade, because from the dark blond hair of ashy color the effect will be about the same as from the dress of the presented colors.

Light blond ash color curls

This shade in the same way as the usual ash color will suit owners of light brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin. It is worth paying attention to a similar method of coloring to those who struggle with gray hair.

In order for the dye to hold onto the hair as long as possible, you need to tint the roots with special resistant paint every three to four weeks. And in order to keep the color along the entire length, you definitely need to use special balms and conditioners that can not only maintain the desired shade for a longer time, but also maintain the health of your curls.

Strongly light blonde ashen shade brunettes. Using a similar color, you will have a painful look. Therefore, if you want to look healthy, then pay attention to other shades.

Ash brown hair shade

Owners of this color are traditionally referred to as brown-haired women. In addition, this shade is found in nature, so if you met a girl with such a touch of hair on the street, this does not mean that she dyed her hair. If you are so unlucky and nature has awarded you with a different color of curls, then you can turn to professionals who will help you to create your unique image.

This shade is ideal for girls with light or olive skin, blue or gray eyes. Today, this hair color is very popular and most Hollywood stars give their preference to him.

It is also worth noting that manufacturers of curl dye, having appreciated the ever-increasing demand for similar colors, produce an enormous amount of hair color products in ash brown. It is because of this diversity when we first paint, as we have said, it is worth turning to professionals.

Masks to restore curls after dyeing

Now that we have studied what colors can be with an ashy tint and how to choose the right color, let's talk about how to restore the health of the hair. After all, no matter how high-quality the dye is, it still does significant damage to each hair.

One of the best ways to save your curls is kefir mask. It does not need to cook for a long time and keep a few hours on your head. Just immediately after washing your hair, apply a little kefir on your hair along the entire length and leave for about fifteen minutes. After that, thoroughly rinse the detergent from the hair with warm water and dry your head as usual.

In order to give hair volume and shine curls, you can use a universal mask of eggs and beer. For its preparation, you need a chicken egg, 50 grams of cottage cheese and 100 milliliters of light beer. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and put on curls. Leave the tool on the head for 40 minutes. After that, my head as usual.

As you can see, the ash tinged curls is quite popular in our time. But before you decide on such a cardinal change of image, be sure to consult a professional. You do not want to look ridiculous or painful. So change your image wisely and you will look your best!

Color features

The popularity of the shade does not fade that decade. The secret lies in the symbiosis of natural and bright, extraordinary look at the same time. The color scheme is diverse, but the steel palette is very capricious in the care. Keeping a perfect shine at home is incredibly difficult. In addition to the choice of professional care products, you will need to regularly tint the strands.

The color includes elements of blue, green, at least purple, through which it is possible to achieve pearl tints. It is perfectly combined with a bright make-up, classic arrows, scarlet, berry lipstick. Light day makeup in pastel colors also looks beautiful. Definitely a prerogative of women and men of cold color type. But the variations of silver-caramel, ash-golden also allow owners of warm, peach skin to find their tone.


  • allocates external data
  • you can beat gray hair beautifully
  • gives a unique shine to curls,
  • refreshes the complexion
  • adds volume, density to the strands.


  • requires a whole series of professional care products
  • the pigment is easily destroyed by ultraviolet radiation,
  • pre-bleaching is necessary,
  • at home it is difficult to achieve the desired shade.

To suit

An extensive palette of ashes allows everyone to find their own image. Universal color is suitable for both young girls and mature ladies. Using the secrets of toning, you can successfully beat the gray hair, giving it a Nordic sheen. Mature men prefer a more natural range of chestnut, blond, trying to hide the age loss of pigment. Guys up to 30 are more open to experiments, choosing ashen to create extravagant images.

What color appearance types are suitable for:

  • In nature, it is found only in Summer with its light brown curls, gray-blue, gray-green, light brown eyes. Refers to the cold type, the features of the exterior are inexpressive. Successfully, you can add inks with pearl tones.

