
Laying brushes: types and features


Every girl, preoccupied with caring for her hair, should know which comb is best for her hair type. Combing is a daily procedure, so it should be as gentle and thoughtful as possible.

Features and benefits

Incorrectly chosen comb will damage the hair, tear the strands and even contribute to the cross section of the tips. She can also electrify her hair and make it more fluffy.

But a high-quality comb, chosen according to all the rules, on the contrary, will provide your hair with proper care.

Regular brushing provides blood flow to the head, which accelerates hair growth and makes them healthier.

There are several types of combs. Each of them has its own purpose and features. That is why in the assortment of this girl should not be one comb, but several models that perform different functions.


The most common hairbrush classic shape should be every girl. But they differ in material. It can be artificial, natural or mixed.

The best option is a comb with natural bristles. Wooden comb perfectly massages the head. A thin comb of this type also helps to unravel curls, making the hair neat and well-groomed. This comb is too bulky to carry with you. But it is perfect for combing your curls before bedtime.

A high-quality massage brush is another useful accessory for personal care. It is needed for massage of the head, which, in turn, contributes to increased blood circulation and, consequently, faster hair growth.

Combing your hair with a massage brush will make you more smooth, even and well-groomed.

There are various options for such combs: wood, metal or plastic. Experts recommend choosing wooden ones. Massage with a brush made of natural material is able to bring maximum benefit.

For a long time, beauties use thin combs for hair care. The history of such combs is so old that the appearance of the first crests dates back to the times of Ancient Rome. In those days, combs were made of bones, but today models made of wood or plastic are more popular.

Plastic combs are still undesirable to use - they will only aggravate the entanglement of your hair and increase their electrification.

Features and Purpose

High-quality styling comb is a multifunctional and convenient device that allows you to make different hairstyles. With his help, you can create beautiful waves or straighten the strands, give them volume at the roots and twist the tips out or in.

Brashing is also suitable for regular combing. It can be used by girls with long, medium and short haircuts. Round comb resembles a cylinder, on which the teeth are located. It has holes in the body that allows air to circulate freely without overheating the strands.

Secrets of use

It is absolutely simple to style your hair with a round brush. It will let you add volume to the square, make the edges of the cascade more textured, remove the pomp or curl beautiful romantic curls. The tool should be used according to the following algorithm:

  • We wash and dry hair - they should be 60% dry. You can use a hair dryer for this, but it is better to wait until the excess moisture leaves naturally.
  • We distribute on pryadka means for laying. To do this, put it on the brush and well comb the hair from root to tip.
  • Separate the curls on the back of the head, leave them, and the rest of the mass shear off on top.
  • We take thin strands from the falling mass and in turn curl them or straighten them. To do this, we put a curl on the bristles, wind it on the brushing or pull it out, drying it with a hairdryer. Do not hold the device too closely, especially if you are using hot air. The optimal distance from the strands is 30 cm.
  • We process all the hair, in the last turn - the head and the front.

Give your fingers the shape of your hair or comb it out with a brush, fix it with varnish if necessary.


Hair styling brush can be not only useful, but also harmful, if it is illiterate to choose. Correctly determine the type of product will help the assessment of indicators such as the length of the strands, their density, stiffness, general condition. It is important that drying and hair styling do minimal damage to your hair.

We will look at how features differ.

The size of the roller is one of the most important criteria. It depends on him how comfortable the installation will be for you, and what results will be achieved. The large diameter is ideal for smoothing long hair and creating light soft waves. It is indispensable in the processing of thick hair.

Short and medium length hair is easiest to style with small diameter brushes. They are also suitable for creating curls on strands. It is desirable to have such an accessory in the arsenal of owners of any hairstyles, as it is great for giving the roots pomp.

Types of coverage

From this factor depends on how carefully the tool will act on the curls, and what additional properties it has. Modern materials provide perfect sliding of hairs between bristles and teeth, remove static stress from curls and prevent their electrification.

You can choose a brush among these options:

  1. Ceramic. The most popular type of coating, which provides uniform heating of the brush from the hair dryer, promotes smooth sliding of the strands and prevents them from overheating.
  2. Wooden. Most often, these brushes are equipped with natural hard bristles, which ensures gentle disentangling of the curls and removes electric charge from them. Suitable for owners of curly and lush hair.
  3. Tourmaline Modern material protects curls from drying out and keeps their moisture inside. When heated, it creates negatively charged ions and evenly distributes them throughout the hair, which prevents electrification even in winter.
  4. Carbonated. Another innovative coating that gives the bristles additional gliding properties. Very carefully unravels strands, not pulling them. Suitable for owners of weak, fragile and prone to loss of curls.
  5. Plastic. The only plus of this product is low cost. However, it acts quite aggressively on the hairs, accumulates static stress, can emit an unpleasant smell of burning plastic when heated.

