
Step-by-step guide on how to curl your hair with a short hair


Even on a short head of hair you can make beautiful, neat or careless curls with the help of ironing. Using this tool, cursors or bob haircutters can add extra volume to their hair. Interesting options for styling, the rules for selecting and operating the device, as well as all the details of how to curl the curls with an iron on short hair, you will learn from the article.

What irons are suitable

Choosing a model of the tool, you can literally get lost in the range that offers modern manufacturers. Differences in the size and material of the coating plates, the number of thermal modes, the heating rate, additional options - all this affects the quality of the device and its cost.

If you buy a device for curling non-long strands, pay attention to such recommendations:

  • the safest devices are those made of ceramic, titanium, tourmaline, teflon or have an additional cooling insert made of marble. These materials minimally damage the hair, allowing the tool to easily slide over the curls. Most of all hair damage metal
  • the width of the plates for curling the bob and other short haircuts should be small. Narrow are those that are less than 3 centimeters,
  • the thinner the plate, the more elastic curls can be obtained with it,
  • the winding tool should have rounded edges so as not to leave wrinkles on the hair,
  • in use, it is more convenient to use instruments with a floating plate mount,
  • It is advisable to buy a model without a gap between the surfaces or choose the one where the gap does not exceed 1 millimeter (for floating 2),
  • thermostat will simplify the operation of the tool, because it allows you to set the mode that suits your hair,
  • The maximum heating temperature does not depend on the length, but on the structure of the strands. If they are thick, thick - take the device, where this figure is 230 ° C. Thin, soft curls so strong heat is not useful, so choose a device with a lower upper limit,
  • heating rate is a criterion of purely individual. Someone can wait, and someone regularly needs to be laid in a short time, when every minute counts. In the second case, models that are ready to use in 5–10 seconds after switching on will do. “Golden mean” - 10-30 seconds,
  • useful option - ionization function, removes static voltage,
  • the rotating cord will not get tangled in use, and therefore will last longer,
  • When buying a device for creating curls, give preference to models with a capacity of more than 25-30 watts. Winding requires a higher temperature than straightening.

Attention! For cheating only the tips will suit any model you like.

Features of use

Stylish, elegant waves or fun, perky curls - even a short haircut leaves a field for experiments with a hairstyle. The main difference when winding - strands must be taken thinner than in the case of medium and long curls: no more than 1 centimeter. But too narrow, too, are not suitable, because you can easily overdry and ruin the hair.

Make styling short haircuts easier than those that go below the shoulders, if you know features of the procedure:

  • the secret of a natural wavy hairstyle is in capturing thick parts and low temperature conditions,
  • for bob and other short haircuts fine curls are optimal. To get them, wind the thin strands,
  • to make classic waves, hold the iron horizontally,
  • the vertical position of the fixture is the way to obtain spiral curls. But be careful: you can burn your tips,
  • An elongated face will fit large curls, round - small.

There is a difference between using a hair iron for styling short hair of different lengths:

  • if the strands do not exceed 10 centimeters, you should start winding from the top of the head, gradually moving to the back of the head,
  • very short hair should be turned under the bottom in one motion and hold the device for no longer than 5 seconds,
  • with a length of 10 to 15 centimeters, curling should occur symmetrically on both sides. It is necessary to divide the hair into upper and lower parts and start treatment from the occipital zone.

Attention! You can't make styling for girls with pixie haircuts, garcon.

Terms of use

To provide the desired effect of winding and at the same time do not spoil the hair will help simple recommendations:

  1. Wash your hair to keep your curls longer. You can use an air conditioner and then a moisturizing mask.
  2. Be sure to dry the strands in a natural way. They should stay barely wet.
  3. Then apply thermoprotectant. Choose it based on the type and length of the head of hair:
    - cream more suited for long curls,
    - foam optimal for all strands except thin ones
    - mousse - a universal remedy, due to its light texture, fits all,
    - gel apply on hard, normal hair, bypassing the roots,
    - serum very convenient to use, it is also universal,
    - spray does not weigh curls, so it can be applied to any hair. Spray it should be at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the head.
  4. Distribute thermal protection over the entire length of the strands using a comb with rare teeth. Pay special attention to the tips.
  5. Completely dry your hair with a hairdryer, wait until it cools completely.
  6. Making the wrap, move from the roots to the tips.
  7. Avoid winding the same strand several times. If the result did not justify itself, repeat the manipulations after complete cooling of the curl.
  8. Smoothly drive the heated device, without delaying it for a long time in selected areas of curls or waves.
  9. Stiff hair curl at a high temperature, thin - with gentle.
  10. The shorter the strand, the faster its contact with the hot device should be completed within 5–10 seconds.

Council Mirrors will help curl curls on the back of the head. Put one of them in the back and the other in front of you to see a reflection of the occipital zone.

Laying with volume

If you want to lay curls with a straightener and add extra volume to your hair, act like this:

  1. Divide all the hair into 2 parts, temporarily fix the top barrette.
  2. Heat the instrument to the desired temperature.
  3. Alternately wind the strands from the bottom. To do this, clamp each device, smooth it over the entire length, and wrap the tip up from the face.
  4. Remove the hairpin, comb the hair.
  5. Twist all the strands, twisting them from the middle. In the process of laying each curl once turn the iron around its axis.
  6. Fix your hair with your fingers, fix it. For even greater volume, lift the top of the hair and spray the varnish over the roots.

