
How to grow a short beard


At all times a thick beard was a sign of real courage, strength and power. Remember any man known for his will and you will see that almost everyone decorated a beard.

A bearded man will always look more solid than even himself, but without a beard.

Unfortunately, not all men have such an opportunity - to grow a beard. This article will help you let go of your beard and achieve a significant increase in your manhood in the eyes of others.

The reasons why you still cannot get a real thick beard will be discussed here, and tips will be given on how to make a beard thicker and what to do to grow a beard faster.

Reasons for not growing a beard

To answer the question of how to grow a thick beard, you first need to understand what mechanisms affect the growth of facial hair in men. Everyone knows that, a really thick beard rarely begins to grow earlier than twenty years.

This is usually associated with puberty, because of which, only from 15-16 years old boys start to grow at least some facial hair.

It usually happens that these hairs are rather thin, imperceptible and look more like a light down.

Unfortunately, nothing can be changed here, you only need to be patient until the age of 20-22 and hope that everything will be alright with you.

The fact is that puberty takes place in a strictly individual way, which means that if your face is not as shaggy as your peers, you should not get depressed.

Even if your beard grows with you, but with scraps or something else unevenly, then along with the normalization of your hormonal background, facial hair will sooner or later become more similar to its traditional appearance. Only if you do not have any problems with the formation of facial hair.

Bad genetics and heredity

Genetics have a strong influence on how your beard grows.. One of the answers to the question of why you still can not get a beard, lies precisely in your genetic code.

How to grow a beard thicker, if it is rare? If your male ancestors had a rather rare stubble on their face, or even walked like shaved ones, then your beard is unlikely to grow very quickly, no matter what procedure you do.

Although it may be that you inherited this feature from a distant relative, who had fine facial features. Here the main thing is not to lose heart and hope for the best.

Also of great importance is the nationality to which you belong.

It is thoroughly known that more southern people, for example, inhabitants of the Caucasus with dark and thick hair, usually much earlier, sometimes even as a teenager, acquire a rather good-quality beard.

While residents of the northern regions, with light and sparse hair, even after twenty may have certain problems with growing facial hair.

Of course, you can try to solve them with special drugs to increase the rate of hair growth, however, unfortunately, this may not always work.

Medicinal and cosmetic products that can help enhance beard growth: Generolon, Alerana, Shevelyuks, Professional Hair System, Minoxidil.


If you for all the previous points would have to have a beautiful beard, but still can not get it, you can be responsible for this, or rather the lifestyle that you lead.

You need to carefully review it, and with this help recommendations that you can read below.

How to grow a thick beard?

And now we come to the main question - how to make a beautiful and thick beard? First of all, you should think about this: you must eat not very healthy food or eat the same foods, as a result of which you lack some vitamins or other beneficial substances in the body.

Let's see what foods should be consumed to grow a thick beard. To achieve a really good result, you need to include more foods containing magnesium, zinc, potassium, iodine, calcium and manganese in your diet.

Also, do not forget about such an important trace element as protein. It should be quite a lot, though in its two forms, that is, animal and vegetable. This means that you should lean on meat, dairy products, bread products, eggs and nuts.

Nutritional supplements

Also, a huge popularity is now gaining a variety of drugs that you can use with food.

Their effectiveness can be confirmed or disproved by a variety of reviews, including on the Internet.

In any case, I would advise you, before taking any of the tools described here, to go and consult a doctor or any other specialist about these drugs.

Thick beard, how to achieve this? One of the most effective way is to use folic acid.

This acid is contained in a small amount in our body and with its lack you may not grow hair.

You can buy it in the form of tablets in a pharmacy. Also, folic acid is found in sufficient amounts in foods such as bread, nuts, and whole grain cereals.

Biotin can be another important nutritional supplement.. They are rich in fruits, especially tropical, and cereals.

In addition, it is necessary to take not only products with biotin, but also nutritional supplements that will increase its effectiveness due to special trace elements that help the microelement to be absorbed into the body as correctly as possible. This method will help make the beard not only thicker, but also darker.

Sports activities

The growth of a beard depends on the production of testosterone. If it is below normal, you really may have some problems with facial hair. How to make a beard grow faster and thicker? Play sports!

And testosterone, in turn, will be one of the reasons because of which many friends and even random people will admire your beard.

Folk remedies

It so happens that you don’t really want to trust your beard with various incomprehensible and sometimes untested preparations.

How to make bristles thicker with simple and proven tools?

I want something more reliable that even with a negative result will not cause you any special harm.

The solution is folk remedies that you can find almost in the grocery store.

For example, works great for increasing the growth rate of beard tar soap.

You only need to wash your face with it a couple of times a day and after a while you will find that you have not only gotten softer skin, but also a good beard.

Care and shave

If you already have a small beard, then be sure to follow the tips below to make it even steeper, and not lose forever.

To grow a thick beard, such folk remedies as burdock and castor oil, as well as burdock oil with red pepper are perfect. For a positive effect, you only need to rub them in the places where you want your beard to grow.

