Work with hair

Biowave hair - a gift for the modern woman


Biochemical hair curling is a modern procedure, thanks to which women can realize their dream of a luxurious head of hair with magnificent curls. The popularity of biowave brought her almost complete harmlessness.

Beautiful curls can be obtained as a result of biowave technology

What is biowave

Biowave is a delicate method of curling curls with benign drugs that do not contain harmful substances. For curling hair using this method, products consisting of natural ingredients: fruit acids, wheat extracts. In many biowaves, the main active ingredient is cysteamine hydrochloride - a substitute for amino acids, which is part of the hair and is responsible for the stability of chemical bonds.

Following the precise technology of the procedure, it is possible to achieve the effect of hair curled by nature, to nourish the curls with protein, the main hair builder, and to preserve their health, shine, elasticity. This procedure is suitable for any type of hair, condition, length.

The latest novelty is biowave hair combined with structural restoration. This method allows you to simultaneously curl curls, improve and reconstruct the strands that have lost their luster, strength, elasticity.

Moisturizing Japanese Perm

The main difference is the composition containing collagen and other substances that help retain moisture in the middle of the hair. Some manufacturers also include plant extracts and other caring ingredients. This type of transformation is ideal for locks of medium length and long, it turns out a curl of medium hardness.

Silk with large curls

The most delicate and gentle look, which has a high caring effect. Silk proteins that are included in the composition, give the hair softness, shine, smooth surface. Large curls, which are obtained with such a perm, allow you to spend a minimum of time on styling. Strands visually remain long, the curl is soft and does not bounce, besides, this hairstyle looks natural.

Carving is a perm which is carried out by Schwarzkopf products; it is also called light chemistry. It gives a larger volume of hair, the curls are not rigid and can be pulled out with irons. For carving use special bobbins that create an unusual broken effect. Such chemistry will last four to six weeks.

Long hair

Biowave on long hair is held by the composition, which is individually selected depending on the wishes of the client and the quality characteristics of the strands. Of course, the best look at this length large curls with an average level of fixation.

Biowave hair with bangs

If you have bangs, the choice is small and there are only two options: to curl or leave straight.

In the fashion world, it is considered to be a windrowth styling with curled curls and straight bangs. But you decide.

If you curl the bangs, it is important to find the border, at which the hairstyle will not look messy, to give a special elegance.

Procedure in the cabin

To begin with, the master technologist will examine the curls, assess their condition and, if necessary, suggest improving their health and cutting them with hot scissors. Next comes the conversion procedure itself:

  1. Cleansing hair and scalp from sebium, dust, styling products. At this stage, deep cleansing shampoo is used.
  2. Winding pryadok on curlers, bobbins of the selected diameter.
  3. Chemical treatment.
  4. Washing composition, fixing curls with a special tool.
  5. Drying and styling.

The duration of the session depends on the length, thickness of the hair and takes from two to four hours.

The effect of the procedure will last from three months to six months. Quality and durability depends on the means for biowave, qualification of the master technologist, hair structure, and other criteria. For example, small curls retain their shape longer than large curls.

If you regularly dye your hair, then a biowave is best done before painting. The composition for curling can change the color of the curls, wash off the paint.

What is included in the composition of funds

In modern products for biowaves, such harmful components as trioglycolic acid and ammonia are absent. Scientists have shown that in half of all cases of violation of the structure of the hair, these substances had a negative impact.

In modern drugs included only components of natural origin. According to experts, this type of waving, unlike chemical methods, practically does not impair the structure of curls and does not cause other side effects.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of transformation is an excellent option to change the hairstyle for a long time. The biological wave works softer than the acid one, while remaining more stable and gentle. The structure change is carried out in a neutral environment, and not alkaline or acidic. Whereby:

  1. Curls retain a natural look.
  2. Curl turns natural.
  3. Strands glitter.

Another advantage of biowave is its versatility: it is effective on curls of different lengths, of any type, you can make a curl of different diameter and fixation.

Not without annoying cons:

  1. There may be a persistent unpleasant smell when wet hair.
  2. Curl can be applied unevenly to dyed or damaged curls.
  3. This procedure will exacerbate problems with the scalp (itching, dandruff).


Although only natural substances are included in the composition and the complex is not capable of causing negative reactions, but limitations are present:

  1. Severe allergies.
  2. Pregnancy, breastfeeding time.
  3. Menstruation.
  4. Hormonal pills or strong antibiotics.

Care after the procedure

Competent care in the first place is the proper cleansing and drying. The first two or three days after the session, the head can not be washed. Then it is better to use non-aggressive shampoo with a moisturizing complex. Regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks, when laying, use means to protect against high temperature.

At a biowave there are almost no restrictions in the choice of a hairdress and styling. Options depend on the desire and imagination of their owner. To create different images, you can use hairpins, rubber bands, hoops, flowers and other decorative items.

This kind of transformation will fit into any style from business to romantic. Some women of fashion even make horsetail on curled hair in its different variations.

Biowave hair at home

All experts agree that this procedure should be done by an experienced master, only in this case you will get the desired long-term result without harm to the health of the curls. If you still want to spend it yourself, follow these guidelines:

  • strictly follow the instructions
  • wash your hair thoroughly
  • separate small strands of the same size
  • decide what curl you want to get, and depending on this, choose the diameter of the curlers: for fine curls - smaller, for larger curls - larger.

When choosing the size of the curl, consider the oval and facial features. So, girls with large features fit large soft curls, chubby should not make small curls.

Biowave photo before and after

And finally, the photo results, the difference is staggering:

Choose your curling option and be beautiful

Biowave video

How is the procedure of biological curling in the barbershop, see the video:

Modern ways of transformation will satisfy the most daring demands of fashionistas. Making a biowave, you not only get beautiful, voluminous curls, but also strengthen them.The main thing is to trust the hair only to experienced, highly skilled craftsmen and you will definitely like the result.

Perm hair - photo before and after. Types of perms and how to do chemistry at home

  • beauty
  • Women's hairstyles
Svetlana Markova 0

Curls - one of the most popular and well-loved options for changes with a hairdo, especially for girls with straight strands. Only in such cases it is very difficult to make curls without harm, but one method is still there. This is chemistry for hair. You will learn more about the types, the possibility of using different hair, the price and the technology of such a perm below.

Radical Chemistry

One of the criteria for the classification of chemical shaving is the length of the hair, on which it is better to use it. For owners of short haircuts there is an ideal option. This is a close-haired perm hair. It adds extra volume to the short strands. In addition, this method of chemical shaving is used when the curls are still holding and the hair has grown back. For the same reason, the effect of the procedure is not long. The technology is as follows:

  1. First, all the strands are wound on bobbins.
  2. Then only the roots of the hair are treated with a perm.

Biochemical waving

The most new and harmless compared to other methods is a biochemical waving. She very quickly became popular. All due to the fact that the composition used does not have alkalis or harmful acids. They are replaced by a substance that is almost identical to the molecules of the hair itself. Because of this, the price for such a perm is high. Its advantages include long-term resistance, especially on the initially curly hair.

  1. The disadvantage of biowaves is that it is suitable only for normal or fat types. For damaged such technology is undesirable. The procedure itself has 3 stages:
  2. Twisting the strands on the curlers and processing a special tool designed for curling.
  3. The application of the following substance, which is necessary for the concentration of protein. His hair was soaked in the first stage.
  4. Treatment with the latest composition, which restores the acid-base balance and fixes the curls.

Permanent hair curling

In fact, any chemical fabrication is permanent, that is, permanent. All because of the fact that it lasts a long time, which on average is from 3 to 6 months. Long effect is the main advantage of permanent hair perm. Practically for any kind of it, a potent chemical is used. For this reason, the people permanent perm is called simply chemistry. Before the procedure, the tool used is tested for allergies, and then it is used on hair wrapped in hair curlers. The result - with proper care, curls hold on for a long time.

Types of perm hair

Classification of the chemical waving is based on the substance used for the procedure. As a result, the species are distinguished by safety, stability and the technology itself. All of them are considered less harmful compared to those used in the last century. Choose a specific type of chemical followed by the result that you want to see. This may be a small or large curl, just an increase in the volume at the roots or vertical spirals. To do this, you should study the types of chemistry for hair, presented below.