Vertical curls

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Separate one strand, clamp at the roots. The hot appliance must be positioned vertically.
  2. Rotate the tool 180 ° C full length.
  3. Thin strands allow you to get small curls, thick - large.
  4. Twist all the hair in this way, fix it with varnish.

Council To get the original styling, alternate elastic curls and light waves.

Beach waves

To make beach waves:

  1. Separate small strands from the hair.
  2. Twist each cord.
  3. Warm up the entire length of the iron.
  4. Spray your finished hair.

Attention! This method is not suitable for too short hair.


Examples of hairstyles with curling hair on short hair:

Even more stylish hairstyles with curls with your own hands, you will find on our website.

Precautionary measures

Since the operation of the tool is associated with high temperature, which negatively affects the structure of the hair shafts, it is necessary to take care of the process safety. Observance of simple rules will make the process of curling easy, convenient, most harmless, and also prolong the life of the iron:

  1. Do not wind the curls more than 2 times a week.
  2. Dry the strands thoroughly before the procedure. Wet hair can be wound only if it is indicated in the instrument manual. Usually this feature has ironing with jade plates.
  3. A temperature of 180 ºС is usually sufficient to create the styling. For thin, weakened hair, the indicator should be even less, about 120–145 ºС, and even better - do not curl them at all.
  4. Do not hold the strands between the plates for too long, otherwise spoil them.
  5. Use a thermal protector during each installation.
  6. Avoid styling before twisting.
  7. Do not brush the curls with metal teeth.
  8. Immediately after styling, do not decorate the hair with heavy accessories.
  9. Try to avoid the sun, because the iron makes hair shafts vulnerable, including to UV radiation.
  10. Only take the device with dry hands.
  11. The cord should not be twisted, because the heated plates can damage it.
  12. Do not use the tool in a bathroom or leave it on a flammable or meltable surface.
  13. Do not fix the hair with lacquer or spray near the heated device.
  14. Wipe the plates immediately after curling.
  15. Keep hands, scalp from contact with a hot iron, otherwise a burn is inevitable.
  16. Keep the device away from children, forbid them to play with the device.
  17. Check that the instrument is turned off after use.
  18. Remove it only after it has cooled down completely. The exception is a thermobag that comes with some products, in which you can even put a warm iron.

When curling curls in this way, use moisturizing, nourishing masks regularly.

Curling short curls with an iron will require certain skills and experience that you can acquire in the process of using the tool. But twisting the strands in this way, you can appreciate the important advantage: the procedure does not require much time and is suitable for cases when you need to get a beautiful haircut in 15–20 minutes.

In order to minimize the damage caused by the high temperature on the hair, you need to purchase a high-quality device with good coverage and not forget about the rules of safe styling.

Alternative ways to curl hair:

What should be the tool?

With the development of technology and the introduction of various innovations, manufacturers offer a huge number of hair straighteners. They differ primarily in cost. And it depends directly on the functionality of the device and the materials from which it is made. It is for curling your hair that you need to choose the right straightener..

The iron should be:

  • The correct size. This refers to the size of the plates. They should not be too wide. Ideally, no more than 3 cm.
  • The coating of the plates should be tourmaline, teflon or keratin.
  • The ability to adjust temperatures. It is important to exhibit a suitable hair structure. For example, for thin strands there is no need to heat the device to the maximum temperature. Also it is necessary to take into account that short haircuts are easier to curl, unlike long ones.
  • Power device should be about 30 watts. Since curling curls need high temperatures.
  • The iron must be fitted with rounded edges. This is important for winding strands. Since not all devices can perform curls.
  • There should be no gaps between the plates. Ideally, a snug fit is needed.
  • Preferably, ionization is present. It removes static electricity from the strands.
  • The undoubted advantage is the rotating cord ironing. This detail will give convenience when creating hairstyles.

These criteria should have a hair curling iron. Of course, some of them are not mandatory, but rather created for ease of use. Before the procedure, the hair must be prepared.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Use balm.
  3. Dry hair. This can be done in a natural way, as well as using a hair dryer.
  4. Gently comb with a massage brush.
  5. Apply thermal protection.

If the basic rules are met, then you can start laying. For a start, it is important to prepare the necessary tools.

Styling Needs

  • Comb with rare teeth for easy separation of the strands.
  • Clips for fixing hair.
  • Thermal protection, it helps prevent overdrying.
  • The iron for the wave.
  • Styling tools. As a fixing styling perfect varnish.

After everything is ready, the head is dried, the styling products are prepared and you can begin to spin the strands. There are several ways to wind short hair with a straightener.

Classic way

  1. Clean dry hair should be divided into 4 parts. 3 of them remove the clip.
  2. The remaining part is also divided into strands. Their size will depend on what kind of curls you need to get. If smaller, you need a lot of small strands.
  3. Put the strand between the plates and screw it onto the device.
  4. Hold about 10 seconds at a 90 degree angle.
  5. Carefully release the curl. Let it cool.
  6. Fix the twisted strand with varnish.
  7. Stabbed with a clip so as not to interfere with winding the remaining hair.
  8. After all the strands are twisted to make a hair, spread over the head. Fix all varnish.