Use high-quality sharp razors to avoid skin injury. After that, rinse the beard and skin of the face with warm water and treat it with natural oils, balms or wax.

Medical supplies

The most effective at the moment is Regein (Rogaine), which contains an active substance that has a very positive effect on hair growth. It is sold in almost any pharmacy, even without a prescription, so you can get it without any problems.

In conclusion, I advise you to think about whether you need a beard at all. Maybe your woman is more like smooth-shaven men. In addition, if you live in a region where there may be hot weather, your beard will be more like a curse that will simply destroy you with the heat.

Well, if everything is fine with the conditions, then good luck with growing vegetation. Moreover, now you know exactly what to do to grow a beard thicker and how to make it grow faster.

Watch the video: 5 effective ways to grow a magnificent beard

First stage

So the guy wants a beard. How to grow if it does not grow? Note that the process of growing is a very long and time-consuming exercise. Therefore, you need to be patient.

If a young man firmly decided on this matter, then the question immediately arises: "How much to grow a beard?". You should wait at least a month without shaving and trimming the bristles. Even if it seems that the face began to look terrible with weak, weak hairs, you should not touch them. Despite the condemnations of loved ones, persuasion to shave everything, ridicule others, that you do not face, you should not pay attention to it. Since after all that has to be done, men and young guys with a smooth chin will envy your new look.

The second stage - trimming

After successfully waiting for time, you can already see a small result: a natural hairline appears. You can safely start trimming. The first time to do this is desirable in a hairdressing salon. Since if you do it yourself, there is a risk of shaving off something wrong and wrong. The subsequent trimming of the beard can already be done at home with a trimmer.

But often facial vegetation stops growing or begins to grow unevenly.

Proper care

You know how to grow a beard, now let's talk about leaving. You need to take care of it regularly, trim the hairs on the chin and cheeks, keeping the contour, trim in places where it is required. The girls are delighted with the men with careless brutal stubble.

But this does not at all mean that you can simply grow a one-year-old beard and not shave at all. The effect of careless stubble to create is not so easy, you need a special skill. If a man is inexperienced in this matter, then you should trust a professional to go to the salon for such a haircut or trimming. The type of a beard can be picked up, having consulted the master.

4. Why do you need patience?

Patience is needed in order not to shave a beard in the first month of growing - most beards die during this period. There are several reasons: firstly, at the initial stage the beard does not look very nice. Rather, it is not a beard, but rather overgrown bristles. Secondly, it is at this time that you are most like a person who is just too lazy to shave. In some groups they look askance at such people. And they often ask: do you grow a beard? Gradually, such questions begin to annoy. And finally, thirdly: the young beard itches horribly and prickly. Growing up, the hairs begin to curl and prick the skin of the face and neck. And it is difficult to transfer.

8. How long does a “normal” beard grow?

Everyone has different ways - a huge number of factors affect the speed: from genetics to the time of year. There is, for example, a study according to which, in the summer months, the British male beard grows faster than in the winter. But, as a rule, a beard becomes a beard in two to three months. Judging by the video where people do not shave and take pictures every day, in six months the beard can grow simply gorgeous.

9. Is it possible to somehow accelerate the growth of the beard?

Many different instructions are written about it. If you summarize them, you can draw several conclusions. Wash or rinse the bristles or beard often, depending on what you have achieved. You can buy special beard shampoos at the barbershop. Do not forget about vitamins. Eat healthy foods. Do sports.

How to grow a gorgeous beard: tips for potential bearded men

Did you know that there was a ban on wearing a beard in the troops of Alexander the Great? No, the commander was not an opponent of the vegetation on a man’s face as such, but he knew that a bearded warrior was more vulnerable in close combat. After all, a warrior seized by the enemy's beard lost its chances of winning. Today, a good beard, on the contrary, is perceived as a sign of strength, masculinity and maturity. She became the first trend of men's fashion. We will tell you how to grow a beard, so that it becomes a subject of your pride, and not in wasted time.


The first problem that can be encountered when growing up: a beard is growing unevenly. It is relevant for those who can not boast of dense vegetation. But do not be afraid and throw the case at the beginning. There are several features to consider.


If the hair is weak and sparse, then it grows slowly. Most often, the follicles on the cheeks are weaker than on the lips and on the chin. For this reason, it is easier to acquire a mustache than a thick beard.

The solution to the problem is time. Even weak hair after a certain period of time will grow, so do not hurry.

The more time elapses since the beginning of the growth, the greater the chance of germination to the normal length of the weakest hairs. And it helps to increase the density of the beard and get rid of gaps in vegetation.


If the problem is only in weak hair, then growth will take at most one month. Healthy hairs grow by an average of 15 mm per month. If the follicles are damaged, the process slows down; in the most neglected case, only 0.5 cm or less will grow in a month.

It is worth preparing for the fact that the first stage of growing will not be a pleasant one, but a thick beard is worth it. The main problem here is irregularity, but it is necessary to wait it out.