  • For Spring with its peach blush, light green, tea, olive eyes, golden chestnut strands, use a gray-beige palette, platinum blond, naturally blond with caramel.

  • Autumn is the most controversial type of appearance for ashen curls. Strongly not suitable for girls with light brown eyes, inexpressive eyebrows and freckles. It can successfully be combined with dark brown eyes, pale, transparent skin.

  • Winter belongs to the cold color type, girls with blue and brown eyes, milky-porcelain or dark skin can use a multi-faceted palette of ashy shades. The only hindrance can be a natural dark color, to go from black, chocolate, chestnut to a light range, it is better to contact a professional colorist.

Universal shade suitable for different haircuts, styling and length. Looks great on ultrashort pixel, asymmetrical haircuts, square, soissone. For long strands, you can use small and large waves, bulk tails, weaving. Many people choose for partial dyeing ombra, shatush, balayazh or to highlight certain areas - strands at the temples, profiled or perfectly flat tips.

Attention! Hairdressers do not recommend using for curls after curling, too intense exposure to aggressive elements can destroy the stem structure.

Popular shades

The richness of the palette will allow everyone to choose a beautiful color for their appearance.

Colors ashy:

It has many options: platinum, pearl pearl. Suitable for owners of light skin with a pink subtone. It is possible to use for contrasting appearance, also for highlighting less expressive features, for girls with light eyebrows and eyes.

Ash pink

A great option for girls Summer, It looks luxurious with blue and green-azure eyes, transparent porcelain skin. Quite a complex shade, requires skill in painting. It is not recommended to use on dark hair - multilevel bleaching can lead to brittleness and cross-section.

Who are ash shades?

The basic pure tone of ash or silver will suit not every lady. Only fair-haired beauties with sky-blue or gray eyes and porcelain skin can no doubt choose this particular shade. At the same time, the skin should be perfect - that is, without defects (without pimples or redness, without pigment spots or scars and without a single wrinkle). If you ignore this warning - the result will not please you at all, all the flaws will be so clearly emphasized that even professional makeup will not save the situation.

Dark ash

Go for brunettes with olive and pale porcelain skin, with bright blue or black eyes. Very popular color replaced the blue-black. It looks elegant and natural, successfully combined with the makeup of the Smoky Eyes or in the nude monochrome scale.


You can find exquisite chocolate-ashy, he emphasizes the beauty of tanned skin, gray, green eyes, suitable owners of the Spring color type. Refresh the complexion will help a light peach blush in makeup.

Ash purple

Incredibly complex and capricious shade: often taken unevenly, sometimes visible yellow or gray transitions. Recommended only for blond hair, cold types of appearance, perfectly in harmony with blue, gray, black eyes.

Light ashen

You can dye blonded or bleached curls, suitable for owners of fair skin with a light golden tone.

Includes ashy, powdery, and a little purple, suitable for girls of all color types, mother of pearl notes compensate for the grayness of the ashes.

Muffled with pearl tints requires perfect light skin without redness and other flaws, suitable for naturally blond girls without red hair, with green-brown eyes.

Metallic black

Only suitable for representatives of the type of appearance of Winter with pale, porcelain skin. It is not recommended to use color after 30 years - it will visually make it older, it will emphasize wrinkles.

Chocolate is found in the palette of mocha and milk chocolate. Warm shades with silver are for girls with bronze tan, green-gray eyes, freckles give a special charm. Often used in shatush and balayazh staining techniques.

Very complex color, you can paint over only after bleaching, suitable for girls with blue, gray eyes. The tone of the face should be perfect - against the background of blue curls all the flaws will be noticeable.


Fits Autumn. The combination of bronze and ashen in one tone allows you to add elegance to the image, it looks beautiful with a light tan, gray-blue eyes.

Coloring is used by young girls. A rich hue is often included in the tinting palettes. Suitable for owners of expressive eyes, ideally porcelain pale skin.