To form curls on short hair can be different. From the face or, on the contrary, to the face. Curls can be the entire length or only at the tips. Above considered the classic version of the curls curls on the iron. It is the easiest and its implementation does not take much time. It is ideal for curls of short length. You can also wind the hair in a spiral manner.

Watch the video about winding short hair with the iron in a classic way:

Spiral method

  1. We carry out preparatory procedures.
  2. We divide into strands.
  3. Ironing press the hair at the roots. At the same time the device should be located parallel to the floor. To iron the helix to the end of the strand.
  4. Curl the whole head.
  5. Allow the curls to cool.
  6. Put in the hair and fix varnish.

However, the ingenuity of girls in twisting hair knows no bounds. Therefore, we consider another method of hair wrapping.

Algorithm cheat harnesses

  1. After preparing the hair, divide them into parts.
  2. We take a strand of medium size and twist into a tight harness.
  3. Starting from above, we press the parts of the rope with a heated iron. So we go through all the strand, lingering on each segment about 10-15 seconds.
  4. Carefully unravel the strand.
  5. Give cool. Then fix varnish.

It should be noted that the twist method is similar to the classic. The only difference is that when using the harness technique, a strand with many curls is obtained.

Hairstyle fixation

If the hair does not hold curls badly, then you should treat them with foam or mousse before thermal protection, this will help to extend the hairstyle.

Short hair is not a sentence of the same daily styling.. Help curly diversify.

In this case, they can be achieved without having curling. Enough to equip the usual ironing. And then you can quickly and accurately change the image even on short hair.

Preparation of short hair for styling and curling

Since exposure to high temperatures harms the hair, you should prepare them for heat. Before laying, it is advisable to wash your hair - so the hairstyle will look more voluminous and neat.

Then you should apply heat protection and dry your hair with a hair dryer.

If you have time, you can leave them to dry naturally, but in this case you should not wait for a large amount.

After the hair dries, you need to apply thermal protection.

If it is a spray, you can scour it to the roots, if the mousse is only for length, as the volume will disappear due to the heavy product.

After applying the protection should proceed to the laying itself.

What you need for styling iron?

  • Hair brush to comb them,
  • flat comb for hair strands,
  • clips or pins to separate the strands when laying,
  • thermal protection so that the styling does not harm the hair,
  • styling iron,
  • varnish or spray for fixing curls.

When all the necessary tools and tools are ready, you can proceed directly to the installation itself.

There are several ways to create curls on short hair: the classic way, the way with the harnesses and the way similar to the corrugation.

How to make a classic way?

Consider the classic way to create curls:

    apply protection over the entire length. If you want to add more volume, you can comb the strands with a flat comb from the very roots, and then spray the strands with varnish at the base.

It is necessary to take a strand, lift it by the tip, bring the iron to the base of the strand, clamp it, turn the iron around its axis and move it along the strand to the tips.

Do not do intermittent movements, otherwise there will be creases on the strands. Movement should be smooth and continuous.

  • The resulting lock should be sprayed with lacquer and secured with a clip. Thus wind each strand and fix them with varnish.
  • At the end of the curl gently distribute the strands as they should lie on the head. You can gently beat the curls with your fingers at the roots, and then fix the entire hairstyle with lacquer.
  • Thus, you can easily achieve beautiful and elastic curls, even on short hair.

    Having a little training, you can easily wind yourself all sorts of curls of different sizes and with different curls.

    Do not hold the iron in one place for more than 5 seconds to avoid overheating and injury to the strands.. If the curl from the first time did not work, you can walk on it with the iron again.

    How to wind, using the technique of "harness"?

    When using the “harness” technique, the algorithm of actions will be almost similar:

    1. divide hair into comfortable areas on the head, separate one strand, comb it.
    2. Now you need to turn the strand clockwise or counterclockwise (twist all the strands in one direction) so that you have a tight tourniquet. You can also braid a thin pigtail.
    3. We hold the strands over the entire surface, hold the iron in each section for 20 seconds.
    4. Unravel the braid / harness - it turns out a strand with many curls. Fix the strand and move on to another.

    Fixing the curls is necessary, otherwise they can quickly fall apart, and the hair will lose its shape. You can use as usual varnish with good fixation, and special sprays for fixing styling.

    A lot of hair products are sold in cosmetics stores - you will definitely find something for yourself there.

    Watch a video on this topic:

    Do not despair if there is no curling at home - beautiful and elastic curls are easy to make with the help of a regular rectifier. Experiment, try different techniques, but do not forget about protecting your hair and caring for them. Be beautiful!

    How to make curls curling

    The curling iron is one of the most necessary devices in use of the woman. After all, with the help of this item it is possible to make an evening styling of short hair in a matter of minutes:

    • tight curls
    • romantic waves
    • bulk strands,
    • sexy ripple.

    To achieve this or that effect, you should select the appropriate nozzle, strand thickness and operation time.

    1. Divide the hair into 5-6 parts, each of which fasten with an elastic band or barrette.
    2. Begin to start with the lower strands. Take one curl and process it with mousse or foam for fixation. Short hair to wind on the curling iron should be from the roots, moving to the tips.
    3. Hold the strand on a hot rod for 10-15 seconds, and then release it.
    4. Thus curl the rest of the curls.
    5. Chelka wind the last, but you can leave it straight.
    6. Form a hairstyle and sprinkle with varnish.