Vertical chemistry

Spiral perm hair will be ideal for owners of long hair. She is even considered one of the most beautiful. Only with this method of obtaining curls is the right hair care very important, because as they grow, the curl border becomes clearly visible. The procedure itself consists in winding the strands on spiral-shaped long curlers. The master does it from top to bottom. The curlers are placed vertically.

Japanese hair curling

Japanese hair curling is completely safe and even useful.Its other name is lipid-protein. The neutral ph of such a chemical perforation does not just have a positive effect on the hair, but normalizes their moisture in the case of too dry strands. As a result, the curls keep from 2 months to six months and remain voluminous and elastic throughout this time.

American perm

American waving is more popular with modern women. For this method very large curlers are used from the manufacturer Olivia Garden. To attach to each other, they have sharp teeth. Due to them and the large size of the curlers do not lead to wrinkles, and curls make more lush. The result is an elastic large curl, as shown in the photo.

Curving Curling

If you have a short haircut or rare strands up to 20 cm in length, you will need carving curling. It is very similar to the vertical method. Thanks to carving, weak hair becomes much more luxuriant, and curls are very natural and soft. The image acquires a special style and freshness. In addition, carving does not harm the hairs, because it works only with their surface.

Gentle perm

Amino acid perm is the safest hair chemistry. It does not harm the strands and even nourishes and heals them. All this is due to the content of proteins and a substance called cysteamine in the composition of the means for fixing curls. The latter acts like an amino acid, restoring the hair structure. Curls look natural, but they do not last very long. If the strands are long and tough, they will quickly develop under their own weight.

Chemistry for long hair

The best option for long hair hair is vertical. Carving similar to this variant is also excellent. Get soft natural curls. If you have weak hair, then you should give preference to the root curl. It will give hairstyles the missing volume and density. Suitable and amino acid. Only it is better to do it exclusively at the tips. So curls will keep longer, and the hairstyle will be contrast - with smooth strands at the roots and curly tips.

Chemistry for medium hair

Owners of medium length haircuts were more fortunate. They are suitable for almost all types of chemicals. Vertical, Japanese or basal - any of them will do. More often, the chemistry of medium hair is presented in the form of carving. Soft waves of curls do not weight the hair, but simply make it a little more voluminous. Medium hair is considered universal, so you can safely experiment on them with different types of curls.

Perm for short hair

Owners of short haircuts should pay their attention to the radical chemical wagging. Thanks to this technique, hair becomes more voluminous and it seems that they are much larger. Waving only the tips looks no less impressive. The most resistant perm for short hair is acid. Judging by the reviews, a large curl is especially popular. He looks the best on a short hairstyle. Even in the photo you can see it. Learn more about chemistry for short hair.

How to choose a perm

If you nevertheless decided that you want to make a perm at home, then you will have to decide which type is suitable for you. It is necessary to pay attention to several criteria at once:

  1. Hair thickness Thin strands are more demanding for chemical cleaning. So that they do not spread quickly, you need a strong tool. Thick hair keeps its shape better, so an easy method, such as carving, is suitable for them.
  2. Sensitivity of the scalp. If it is too high, then you should use biowave or neutral chemistry.
  3. Condition strands. If they are dull and tired, acid chemistry can revive them.
  4. Face type Large curls will not work for a round one - even in the photo you can see that small curls will look better.More elongated face perfectly emphasize almost any size and shape of curls.

How to do perm at home

The price for chemical wishing in salons is high, so not every woman will be able to apply for such a procedure. And why, if you make yourself curls and get at home. The procedure will require a special set, which will include curlers or bobbins, a special composition for fixing curls and a few more necessary tools. Still need instructions on how to do chemistry at home. Read more about the kit and recommendations below.

Set for perm hair

There are special kits, which include all the necessary tools for home-made perm. The effect of them is not so cool, and it does not last long. For this reason, you can quickly straighten hair. This option is convenient, because you do not need to go to the salon every time. You can simply use your set at any time. In most cases, it contains not one bottle, but several - for the chemistry itself and for fixation. Very good reviews has a set from the company Schwarzkopf. The price for it varies from 500 to 600 rubles.

Perm sticks

Another necessary tool in this procedure is the bobbin for chemistry. Due to them, a variety of curls. The material of the bobbin can be wooden or plastic. Judging by the reviews, the first to use is much nicer. The tree even reduces the aggressiveness of the compositions used. In general, they are divided into 2 types:

  1. Curved. Necessary to create curls S-shaped. Strands on them are wound from the center. The curls themselves are broad.
  2. Cylindrical. As a result of the use of such bobbins curls are obtained straight. Strands for this twist from the end.

Composition for perm

In addition to bobbins a necessary element in the creation of curls are compositions for perm hair. Professionals in this field recommend products only from reputable manufacturers. Their products differ in composition and price. Any of the funds can be ordered or immediately purchased from the manufacturer’s online store. The sites contain entire catalogs of chemical composition compositions with descriptions and prices. These may be, for example:

  • American system Olivia Garden,
  • dikson
  • Schwarzkopf,
  • Brelil Dynamix Perm Modular Formulation Curling System,
  • Alfaparf Best Hair,
  • Selective professional,
  • Estel Professional,
  • Londastyle Volume Starter.

Perm perm

If all the tools and tools you already have at hand, then you can proceed to the very procedure of changing straight hair to curly. To do this, you will need instructions on how to perform a perm at home. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Make a test for allergies from the composition used. Apply it on the skin behind the ear, and after 15 minutes. check for itching or redness.
  2. Then apply the clean, dry strands, comb them and quickly curl the curlers.
  3. Leave on for 40 minutes. Apply a neutralizer, which is in the set for a perm. Hold another 40 min.
  4. Next, check the curl for elasticity - unleash it and assess the state.
  5. Directly with curlers to wash the drug, if necessary, according to the instructions to him.

Hair restoration after perm

To consolidate the result, you need to properly care for the curls and follow a few recommendations. The main thing - 4-5 days after the procedure, do not wash your hair, do not expose staining, do not stack and do not dry with a hairdryer. It is recommended to protect hair from the sun. It is better to use styling comb with rare teeth. Tips on how to care for permed hair are as follows:

  1. Treat with various masks based on aloe, honey, burdock or castor oil and other natural ingredients.
  2. Use special shampoos for hair that has undergone chemistry.They should contain wheat proteins, vitamins, amino acids and keratin.
  3. After washing, do not wind the strands, and slightly blot. Go to bed with a wet head.
  4. Sharpen the tips, treat them with a special cream.

Price per hair perm

One of the important questions that arises when choosing such a procedure is how much hair perm costs. Price depends on its type and composition used. The highest price has a biowave, but you can admire the result for a long time. In addition to the means and type of price for chemistry depends on the length of hair. It is logical that for short the cost will be slightly lower. The highest price falls on long strands. Chemical shaving for short is inexpensive. In different salons price may vary. Exemplary options you can explore in the table.

Vertical with spiral wrap

Video: is hair curling harmful?

As an experienced hairdresser, I do not advise you to do a dry-dressing at all. It spoils the hairstyle even worse than discoloration. One of my clients has already spent a lot of money on restoration. In addition, after a month the curls will not please you, and you will not be able to wash them off. And when the strands begin to grow, hair will look ugly. Therefore, I do not advise.

I did a chemical pot and I didn’t like it at all. Constantly had to use the gel to curl held. If you just comb your hair, you get a fluffy hairstyle, like after braids. In my opinion it is better to wind the curtain sometimes. A couple of days like this - I want my straight hair back. With the chemical waving, I had to walk for 3 months.

My friend from the institute had gorgeous long hair. Then she wanted to be like curly, so she decided on chemistry. As a result, the roots quickly grew back, which is why the hairstyle did not look so beautiful. The curls themselves became brittle. Already half a year it is impossible to return the old look, so I do not advise, especially in the case of long strands.

Alexandra, 24 years old

All my life I had thin hair, but I wanted a longer hairstyle. Decided on chemistry. My friends discouraged me, saying that there was nothing, and there would be nothing left after the curl. I did and did not regret it. Beautiful curls - looks very natural and at ease. From time to time I do a perm when the hair grows back.

Preparation for the procedure

To curl the hair was safe, prepare your strands for the upcoming procedure. Preparation consists of six important steps.