Metal brush - also not the most suitable option for frequent use. The metal is very quickly and unevenly heated, from which the strands can melt.

Number, length and quality of teeth - factors that should be given special attention when choosing. They can be made of plastic, wood, nylon. Also, there are combined models and completely natural ones, where bristle tufts are used instead of teeth.

Natural tools are much safer to use, they gently act on curls and scalp, prevent electrification and smooth cuticle scales. However, they are difficult to care for and need to be changed more often. Such products will suit owners of weak and lifeless hair. It is desirable that the teeth are soft and long, they will allow to comb the hair without traumatizing it.

Nylon and plastic are synthetic materials, but they better cope with the suppression of unruly curly strands.

Short-haired ladies should choose models with hard frequent teeth, and for owners of long hair suitable brasings with combined bristles.


Another important variety is compact hairbrushes, which you can take somewhere with you. It can be small brushes, combs or even multifunctional models that are both a comb and a mirror. They fit easily in a bag, so you can always fix your hair during the day wherever you go.

Brashing are special combs that are most often used for professional styling. They have a cylindrical shape and a round hole right inside the case. These brushes should be used for styling a hair dryer. So you get the most beautiful and spectacular styling at home. With the help of brushing, you can create large curls, as well as give a special shape to the short-haired head of hair.

It is best to choose brushing with the most natural bristles. In this case, your hair will not be too voluminous and electrified.

The secret of brushing from a professional hairdresser:

Popular materials

Combs differ not only in their appearance, but also in what material they are made of. Let's look at the three most popular options used by modern girls in their daily lives.


Combs made of wood - is, in general, the best choice for girls, regardless of hair type. These brushes are best suited for care. They do not electrify the hair, but only smooth it out in the most gentle way. It is the best of all to comb such hair after applying masks or various styling products. This is justified by the fact that all these tools do not enter into a chemical reaction with the elements present in their composition.

When choosing materials worth paying attention to the features of each of them. So, birch comb helps to treat dandruff. It also enhances the effect of masks on your hair. Soothe damaged scalp and alleviate itching, using an oak comb.

Another popular option is the juniper comb. In addition to the pleasant aroma of the forest, which gives this brush, its advantage can be called the ability to soothe and relieve stress. But if you have problems with dandruff, then you should buy a cherry comb.

When choosing wooden brushes, it is better to refuse painted models. Your purchase should be as natural and, accordingly, quality.

History of combing

The desire to make styling on their hair appeared much earlier than they invented the world's first comb. In ancient times, women used natural materials that could somehow comb the strands. Fish bones, wooden sticks, and plant spines were used. For example, in ancient Egypt, because of the hot climate, women and men cut their hair at the root, and during festivities they wore horsehair wigs.

The first crests appeared in Europe in the Stone Age, made them from cow horns. From that moment on, women began to style their hair in intricate hairstyles. In Spain, decorated crests were a great success. They were decorated with carvings, precious stones.

In Russia, women used the so-called bilateral crests. The inner part had frequent small teeth, and the outer one was larger and more rare. The obligatory wedding element of the Russian bride's attire was decorated and patterned combs.

Types of combs for styling

Going into a specialty store you can get confused from the huge selection of this hair accessory. A whole series of massage brushes, crests made of beech, cedar, juniper, brushings of different diameters, material, shapes and price tags. What to rely on when choosing a comb for yourself so that the styling does not become an agony, but brings maximum benefits for the health of the hair?

For styling with a hair dryer, there are several types of combs:

  • Brashing The most popular type, which is used for drying and straightening long hair. The comb has a cylindrical shape with many holes through which hot air passes well. Skillfully wielding such a device, you can make your hair straight and shiny without additional cosmetics. Brasings vary in cylinder diameter. The larger it is, the more designed for longer and thicker hair. For haircuts of small length, brains of small diameter are produced. With their help it is easy to give a basal volume on short and medium length hairs,
  • Skeletal combs. They are flat surfaces with many holes and with teeth of different lengths. This tool easily dries wet hair. Ideal for those with thick and long curls. Due to the widely spaced teeth, this comb does not confuse even the most disobedient strands,
  • Massage brushes. It has an oval surface of various sizes with long or short teeth, or natural bristles. The ideal option would be a wooden hair brush. You can buy it in any department for hairdressers, or order through the online store. The larger the working surface of the massage brush, the wider the hair band can be captured, which means that the process will go faster and the hair will fall beautifully and evenly.