    You should follow the rules of using electric pliers when styling the hair to the shoulders:

    1. On curling should clean and dry curls.
    2. Use electric forceps should be no more than 2 times a week. In this case, be sure to use a spray with thermal protection.
    3. Before laying the hair should be carefully combed.
    4. With regular use of the device, you should choose gentle modes: temperature up to 200 ºС, and for damaged and thin strands - up to 100 ºС. The aging time of a curl on a metal device is 20 seconds, and on a ceramic one it takes 1-2 minutes.
    5. In order to achieve tight curls, their thickness in the capture should not exceed 2.5 cm.
    6. Large curls will be obtained if you keep the curling iron horizontally, and to get the spirals - vertically.
    7. Short strands should be captured at the very roots, and then run along the entire length.

    Choosing a device, you should not strive for cheapness. After all, curling iron of dubious quality can permanently spoil tender curls.

    Expensive nippers of famous brands will not only help to keep curls for a long time, but will also contribute to the beauty and health of hair. For more information about hairstyles with twisted hair, read here

    Tight curls on curlers

    To date, there is a wide range of different types of hair curlers. Curlers are made from such materials:

    According to the technique of use products are presented:

    Velcro is a lightweight sticky plastic tube.

    Winding curls on a given surface, they are securely fixed in the desired shape. But this method is not suitable for damaged and brittle strands. In addition, a lot of time is required to wrap curls with velcro.

    If you want to learn how to make a beautiful styling of medium hair at home, we advise you to read our article.

    An effective remedy for alopecia is a hair growth mask with pepper.

    Interested in the question of how to grow hair for a month, then read our article here

    On the foam boomerangs you can sleep all night to wake up the next morning with a curly beauty. Such curls will be tight and small, as they are created by thin plastic soft tubules. But for short hair - this is the best option. Small cool curls will create a dandelion on the head. On short-haired young women it is better to prefer large heated hair rollers.

    Heated hair rollers are hair curlers of various diameters that fix the curl with plastic caps.

    The special feature of thermal rollers is that before use they are heated to a high temperature by boiling the water in which they are located.

    • create curls for the minimum time
    • suitable for all hair types
    • ease of use.

    Technology cheat hair using thermal rollers:

    1. Wash hair and dry using foam.
    2. Separate the first strand on the back of your head, 4-5 cm thick and screw it on the bobbin. Depending on the shape of the hairstyle, wind it either inwards or outwards. The twisted strand is fixed with a special cap.
    3. In the same way they wind all the other strands, moving from the back of the head to the forehead, and then proceed to the side zones of the head.
    4. After 15-20 minutes, remove the curlers and beat the curls with your fingers. Lay curls, according to the style of hair and sprinkle with varnish.

    Rules for using thermal curlers:

    • you should wind only dry and clean hair,
    • it is better to dry the strands at room temperature, as the dryer dries the hair,
    • before winding, apply a heat-protective agent to the hair, as thermal curlers dry gentle curls,
    • the curl is reeled up on the bobbin gently, without stretching the delicate matter,
    • do not use hot rollers for the night,
    • not to hold the bobbins longer, the allotted time (no more than 30 minutes),
    • the larger the diameter of the bobbin, the thicker the strand can be wound,
    • all strands must be the same thickness, so that the curls are the same.

    Heated hair rollers are the best option for curling short curls, since long strands are very difficult to wind onto a small bobbin.

    Beautiful waves ironing

    Argued that the iron serves only to straighten annoying curls. However, modern technologies have stepped forward and the consumer is provided with rectifiers with various nozzles that will create charming curls on their heads.

    1. Wash your hair and apply a nourishing balm.
    2. Dry the head and apply a heat spray. If the hair is damaged and weakened, then any moisturizing body cream can be applied to their tips.
    3. Naughty strands lubricate the modeling mousse and leave the head alone for a few minutes until all the nutrients are absorbed.
    4. Heat the iron to the desired temperature, but no more than 180ºС.
    5. The thinner the strands captured, the steeper the curl will be, and the longer it will last.

    Elastic curls in 5 minutes:

    1. Divide the hair into 5-6 parts.
    2. Grab the first strand of the roots on the back of the head with an iron, holding the device parallel to the floor.
    3. Moving the iron down, turn it vertically to get a spiral.
    4. Do the same with the other strands.
    5. Ready curls shake hands and sprinkle with varnish.

    Beach Wave Technology:

    1. Divide hair into separate strands.
    2. Every curl twist flagellum and clamp the iron.
    3. Run the rectifier along the entire length of the flagellum. The ends can be left straight.
    4. Straighten curls and fix the modeling tool.

    Precautions in the use of an electric rectifier:

    1. Do not use the device more than twice a week.
    2. With regular use of ironing, be sure to put on the hair of any nourishing and moisturizing mask. Thermal spray for hair protects curls from high temperatures.
    3. When creating small curls, the thickness of each captured strand should not exceed 1 cm, and the temperature - not less than 180 ºС.
    4. For natural soft waves, the locking strands must be thick.
    5. For classic curls, you need to keep the device horizontally, and for spirals - vertically. If you hold the iron very slowly along the strand, you get the effect of "a la poodle".
    6. Thin and loose hair should be wound with gentle temperature conditions.
    7. Do not wind the wet strands.

    And the main rule: do not forget about the health of their locks and often indulge them with masks from natural ingredients.