Stage 1. Evaluation of the hair structure (elasticity, strength, type, density). It is carried out in order to choose the type of curling.

  • For thick hair, you need the most powerful fixation, because it is very difficult to curl them,
  • Rare thin strands curl easily - they need to pick up a weaker drug,
  • Hair with low elasticity can greatly stretch and will not be able to return to its original appearance. Chemistry is contraindicated for them,
  • Too dry hair also should not be twisted - it will tear and break.

Stage 2. Analysis of the scalp. For wounds, injuries and diseases associated with the scalp, it is better to forget about the perm.

Stage 3. Test for sensitivity. To hold it, soak the cotton sponge with the curling composition of the strands and lubricate the area behind the ear. Wait 10 minutes. If there is no redness, rash, irritation, go to the perm. If you have problems, quickly wipe your skin with hydrogen peroxide. Chemistry is contraindicated for you.

Stage 4. Checking the hair on the lock. This is necessary in order to determine the dose and concentration of the funds. Take a small lock, moisten it with a preparation and leave for 5 minutes. Check the hair for tearing. If it remains strong, strands can curl. If it looks like tow and breaks easily, make the solution weaker.

Stage 5. Shampooing. Shampoo will loosen scales and improve the result.

Stage 6. Hair cutting.It can be carried out before curling or after, to refresh the ends and shape the hair.

Important! Before the procedure, do not forget to remove the gold jewelry and glasses, as well as to protect the skin from the ingress of chemicals.

Types of "chemistry" of hair

Modern perm can be divided into types of chemical means applied to the strands.

This gentle curling is considered universal, as it is suitable for all. The curl is strong and elastic, the result lasts from 3 to 6 months and directly depends on the structure of the hair.

A special fixative based on thioglycolic acid penetrates the hair, but does not damage its structure, as it is considered gentle. As a result, we get a fairly tough curl - it lasts one month. For thin and soft strands, this method is not suitable - they will lose shape and stretch at the roots. The same applies to girls with sensitive skin type and dry hair.

With an alkaline type of curling, the retainer penetrates inside and opens the scales. The result is more resistant - it will last on the hair for about 90 days. Gives elastic curls, looks naturally, acts much softer than the previous version. But on heavy hard strands, the result will not be stable - after about a month the curl will lose its shape. At cost cheaper than acid perm.

The composition of the fixing agent includes amino acids and proteins that treat and nourish the hair. Amino acid "chemistry" does not harm the health of the strands. Curls look natural, but, alas, short-lived. This "chemistry" is not suitable for hard and long strands - under such heavy weight curls will quickly develop.

In the composition you will not find aggressive components. They are replaced by another means similar to the hair molecule. Biowave gives a beautiful natural shine and a very durable result.

This is an ideal way to give a fluffy head of hair by fixing the volume for several weeks or even months at once (it all depends on the retainer). Also, basal chemistry is suitable for those whose hair had previously been curled, but had time to grow.

The composition of this drug included silk proteins. They care for the hair and improve their structure. Even damaged hair becomes healthier. The curl comes out very soft and lasts up to six months. The price is much more expensive than other options.

Enjoys great demand among modern fashionistas. Allows you to get elastic and large curl. With this type of waving curlers are needed especially large sizes - this is Olivia Garden. They are attached to each other with sharp teeth. Hair curlers of this type leave no wrinkles and give curly curls.

Small or African

Recommended for women with thin and rare hair. It is often performed on medium length hair. But we advise especially courageous ladies to take a risk - African chemistry for short hair will definitely help you with this. The silhouette will be spherical, and the volume - incredible! The only drawback is that it will be very difficult to care for your hair, and it is almost impossible to make a new styling. For “chemistry” in the afro-style, either papillots or small spirals are needed. This process will take about 5 hours, you can only do it in the cabin.

It is also called lipid-protein (LC2). If you compare with the previous one, the Japanese lasts longer and provides great benefits. It is completely safe due to neutral ph and normalizes moisture too dry hair. With this waving, you can get elastic and bulky curls that will last from 2 to 6 months.

Perm for medium, short (no more than 20 cm) and rare strands. Makes hair more luxurious, curl - soft and natural. Visually raises the head of hair at the roots, and also refreshes the image. Carving works only with the surface of a hair, without harming it, as with the classical type. If the hair is thick, take large bobbins - large curls will help create a magnificent image.

Read more about hair carving in this article.

Spiral or vertical "chemistry" is the best option for a long and thick braid that cannot be wound horizontally. In this case, the bobbins are placed vertically (from the root to the ends), and the strand is twisted in a spiral. A few words about curlers! For the procedure you need long cone-shaped bobbins with holes through which the strands are pulled. Ideally, they should be made of plastic or wood. This form allows you to curl evenly curl.

On a vertical curl the effect of wet hair looks great. It is also convenient in that the growing roots can be easily twisted. The composition can be any - it depends on how long you want to go with your new hairstyle. In addition, the health of the strands depends on the drug. After the procedure, they will be either weak and dull, or shiny and alive.

It can only be used on healthy hair and only in proven salons. First, the strands are moistened, then twisted on bobbins and connected to the machine (exposure time and temperature are regulated). The result of the procedure will be beautiful light curls.

What is it based on

Biowave is made using a gentle composition, which includes a protein that is close in structure to human hair. Therefore, the process of waving is accompanied by the restoration of the hair structure, which is especially important for dry, damaged and discolored hair, the traditional "chemistry" which is absolutely contraindicated.

The wave is done on short and long hair, with cool spirals, large curls, soft waves or vertical twisted strands. The choice of hairstyle is largely determined by the length and type of hair. Biowave on long hair has the appearance of vertical curls, under its own weight they are drawn off, and it is impossible to create volume near the roots.

Raise hair in the root zone will allow cutting the ladder at the crown. On medium hair, alternating straight and wavy strands look good; on short hair, it is sometimes sufficient to lift at the roots. Light perm has the appearance of barely noticeable waves, giving the hair extra volume.

Biowave technology

After treatment with the composition, the hair is wound on curlers of different diameters and lengths, then dried. The way to wrap and the shape of the curler determines the appearance of the future hairstyle. The salon will select the optimal composition that matches the type of hair (normal, unruly or weakened), guarantee compliance with the technology of curling, which makes it the most effective and durable.

There are 3 stages. At the first stage, the hair structure is slightly destroyed, hair is saturated with protein substance. On the second, a new structure is formed, and on the third, the curls are fixed and the normal acidity returns to the hair. In the process of perming, the structure of the hair is improved, its protein, vitamins and minerals are nourished. The duration of each stage must comply with the technology to obtain a sustainable result.

Technologies are constantly being improved, the latest compositions for biowave do not require a neutralization stage. After the formation of a new hair structure, the process stops and no further destruction occurs.


Biowave does not damage the hair, nourishes it and restores the damaged structure. Silk proteins, vitamins and minerals in curling compositions give the curl a natural smooth and healthy look. Depending on the type of hair, elastic curls persist for three to six months, and after the composition ends, the hair straightens. The composition for biowave preserves the organic nature of the hair and gives it an exceptionally “lively” look.

Restrictions and contraindications

The biowave has a number of restrictions which need to be observed "to" and "after".

Approximately one month prior to the procedure, it is necessary to abandon the silicone-containing shampoos, for the first two days after it is forbidden to wash and wet hair, dry them with a hairdryer.After biowave, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner are recommended.

Allergies, “critical days” and treatment with strong antibiotics can be contraindications. About all these nuances should talk to the master.

Biowave hair - create large curls according to all the rules

To facilitate daily styling or get rid of the need for frequent use of curling or ironing, many resort to biowave hair.

And if earlier such a procedure caused irreparable damage to the hair, today the beauty industry has essentially secured the formulations used.

As a result, a method has emerged that not only creates long-term curls, but also provides additional care. How to get large curls and how is the procedure itself, about this in this article.

What is

This is a way to create curls for a long time, characterized by a minimum of harmful components in the composition. At the base is cysteamine, which, by chemical composition, is very close to the natural protein cysteine ​​contained in the hair. Thanks to him, the curls are obtained not only strong, but also shiny, elastic and well-groomed.