In order to grow a beard on the cheeks, it is necessary to cheat on her

This rule is relevant not only for facial hair. The fair sex knows that if you do not systematically trim the curls, you can forget about the chic head of hair.

To give the hairs in a beard the same length, starting from 1 cm. After the vegetation reaches this figure, one of the following tools comes in handy:

These devices allow you to get rid of those hairs that grow faster than others and give the face an untidy look. When the beard is flat, you can proceed to further increase its length.

If there are concerns about their own skills, turn to stylists or hairdressers. This will require additional costs, but will reduce the likelihood of error.

Tip! Before you start a beard, it is worth checking whether it will go. For this theatrical prop is suitable. Special glue and invoice accessory will help make the final choice.

How to make a beard grow

If a beard does not grow well, there are several reasons:

  • genetic predisposition
  • hormonal disorders,
  • wrong lifestyle.

The most common becomes the latter. Due to inattention to their own body, people suffer from many diseases. Wrong lifestyle is nutrition in the first place. Follicles weaken if they lack the necessary nutrients.


To make a beard thicker in the daily diet should add the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A or retinol. This component is responsible for the moisture content of the hair and follicle, which prevents their damage and weakness. They are found in foods such as carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, spinach, cheese, or eggs.The first sign of a lack of retinol is dry skin; if necessary, add more foods high in vitamin A to the diet.
  • Vitamins of group B. Special attention should be paid to B3 (nicotinic acid), B5, B6 and B12. They have a positive effect on the hair. A universal way to add to the diet of these substances is whole grain bread. Separately, biotin (vitamin B7) is required. Its shortage can lead to freezing of follicles and hair loss. It is not proven by science whether the substance in question contributes to the accelerated growth of vegetation, but it is precisely this that prevents loss. You can thicken a beard by eating the following foods: liver, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, fish, beans, carrots, bananas, and wheat germ.

  • Folic acid accelerates growth and improves the state of vegetation. Sources - nuts, whole grain bread, green leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin C has a tonic effect on the body. An excellent source of vitamin C is citrus fruits, but more of it can be found in currants or bell peppers.
  • Vitamin E is another representative of a group of substances that have a general positive effect not only on the hair. He is responsible for the health of the skin and follicle. Most rich in vitamin oils, such as olive.

  • Iron is also an indispensable ingredient for hair health. It can be found in meat, as a large amount is contained in dark greens, such as spinach.
  • Zinc prevents fallout. To replenish stocks worth eating meat, fish and seafood.
  • Aspirin improves heart function and blood flow, making nutrients better available to the hair. A harmless dosage that can help - 80 mg every day.

When deciding how to make a beard grow, not only natural sources of trace elements are chosen. It is worth considering the option and vitamin complexes designed specifically for hair health.


Another component of the wrong lifestyle is constant experience. Stress leads to a weakening of the body, which is bad for the hair and leads to hair loss. Vitamins of group B and zinc influence stress resistance, therefore their reception will help not only to feed vegetation, but also to keep it.

To counter the difficulties of life is to follow two rules:

  • Healthy sleep. It is better to go to bed before midnight and sleep 8 hours a day, but the duration depends on the individual characteristics,
  • Recreation and sport. The more movement, the better. Sports games, training in the gym, yoga or jogging have a positive effect on mood and condition of the body.

Tip! To accelerate the growth of the beard to acquire funds from baldness. They stimulate the follicles and improve the condition of the hair.


If the recommendations above did not help, you should make an appointment with a doctor. First you will need a blood test for testosterone. Increasing the concentration of this hormone with the help of therapy takes 1-2 years. In addition to concentration, the influence has a person's sensitivity to testosterone, but this is a matter of genetics.

If you do not increase the thickness of the beard yourself, then you should seek the help of a specialist.

If the situation is deplorable, the way out is to transplant hair follicles. Surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. To get the result takes up to 2 years of waiting. The procedure has no negative consequences (except for mild irritation of the skin).

Stages of growing a beard

The process of hair growth is influenced by many factors:

• hormone levels
• Lifestyle,
• proper nutrition,
• Nourishing nutrients and vitamins.

It should be understood that the human body is an individual, and the question of how long a beard grows does not have a clear answer. A man who has already decided to acquire thick facial hair should understand that this is a long work that will require increased attention to his appearance, proper care and great patience. And at the initial stage some inconveniences are possible.

The first thing to do before growing up is shaving. So the hairs will grow the same length, evenly.

Conventionally, the stages of vegetation growth can be divided into three stages:

• A time of about 3-4 weeks when the hair does not need to be touched at all. Right now it is necessary to withstand the onslaught of others, under your desire to correct and correct something. At first, you should not interfere in the natural process, do not try to trim the form, you just need to wait. By accidentally deleting "unnecessary" areas, you can spoil all the undertakings and negate all efforts.

• Now the hairs stick out in all directions, look untidy and untidy. Having heroically waited for the time of the first stage, there comes a moment when you can choose a shape and trim it. If desired, a man can turn to a specialist and consult, because the shape of the face plays a big role. It is necessary to take into account external data: height, build, structure of the skull, style, personal preferences and the purpose of growing a beard.