Wooden combs

Combs made of natural wood are recommended for girls who want to preserve the natural beauty of their hair, or for those who for some reason began to lose hair and split ends. Choosing a wooden comb, make sure that it was carefully polished, had no cracks and chipping. Wooden teeth do not injure the scalp, on the contrary, they gently massage it, increasing blood circulation, thereby helping the hair to grow healthy and long. The most common are: oak comb, birch or juniper comb. Wood does not heat up when drying with a hair dryer and does not emit toxic substances.

Brushes made of natural bristle

Ideal for those who have wavy or curly hair, or curls, devoid of brilliance and strength. When buying such a brush, ask the seller to heat the pile with hot air. Natural bristles should smell burnt. Artificial bristles cost less, but don't expect any benefit from it. The benefits of a natural bristle brush are obvious:

  • It perfectly massages the scalp,
  • Makes hair smooth and manageable
  • Gives shine and shine to hair,
  • Fights split ends,
  • Evenly distributes sebum over the entire length of the hair, which is especially good for those with dry and brittle strands.

Happy owners of curls rarely when they can do without a comb with wide teeth. Before you start laying, such curls need to unravel. Comb in this regard is a loyal assistant. If possible, it is best to buy a comb from juniper, they occupy a leading position in this regard. This is due to the healing properties of this breed, resistance and strength of wood. The thicker and wavy hair, the less often the teeth should be located on the ridge.

Brushes with metal teeth

In hairdressing more often you can meet the comb of metal. This is primarily due to hygiene, since a comb made of metal or plastic is easier to wash or even boil. These products are durable, but are inferior to the pluses of combs made from natural materials. In addition, metal teeth can injure the scalp, which leads to wounds, and as a result, hair loss.

If you choose a comb for styling for personal use only, buy eco-friendly brushes and brushing, and then your hair will say thank you.

Olivia garden

The brand of professional hair care products offers comfortable and high-quality styling tools. Brashing has a wooden handle that does not heat up during operation and fits well in the hand. Despite the fact that the bristles are made of nylon, the hair is not magnetised, since the work surface has an antistatic coating.

A great option for leveling long naughty strands. Well unravels the hairs, gives them a fantastic durable volume, does not spoil the curls. Suitable for daily use.

The disadvantage of the model is its high price in comparison with mass-market products - the comb will cost approximately 400 rubles.


Fully natural professional brushes that are particularly popular with consumers. It is equipped not only with high-quality safe bristles, but also with a reservoir for the application of caring oil. The tool makes combing and blow-drying as useful as possible for the strands.

The brush is used to create a basal volume, curl light strands and curl hair at the tips. She takes care of the hair, because it is suitable for work with weak, thin and prone to loss of curls.

Tangle teezer

The brush is an innovative design. It has flexible, but at the same time strong teeth, which unravel strands well, do not electrify them, do not pull out and do not injure. Can be used without fear of problems with hair.

Brush is suitable for combing wet hair, which cannot be said about other models. It will allow to cope with very curly, tough, unruly, long and thin hair. The price of the product varies around 2,400 rubles, but it is fully justified.

Marlies moller

The Swiss brand produces professional combs that are suitable for salon and home use. They are equipped with ergonomic handles to make the card as comfortable as possible for you. The mixture of natural and nylon bristles allows you to achieve a chic volume, even on thin short curls.

It will appeal to girls who love to take care of their strands and do not want to devote a lot of time to styling. The tool is easy to use and durable. But to pay for it will have about 3 500 rubles.

To brush you served as long as possible, you need to carefully care for them. Otherwise, you will have to change the combs very often, because over time, their teeth lose their elasticity and shape. To prevent this will help such rules:

  • After each use, remove hairs from the brush and wipe its teeth with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  • If the teeth are wooden, keep the product away from radiators and moisture. These factors will quickly destroy the comb.
  • Once in 1 month, wash the brushing well with warm water with shampoo or liquid soap, then dry it thoroughly. You can use a comb with frequent teeth to remove dirt and residues of styling products between the bristles.

Change the comb every 6 months. It eventually gathers bacteria and other pathogens that can cause problems with the scalp and hair.

It is easy and fast to do the styling with the help of a special comb, many modern girls were convinced of this. However, in order for the process to bring maximum benefit to the curls, you need to know how to choose the right brushing and use it.

By following the advice of specialists, you will be able to maintain the health of your hair and always flaunt with beautiful hairstyles.


It is better to refuse a comb made of plastic. They do not care for the hair, but only increase the fragility of the strand and spoil the overall condition of the hair. Carboxylic or silicone brushes are more useful for the condition of the hair.

They are used by professional stylists and hairdressers. Use them on a daily basis is not worth it, but they are suitable for certain procedures - cutting, styling or dyeing. In this case, thin plastic combs perfectly separate the strands and are easy to clean.