Along with this ingredient in the compositions are added:

  • arginine
  • wheat and silk proteins
  • collagen,
  • extracts of bamboo, tea tree leaves, aloe,
  • lipids,
  • vitamins.

What curlers to use

To get the effect of soft, natural waves, it is better to choose stylers with a diameter of 3 cm or more. But keep in mind that the larger the curlers, the faster the curl will straighten later.

Depending on the components in the composition, biochemical hair curling is divided into three main types:

  • japanese The composition contains collagen, plant extracts and other components that allow you to create a strong, tight curl, as well as retain moisture inside the hair. Good for medium and long hair, as well as thick and stiff hair,
  • Italian (MOSSA). As part of the necessary amino acids, allowing you to create a comprehensive care and strong, durable curls. Such biowave on short hair is often used.
  • silk This species is used for thin and / or clarified, previously curled strands. As part of silk proteins, which makes the procedure super-sparing and caring.

If the biowave is done in the salon by an experienced master and with a quality compound, it can cost at least 3,500 rubles, or even much higher.

At home, the procedure will cost about 1,500 rubles, because here you only need to pay for the composition and purchase the stylers. But even if there is a desire to save money and make biochemistry of hair at home, it is better to buy quality products for curling. And they can not be cheap.

Features of the procedure for large curls

Large biowave allows you to get the volume and soft, beautiful waves. The larger the diameter of the styler, the less noticeable the curl will be.

Be prepared for the fact that the biowave is straightened in large curls much faster, but it looks more natural. The procedure for applying the composition is standard.

The only condition: for curls taken large bobbins. Often, silk waves are used to produce light waves.

Curl on medium hair

Biowave on medium hair allows you to create different curls, and large ones as well. Here you can get both large flowing curls, and well-defined curls, as well as light elegant waves.

The biowave looks good in large curls all over the head of hair. An interesting effect is obtained when only the tips are wound. The alternation of curled individual strands with the remaining straight lines also looks good.

Curling on long hair

It is here that biowave on large curls looks most impressive. Light waves look pretty long on long strands.

Deciding on biochemistry in this case, you should not conduct experiments at home. Long hair is confused, it is difficult to select the same strands.Therefore, it is better to trust an experienced skilled craftsman. Also note that the curls will quickly straighten under the weight of long hair, and care will need very careful.

Stages of implementation

  1. Cleansing. The hair is washed with a deep cleansing shampoo. This is done in order to wash off dirt, grease, residues of styling products. Hair flakes are also revealed.
  2. Drying. Curls are dried with a towel to a slightly wet state.
  3. Cheat.

At this stage, hair is wound on selected large curlers. The hair is divided into zones (middle and side). The process of curling depends on the desired result. So, to create Hollywood strands, stylers are wound vertically, for volume - horizontally.

As a rule, wrapping occurs with the tips inward, but you can wind them in the opposite direction. The tension should be quite strong, but not too much, otherwise the strands may begin to fall out after the procedure. Applying activator. Twisted hair carefully covered with the composition.

Exposure time - no more than 20 minutes.

  • Wash. At this stage, the locks are washed with plain water with bobbins.
  • Drawing neutralizer. In order for each curl to lock in, the hair with stylers is covered with a neutralizer (about 1/3 of the contents). Exposure time - according to the instructions.

    Then the curlers are removed very carefully, and the remainder is applied to the curls. It is necessary to sustain 5 minutes.

  • Wash. After that, the composition is washed off thoroughly with water. A mask or conditioner is applied on the hair.
  • Drying. Wet strands are dried.

    This is done either naturally or with a hairdryer using a diffuser. The latter option will help to tighten the curls.

    The duration of the entire procedure is about two hours.

    Aftermath and care

    Since the composition contains aggressive components (albeit in a minimal amount), after the strands need careful care after the procedure. It is important to use masks, soft shampoos, a comb with rare teeth and forget about the massage brush.

    How long does a biowave stay? Depends on:

    • curl size (the larger it is, the faster it will spin)
    • lengths (the longer the curls, the faster the curls straighten under their weight),
    • master's experience
    • the quality of the composition
    • proper care after the procedure.

    After about six months, curling curls better to repeat. This will keep the shag neat look. If this option is not suitable, you can resort to lamination, carving, or just curl curls on curlers.

    To do or not

    Like any other salon procedure aimed at changing the natural hair, biowave can harm hair. That the result was not deplorable, resort to it, only if the strands are healthy. To do this, first of all, drink vitamins, hold healing sessions of curls, wait for time after antibiotic or hormone therapy (more than a month).

    Be prepared for the fact that the result is affected by the quality of the work performed. therefore Do not neglect the experience of the master and make sure that quality compositions are applied to the strands. Remember that the received curls are forever and it is impossible to get rid of them using any other procedure. Only a haircut will help. Therefore, take care of them after biowave.

    With all the recommendations and proper care, the experiment with biochemistry will be more than successful. A beautiful, shiny, elastic curls will delight you for a very long time.

    Types of biowave hair

    It is hard to say which is the best hair biowave: there are so many of them that even masters cannot answer this question unequivocally. Before you go to direct beauty into the salon, it is advisable to explore this diversity and select for yourself a few suitable options so as not to get lost on the spot.

    By hair length

    • Medium length hair

    According to many experts, and judging by the opinions of women, a biowave on medium hair is the best option for this procedure. Very short strands will not allow curls to break up, too long - they will quickly lose their original appearance: their density and heaviness straightens curls.

    • On short hair

    You can make the biowave on short hair look natural and not too lifted the root part of the hair. For this wizard use bobbins of different diameters.

    • Long hair

    If you need a biowave for long hair, you do not need to experiment and carry it out at home. It is quite complex in technology, so it is better to entrust it to the hands of a professional.

    By the size of the curls

    Biowave hair with large curls is recommended if it was not dyed. This will give your hairstyle a refined and natural look. Among the disadvantages of the procedure is the quick straightening of the curls.

    Biowave hair medium curls - that golden mean, which you should definitely use. It looks especially good on cascade type hairstyles.

    Hair biowave with small curls is ideal for short haircuts. Holds a long, beautifully framed face.

    Wave biowave is usually offered to those who have long strands. It turns out a slight effect of curliness, which does not last long, but will create a romantic and airy image.

    As hair

    • Biowave on thin, rare hair is ideal: instead of lifeless icicles, you will get beautiful volume and decent face framing,
    • biowave for weakened hair is better to do with a solution from Studio (Studio), since its composition contains vitamin B5, which restores damaged curls,
    • biowave on clarified hair causes many disputes among specialists: most discourage their clients from such stress for curls, but the French offer Trioform save (Trioform Saves) - this is an innovative technology of new generation biowave, which was developed specifically for bleached, bleached, bleached hair,
    • biowave on curly the hair is not done, otherwise the confusion and mess of hair is guaranteed.

    And other types

    • vertical - biowave is done from the roots to the tips, which allows you to distribute the strands of cone-shaped bobbins, uniformly,
    • vitamin - enrichment of the solution with vitamins,
    • horizontal - gives the hair volume,
    • italian - with bamboo extract, adds shine, saturates the color, is recommended for damaged, thin hair of short length, forms small locks of strong fixation,
    • keratin - saturation of the solution with keratin (such products include biowave products from KIS (Holland) and Estel (Russia),
    • classic - without adding additional components to the solution,
    • lightweight - waves
    • on the ends of hair - does not create effect shovels, nests on the head,
    • radical - perm is done only at the roots, to give volume,
    • protein - enrichment of the solution with proteins
    • spiral - hair biowave using hair curlers,
    • silk - contains silk proteins, is recommended for restoring damaged hair, forms light curls of weak fixation, the effect lasts up to 2 months,
    • Japanese - with a lipid complex and collagen, moisturizes, prevents fragility, it is recommended for medium-length hair, forms locks of medium fixation.

    These are the types of biowave hair can offer modern beauty salons and hairdressers. The choice is quite extensive, the main thing is to make it correctly, according to its length of curls, their condition and type. Here you will need to focus more on the cost. Also note what contraindications are available for this procedure.

    Stages of hair biowave

    To make a hair biowave in the salon, study the main stages of the procedure in advance, so as not to be nervous, why everything is delayed, and not to ask unnecessary questions to the master.