Natural ash

It is found only in the color type of Summer. Emphasizes pink subton transparent skin, light blue-gray or gray-green eyes. It requires regular hydration, otherwise it will lose its natural luster, turn into a mouse, nondescript shade.

You can use girls of warm type with brown, nut, tea, green eyes. Looks luxurious on ultra long hair or Hollywood curls.


Cold ashy with notes of blue. The unnatural color of the curls needs to be properly beaten with make-up and clothing: the make-up should be bright enough, rich pigmented varnish lipsticks are used. The puppet image requires a perfectly even skin tone.

Ash rose

Located at the junction of strawberry and steel. The muted shade includes pink, silver and mother-of-pearl. Often used to ombra, monochromatic coloring requires experience in color.

Resistant paint

Hair Dye L'Oreal Professionnel Dialight refers to the means of professional staining. The active ingredients nourish, moisturize, protect the stem structure from damage. Thanks to polymer ionene G, lipid molecule and grape seed oil, the paint provides shine from root to tip. In the palette you can find dark ash blonde, light ash blonde, milky silver pearl, milky ice blue. Repainted brunettes and brown-haired women will be possible only after bleaching strands. Provides lasting gray hair coloring, keeps the tone for 6 to 8 weeks. The cost of 694 rubles.

Resistant Londa cream paint, thanks to the innovative formula of Londacolor Base, it penetrates deep into the stem structure, providing uniform pigmentation. Paints gray hair, allows you to keep a rich tone for 8 weeks. The ashy palette is represented by platinum-silver, ash-blond, dark-ash, light-blond, dark-blond. You can buy for 110 rubles.

Tint shampoos, sprays

Schwarzkopf Professional BlondMe Tint Spray It has the following colors in the palette: steel, jade, ice and strawberry. They have an ashen subtle color. The spray is used exclusively after the blonding procedure. The product is distributed after washing the hair, does not require subsequent rinsing. Keeps on for 2 weeks, gives the curls a unique glow. You can buy spray for 732 rubles.

Tonic Color Balm represented in the palette of pearl ash, smoky pink, amethyst, mother of pearl, smoky topaznym. Suitable for dyeing light and bleached curls, as well as to give shine to gray strands. Provides resistance from 3 to 5 washing procedures, cost 154 rubles.

Unfortunately, There are no natural dyes capable of dyeing in a cold ash tone. Therefore, in order to give the curls a silvery shine, only store supplies will be needed, and homemade recipes can lead to unforeseen results.

Partial staining techniques

Modern dyeing techniques allow you to create different images without drastically changing hair color. Conducted only by experienced craftsmen - in spite of deceptive simplicity, it is impossible to conduct it yourself at home.

  • Shatush- master for painting uses 2-3 shades close to the main hair color. Suitable for blondes and blond, looks great as the contrast of black and silver strands. Allows you to achieve a natural effect through the use of a pile and asymmetrical distribution of the dye. After bleaching, selected strands are tinted in shades of ash.

  • OmbreIt has clear boundaries, it is possible to use a soft gradient or contrast. Relevant is the color and reverse. Coloring options are suitable for medium length and ultra long curls. In tandem with ashes, bitter chocolate, dark blond, light brown, as well as bright turquoise, lavender hues are used. How to perform an ashy ombre at home, the subtleties of the transformation process, read on our website.

  • Balayazh- the transition is barely perceptible. Applied technology to give the maximum natural look of hair with a special film. Like ombra, shatush and balayazh are suitable for owners of long straight or slightly curly locks. It is easiest to repaint the owners of blond and wheat curls, also suitable for brown-haired women. What is the ash balayazh, the stages of implementation, you will find on our website.

The cost of the procedure in the salon

Dyeing consists of 2 stages: blonding and subsequent dyeing in the selected ash color. The cost depends on the length of the curls, as well as the applied means, possible additional caring procedures. For short hair price from 1000 rubles. up to 4,000 rubles. On medium and ultra-long - from 2500 rubles. up to 8000 rubles

General recommendations

Ashy tint is very difficult to keep at home. Will require the use of special tools for the care and fixation of the pigment. Also, occasionally you will need to tint with sprays, balms, shampoos.