Another common option is a metal comb. It allows you to unravel even the most muffled curls. But stylists recommend not using such a comb to owners of dyed hair. The fact is that metal can react with the chemical components of your dye, changing the shade of your hair.

In addition, hard metal combs can injure strands of hair. This especially applies to owners of thin and brittle strands.

Which is better

The choice of comb should match the individual characteristics of your appearance. First of all, pay attention to the length. For owners of short-cropped hair, it is enough to pick one quality comb. But if you have long curls, then you should get two brushes - one for daily use, and the other - for special occasions when you need a spectacular styling.

As a comb for daily use, it is best to choose a classic brush with natural bristles. But for styling, you can choose a brushing, which will allow you to easily style your hair into the desired hairstyle.

Another important point to remember is that a massage brush is better suited for long hair, while a flat hair will be more useful for short hair. The length of the teeth also depends on the length of the hair. The longer your curls, the longer, respectively, should be the teeth on your scallop. This will facilitate the process of combing.

If you have dry or dried hair, the brush should be supplemented with the most soft and elastic teeth. You can also choose a comb with natural bristles, which also does not hurt the hair. If you have oily hair, then you better use a wooden or horny comb.

For thin and straight hair, you can choose any massage brush. These combs do not harm the hair and do not spoil their structure. The same brushes worth buying and with hair loss. If this problem is relevant to you, then it is better to buy just such a soft comb that will smooth out curls without tearing them out. And due to the fact that such a brush also massages the head, blood flow to its surface increases, which means that the hair begins to grow faster.

But tangled and naughty curls will be easier to comb comb with rare teeth. So the curls will be divided into thin strands, and you will not damage them.

For thick hair is a wide comb with natural bristles. That she will be able to effectively comb the strands, separating them.

A popular blogger tells about which comb is better to choose:

How often to change

Combs, like any personal care products, should be changed over time. It is worth doing it regularly as soon as you notice that the brush you are using is starting to fail.

If you continue to brush your hair with a brush of poor quality, it will only harm your hair.

In addition, the comb should provide full daily care. At least once a week the brush should be washed. Of course, this can be done only if the material allows. To do this, first used boiling water, and then the soap solution. A comb that has been washed in this manner must then be rinsed and dried well, by placing it on a thick terry towel.

It is also worth remembering that the comb, which you use on a regular basis, can not be passed to someone. Do not use one brush for two, even with relatives, so that your hair always remains healthy and looks well-groomed.

But, even if you provide proper care for your hairbrush, it still should not serve you for longer than six months. Even if the comb still looks decent, it should be replaced with a new one every two seasons.

Also, changing the comb is worth it if you notice at least minimal damage on it. If the tips of the cloves crack, then it's time for you to buy a new brush - this comb will only damage the strands more.

Under each type of strips is to choose a particular type of comb. This allows you to facilitate the process of care for the hair and make your curls as well-groomed as possible. Only if the comb is chosen correctly, a positive result will be noticeable and the comb will receive good feedback from users.

Common materials

An important aspect for the preference of the combing device is the raw material from which it is made. Depending on the material used, the tool helps to take care of the hair or, conversely, interferes with the full process of care.

There are the following materials that are most often used in the manufacture of comb:


The most common material available to a wide range of buyers. Plastic tools do not require specific maintenance, have a reasonable price, are easy to use, and are durable. These tools are perfect for any type of hair. The main negative point - plastic combs have a significant electrifying effect on curls.

The material is very similar in characteristics to plastic, but unlike it has antistatic properties. Silicone comb is perfect for the care of wet, matted hair. The comb from silicone at thermal influence does not emit harmful substances, possesses hygienic, but is rather expensive in comparison with analogues.

The tool from this material is used extremely rarely. .It though does not electrify strands, but traumatic The device is not recommended for thin, damaged hair. Any chemical hair that is exposed to chemical exposure is at risk of injury, and also risks reacting with the metal and playing with unexpected paints.

Suitable problem head of hair. The hairbrush is capable of smoothing open hair scales, saving it from further damage. Ceramic tools do not heat up due to the hot air of thermal devices.

There are various lines of professional combing, including, intended for aromatic effects on the hair. Many options are equipped with ionization, tourmaline coating. Tangible product minus - fragility.

Received widespread in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. The tool made of wood delicately performs its functions: it carefully moves along the strands, does not tear the hair, leaving them healthy, attractive, not inclined to the formation of static electricity. Environmental friendliness, the absence of harmful effects on curls, skin - the main advantages.