    Curls from improvised means

    There are many other methods to twist hair without curlers using such items:

    • hair dryer
    • papilothok,
    • pencils, pens and straws.

    Laying a diffuser is one of the favorite methods of short-haired beauties.

    Such curls create a magnificent volume and soft waves.

    Diffuser stack clean and wet hair. Before drying, modeling foam is applied to the strands, and then the process is performed. The diffuser is held perpendicular to the head, performing rotational movements with the device.

    Waving improvised means performed according to technology:

    1. Apply mousse to dry clean hair.
    2. A thin strand (1-2 cm) is wound on a pencil (pen, straw), securing the end of the invisible.
    3. This method curls the entire hair mass and fix varnish.
    4. After 6-8 hours, curls unwind and gently straighten curls.

    Other methods for creating curls:

    1. Express method: wind a thin strand on your finger, spray with varnish and hold for about 1 minute.
    2. Apply a little skin on clean damp hair, and then lift up the pile up and begin to knead it vigorously and ruffle. This process will provide great volume.
    3. Braiding. This method is suitable for medium length hair that reaches the shoulder. The braids can be braided overnight, and in the morning spread out and get small waves.
    4. Twist strands twist flagella and fix stealth. Sprinkle with varnish and leave this composition for at least 2 hours.


    In order not to suffer with daily styling, you can make a chemical perm in the cabin, after which the curls will hold even after washing your head.

    The principle of perm is that the acid or alkali contained in the composition of the working solution destroys the structure of the hair shaft. Such deformed hair is wound on bobbins, after which a curl of the desired shape is obtained. Such curls will last about 6 months.

    Cons perm:

    1. Damage to hair and loss of their natural shine,
    2. Due to the growth of the hairs at the roots, the hairstyle is not uniform. In this case, it is necessary to do either a bottom perm or shear ends.

    Now biowave is in fashion, which to a lesser extent dries hair and provides more natural waves.. This procedure is based on a composition in which there are fewer chemicals and more natural ingredients. Such a gentle perm can be performed frequently without the risk of damaging the curls.

    With any curl, it is necessary to maintain the health of your hair: make moisturizing masks, use high-quality cosmetics, and sometimes give "rest" to the locks from constant manipulation.

    Being a woman is a lot of work. After all, sometimes a lot of worries and responsibilities fall on women's shoulders: being a mom, wife, housewife, office worker. But with all this, she must remain a charming and gentle creature. Beautiful hairstyle with charming curls is the key to success and good mood of every young lady!

    Hair classification by length

    What is the length for women's haircuts considered short? The classification is as follows:

    • very long hair - more than 56 cm,
    • long - 46–55 cm,
    • medium - 21–45 cm,
    • short - 11–20 cm,
    • very short - 1–10 cm.

    How to measure the length of the hair? - from the top down. The shorter they are, the thinner the diameter is chosen styler for twisting.

    Types of curls for short haircuts

    The shape of the curls created on short hair varies. It depends on the style of the haircut and the tools used.

    1. The asymmetry and elongated bangs are wound, directing the curl away from the face. To do this, on the temporal zones winding strands on the styler is made counterclockwise.
    2. Very short hair with clipped temporal and inferior areas are twisted upward. To do this, the strands of the parietal region detract from the top, perpendicular to the plane of the head, and wind onto the styler with the ends inward.
    3. For very short hair (up to 10 cm), curls of small and medium diameter are suitable. A large curl will be invisible at such a length and looks only as a basal volume.
    4. For short hair (11–20 cm), curls of different diameter and shape are suitable. Such length can be wound in horizontal and vertical ways, to form complex structures of curls on Olivia Garden hair curlers.

    Applicable Tools

    To create curls on short hairstyles, heated electrical appliances are used, forming a curl under the action of high temperature, as well as forming it by drying the strands wound on them.

    Heating appliances are applied as follows:

    • curling irons - cylindrical, spiral, cone-shaped, oval,
    • flat iron with flat plates
    • hair dryer
    • heated hair rollers - wax and electric,
    • automatic curling iron, tightening the strands inside.

    Tools for winding wet hair:

    • hair curlers - foam rubber, velcro, boomerangs, Olivia Garden,
    • bobbins,
    • papilotki

    And you can also wind the short hair with improvised objects, at first glance, not intended for styling:

    • stationery pencils
    • paper tubes (homemade papilotki),
    • construction screwdriver.

    Do not replace wooden pencils with plastic felt-tip pens or pens, as the wound strands will need to be walked with a hot iron with straight plates.


    How to wind short hair with an iron? For this you need a tool with rather narrow straight plates, since to form a curl it will have to be turned around its axis.

    1. Wash your hair and treat it with a balm so as not to affect the root zone.
    2. Apply heat protection to wet hair and dry thoroughly.
    3. Split the strands with a thickness of 1-2 centimeters. If the direction of winding is horizontal (when the grasped area of ​​the hair is taken across the head), then the width of the strand should be equal to the length of the ironing plates. If it is vertical (when the captured hair is wound along the head), then the strand is taken thin so that the heating between the plates is uniform.
    4. After winding the desired areas, curls to allow to cool completely.
    5. Wax for texturing and comb with a comb with sparse teeth.
    6. Fix the resulting hairstyle with an aerosol lacquer and gloss it off to create a natural shine effect.