Ash Hair Care Tips:

  • you should wash your hair as you pollute with cool water, use professional shampoos for cool blond shades,
  • It is necessary to abandon homemade masks and rinses using honey, cinnamon, chamomile, they give a golden hue,
  • Before putting the hair dryer, forceps, it is necessary to process the strands with thermal protective agents,
  • regularly use tint balm, shampoo or spray, you need to consult a master about choosing a suitable product,
  • to protect the silver shine is also necessary from the action of ultraviolet radiation, using special means with UV filters.

Each girl can choose her ashy tone. But to save the pearl shine will have to make an effort. The deep, elegant color fascinates you with its fantastic brilliance and cold tints.

Popular and unusual hair coloring techniques:

Useful videos

Dye brown hair in ashen cold shade. How to paint in ashen color?

Recipe hair ashy blond hair.

Who should avoid

Silver curls will not look very attractive on girls with a warm skin tone. A strong contrast between the coldness of the shade of the hair and the warmth of the shade of the face will play a cruel joke with its owner, because it will be more like an awkward doll, but not like an icon of style.

Owners of chestnut hair or with a golden subtone will also have to look for a sub-shade close to the ashes. But the silver will have to be abandoned, because the golden undertone will always appear a little through the coldness of the ashes, and the end result will more resemble light brown hair, but not platinum.

Read the same: Coloring balayazh: the secrets of fashionable technology

Light blond ash hair color (photo)

Light blond hair with a silvery sheen is one of the most popular interpretations of the above color. This color will emphasize the beauty of young women with fair skin and eyes green, gray or azure-blue. Do not try to repaint it in this podton girls with freckles or blue-black curls, donated by nature.

Read the same: Blonde shades: how to choose your

Dark blond ash hair color (photo)

Unlike light blond platinum, dark blond platinum tone is suitable for both very young ladies and women “after 30”, as it does not emphasize the first wrinkles. This is exactly the subtone that will refresh the boring image of a business woman, not adding to her frivolity, but emphasizing femininity. The ash tone on the dark blond strands is perfectly combined with almost any style of clothing, moreover, it is easier to achieve it on the dark curls, because you do not have to push the hair to a hard light.

Dark-skinned oriental beauties also should not be overlooked with such color. If you have almond-shaped eyes, thick black eyelashes, and clear cheekbones, choose it! Dark skin will shine health and freshness from the inside against the backdrop of new colors of your hair. Even beauties with African roots can dare to experiment and repaint it that way.

Ash Blonde - aristocratic chic

Ash blond, in fact, is a very small number of the fair sex. Only girls with perfect pearl-porcelain skin, bright eyes and thin outlines of the face should decide on such a cardinal change of image. That is, only on girls with doll appearance he will look really gorgeous.

Dark eyebrows, rosy from embarrassment of the cheeks, dark skin or transparent light eyes - these features of the exterior do not “make friends” with a silvery blond. The only way out is to dilute it with a golden hue, so even girls with freckles and warm skin can be so beautiful. Such a blond with a blue tint looks very unusual, but it will suit only a fair-skinned green-eyed beauty.

Read the same: Keratin hair straightening at home

Ash brown hair color (photo) - gorgeous and "will not kill" your hair

Silver blond, as we have already found out, is far from being for everyone, but if you have always dreamed of such a mane, we recommend paying attention to the ash-brown coloring.

Strands of this color "make friends" with dark eyes and pronounced dark eyebrows, and even with the skin of a warm color type. The ash-brown ringlets will make the skin of the face visually fresher and younger, so that women in their thirties can also choose such a tone. Bright eye makeup, lips, underlined pastel lipstick - and you are the queen of the evening.