    1. One of the most frequent questions - biowave hair produced on clean or dirty hair? It is better not to wash them before going to the salon, because the first step is to wash your hair with a special shampoo.
    2. Easy towel drying.
    3. Twisting the strands on the curlers.
    4. Hair treatment with a special solution.
    5. Keeping the composition on the head for a certain amount of time.
    6. Wash.
    7. Applying fixative.
    8. Treatment with a preparation for hair restoration.
    9. Laying.

    The question of how long hair biowave is done is rather ambiguous. The duration of the procedure depends on the means chosen, the length and stiffness of the curls. On average, it will take from 80 to 120 minutes (1.5-2 hours). So you have to be patient. If you want to keep your curls for a long time and do not want your hair to deteriorate after the procedure, learn how to properly care for them.

    How to make a biowave at home

    It is no secret that this procedure has a high price. For shoulder-length hair you have to pay at least $ 50. But if you buy a waving kit and conduct a session yourself, then the investment will be minimal.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make a biowave at home with your own hands:

    1. Hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo (Loreal, Paul Mitchell, Matrix - Matrix and others). If he is not professional (for example, the mass market line from Schwarzkopf), then you need to apply the foam twice,
    2. After spinning, it is necessary to dry slightly, so that they do not drip water, but they must remain wet. The hair is divided into several sections - from 4 to 6, depending on the thickness. Strands that will not be used immediately are tied with rubber bands,
    3. Loose curls are wound on curlers of the desired shape and size. Try not to overstretch your hair, otherwise then they will start to fall out. It is better to keep the pressure average, it will be easier to twist the papillots and shape the curls,
    4. When all the curls are twisted, it is necessary to process them abundantly and the root zone with an activator. It is very simple to do this: squeeze the liquid from the bottle directly onto the curler. If necessary, slightly rub the tool with your fingers. Please note that you can only work in gloves
    5. Dyed blonde, and also, if the hair is streaked, you need to sustain the mixture for no more than 15 minutes. A girl with natural hair is recommended to wait until 30. After the curlers are washed with water, but do not unwind, and they are poured anew on the mixture, but already the neutralizer,
    6. Depending on the instructions for use, neutralizing composition is maintained, after the curlers unwind. Hair can not be combed, it is allowed only to slightly tuft it to dry with a diffuser,
    7. The first three days is the consolidation of the composition. During this time, you can not wash your hair even with plain water, and shampoo is strictly prohibited to use. In the future, there are also special recommendations for care.

    What is the difference between biowave and perm hair

    What are the main differences between biowave and perm, which was even called "classic"? In addition to the biowave contains cystine, it does not contain such aggressive components as ammonia and thioglycolic acid. It is these substances that cause the hair to change its structure in the process of perm, having a destructive effect on it.

    The biowave process in its structure is similar to chemical perm, but their action is fundamentally different. The biowave process is based on the action of cysteamine hydrochloride, an organic protein. We will not paint here the chains of formulas in detail, we will only say that this natural protein does not only destroy the structure of the hair, but also provides them with help.

    Therefore, you can safely curl your hair and not be afraid of drying and destructive effects. After the biowave procedure, you should not wash your hair and use the hairdryer for at least two days, otherwise the effect will not have time to gain a foothold, and its premature destruction will begin.

    However, not everyone wants to be curly. Many owners of hair curly from nature dream of straightening them: truly, it is difficult to please a woman! And here you can use the same achievement of cosmetologists - straighten hair with the help of the amino-cysteine ​​complex. The fact is that now you can afford not only a biowave, but also a bio-hair straightening - everything depends only on the desire!

    Hair care for biowave

    If earlier you used usual means for washing of the head, then the biowave or as it is called in another way, the biochemical hairdressing demands special leaving. You should purchase products for wavy hair: shampoos, balms, sprays. After washing your hair, dry your hair as much as possible naturally or with a towel. If you are in a hurry, use a hairdryer, after applying thermal sprayers to your hair in the form of a spray for easy combing of the hair with heat-protective properties, an indelible balsam or gel.

    Laying should be done with cold or cool air using a diffuser. It will allow to dry hair much faster and safer. Use styling tools to create structured curls. Use lacquer strong fixation. In order for the hair to look well-groomed for a long time, it is recommended to make hair masks 1-2 times a week, which can be purchased at a regular supermarket or pharmacy, after consulting a professional. Visit the beauty salon, making lamination of hair there. If desired, this procedure is easy to do with the home, using edible gelatin.

    How is the biowave on large curls

    Light large curls or luxurious Hollywood curls are able to give chic to any image. Such a design hairstyle is ideal for short hair with a curly hairstyle and holders of the mane to the waist. The main difference of this technique from others is the use of protein mixes of average fixation of Japanese production.

    1. The hair is cleaned with a special deep-acting shampoo. It completely washes away all dust and skin secretions from the scales,
    2. After that, the wet strands are divided into several sectors: occipital, crown, temporal part,
    3. Cheat curlers begins with the lowest point - occipital. This stage is the longest, since it requires special attention and skill. Curls must be the same volume and tension force, otherwise the curls will be uneven and with different curl sizes,
    4. To the waves were natural, it is important to twist them from the face. Natyag - the maximum possible, but the master himself selects it depending on your wishes,
    5. The structured mixture is plentifully poured on the worn stylers. It is she who is responsible for the perm. The mixture is aged on strands no more than 20 minutes
    6. To wash the curlers are not removed, but simply spill running water. After they are applied neutralizer. A few minutes with a neutralizing agent is enough to curl hair up to the shoulders,
    7. To consolidate the effect of the master is styling your haircut. Each vertical spiral strand is dried from the bottom up, in this case, it is important to hold it with a diffuser.

    The resulting wavy strands the first three days can not be washed, braided in braids and drag rubber. This is necessary in order to fix the mixture ended its action.

    How to conduct biowave on short hair with bangs

    If you do not want to become the owner of large curls, then you can make small curly hair on short hair. They stay on the head much longer and help to make “liquid” hair more voluminous.To do this, use special papilotki and means of strong fixation, mainly of Italian manufacture.

    1. First, the strands are washed with professional shampoo. If this is not done, the composition does not affect the entire hair, but only on the cleaned part,
    2. After curls are divided into several zones, according to the type of curling, and wound into small curlers or papilotki. Please note that the bang is not recommended to twist at all. Otherwise, when regrowing, it will look sloppy,
    3. For sparse hair, it is recommended to use a large number of folders with fine wrap - this will give the locks volume and visually make them thicker,
    4. After that, the latches are processed by means for rigid fixation. That is why the little curly girls hold out much longer than the heavy Hollywood curls twisted on preparations of medium strength,
    5. The technology of washing and neutralization does not differ from the treatment of large curls. The activator keeps on hair 20 minutes, neutralizer up to 10 minutes. After it remains only to lay hair and dry them.

    Hairstyles and styling can be very different. For example, you can make a Hawaiian or Greek styling, decorating it with fresh or artificial flowers, you give it a festive look. And if you fix your hair with conservative hairpins that match your dress code, then the hairstyle will acquire a business look. At a biowave, tails look very beautiful and romantic. The tail can be made low, high, on its side, framed by an elastic band from its own hair. You can make a fish tail, leaving loose tips. Raised hair, neatly secured with hairpins and invisible hair, looks elegant and spectacular.

    Who can not do "chemistry"?

    Perm is prohibited in the following cases:

    • Pregnancy,
    • Lactation,
    • Very dry, thin and damaged hair,
    • Tendency to allergies (first you need to do an allergy test),
    • Basma or henna pre-staining,
    • Acute illness
    • Medication.

    Care for hair after "chemistry"

    After perming hair needs care. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

    • Rule 1. To wash the head will need a special shampoo for curled hair.
    • Rule 2. Moisturize hair with special masks. They should contain panthenol, collagen, silk proteins or keratins.
    • Rule 3. As a home remedy, you can safely apply an infusion of rye bread crusts (pour 300 grams of bread with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 5 hours in a thermos), nettle, or hops. Also various oils (almond, peach, burdock) can be useful. They need to be slightly heated.
    • Rule 4. Take fish oil.
    • Rule 5. Cut the tips regularly and lubricate them with a special cream.
    • Rule 6. Comb your comb with wide teeth - it does not hurt the strands.
    • Rule 7. A few days after curling, do not wash your hair and subject the strands to heat treatment.
    • Rule 8. Protect the hair from the hot sunshine.
    • Rule 9. Do not unscrew the washed hair, but gently soak it.
    • Rule 10. Do not sleep with a wet head.