The main disadvantage of this device is susceptibility to rapid wear. The wooden frame is prone to the formation of chips, cracks, chipping. This quickly makes the comb unsuitable for use. Also, the tree is subject to rapid pollution, and clean it is not so easy.

Natural bristles

This material is rightly recognized as an ideal option for hair care.especially if they do not come at their best. The comb from natural bristles gently cares for the hair, does not provoke the formation of split ends and electrify, harmless to the scalp. Any problematic hair: thin, brittle, damaged, will benefit from such care.

Attention! The tool will require regular maintenance, will not allow to effectively comb thick curls, not recommended for owners of a fat type of hair.

There are hairbrushes made from other less common materials: ebonite, rubber, bone, nylon, carbon. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Types of comb and their purpose

Getting the next comb, rarely anyone thinks about its true purpose. Many are guided by an attractive design, unusual design, advertising appeals, suggesting that it is this new product that can solve many problems of hair. It is useful to know why each of them is needed to correctly use the tools and get much more benefit from them.

Tools for standard combing

  • Comb - the habitual device for combing. This option of caring for curls and used our distant ancestors. Combs depending on size, frequency of teeth location are used for different purposes. With their help, you can comb wet, tangled, short, curly hair, create a haircut, carefully distribute cosmetic products along the strands, as well as make a hairstyle, carry out various manipulations.
  • Wide comb with rare teethas in the photo, just perfect for wet curls. She gently unravels, will not pull, pull out the hair rods.
  • Comb with frequent teeth on a long handle ideal for a smooth head of hair. She perfectly combed curls, especially in the strands. This comb is most relevant for daily use on short hair. With the help of a long handle, it is convenient to allocate a parting, to choose individual strands to create a hair.

  • Massage brush along with the classic comb Widespread for the daily care of hair. The main value of this comb is a light massage at the same time as banal combing. This effect stimulates blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  • Brush perfectly distributes sebum in length. Hair is supplied with a protective film, the secret does not accumulate at the roots. A longer hair keeps a fresh look. Girls who are prone to excessive oily hair, it is recommended not to overdo it with the combing brush, because the problem will worsen.
  • Massage (rectangular) brush will be a great helper for drying wet hair without styling. She unravels difficult areas, cope with long curls.

  • Brush with natural bristles It takes great care of the hair, gives it a soft, healthy shine. Gentle massage provides enhanced blood circulation, helps regulate the natural work of the sebaceous glands. Curls become smooth, elastic.
  • Artificial bristle brush must necessarily be equipped with small balls-stops at the ends of each clove. This will help protect hair, skin from injury. Such a brush perfectly forms a hairstyle, polishes, makes hair smooth.
  • Wooden bristle brush - an unsurpassed massager. It is difficult to find a more careful and beneficial effect. Strengthening the microcurrent of blood, lymphatic drainage provides improved growth, awakens dormant hair follicles.
  • Comb bristle brush allows you to combine different efficiencies. This comb will be a great help in the care of any type of hair. The bristles contribute to the distribution of sebum, smooth the open cuticle scales.

Styling tools

In addition to the usual combing, women often need to lay curls, create a hairstyle. For this purpose, special tools are designed that greatly facilitate the task.

  • Brashing - hairbrushes of the round form gained the greatest distribution. With their help, it is convenient to create volume at the roots, wind the length out or in, create large curls. Made from different materials, tools of different sizes will allow owners of different types, length curls to choose the best option for styling.
  • Metal round brush provides quick drying, easy styling, will help create curls. It is necessary to choose a comb of the desired diameter and the perfect helper for getting a haircut is found.
  • Round brush with bristles as in the photo is perfect for creating small curls, laying bangs. Combined bristles provide short hair smoothness, shine.

  • Vented brush or skeleton comb specially created for drying hair. Will create volume at the roots. Due to the holes in the body, it does not allow the curls to overheat during the heat treatment process. Suitable for any type of hair.
  • Bouche brush will help to quickly achieve the desired result. It is better to give preference to options with natural bristles. They are more careful with the hair that undergoes a complicated procedure. Round hairbrushes will help to create a volume, and rectangular, as in the photo, complete the styling - smooth, polish the top layer. It is better to choose options with bristles of different sizes - they work more efficiently. With their help it is also easy to “remove” the styling. An unraveling brush is able to cope with problem areas. It is effective even on thin, strongly curly or children's hair.

Choosing tools for the care of hair, you need to pay attention to the many nuances. Knowing the basic criteria for selection, understanding the variety of products offered, it is easy to make a purchase that will help reliably take care of the curls and will please a well-groomed hairstyle.

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Types of combs for hair.

We test the top five most popular combs: the pros and cons of each.