During this period, severe itching is possible. The hairs are already long enough, they twist, prick and irritate the skin of the face. The owner of the vegetation inevitably faces this problem, his hands fall, I want to shave completely. The main thing is to wait 1-2 weeks, itching will pass by itself.

• After 3–6 months, the owner of a chic beard boasts tremendous composure. Now, when the most difficult thing is over and the symbol of masculinity adorns the face, it remains to take care of it, correct the boundaries in time. Every day, it should be rinsed with clean water and soap, use oil, regularly combed.

Means to accelerate the growth of the beard

It happens that the stubble does not appear at all or the young man is perplexed how to not only grow a beard, but also give it thickness at home. To do this, you need to revise your lifestyle, adjust your sleep and wakefulness mode, eat more protein-rich foods.

Increased physical activity has a positive effect on the acceleration of vegetation growth. You need to try to avoid stressful situations, to give up nicotine and cigarettes.

Medication, cosmetics and proven popular recipes will also help grow a beard.

Factors that slow beard growth

Thick beard may not grow for the following reasons:

  1. Unsteady hormones. Hair growth on the face is directly related to the puberty of a young man and the level of testosterone in the body. In adolescence, it is difficult to achieve a thick beard due to hormonal fluctuations. But by the end of puberty, most young people experience a steady growth of thick facial hair.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition. To grow a thick beard, men need to monitor their diet. The lack of vitamins and microelements, as well as the frequent use of alcohol make it impossible to grow thick facial hair.
  3. Heredity. If a rare beard is an indispensable companion of men in your family, then you should not expect thick vegetation on your face. But there is always the possibility that you inherited the genetics of your distant, bearded relative. It is necessary to take into account the nationality of men. Residents of the southern regions have a thick and well-growing beard. And the northern peoples have considerable difficulties in growing thick facial hair.
  4. Incorrect shaving technique. Due to the use of low-quality blunt razors and the rejection of regular shaving, thin and weak hairs can begin to grow, which will never turn into a thick beard. Men make a big mistake if they believe that unshaven for a long time will help to release lush vegetation.

The above factors have a great influence on the state of the body and the growth of hair follicles. Thick stubble is the result of a healthy lifestyle and careful care of its facial hair. To grow a thick and beautiful beard, you must follow a set of rules.

The main ways to increase the growth of vegetation

Basic tips for those who want to grow a beautiful and dense beard:

  1. Start playing sports. Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on testosterone production and overall body tone, as well as helping to control weight.
  2. Get examined by an endocrinologist. If you find problems with hormones, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment to normalize the hormonal levels.
  3. Stay healthy. Eating large amounts of protein foods such as meat, fish, cottage cheese and eggs can increase the thickness of the beard and accelerate its growth. Fruits, vegetables and herbs provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
  4. Take vitamin complexes. There are special food supplements that are aimed at growing thick hair. After using them, a beard can go up sharply. However, prior to their use requires consultation with a doctor.
  5. Observe hygiene. Daily care with the use of proven cosmetics - the key to success for thickening the beard. A variety of creams, lotions, sprays and scrubs make the skin softer, moisturize and cleanse it from dead skin particles, which allows you to get rid of rare and uneven bristles. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the beard, so that sebum and dead cells do not prevent the formation of thick hair.

Additional tools to create a lush beard

Not always the above recommendations have a positive effect. Thick beard may remain unattainable due to hereditary predisposition or individual characteristics of the organism.

In this case, you should resort to other methods. Supporters of traditional medicine to the question: "How to grow a thick beard," they answer unequivocally. In their opinion, the use of products of natural origin is the most effective way to make the bristles thicker and stronger. The adherents of special means and medical preparations that increase the growth of hair are convinced of their effectiveness and usefulness for a thick beard.

The use of special tools

What should a man do if his beard does not grow thick and grows in tufts? It is necessary to resort to special preparations containing special substances and additives. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of beard thickeners. They differ from each other in composition, duration of application, contraindications and price.

Most of these drugs contain one active substance - Minoxidil. The most famous hair thickener for the beard was originally used for the growth of thick hair on the head, but later the drug was widely used to make facial bristles thicker. The result is achieved due to the expansion of blood vessels and an increase in blood microcirculation, which begins to nourish the hair follicles.

How to grow a beautiful beard?

On the face of a man there are about 20 thousand hairs, they grow at a speed of half a millimeter per day. It would seem that there is nothing easier than becoming a bearded man. But in fact, if you fully trust Mother Nature, you can grow shapeless tow. In addition, not every man's facial hair grows evenly, but it happens that the beard does not grow at all.

The first thing you need to know a potential bearded man is not to grow a beard in adolescence. Thick and lush, it does not grow due to the hormonal characteristics. In this case, the intake of synthetic hormones and drugs that accelerate the growth of bristles, all the same will not give the desired effect, and health can harm. In addition to hormones and age, there are several reasons why a beard does not grow. The chances of becoming the owner of lush vegetation affect:

  • the diet and the presence of micronutrients necessary for hair growth in food,
  • the state of water balance of the body,
  • physical activity,
  • quality of sleep, usefulness of rest,
  • stress level
  • having bad habits
  • genetics.