    To add volume, you can comb the basal zone of the parietal and temporal parts of the head.

    Curling curling

    Curling irons come in different diameters and shapes. But in order to wind very short hair, it must be thin. Then the curl will turn out full and the ends of the curls will not stick in different directions.

    The instruction for winding short hair with a curling iron is almost the same as the ironing technology.

    1. Wash your hair with shampoo. Very short hair can not be treated with a balm (if they are not discolored), on the "square" apply it from the middle, without affecting the root part.
    2. Soak up the excess moisture with a towel. Apply thermal protection and blow dry your head.
    3. Hairbrush to make parting and separate thin strands.
    4. To beautifully wind short hair on a cylindrical curling iron, for texturing, you will need a varnish spray without gas. Before winding it is necessary to moisten each strand slightly with varnish, clamp their ends with the tongue of the curling iron and quickly wrap. After the water from the varnish has evaporated, carefully unwind the curls, trying not to stretch. Hot curls are very fragile, so before you comb them you need to wait for complete cooling.
    5. In order to wind the short hair on the conical or spiral curling itself, for convenience, it is better to separate the parietal and temporal zones. Screwing bob-and-bob haircuts should be started from the upper occipital zone, skipping the lower clipped part, otherwise it will give the head a triangular shape. In order for the vertical curls to keep a clear shape, you need to sprinkle hair without varnish before winding on the curling iron.
    6. After cooling the curls, wax them and comb them with a comb with rare teeth.
    7. Fix the hairstyle with a spray paint and apply a gloss for shine.

    To quickly wind short hair on hot tools, wind the strands thinner - then they will warm up better and the curl will come out clearer.

    Automatic winding

    Most recently, an automatic curling machine appeared on the market for hairdressing equipment. This is a device for winding, the very self-tightening strand inside, where it heats up and eventually a curl is obtained. Such a styler is not suitable for very short hair, but it twists haircuts like “square” well. The disadvantage of such a curling is that you can not change the direction of the curl.

    1. Wash your hair, treat with balm and heat protection. Dry it completely.
    2. Split the hair into thin strands.
    3. Screw the curls and let them cool.
    4. Fix hair with lacquer.

    To prevent the hair from tangling while being pulled into the automatic curler, keep it parallel to your head.

    If you wind short hair with heating tools, make sure that they are completely dry, without wet areas.

    Twisting wet hair

    To curls retain their shape and texture until the next wash, hair must be freshly washed. If they are just soaked, the curls quickly deform.

    For styling on wet hair, you need a hairdryer with a capacity of at least 2,000 watts, a sushiuar, or a lot of time to completely dry the strands wound on the stylers.

    Curler on curlers

    All round stylers are curlers. They are:

    • hollow, with fasteners worn over them,
    • Velcro - fixing material is pasted over the hollow tube that prevents the strands from unwinding,
    • boomerangs - flexible tubes that fold in half,
    • soft, on the surface of which foam is glued,
    • Olivia Garden - with attachments that cling to each other, which allows you to create complex designs of curls,
    • wax hair rollers with paraffin embedded inside,
    • Ceramic heating on a special electrical stand.

    All of them can be used at home. How to wind short hair on different types of curlers? - step by step instructions for any of their types is the same.

    1. Wash your hair with shampoo and treat with balm without affecting the root zone, as otherwise it will quickly become dirty.
    2. Soak up excess moisture with a towel so that no water drips.
    3. If heated hair rollers are used, then, before winding short hair on them, you need to treat the strands with a means to protect against high temperatures, and after it with mousse to create curls. If short hair is worn on hollow curlers, boomerangs, velcro or foam rubber, then thermal protection is not necessary, just a mousse.
    4. Separate your hair into thin strands as they dry faster.
    5. After full or partial creping of the curlers, the head should be dried. For this fit a hair dryer or a sushiuar. Then you have to wait until the hair is completely cool.
    6. Remove the stylers, wax each strand and comb with a comb with rare teeth.
    7. The resulting styling fix spray paint and apply gloss to shine.

    A few more tips on how to use curlers.

    1. To avoid scalding, use special silicone gloves.
    2. Do not overheat the wax curlers, so that the paraffin does not leak out, otherwise you will have to cut your hair, because it does not wash off.
    3. How to wind the short hair on the curler for the basal volume? - for this you need to take thick stylers so that the strand does not completely wrap around them.
    4. For winding thin (devoid of thickness) short hair better fit soft foam curlers. They do not damage the cuticle, and the curls look natural.

    Curls will look beautiful and keep their original shape for a long time, if you use a strong hold lacquer.

    Wrap on bobbins

    Koklushki - this is a thin stylers to create a kucheryashek, which are:

    • cylindrical,
    • conical,
    • spiral.

    Cylindrical are used for horizontal wrapping method, and conical and spiral for vertical. In order to prevent strands from dissolving such bobbins have a hole at the base, into which their tips are threaded. To stretch the strand into the eye of the bobbin, use a specially designed for this purpose a jib device, which by its design resembles a needle threader.

    1. For the horizontal wrap method, the hair should be divided by vertical partings, the width of which should be equal to the length of the bobbin and the thickness should be its diameter.
    2. For the vertical method it is necessary to divide the hair into thin strands so that they pass into the hole. It is necessary to wind up starting from the lower occipital zone.