Hair brush

It has a flat base with pins, not rigidly fixed on a kind of pillow. Comfortable handle allows you to change the direction of combing hair. Can be either with bristles or with pins.


  1. To give neatness hairstyle.
  2. For combing.
  3. Can be used for styling with a hairdryer. - at the time of drying by wrapping the strands, when the hair is pulled to a distance with the help of this comb and we drift over it.

What should be:

  1. Not very heavy. That it was convenient to vary the direction of installation.
  2. Wide surface
  3. It is better if the base of the brush is not even wooden, but bamboo. This type of tool will be much easier.
  4. Natural bristles are better, than artificial, injures hair less.
  5. If there are pins and they have a tourmaline coatingthen such a model even removes static stress.
  6. If the pins have balls on the ends, the model is less traumatic and has a greater massage effect.
  7. For owners of tight hair need to pick a model with stiff pins.

Half round hair brush

It looks like a brush, but has a curved shape.


  1. For clearance bangs.
  2. For registration of tips of strands easy twisting.

Fine brush for comb


  • elongated shape
  • thick bristles
  • handle,


  1. Before the roots on the hair apply varnish.
  2. Comb comb hair up to the desired height.
  3. Carefully hold it down the strand.
  4. If necessary, fix the varnish.

What should be:

  • Required with thick bristles

Narrow hairbrush for parting

Has the shape of a comb


  1. To separate the hairstyles into strands.
  2. To create a beautiful smooth parting line.

What should be:

  • Must be a very thin pen.

Narrow comb with long teeth

Narrow comb with rather long and thick teeth


  • For combing curly hair and curls.

What should be:

  1. Must be a comfortable pen, since combing curly curls is not easy and not quick.
  2. Teeth should have a wide base at the point of attachment., so as not to break during operation.

Hairbrush with thick teeth

Comb with often spaced teeth.


  1. For use on short hairstyles.
  2. For smooth combing of individual strands.

What should be:

  1. The material from which the model is made, must be strong enough so that the teeth are not deformed when used.
  2. Teeth must be smooth, free from defects. When you click on them with your finger - quickly return to its original position.

Large mixed bristle brush

Brush with bristles of different heights, there is a handle.


  1. It is used for straightening hair, even without associated means., since the form itself creates the result of straightening, which is not done by other models.
  2. Used for smooth hairstyles in retro style.

What should be:

  1. The bristles should be of different lengths.
  2. The shape of the tool itself is streamlined, with no pronounced angles.

Comb for disentangling (type "teaser")

It has an ergonomic appearance, it is convenient to hold in your hand, even in the absence of a handle in the classic sense. The teeth themselves are low, flexible, even, made of synthetic material.


  1. For combing hair, including matted and even wet.
  2. Carefully untangling hair, not tearing them.
  3. And does not electrify.

What should be:

  1. Better if the manufacturer is known, as in the consumer market a lot of fakes.
  2. Have a small weight.
  3. Have elastic cloves.
  4. It is better if there are both plastic and rubber in the material. - to give greater resistance to deformation during use.

Comb for hair extensions

It looks like a brush, but the bristles are made in the form of loops.


  • Very carefully hold such a comb. Do not use regular combs and brushes!

What should be:

  • With exactly the same neat eyelets for careful care.

Termobrashing hair dryer

Looks like brushing. The heating temperature is controlled by a switch.

Draws strands that retain volume after use.

What should be:

  1. Must be a comfortable grip.
  2. Power for home use should be average.
  3. The moving part of the device is preferable to ceramic or metal with tourmaline coating.

Electric comb rectifier

The device combines the work of a hairdryer and styling using a round comb.

At the same time dries and styles hair. Convenient for quick styling. And to create basal volume

What should be:

  1. Must be a comfortable grip.
  2. The working part of the apparatus is preferably ceramic or metal. with tourmaline coating.

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How to care for combs?

Combs must be kept clean! To begin cleaning any of the combs should be with hair removal, tangled in the teeth.

Combs made of plastic and ebony - wash every 7 days or more often in one of the solutions:

  1. Soapy - water with dissolved soap.
  2. Soda –1 tablespoon soda and 25 grams of laundry soap diluted in two liters of water.
  3. Acetic - for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of shampoo, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
  4. Ammonia - for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of shampoo, 2 tablespoons of ammonia.

Electric - disinfect with special solutions, wipe with wet wipes.

Wood - Wipe the comb and teeth with the help of a usual wet wipe.

Brushes should be washed every 3 days in a solution of soapy water and liquid ammonia, of which only a couple of spoons are needed for 1 liter of water.

Modern types of combs

At present, the hairbrush market is represented by various products.