Stage Two: Grow Length

About a month from the day when the hairs on your face began to grow frivolously, comes the most difficult for many men growth stage. Here you will need all your patience and endurance. Alas, the beard does not grow immediately with the ideal shape, at first the hairs can stick around disobediently in different directions.

The growth of thyroid can cause unbearable itching. Discomfort will have to endure. High-quality moisturizing of the skin can help; periodically it is recommended to do scrubbing. Relief may occur after combing a beard, even if its length is minimal. It relieves itching.

Tip: do not be lazy to wash your beard using special means: conditioners, balms, oils. They will make the hair softer and more obedient.

During this period, you should carefully follow the shape of the beard, gradually giving it the desired look. As the bristles grow, trim it to the sides so that the main “weight” of the beard is added around the chin. In this case, the Adam should be open, the neck will have to shave regularly. Do not forget to cut the hair under the lower lip, it will give neatness to your appearance.

Tip: facial hair absorbs well and keeps odors. Do not want extra problems? After eating, wash your face thoroughly and purchase a special tool for fixing hair with a pleasant fragrance.

5 ways to grow a beard

1. Take care of nutrition

Eat high protein foods that provide the body with the right and nutrients that stimulate hair growth. In order to better digest the protein, do not forget about a healthy sleep. Also, doctors recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day. Biotin is a natural supplement for healthy hair, helping to improve their quality and accelerate growth. In particular, this tool is useful for men, the growth of the beard which is "focal", and the hairs themselves are thin. Biotin contains vitamins B6, C and E, which make it possible to maintain the condition of the hair and skin in excellent condition. However, this tool has one drawback - when it is used, hair growth is activated not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. Therefore, before you start using biotin, make sure that this circumstance is not a problem for you.

2. Do not touch the growing beard

One of the problems that men face when trying to grow a beard is unreasonable expectations. It is impossible to wake up one beautiful morning and find a gorgeous thick beard on your face. In the first pairs, the bristles actively grow, often this process causes discomfort due to the fact that the face is constantly itching. Many in such moments do not stand up and shave off regrown hairs, but it is worth remembering that the itch will not constantly haunt you, you only need a little patience and voila - hello, beard.

3. Work on what you already have

In case your beard is not yet as luxurious as you would like, the result you have already achieved should please you. Every time a beard grows, select a new style, experiment. Remember, if you cut your hair from time to time, they grow better. Use the services of a qualified master, today barbershops have become quite popular in retro-style, where a full range of beard and mustache care is provided. And of course, do not forget about vitamins.

4. Fill in the blanks

Many men face the problem when the beard grows "hot spots".In order to fill the empty places, use a thickener hair. So it is possible to make a beard more dense, covering problem areas with hair. Spray thickener should be applied to those areas in which the hair is particularly thin, or does not grow at all. Thanks to a thickener of hair, it is possible to create the appearance of a uniformly growing beard. In this case, the main thing - do not overdo it, because the beard can become too thick and untidy. Choose the tool that best matches your hair color.

5. Care for the beard.

Care for a beard is a prerequisite for attractive facial hair, because if you neglect it, you risk to be a fiasco in this business and you have to start all over again. A tool that is ideal for beard care is castor oil, because it promotes hair growth. Apply oil should be regularly before bedtime, and rinse in the morning. Repeat this procedure daily until the hair becomes thicker and longer, then use castor oil 1 time per week.

In addition, today there are a lot of different tools designed specifically for men who are willing to devote time to caring for facial hair. Among the abundance of such - waxes for beards and mustaches, potions and balms.

Possessing knowledge of how to grow a beard, this process will bring only pleasure, and the result will help emphasize your masculinity.

Uneven growth: what to do

The first problem that can be encountered when growing up: a beard is growing unevenly. It is relevant for those who can not boast of dense vegetation. But do not be afraid and throw the case at the beginning. There are several features to consider.

Against nature you will not go

If the hair is weak and sparse, then it grows slowly. Most often, the follicles on the cheeks are weaker than on the lips and on the chin. For this reason, it is easier to acquire a mustache than a thick beard.

The solution to the problem is time. Even weak hair after a certain period of time will grow, so do not hurry.

The more time elapses since the beginning of the growth, the greater the chance of germination to the normal length of the weakest hairs. And it helps to increase the density of the beard and get rid of gaps in vegetation.

How long does a beard grow

If the problem is only in weak hair, then growth will take at most one month. Healthy hairs grow by an average of 15 mm per month. If the follicles are damaged, the process slows down; in the most neglected case, only 0.5 cm or less will grow in a month.

It is worth preparing for the fact that the first stage of growing will not be a pleasant one, but a thick beard is worth it. The main problem here is irregularity, but it is necessary to wait it out.