It is not necessary to “silver” spin along the entire length. Dyeing shatush or ombra with darker roots and brightened platinum brown tips is a great solution. Such coloring will look gorgeous and on long curls, and on strands of medium length.

Ash-pink curls - that choose modern pupae

Very young long-haired beauty stylists recommend to pay attention to the platinum-pink color. It looks very interesting, adds to your image of children's naivety, playfulness and reverie. What way of “transformation” will suit you - shatush, balayaz and the beloved ombra - is up to you. The result is sure to be uncommon. Just be prepared for a heightened level of attention from others, because you cannot remain unnoticed.

If we want to get ashy blond

When lightening hair goes through several stages. First, it becomes red, then red, then red and yellow, then yellow, and finally, very light yellow. To get us such a very light yellow, sometimes you need to lighten from 2 to 4 times, and sometimes how much do not brighten, such a tone we can not get.

Imagine that your hair is not dyed, not lightened, and you yourself are blond blonde. Then you have all the chances to wear ashy blond. To do this, we must lighten the hair to the very last row, that is, 10 tones. Make your natural red pigment dissolve (it’s still impossible to finish). And then get the same ashes.

Paint - that's what you need to arm!

Professional paint is the best solution. It is recommended to choose several tones, and, having created from them such a “cocktail”, to begin coloring. Only in this way is it really possible to create an ideal subtone for each client individually, that is, to find that subtone that will be “friendly” with the color type, and will emphasize the beauty of the eye, and will not “throw” a couple of years to its owner.

Palette ash colors ESTEL De Luxe

But if you can not buy a professional product - go to the store. Buy only quality products. It is best to study several sources on the Internet in advance and select the paint that has already managed to receive positive feedback and recommendations for use from professional stylists.
Often, each manufacturer of ash colors allocate a separate digit-number to make it easier to find the right tone. There is no generally accepted numbering, each brand is individual.

How to care for the ash shade of hair

And further more. The ash is washed off the hair faster than any other color. That is, after about a week you are no longer ashen. And a week later your red pigment will return. Even if you will use shampoo for blondes, masks that neutralize yellowness and special sprays for blondes - this is not enough for ashes. Put a record about going to the salon in your calendar every 2 weeks.

Ash hair color is a hair structure completely devoid of pigment. Hair is damaged, withered. And if in such a natural form you go outside, the effect will be the opposite. This is no longer a style, but an image of a pensioner with sticking tows. Unfortunately, in this case, the usual (and even unusual) masks can not do. Here we need high-quality salon care programs.

Plan a budget for hair restoration with the help of Botox, the popular “happiness for hair” and “absolute happiness” treatment, keratin restoration for blondes, hot haircut, finally. All this you have to use in turn. Therefore, the wallet should be plump 🙂

No wonder they say that blonde is long and expensive.

How to get platinum color?

For each client, stylists develop a unique staining algorithm that will achieve the desired color. Sometimes in order for the client to be completely satisfied with the result, you need to apply the paint several times on the hairs.

Remember! The specialist always recommends using only quality materials that will cause minimal damage to the hair.

The transformation of dark strands in silver requires pre-clarification. It is only on the straightened strands that the mikston is applied from the correct tones, so that the result does not give off yellowness, but has a noble pearl shimmer.

Palette ash colors Londa Color

If you are recommended after staining to make lamination strands - do not give up - this will allow you to fix the result as long as possible.

Lightening is best done in several stages, using a more gentle and oxide solution, discard a strong concentration, so as not to "burn" hairs. It is better to entrust lightening to a professional, because a friend or mother may simply not know how to work with this or that product, and a hairstyle with a yellowish or even greenish tint will not please you.

Exposure of the clarifiers on the curls depends on the base (source) color, but you should not overdo the clarifiers, they can turn the living hair into crumbling straw.

The dried mane dried by the hair dryer is painted with the chosen paint and is left to be fixed exactly for the time that the manufacturer recommends in the instructions.


Watch the video: Best Red Hair Dye Shades To Choose To Whom It Suits Best (July 2024).