  1. Massage brushes. They have metal, wooden, plastic teeth. Such models massage the scalp well. The most popular comb has a rubber base and plastic teeth with applied "droplets". However, such a thing needs to be changed frequently, as microcracks are formed on the “droplets” that can damage the hair. However, this also applies to wooden massage brushes. But the metal is not intended for daily use.
  2. Classic with bristles. Combs are made with natural, artificial and mixed bristles. This brush smoothes the hair, gives them a healthy look. Of course, the most useful is a comb with natural bristles. However, it can not always unravel the small nodules in the hair, as it does not have sufficient rigidity. Natural brushes last longer than regular massage.
  3. Wooden combs for hair. What is better - any hairdresser can say with confidence. Professionals believe that the combs made of wood - this is the only right choice, they gently and carefully cares for the hair. These brushes are great for brushing. Hairdressers use them when painting hair, as wood does not react with chemicals. Wet hair is best combed with rubber or rubber combs.
  4. Metal combs. Experts do not recommend the use of such brushes when combing dyed hair. The metal can react with the chemical elements of the paint, this leads to a change in hair color. Of course, metal combs are stronger than plastic and wood, but they are too hard and can damage the scalp.

With a wide selection of combs, the woman decides which of them is best to apply. It depends on many factors.

Which brush is better to comb your hair?

Hairdressers and trichologists recommend that certain factors be considered when choosing a comb.

  1. Do not purchase a plastic-based comb. When using the brush, static electricity occurs, which damages the appearance and can damage the hair structure. When choosing a comb for daily use, you should choose only products made from natural wood.
  2. What is the best hairbrush, you will tell true professionals. They are sure that such a product should not have parts made of synthetic material. Many women remember that in the past century metal combs were popular. Scientists have proven that hair consists of fats and amino acids, and the metal oxidizes them.
  3. There is no doubt that the best is a comb made of natural wood. If a woman has not yet decided which wood to choose, then it is better to give preference to hardwood. On the teeth of the pine comb, in a few weeks burrs are formed, which lead to split ends and dry hair. It should be noted that harmful microorganisms can develop in such irregularities of wood. To get rid of them, you must thoroughly wash them with soap and running water, and dry them in a natural way. Combs made of alder, cherry or oak will bring health to any type of hair.
  4. Comb teeth should have blunt or rounded ends. In no case can not buy a comb with sharp teeth, they can harm the scalp and hair.

Choosing a brush for hair, a woman should take into account all the recommendations, because it concerns the health of curls.

Which comb is best for long hair?

The actual question, because such strands are difficult to care for. Therefore, many girls are interested in what comb is better to comb long hair. The choice of brush depends on such features of the curls as the structure (thick, thin, soft, hard, naughty) and length. Before buying a comb, experts recommend first determine what purpose it will be used for. According to the method of application, massage is distinguished, for styling, for daily combing.

Properly selected brush will keep your hair healthy and free from a number of problems. Most often for combing long curls girls choose combs and brushes.

Scientists have shown what comb is better to comb long hair. When using plastic and metal, there is an increase in static voltage, due to which the strands are pulled out and tangled.

Use a wooden comb to care for long hair

The wooden comb has healing properties, but it all depends on the type of wood:

  • cherries comb will help to get rid of dandruff
  • will reduce the electrolysis of oak comb,
  • will remove irritation of the skin comb juniper.

Owners of long curls choose massage brushes made of wood, as well as combs with natural bristles.

Combs for styling curls hairdryer

What is the best hairbrush for hair styling? This will tell professional hairdressers. They allocate only two types of brushes:

  • flat combs are used in cold styling,
  • round and rectangular - in thermocovers.

Just a few years ago, girls used metal while drying hair. However, nowadays ceramic brushes are increasingly used. Under the influence of temperature, the metal is very hot, it damages the structure of the hair, but the ceramic does not conduct heat, so they are the safest.

How to choose a hair dryer?

Many girls who do styling every day are interested in which hair dryer is better for hair? First you need to determine what a styler. This tool is equipped with a set of nozzles for straightening and curling curls. Styler can replace curling iron, hair dryer, brush, iron.

With this tool, hairstyles of any complexity are created independently, and with the help of professional hairdressers. Another advantage of the hair dryer is that they can work on batteries or gas cartridges, so they are used in the absence of electricity.

What to look for when choosing a hair dryer

The main characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing a hair dryer are the heating temperature and the power of the air flow. With the help of hot air, you can dry hair, make hair warm, and cool to fix the result.

Experts recommend to pay attention to the mode of cold blowing, ionization, steam and infrared heaters. Steam is able to humidify the air, infrared heaters protect the hair from drying out, and ionization removes static voltage.

In the standard set of hair dryer combs attached 2 nozzles, some manufacturers put 3-4. Professional kits contain at least 6 tips.