To grow a beard on the cheeks, you need to cut it

This rule is relevant not only for facial hair. The fair sex knows that if you do not systematically trim the curls, you can forget about the chic head of hair.

To give the hairs in a beard the same length, starting from 1 cm. After the vegetation reaches this figure, one of the following tools comes in handy:

These devices allow you to get rid of those hairs that grow faster than others and give the face an untidy look. When the beard is flat, you can proceed to further increase its length.

If there are concerns about their own skills, turn to stylists or hairdressers. This will require additional costs, but will reduce the likelihood of error.

Tip! Before you start a beard, it is worth checking whether it will go. For this theatrical prop is suitable. Special glue and invoice accessory will help make the final choice.

How to make a beard grow thicker

If a beard does not grow well, there are several reasons:

  • genetic predisposition
  • hormonal disorders,
  • wrong lifestyle.

The most common becomes the latter. Due to inattention to their own body, people suffer from many diseases. Wrong lifestyle is nutrition in the first place. Follicles weaken if they lack the necessary nutrients.

The best way to grow fast is proper nutrition.

To make a beard thicker in the daily diet should add the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A or retinol. This component is responsible for the moisture content of the hair and follicle, which prevents their damage and weakness. They are found in foods such as carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, spinach, cheese, or eggs. The first sign of a lack of retinol is dry skin; if necessary, add more foods high in vitamin A to the diet.
  • Vitamins of group B. Special attention should be paid to B3 (nicotinic acid), B5, B6 and B12. They have a positive effect on the hair. A universal way to add to the diet of these substances is whole grain bread. Separately, biotin (vitamin B7) is required. Its shortage can lead to freezing of follicles and hair loss. It is not proven by science whether the substance in question contributes to the accelerated growth of vegetation, but it is precisely this that prevents loss. You can thicken a beard by eating the following foods: liver, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, fish, beans, carrots, bananas, and wheat germ.

Choose a beard shape

Already at this stage it is worth deciding on the shape of a beard, which will help you to create your unique style. So, the surest way - to focus on the type of person, but do not forget about fashionable favorites, because not every form is now in the trend.

For men who have an oval face, almost any form of beard will do. But remember that the oval is considered to be the benchmark, it is to him that the holders of other face shapes tend to approach with the help of beards and hairstyles. Therefore, having an oval face, it is not necessary to disturb its contours with an angular or too long beard. The best choice is the so-called Hollywood beard of medium length. Her characteristic features are a fully closed chin, rounded soft contours, no whiskers, and a mustache.

Men with an elongated face should combine a beard with a mustache. Clear horizontal lines in the middle of the face will make it visually shorter and give harmony. As you have probably already guessed, you should not grow a long beard and you should not try. This will only enhance the effect of facial elongation.

Chubby men, by contrast, should avoid mustache and sideburns. The main task of facial hair is to stretch it visually. Therefore, you should give preference to the beard in the form of a trapezoid, for example, an anchor form narrowed down or a beard with a funny name Duck tail.

Holders of a triangular face should opt for a short, but lush, voluminous beard. It is able to hide the pointed chin and harmonize the proportions of the face as much as possible. A great option is Garibaldi's beard. This is perhaps the most trending shape with a rounded base, perfectly combined with a thick mustache. Another interesting form is the French plug. Its feature is a split base, like the teeth of a French fork. And, of course, no goof or goat beards. This is not just a bad choice, it is an absolute taboo!

How to trim a beard yourself?

Do you want it to be like in the song: “Is he so handsome with a beard ...”? Then you have to carefully monitor the appearance and maintain the shape of the vegetation on the chin. Ideal if you have the opportunity to use the services of a barber. But their own efforts will give a good result. The trimmer with various nozzles will become your faithful assistant.

Tip: the first attempts to use the trimmer should be unhurried and extremely careful. One wrong move and half a year of labor will go down the drain.

If you trim your beard yourself, be sure to get good hair scissors with sharp blades. When giving the vegetation on the chin the desired shape, never shear a lot at once. Cut a few millimeters, constantly combing your hair and pulling it aside. Cut the hairs only in dry form!

What if the beard does not grow?

As we mentioned at the very beginning of the article, up to a certain age, the representatives of the stronger sex do not grow a beard. The first vegetation on the face of a young man looks more like a feather, and it can appear at the age of 14-16 years.

To the note: it is interesting that the nationality influences the thickness and timing of the appearance of vegetation on the young man’s chin. So, representatives of the southern nations have a rapid growth of facial hair, and at the age of 15, most guys already get shaving foam and a loom. But representatives of the Eastern Slavs begin to shave their faces by the age of 18-19 years.

If after 18-20 years the guy does not grow a beard, you should check the level of hormones and the state of health of the body as a whole. This requires consultation with a doctor.

In cases where vegetation on the chin is present, but the beard does not grow at the desired rate or has insufficient thickness, it is possible to stimulate its growth. You can speed up the process by acting on the body from the inside and outside.