    The essence of the method

    The main difference between biowave and conventional “chemistry” that women did 20 years ago was the use of natural ingredients. Ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, traumatic hair shafts, are replaced by substances identical to the amino acid cysteine. It is this component that supports the normal structure of the hair shaft.

    The procedure resembles a perm:

    • the master winds the strands on the bobbins,
    • the second stage is the application of a special solution,
    • after a certain period of time, the hairdresser applies a fixative and restoring composition,
    • left to wash the strands with water, dry, make styling.


    Depending on the composition of drugs, the method is:

    • classic The solution consists of the main components
    • biowave with a vitamin complex. The drug is enriched with silk fibers, oils, beta-carotene, vitamins, and other useful fillers.

    Find out all about hair cutting with hot scissors on our website.

    Options for haircuts for thin hair of medium length, look at this page.

    Have you chosen a vitamin biowave? Familiarize yourself with popular techniques:

    • Italian perm. MOSSA technology is suitable for short strands. The solution contains bamboo extract. After processing, natural shine is preserved, the color of the hair becomes brighter, deeper. An ideal technique for fans of elastic curls. The combination of strong fixation and respect for the hair,
    • silk wave. Perfectly selected composition with silk proteins gently, gently acting on the cuticle. Silk perm is suitable even for weak hairs. After processing, the strands are soft, shiny, the effect lasts 2 months. The only drawback is that after the procedure, the fixation of the curls is rather weak, there are no elastic curls,
    • Japanese biowave. Additional components include a lipid complex, collagen. The gentle technique retains moisture inside the hair shafts to the maximum, the composition does not dry out the skin. After the procedure, the average fixation of curls. Japanese technique recommended for strands below the shoulders.

    Japanese perm

    Chemistry did several times in my life. At school, it was Locke - she seriously ruined my hair and resisted the urge to repeat. But I have my own hair, such that you can’t put it into anything - they are knocked out of their tails, loose leaves have some kind of shaggy look. As a result, several years ago I decided to try again. I was looking for a salon for a long time so that it was not like last time. I decided that the salon should specialize in chemistry. The search led to the "Workshop perms and colors". At first I went to the "fitting" - curls of one strand and consultation of the master. I liked the result, made up my mind - and for several months I went satisfied with my appearance. Since then, I regularly repeat, the last time literally today. The result is predictable - curls.) The composition does not damage the hair, only for a few seconds I’m at the ends - but I often brush them - and it’s obvious that where the hair is not dyed - they are healthy. So I can recommend this perm (Tocosme) and salon.

    • Light curl for short hair photo
    • Hair shampoo after perm
    • Hair styler photo
    • Permanent hair curling before and after photo
    • Perming long hair photo
    • Biological hair curling before and after photos
    • Types of perm hair photo
    • Curling on short hair photo
    • Hairstyles curls on medium hair photo
    • M video curling hair
    • Photo styling for short hair
    • Casual hairstyles for medium hair photo

    Small curls

    Take note:

    • ideal for a short haircut,
    • at your request, the master will form medium or strong curls along the entire length or on the bangs,
    • thanks to the scattering curls, the crown on the crown and bang receive additional volume,
    • laying with curls emphasizes the delicate color of the skin, corrects the shape of the face,
    • It is easy to create the effect of wet hair, or put the locks in a lush hairstyle.

    Large curls


    • Great for a fairly large face. Thin girls with sharp features, it is desirable to choose another option: a small face "lost" among the large curls
    • not every master will undertake to create a miracle on the strands - knowledge of nuances is required, sufficient experience
    • accurate timing will allow you to save volumetric curls,
    • abandon the idea with long, thick strands: large curls unwind under the weight of hair,
    • Perm lasts no more than three months.

    What hairstyle to choose for curled hair

    There are no restrictions. Soft waves or elastic curls look great with all styles of clothing.In the office, collect the curls in a high or low tail, for a party or a formal event, leave the hair loose.

    Different decor is combined with curls: from soft bandages and headbands to luxurious fresh flowers. Gum, invisible hairpin, studs will help create any version of daily or evening styling.


    This procedure also has negative aspects. I am glad that they are few.

    Take note:

    • after treatment, the hairs lose some of the moisture,
    • after the ingress of moisture from the hair comes a rather unpleasant smell,
    • the use of compositions on damaged strands will lead to uneven penetration of the composition, deterioration in the quality of the curling,
    • in case of dry skin, the application of special fixative preparations will intensify the problem.

    Minimizing the negative impact will help compliance with precautions and basic rules:

    • refuse to biowave at problems of the scalp, loose strands,
    • twice a week feed curls with regenerating masks,
    • use the balm after washing the hair.

    How long does the biowave effect last?

    The steeper the curls, the longer the luxurious curls or mischievous curls will adorn the head of hair. The procedure carried out at home, gives not such persistent curls, as the processing of strands in the cabin. Average result: 3–6 months.

    Persistence of curls depends on many factors:

    • quality hair,
    • drug selection and methods
    • hair structures
    • barber qualifications,
    • strand lengths
    • respect the exposure time.

    Technique performance in the cabin

    Find a good master. Only a competent hairdresser will choose the right type of curls, tell about the nuances of each variety. Carrying out the procedure without regard to the condition of the hairs will impair the quality of the hair, may result in inexpressive curls.

    Two weeks before the biowave, heal the curls:

    • drink vitamins of group B, dietary supplements with brewer's yeast, strengthening hairs from the inside,
    • every 4 days, make a nourishing mask for hair,
    • shear split ends. To get rid of the problem in the future will help haircut "hot scissors."

    How is the procedure:

    • after specifying the nuances, choosing the size of the curls, the master cleans the strands with a special shampoo, dries a little the curls with a towel
    • the next stage is winding up the order on the bobbins. The diameter of the wooden sticks determines the size of the curl,
    • The specialist treats the twisted hairs with a biowave preparation, marks the time,
    • after a certain period, twisted hair should be washed with warm water without shampoo, slightly blot,
    • the final stage is the application of preparations fixing the curls, sealing the scales of hair rods,
    • The total time of the procedure is up to 2 hours.

    Creating curls at home

    Save on visiting the salon is not desirable. The procedure performed by a non-specialist, does not give the desired result. Damage to the hair shafts, poor quality of curls - the negative side of self-processing strands.

    Do you think you can cope with a biowave at home? Accounting for nuances minimizes negative consequences.

    Listen to the advice of professionals:

    • buy high-quality drugs,
    • consider the type, condition, length of curls,
    • do not experiment if strands are thinned, weakened for various reasons,
    • before the procedure, wash the hair, dry it, apply the solution, wind the strands of the desired thickness,
    • wait, let the composition settle on the hair,
    • after the time specified in the instructions, wash your head, process fixing drug,
    • dry strands, lay.

    Important! Do not overdo the composition for more elastic fixation. Prolonged exposure will dry the strands, leading to brittle hairs. The degree of fixation depends on many factors, not only on the exposure time, remember this.

    Look at the review of the best lice and nits shampoos for children.

    Options for haircuts for obese women can be seen on this page.

    Hair Care Features

    Keep the rules, and curls will please as long as possible:

    • first shampooing allowed after 48 hours. The same period, do not use a hairdryer,
    • comb strands with a rare scallop. Ideal - wooden comb,
    • buy cosmetic products from the series "For wavy" hair. Pick up the composition of the same brand. Shampoo choose mild action, without sodium lauryl sulfate,
    • use a hairdryer as rarely as possible, be sure to use thermocoupling compounds,
    • the minimum impact of warm air will provide a nozzle diffuser,
    • Laying compositions choose, based on the type of hair. There are no restrictions on mousse, foam or hair spray,
    • Toning, dyeing, highlighting should be performed 3-4 weeks after the biochemical waving, not earlier. Be sure to carry out wellness procedures before changing the shade of curls.

    Important! Check with the master how often it is necessary to feed the skin and curled strands. The choice of home masks and ready-made compositions - for every taste and budget. Folk recipes support the health of hair with minimal financial costs.

    Video. Qualified biowave specialist:

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    Indications and Contraindications

    Who is best for the procedure and for whom it is contraindicated?