Types of nozzles and their application

To create the desired hairstyle girl needs to know in what cases this or that nozzle is used. Ways to use nozzles:

  • to create curls, you can use the classic round brush with plastic teeth,
  • to quickly dry and create volume will help nozzle-comb,
  • the round brush with a natural bristle will give gloss when drying,
  • a brush with hiding teeth will help in creating perfect curls,
  • straighten hair can nozzle in the form of a half rounded comb.

If you use different types of attachments, the girl can achieve the perfect look of hair.

Moments that need attention

This place should be one. There should not be any joining materials, carvings, seams and rubber bands - these things are extremely dangerous.
Very often hairs get clogged into the unclosed seams when drying with a hairdryer, no matter how tiny they seem, hair can still get stuck in them.
There are cases where the joint is covered with a connecting ring and then on both sides of it there are dangerous places.
Carving and gum risk for quick drying and injure hair, because they are very willing to love them wound.

In order to maximally comfortably, calmly, safely dry and put hair, you should choose brushing, in which there are no unnecessary details. Ideally, the body and handle should be a single whole and not connected by a seam.

  • Stubble

Bristles should be nice. If you feel the brushing and you already know with your fingers that the material is too hard and rough, you should refrain from buying such a comb.Coarse bristles will traumatize the hair and scratch the scalp.
Preference should be given the most pleasant and natural material. The best option would be a pleasant, but holding the shape of the pile (nylon), as well as natural and combined bristles.

  • Body material

Body material plays a huge role: it affects the speed of drying and the quality of hair. Metal and ceramic brasings heat up from the hair dryer, thereby accelerating the time of styling and drying the hair, but at the same time, the quality of the hair itself is much more affected. Without the use of thermal protection and frequent styling with such brushing, hair can become more fragile and dry.
A safer case is made of wood, which is natural and not so dependent on temperature effects.

These moments will help you not to make a mistake and choose the right comb for hair styling with the help of a hair dryer.

I want to tell you the most detail and my brashing.

Brashing wooden with natural bristles d 28/64 mm DEWAL BRT1216

My brushing is the most natural and sustained in terms of design. The single non-winding construction of the wooden body and the natural bristle of the boar make it as safe as possible for styling fine, damaged hair.

When buying this model were taken into account three of the above components.

Brashing is comfortable in the hand, which is important. He also has an elastic bristle, on which I can easily walk by pressing my finger, and she will immediately return to the place.

Brush well and extremely easily captures a strand of hair. It is as comfortable as possible to style their hair with a hairdryer.

In terms of the ratio of the quality of the comb, convenience and speed of installation, he is more than satisfied with me, but also in this model there are limitations:

  • Requires frequent washing. Like any comb with natural bristles, brushing collects every speck of dust and requires timely cleaning.
    Smell. When wet, the comb smells until it is completely dry. This moment does not bother me, but perhaps someone is principled in matters of smell.
    It is impossible to comb. Of course, this comb is designed primarily for styling, but just in case I consider it necessary to say that combing it on my own is simply impossible: it combs absolutely nothing, but simply smoothes it.

I want to show you how hair looks after styling.

For contrast, I demonstrate in a collage: hair, stretched by brushing and dried naturally.

Advantages when laying with Dewal brushing:

  • Careful attitude to hair.Brashing is made of natural materials, so it does not overheat, and natural bristles delicately captures each strand, allowing it to be extremely easy to go through with a hair dryer.
  • Glitter and evenness.The styling itself gives shine, but the natural bristles have the properties to give the hair extra shine and smooth them.
  • Does not scratch the scalp.It is very easy to add volume with the help of brushing at the roots, since the bristles are elastic and the measure is soft, then the comb does not injure the scalp at all, allowing you to make more penetrations at the roots.

I shared with you information about how to quickly and easily choose a comb for styling a hair dryer, but in more detail I stopped at brushing.
If you ask me, brushing or Ikoo Paddle X, I will answer both.
These are completely different types of combs, starting with the form and ending with the material. Therefore, I believe that every girl who dries her hair with a hair dryer should have both of them.

Comb Care

What is better comb for hair, it was told in the previous paragraphs.

Experts believe that even high-quality expensive brush requires constant care:

  1. Before you start cleaning, you must remove all hair from it.
  2. Combs wash once a week in a soapy solution.
  3. Brushes require cleaning once every 2-3 days with a special liquid ammonia solution.
  4. Combs made of plastic can not be boiled down or watered with boiling water, as this will help to damage their structure.

Brushes are an important attribute in hair care, therefore their health and appearance will depend on the condition of these tools. Now you know which comb is best to comb your hair.