Correct day regimen

Hair growth, including on the face, depends on the health of the body as a whole. Lack of sleep, stress, sedentary lifestyle can have a negative effect on it.

Regular exercise can help grow a beard, no matter how ridiculous it sounds at first glance. The growth of stubble on the face depends on the production of the hormone testosterone, which can stimulate the synthesis of sports. In this case, nerve overvoltages reduce the level of testosterone in the blood due to the production of stress hormone - cortisol.

Balanced diet

Improper diet, imbalance in diet, lack of everyday menu of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products will inevitably lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. This in turn will adversely affect the condition of the hair, including on the face.

Vitamins necessary for hair growth:

  • biotin (vitamin B7): present in nuts, beef, egg yolks, shrimp,
  • Vitamin A: found in the form of carotene in orange and red vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, apricots, pumpkin,
  • Vitamin C: abundantly present in citrus, wild rose, sea buckthorn, all varieties of cabbage,
  • Vitamin E: found in nuts, olives, avocados, oatmeal, spinach, dried apricots,
  • Vitamin B9: Eat in seeds, peanuts, parsley, cod liver, legumes.

For a healthy look and fast hair growth on the chin, it is important to enrich your diet with foods that contain not only vitamins, but also trace elements. Zinc, calcium and iron must be ingested in sufficient quantities, especially if you decide to grow a beard.

Synthetic vitamins for hair growth

If the vegetation on the chin is in no hurry to grow, it is possible that there is not enough vitamins in the body, or the process of their absorption is disturbed. It is necessary to consult with your doctor regarding the intake of vitamin complexes. There are many drugs whose composition is chosen specifically to stimulate growth and strengthen hair. Drugs Perfectil, Pantovigar, Evalar, Mertz and Revalid pills will help grow hair faster on the face.

Choose tools that accelerate the growth of bristles

On sale you can find special tools for the growth of a magnificent beard. Initially, most of them were developed to accelerate the growth of hair on the head, but with the popularity of lush beards, these drugs were used to make hairs on the chin grow. Their main component is minoxidil. The substance expands blood vessels and enhances blood circulation at the site of application. Due to this, oxygen and nutrients are more actively supplied to the hair follicles, and the hair begins to grow faster. In addition, minoxidil is able to awaken the hair follicles that are in the latent phase. Due to this, hairs begin to grow where previously there were none.

Popular products with minoxidil:

  • Alerana spray 5% - is a medicinal product, it is applied twice a day to the skin surface, you do not need to wash off the product, the price is about 700 rubles,
  • Regeyn lotion 5% - the drug is hypoallergenic, odorless, used twice a day, designed specifically for men, cost around 1,500 rubles,
  • spray Generolon - when using the drug, hairs begin to grow actively in about a month, at first they are thin, but over time their thickness increases, the price of the product is about 600 rubles.

Important: drugs with minoxidil are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, however, you should consult with a specialist before starting treatment, since using them may cause side effects, including allergic skin reactions, swelling of the soft tissues of the face, headaches, jumps pressure.

How to grow a beard or a guide for beginners bearded

More hair - more problems. In order not to face all the problems that arise with every second man, when he decides to grow a beard, we have collected the most important and valuable expert advice on how to grow a beard?

It is not you who choose facial hair, it is they who choose you, the only question is that not everyone deserves it.

Let's go straight for cleanliness, if you are 17 years old and you have vegetation in the form of a light gun on your face, it’s too early for you to think about a thick beard for a couple of years. Yes, naturally, a beard is a sign of brutality and courage, but in order to match exactly these parameters, you need to understand that for this a strong foundation must be laid and in the future very careful care. Of course, it will take some of your efforts and not small, but the result, believe me, is worth it. So how to grow a thick luxurious beard? Let's start from the beginning.

Before we get to growth, you must first provide a single, absolutely smooth platform for this growth. Need to shave. In particular, it is necessary to shave properly: with hot water, on steamed pores, with new blades for healthy and consistent hair growth. This will create the necessary correct foundation for your brutal man to form as it should be. We recommend that you read the article what to do if the beard does not grow.

Next, provide your skin with necessary moisture and nutrition every day., Use a razor, instead of an electric razor, which will prevent hairs from growing.

In order for the hair to grow more even it is necessary to use a scrub every day. This will help the pores not to become clogged, thereby ensuring your hair continuous growth.

So, you shaved, diligently scrub and moisturize your skin every day and here it should be clear how close you are to success: either you are one of those who are more like Justin Bieber in terms of facial hair or you have good chances of becoming like Tom Hardy .

It should be noted that the growth of facial hair will be either rapid or slow. However, if after you have started to carefully care for your skin after you have thoroughly shaved and after a few days you see that you have quite thick bristles, congratulations, you are bearded men on the right path of membership!

At this stage it is very important to continue peeling and moisturizing in order to stimulate further hair growth. Then you need to decide what form of beard you will grow. Here it will be better to contact your hairdresser to help you find the right beard shape, in accordance with your face shape.But before you go to a hairdresser for help, you can look at your favorite famous bearded men and choose what you like. But if you are interested in our opinion, we are more inclined the scales in the direction of George Clooney, rather than Lewis Hamilton.