    • Your hair is devoid of basal volume,
    • You have heavy and straight curls,
    • Excessive sebum secretion,
    • The need to always be when laying.

    What and how do biowave?

    The choice of devices (curlers) depends on what result you want to get:

    • Neat, equal waves can be obtained by using boomerangs.
    • Small, vertical curls are created with the help of bobbins.
    • Voluminous, luxurious curls in Hollywood style - wound on large curlers from 3 centimeters and more.

    The second, but not the most important item for biowave is the composition of the preparation. It must be safe for health and contain a maximum of useful components.

    Modern cosmetic products are often enriched with vegetable protein, keratin and vitamins.

    The following manufacturers have proven themselves:

    • Estel,
    • Schwarzkopf Professional,
    • RICA,
    • Moss,
    • Studio Bio Permanent.

    Biohairdressing with bangs

    The classic version of biowave is to separate the bang from the total mass of the hair, leaving it straight, and curl the rest of the hair. It looks appropriate and romantic, if the bangs are straight, or ultrashort.

    If the emphasis falls on the forehead, elongated bangs or strands of the face, then it curls. This gives the image a kind of French chic and romantic shabby.

    Studio bio permanent

    The basis of the product is shea butter and keratin, due to which the hair is curled without damage.

    The manufacturer provides a choice of 2 composition:

    1. Biowave №1 - for normal and thick (hard-to-wear hair),
    2. Biowave number 2 - for thin and loose strands.

    The kit includes:

    • curling lotion - 100 ml,
    • result fixer - 100 ml,
    • cream care - 50 ml,
    • instruction,
    • a pair of disposable gloves.

    Estelle Niagara

    The drug is based on cysteamine (a substance similar to proteins responsible for the health and integrity of the hair shaft.

    It gently acts on the hair, forming curls and at the same time restoring their structure. The result is a neat and well-groomed head of hair.

    On sale you can find curling kits for normal, hard and dyed hair.

    The kit includes:

    • biopermanent - 100 ml,
    • concentrated fixator - 100 ml,
    • disposable gloves,
    • instruction.

    Raul mitchell

    The brand made sure that every willing girl could make a biowave, regardless of her hair type and therefore 3 sets are presented in the manufacturer’s line at once:

    1. Acid wave –For thin and chemically treated hair
    2. Alkaline wave - for unruly and tough hair.
    3. Exothermic wave - for all hair types.

    The main active ingredient is cystamine. The products are non-caustic and absolutely safe for the health of the hair and scalp.

    The kit includes:

    • composition for curling,
    • neutralizer
    • activator.

    Iso option

    One of the most demanded modern means for biowave. The drug penetrates into the hair shaft, not lifting the hair scales, thereby preserving the natural structure of the hair. Restores damaged areas without weighting. Curls as a result of the procedure are neat and soft.

    There are 3 sets to choose from:

    1. For normal hair.
    2. For hard to curl.
    3. For colored curls.

    Standard equipment includes:

    • Composition for curling - 100 ml.
    • Neutralizer - 118 ml.
    • Protection - stabilizer - 25 ml.

    Concept biowave “Live curl”

    As part of the funds from Concept, listed allantoin and keratin complex, which prevent skin irritation during the procedure and moisturize the hair, curls stay for 3 to 6 weeks.

    There are 3 sets on sale:

    1. For normal hair.
    2. For weakened hair.
    3. For hard and thick hair.

    The package includes:

    • Curling Lotion - 100 ml.
    • The stabilizer - 100 ml.

    Preparations for biowave from the manufacturer Davines are saturated with amino acids, which in their chemical composition are very close to those contained in human hair and nails. Curls after the procedure look the most natural and natural.

    Choose from several lotions:

    • For natural and porous hair.
    • For damaged and dyed hair.

    In both cases a neutralizer with conditioning properties is used.

    Selective professional

    The single-phase biowave “Mild texture” procedure in a convenient spray form. Enriched with silk and magnolia extracts. Suitable for all hair types. The result lasts from 8 to 10 weeks. One bottle is designed for 2-5 procedures.

    Twisty by RICA

    Means is intended for an easy and gentle curling of hair. The composition is enriched with silk proteins, which nourishes and restores dehydrated and damaged strands. Herbal extracts of bamboo and wheat give the hair an attractive shine and softness.

    The kit includes:

    • 1 base - bio-composition for the wave,
    • 2 base - stabilizer.

    Schwarzkopf Natural Styling Glamor Wave

    The tool combines 2 functions at once - perm and care. Wheat and silk proteins deeply saturate depleted hair, so that the hair not only looks better, but in fact heals itself deeply.

    Note! To achieve a sustainable result, use the tool with the Natural Styling Neutraliser.

    CHI Ionic Shine Waves

    The complex is suitable for curling normal and weak hair. The gentle composition does not contain ammonia and thioglycogel acid.

    The drug is non-toxic and is suitable even for weak and parched hair.

    • activating lotion
    • hair lotion
    • neutralizer.

    Another biowave made in Japan, which gently, but effectively curls even the toughest and most naughty hair.

    Lipid complex deeply nourishes and conditions curls during curling. And the provided system for colored hair Color Maintain System does not allow the pigment to fade and wash out.

    How to make a hair biowave at home?

    Before carrying out the procedure at home, be sure to consult with a specialist - he will help you choose the set that best suits your type and structure of hair.

    For the procedure you will need:

    • Curling Set,
    • Puck, boomerangs or curlers,
    • Two small foam sponge,
    • Capacity for mixing structure,
    • Plastic comb,
    • Two towels
    • Cap,
    • Perelina.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Washing head. Wash your hair with deep clean shampoo.It will remove sebum, dust, and remnants of styling products from the hair and lift hair scales. Blot hair with a towel to a state of light moisture.
    2. Applying lotion. Carefully treat your hair with the first curling compound. Each strand should be well moistened and saturated.
    1. Extract on the hair and condition control. To begin, wait 10 minutes, remove 1 bobbin from the neck area, and check the shape of the curl - if it is weak - increase the exposure time by another 10 minutes. If he repeats the shape of the bobbin as much as possible, you can proceed to the next stage.
    2. First shampooing and neutralizing. After the time is up, wash your hair without removing the curlers. When the entire hair is thoroughly washed, apply a neutralizer and soak it on the hair for 10-15 minutes.
    3. Removing the curlers and neutralizer. After the time expires, remove the curlers from the hair so as not to damage the structure of the curls, and distribute the rest of the neutralizer through the hair. Soak for 15 minutes, then rinse. Try not to destroy the structure of curls.
    4. Applying an indelible stabilizer.

    Photo BEFORE and AFTER hair biowave

    Several photos before and after the procedure, so that you can evaluate the result:

    If you plan to carry out the procedure at home, then its cost will depend on the price of the set.

    Salon biowave you offended an average of from 3 to 8 thousand rubles, depending on the length, thickness and condition of the hair, as well as the composition used.

    Several offers of Moscow beauty salons, for information, source

    What biowave is suitable for bleached hair?

    If you need to curl thin and bleached hair - choose the most gentle composition, with a complex regenerating effect. In salons often offer brands such as:

    • MOSSA,
    • CHI IONIC,
    • Estel Niagara
    • ISO Texture.

    What is the difference between biowave and perm hair?

    Classical perm gives a more pronounced effect than biowave. However, later the hair can hardly be restored with something - it is drained and thinned.

    Biowave gives a softer effect visually, but the hair after it becomes even healthier than before.

    Biozavivka or carving which is better?

    Carving is a light, gentle perm that gives the effect of romantic curls or waves. Its main difference from biowave is that it can be done locally - on the tips, top of the face, on the back of the head, etc. The disadvantage is that carving is not so natural and safe compared to the biowave.

    Biowave also gives elastic curls from root to tip without harm to hair.

    Biowave hair - beautiful curls with minimal risk

    Curly curls do not go out of fashion, and many girls with straight hair dream of such a hairstyle. Laying a curling iron or a hairdryer with a nozzle, twisting on curlers, weaving braids and other ways to achieve the desired take a lot of time, effort and give a short-term effect. The solution may be a biowave hair - modern gentle method.