    Twisting on papilotki

    These are flat stylers with a slot in the middle. To wind short hair on papilotki, you need to skip a strand through the central flat hole, pull it to the very ends and tightly wind in the direction of the roots. Then fix the folder by inserting its sharp tip into another with a round hole.

    Kucheryashki are obtained with a clear texture and look natural. Papillots leave no creases on the resulting curls and curl them from the root itself.

    In order to make the curls look the most natural, papilotki wind in different directions.

    Screwing with a hair dryer with a diffuser

    The effect of wet curls can be done using a hair dryer with a "diffuser" nozzle.

    1. Wash your hair and apply copious amounts of mousse to create curls.
    2. Slightly dry, lifting the hair with a nozzle.
    3. Treat varnish spray.
    4. Continue to dry your hair with a hot dryer, and then cool it down with a cold stream of air.
    5. Fix the resulting styling spray paint.

    To keep the wet effect for a long time, you need to abundantly process hair with styling products and not comb it.

    Screwing hair with improvised means

    If there are no professional hairdressing tools, and there is not enough time or desire to go to a beauty salon, you can make curls with objects that are not intended for this. Let's find out how and what at home you can wind short hair without curlers, curling and other traditional stylers.

    Twist on stationery pencils

    This method is suitable for hairstyle cuts. Curls, twisted on a pencil, are easy and natural.

    1. Wash your hair, treat with balm and heat protection.
    2. Blow dry.
    3. Split it on pencils and sprinkle with varnish-spray.
    4. For fastening, walk with a heated iron on the wound strands.
    5. After cooling down, fix the received curls with an aerosol varnish.

    This way you can wind the short hair of children using colored pencils - then the creation of hair will be fun and interesting exercise.

    Wrap on the construction screwdriver

    To do this, heat the metal portion of the screwdriver on the gas burner. Make sure that it does not get too hot, because this can cause the hair to melt.

    1. After shampooing, treat your hair with a thermal protector and dry it.
    2. Heat the screwdriver and twist the curls on it.
    3. After cooling the curls fix laying varnish.

    This method can become traumatic if you overheat the tool, so never use it without applying a thermal protective agent!

    Wrap on homemade papilotki

    To make small curls, you can use homemade paper files. For this, thick threads and thick paper are needed.

    Take small pieces of paper, fold in half and place the thread in the fold. Pin the ends of wet hair between folded paper and wind it up. When you reach the root, tie the ends of the thread. After drying, cut or untie the fastener and remove the paper. The resulting styling process any hairspray.

    In order to keep the curls worn with improvised means, you need to use preparations for laying strong and super strong fixation.

    An example of the collected hairstyle for short curled hair

    Curls are the main elements of the collected hairstyle.

    To make it necessary:

    • comb up the lower part of the zone and fix it with stealth,
    • the parietal part can be laid “from the face” - pull the strands up, wind inward, fix the volume and direct from the forehead to the back of the head,
    • temporal zones combed smoothly back.

    Get a full collected evening hairstyle.

    Short hair is not only stylish styles of haircuts, but also an opportunity for fantasy in styling. For them, there are many options for cheating, so do not necessarily go with the styling in the form of a haircut. Even a fashionable collected hairstyle can be made from short curled hair. To wind them up you don't have to go to a hairdresser or have professional tools. Enough improvised tools that will help make the styling is not worse than the stylists in beauty salons. And if you comply with the technology of implementation, the curls will hold out without significant deformation until the next shampooing.

    Point 1: choose a tool

    There are no special intricacies: the main thing is that the model you like is distinguished by its quality and is convenient to use. It is worth paying attention only to two factors:

    • if you plan to curl only the tips, the iron can be anything, you want to curl the entire length - look for a tool with rounded plates so that hard edges do not leave ugly halls on the locks,
    • Give preference to models equipped with a thermostat - this will facilitate your task and help preserve the health of curls.

    Point 2: we carry out the preparatory work

    1. Dirty curls look pathetic, no matter how much they curl, and poorly protected ones deteriorate from contact with a hot plate. Without preparation can not do.
    2. Wash your head.
    3. Dry your hair well. Wet strands are difficult to curl, so you have to pass them through the iron twice. Or increase the residence time of the curl between the hot plates, which is not good for him.
    4. Comb your hair and treat with a heat shield, and then, if this is in your plans, and a styling agent.
    5. And only now grab the rectifier.
    Only clean and dry curls work well.

    Immediately before applying the ironing, try not to use shampoos with the effect of lamination, straightening, or those that give hair extra volume. Often they contain substances that prevent quality styling.

    Romantic curls

    1. Split clean, well-combed hair into individual strands.
    2. Put the first strand into the iron, stepping back from the roots by 10-15 cm. However, exactly where to start curling - on the tips, from the middle of the length or at the very head depends solely on your desire.
    3. Turn the rectifier vertically and twisting it so that it rotates around its axis, pull it down until the entire curl slips between the hot plates to the very tips.
    4. Repeat the process with each individual strand.
    5. Disassemble the finished curls with your hands and sprinkle with varnish.
    10 minutes and you are ready for a romantic date

    How to wind your hair with the help of an iron to get large natural curls? Take strands thicker, drag them through the iron faster, and keep the tool parallel to the floor. Would you like a cool curl? Let the curls be thinner, the time spent between the plates - longer, and the iron rotated strictly vertically.