    Composition for biowave hair

    In order to get beautiful curls for a long time - small, medium or large, hair biowave involves the use of special preparations, about 60% of which are represented by natural ingredients. They are devoid of such aggressive, toxic and destructive substances for the hair as thioglycolic acid and its derivatives, ammonia, etc.

    The main component of any of the modern products for biowave is the biological compound cysteamine hydrochloride. This component is similar in structure to the natural amino acid of hairs, therefore it is able to be embedded in the hair shaft. This compound gives the hair strength, elasticity, natural shine and fixes them in a given shape.

    In addition, the composition of preparations for hair biowave are made of natural ingredients that have a regenerating, moisturizing, protective effect, including:

    • silk proteins
    • wheat proteins
    • collagen,
    • lipids,
    • arginine
    • bamboo extract
    • aloe extract
    • tea tree leaf extract
    • provitamin B5, etc.

    Popular brands:

    Biowave on short hair

    A lot of owners of short haircuts tried on themselves the procedure of gentle hair curling and were satisfied with the result. Spectacular curls are created even on the minimum length of the strands - only 5-6 cm, and at the same time their length does not change significantly. In this way, you can create the desired volume of many basal, which is difficult to achieve, even with the best styling tools.

    Quickly regrowing hair after biowave will have a natural transition from straight roots to curled ends.

    On short strands of hair biowave, large curls create like those that are obtained after twisting on curlers. Applying small bobbins, you can achieve curls in the afro-style.

    For the formation of a more natural type of curls is better to use bobbins of two different diameters.

    Biowave on medium hair

    Strands of medium length are most suitable for curling, allow for the most unusual types of styling.

    The large curls of medium-sized hair trimmed in a cascade just look marvelous, - the biowave hair in this case gives a chic volume and makes styling easier.

    Depending on the type, thickness and texture of hair in this case, you can apply the compositions of different fixation and bobbins of different sizes.

    On the strands of medium length, it is possible to create large flowing curls, and sharp curls, and elegant vertical waves. Many girls give preference to root biowave or curl only the ends. Combination of straight strands with twisted by means of biowave is very popular, - this alternation looks spectacular and original.

    Long hair biowave

    To get uniform small, medium or large curls on long hair, hair biowave must be done by a qualified technician, especially if the strands are thick.

    In this case, requires special skill and experience. In addition, the ladies should take into account that large curls at a given length will last quite shortly, because under the force of gravity they straighten.

    Yes, and care will need more troublesome.

    Nevertheless, hair biowave is a demanded procedure for many long-haired beauties, which makes it possible to provide curls of pomp and well-groomed appearance to curls. If the nature of the hair is rare, it can be a good solution to the problem. However, it is required to select the most gentle composition and control the time of exposure.

    Hair after biowave

    After the biowave has been done, the photo before and after which shows the natural look of the formed curls and not a strong change in the length of the hair requires special care.

    Although this technique is considered gentle, some harm is still caused due to a partial violation of the texture of the hairs. As long as the nutrients of the conditioner act, the strands “feel” well.

    In the future, in the absence of regular restorative procedures, the curls will become overdried and “lifeless”.

    How to care for hair after biowave?

    Hair care after biowave is based on the following main recommendations:

    1. It is forbidden to wash and comb hair for the first couple of days.
    2. In the future, use only a special shampoo for hair after biowave and a balm at the end of each wash.
    3. For combing use a comb with rare teeth.
    4. Use hair dryer only in exceptional cases.
    5. At least once a week use nourishing and moisturizing masks.

    How to style hair after biowave?

    Regardless of whether the biowave has been done over the entire length or only the biowave of the tips of the hair or the root part, the use of specially designed for this purpose - gels, foams, creams, etc. is required for perfect styling. Only with their help you can effectively emphasize curls. Any product is applied to freshly washed wet hair. You do not need to use a comb to form curls - this is done with your fingers.

    How long does a biowave stay?

    How long the effect of the procedure will last depends on the properties of the strands, the diameter of the curlers used for the biowave hair, the correctness of the subsequent care. The minimum is two months, the maximum is nine months. Often curls hold up to six months, gradually straightening. You can repeat the procedure after six months.

    What kinds of biowave exist?

    1. Biowave MOSSA (curling curls according to the Italian method). As part of the components of this method is an extract of natural bamboo to give the strands a richer shade and natural shine. Italian perm is most suitable for owners of devoid of volume and thin hair.

    The ideal formula of such a perm does not adversely affect the roots and the entire structure of the hairs, as well as the scalp. Thus, the natural shine of curls and their natural color is preserved. Waving under the name "silk wave" or biowave using natural components of silk protein.

    As part of the ingredients that are used during the wave, contains natural silk particles that improve the appearance of the hair, without disturbing their structure and in addition caring for them. Curling hair by Japanese methods. For curling using a special lipid complex and natural collagen. Strengthens the hair structure and gives them extra moisture.

    Thanks to this perm, you can create curls of medium hardness. Carving or “light chemistry” is another type of biowave. Hair procedures gain additional softness, the whole hair becomes more voluminous. In order to curl the curls experts use special curlers carvers.

    Such biowave hair on medium hair with bangs (the photo “before” and “after” which you can see in this article) can last for about two months on a head of hair.

    Biowave on blond hair in combination with bangs

    How is curling curls?

    We propose to carefully consider what kind of manipulations are carried out by masters in beauty salons during the execution of the wave:

    • First, the master carefully examines all the hair in order to determine their type and only after that you can choose the right composition. After that, the diameter of the curlers to be used for curling is determined. Their choice depends on the size of curls that the client wants.
    • After that, the master washes his hair with a special shampoo, as a result of which hair cuticles begin to open independently.
    • At this stage, the curls are wound on curlers, after which a special composition is applied to them. It includes beta-carotene, cysteines and certain groups of vitamins to strengthen the strands and give them a healthy look. As a result, natural protein, getting on the hair, becomes thick, giving the curled curls the desired look.
    • At the very end, a finishing composition is applied to the curls, which fixes the obtained curls. As you can see, hair biowave (photo “before” and “after”) on medium hair is a rather lengthy procedure, but the end result is still worth it.

    Biowave medium curls on dark hair

    Proper care of curls

    1. During shampooing, use only cosmetics designed for curly hair.
    2. At the end of styling for the first two days it is not recommended to wash your hair, blow-dry and straighten it with the help of irons.

  • Curls should only be laid using a cold air diffuser.
  • Refuse to brush your hair. Better use combs with sparse teeth.
  • It is allowed to stain the strands three weeks after this procedure.

    Biowave on medium curls giving volume

    Nowadays, biowave hair (photo “before” and “after”) on average hair of many women about her hair is extremely positive. If girls try to do it once on their hair, in the future they prefer this procedure.

    “I like the Moss Italian perm, I have done it several times already. My hair has become healthy, started to look well-groomed and fit perfectly in any style. ”

    “And I decided to do this styling using small bobbins, and I was pleasantly surprised by the end result. Thanks to the new hairstyle, I even looked younger and my face brightened. ”

    “After the curling technique, my hair became only a little wavy, and even began to break. In addition, after each shampooing I smell a terrible smell, still can not get rid of it. I do not recommend. ”

    Biowave fine curls

    Victoria, 24 years old

    “If you have a terrible curl, it does not mean that it does not suit other girls. You are just unlucky with the master. ”

    Lyudmila, 32 years old

    “I did this procedure myself last year and I really like it, I even recommended it to my friends. I acquired natural curls, and my whole hair became more voluminous and lush. Passed with this hairstyle for about four months, although the master said that the perm will last only two months. ”

    “I have been walking with curly locks for just a week, but all the men on the street are already paying attention to me. I even started to be called “Amazonian beauty” at work. Most importantly, as I was told to find a trusted perm. Thank God, I found it, and I wish it to you! ”

    “I also made myself such a hairstyle, but it turned out complete garbage, my hair was like a vermicelli of instant cooking. The advantage of this curl is only one, that it does not spoil the structure of the curled strands. ”

    “I liked hair biowave (photo“ before ”and“ after ”) on medium hair, its price, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought that I would spend on it a lot more, hard-earned money. There is one tiny drawback, after bathing my hair starts to smell unpleasant. And so everything is fine, I plan to sign up with the master next month. ”


    Watch the video: Quantum Health Test Machine (July 2024).