    Natural beauty

    1. Divide the washed and combed curls into strands.
    2. Take one and twist it into a tight bundle.
    3. Grab the base of the bundle with a heated iron and slowly - but not too much so that your hair will not suffer from long contact with high temperature - run the entire length of the strand to the very tips.
    4. Repeat the same action until the entire head has been processed by the rectifier.
    5. Allow the curls to cool completely, disassemble them with your fingers, lightly beat for volume and sprinkle with varnish.
    It seems that your hair is curled by nature.

    This styling is also called “beach”: when you look at it from an uninitiated person, you should get the feeling that you recently had plenty to swim and dried curls in a natural way.

    Try to move the iron as smoothly as possible, at the same speed. This will avoid ugly creases and horizontal marks.

    Video: Stylish styling for short hair

    Good news! Short hair is not an obstacle to creating romantic, natural and beach curls. Luda BlushSupreme, host of All Things Hair Channel - Russia clearly demonstrated this in the video "How to wind your hair with a flat iron."

    Mermaid braids

    Another way to decorate curls with natural waves is to braid them in braids. We'll have to spend time weaving, but the result will be more pronounced and persistent.

    1. Divide the curls into separate strands.
    2. Braid the strands.
    3. And then pass each pigtail through the iron from the base to the tip.
    4. Unravel the braids, disassemble the curls with your fingers and spray with varnish.

    How to wind your hair with an iron: photo step by step - we make curls of braids.

    The thinner the pigtails, the smaller the waves will be.

    The tighter your curls, the higher the temperature should be set on the thermostat.

    Karakul Curls

    1. Usually divide the hair into strands.
    2. Roll each ringlet using a thick makeup brush, a pencil, or your own finger as the base.
    3. Fix the crochets with stealth or wrap in foil.
    4. Consistently clamp each of the resulting "convolutions" in the ironing, linger for 5-15 seconds and release.
    5. Release the cooled hair from captivity, correct your hairstyle with your hands and spray with varnish.
    Foil warms up the strand well and enhances the result.

    Some skilled workers perfected the method in order not to mess with the foil. The curl is screwed onto a needle or another suitable metal object (plastic will not work), clamped in a rectifier and then released.

    Broken curls

    1. Divide hair into strands.
    2. Prepare several foil strips. The length should correspond to the length of your hair, width - 2 times the width of the strand.
    3. Wrap each separated curl into a foil in the form of a strip, and then fold it several times so that it is an accordion.
    4. Firmly squeeze the envelope of the foil plates of the rectifier for 5-10 seconds.
    5. Wait until the hair has completely cooled down, disassemble them from the foil with your hands and ... admire the “lightning bolts” that run along your curls.
    This style will certainly attract admiring glances to you.

    Try to use the iron once or twice a week. Too frequent contact with hot metal will sooner or later turn into serious troubles for your hair.

    Naughty tips

    If you are the owner of a short haircut, try this option. Position the iron horizontally, grab the tip of the strand and twist, wrapping your hair in or out, depending on your idea.

    Even on short hair there is a place where imagination wander.

    What is good ironing - if any of the curls failed, you can always straighten it and get down to business from the beginning. But do not abuse the miraculous power of the rectifier! The less time your curls will spend in his company, the better.

    It seems that the question "how to wind the hair on the iron" is removed. Maybe you can’t wait to actually check out some of the advice received or to see how the new installation will go? So proceed! After all, changing, going through new images, one another more interesting, so nice!

    Article author: Svetlana Rozhenko

    Which device to choose?

    It is necessary to carefully consider the material from which the plates are made:

    • Metallic coating should be avoided. Such products are the most inexpensive, but they are disastrous to hair and most quickly they dry up.
    • Ceramic plates are much more sparing. This is a more modern material, the harm from its use is minimal due to modern production technologies.
    • The most preferred coating for ironing plates is tourmaline. It appeared not so long ago and has already proven itself very well. However, even such a product can not be used every day.

    It is important to choose the right temperature:

    • Most often, the temperature range varies from 120 to 200 degrees. It is necessary to choose the lowest possible temperature, but there is a risk that the curl will not work. Therefore, you should experiment on a small order in advance to select the temperature that suits your hair.
    • In general, the operating temperature is most often - 150-180 degrees.
    • Do not forget that it is better to work out the same strand again in a higher mode than to “heal” damaged hair.

    It is believed that the thinner the hair, the lower the temperature required for a full curling:

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages include:

    • Ironing is an easy way. in a short time to put in order a short haircut. Best of all, the effect is noticeable on such hairstyles as an elongated bob or square, that is, on hair that is shoulder-length. Here you can experiment with ultra-smooth or corrugated texture, curl curls and waves.
    • Another advantage of this styling is that if you pre-treat your hair with a smoothing spray and fix the hairspray, it may hold for several days.
    • In addition, iron convenient to take on the roadas it does not take up much space.

    Disadvantage This procedure is that even when choosing a careful mode and the most high-quality device, the hair still suffers during hot styling. It is necessary to carefully monitor their condition, fuel masks and oils. If the hair is dull and brittle, this is a sure sign that you need to give them some time to rest.


    Watch the video: HOW TO CURL YOUR HAIR LIKE A PRO! TIPS + TROUBLESHOOTING! Brittney Gray (June 2024).