Form care

Thick, massive beard will visually add the volume of your jaw and make the shape of your face more manly. But you need to understand that a thick beard does not grow in one day and you need to carefully care for it to achieve beard thickness.

While you are at the initial stage, you need to remember that the beard is growing thicker and fastest on the chin.

That is why you should not worry about why you have more vegetation on the bottom than on top and why your cheeks are still covered only with bristles, while on the chin a kind of edge is already formed. Do not panic.

This very edge grows and forms the weight and base of any good thick beard.

More dense and massive beards require more difficult and painstaking work and care. We recommend that you pay attention to Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styler, which will help you to even the facial hair, making it more symmetrical.

With the help of the styler, you can easily not only trim the facial hair, but also give shape to the already showing mustache and the beard itself, later on, too.

Trimming accuracy

Undoubtedly, in order to keep your beard in shape, you must immediately get a trimmer. Because, one styler is not enough.

The trimmer will become your reliable loyal friend throughout the time while you are a happy bearded man. Everything is very simple here: the more often you trim the shape of your beard, the better it grows. You can make a kind of contour to find out which part of the beard the hair is thicker.

Trim hair that grows faster than those that grow a little slower. This will help keep your beard in symmetry and will help to further create a smooth and beautiful look to your beard. However, this is a complex manipulation and the first few times for help it is better to contact a hairdresser, and later on you can carry out these actions yourself. In addition, with the help of a trimmer, you can alter the shape of your beard if you want to somehow change the style, for example, remove the mustache, or make them a different shape.

Hair care

Well, dear, here, finally you become the happy owner of the very cherished beard of one form or another. You think that the goal has been achieved and you can calmly relax, but this is not so.

Believe me, if you want to grow a beautiful beard, the work on it does not end at the moment when it has grown, the work is just beginning ... Now it is very important to preserve and maintain your beard in the form in which it was formed, because you will often brittle hairs will appear that will spoil the whole picture of your beard or curls that will no longer resemble a beard, but a rug.

After a shower, try to dry your hair in the direction of their growth, to straighten the beard and show its true length. Then put on the beard oil, just do not overdo it, otherwise you risk being like Zepp Blatter before the date. Oil in small quantities will give your beard softness and add the lack of shine and healthy look that will drive you crazy of envy to beardless.

So, we discussed the basic principles that will help a beard grow more quickly and correctly, but while it grows, I would like to not ignore the moment, how to care for a growing beard?

The growth of the beard - the process is quite protracted. And while your beard takes on its appearance, and you more closely resemble Keanu Reeves, it should be understood that patience is your main weapon on the way to a thick beard.

Yes, at first the appearance of your bristle-ala-beard may resemble the look as if you used a wax stripe, but after a while, all the empty bald spots will be filled and the beard will gradually acquire its necessary shape.

You need to understand that keeping your growing beard in order is half the success, because if you think that growing a beard is just to stop shaving, you are wrong.

Do not forget to level the vegetation on your cheeks and align the shape at the bottom of your chin, this will help to create clear lines on your face, and while your beard is growing, you will not look like a hipster stroller.

Focus on edges

We already understood that a thick beard is your cherished dream, but how can you ennoble her until she has reached her final perfect look? Play on contrasts. If you can’t focus on your beard because of its scanty appearance, try to win with a sideburn.

It is better to thin them and add some sharp edges, this will help to create the impression of clearer angular structures of the face.

Shade lines

To counter any errors in the growth of your future beard, hairdresser Joe Parker advises to paint all the "gaps". “Take an eyebrow pencil or frosted shadows that best suit your hair color and tint all the gaps that confuse you in a small amount until the beard has got its perfect look.” This will help to turn any fluff into thick bristles.

And here we figured out how to grow a beard, how to care for your bristles, until it turned into a luxurious beard, however, there are a number of errors in the care of the beard itself, with which every future bearded man should become familiar.

So what will help you look gorgeous bearded man, and not to be like Robinson Crusoe?

Like your hairstyle, your beard needs constant and proper care. Armed with the right tools and knowledge, you can easily boast your wealth in the form of a beard, and not explain to everyone around you that you have lost a razor or you are just too lazy to shave.

Error 1: You allow your beard to be too long and do not cut it.

We have already said above that in order for a beard to grow faster than it, oddly enough, it is necessary to cut and cut more often. We understand that some of you want to be a real woodcutter, but believe me, this will not add you masculinity.

If you do not thin the beard, it will often grow into the skin, thereby provoking skin irritation.

We do not say that it is necessary to cut a beard every day, once a week and a half or two weeks is enough. Or, you can wear a shorter beard and look no worse than the cherished woodcutter.

Error 2: You do not use beard oil

We have already said that caring for a beard is very important and one of the most important assistants in this is beard oil. So, ignoring this moment will allow you to remind Dumbledore rather than the standard of your dreams.

A beard requires no less care than hair. To neglect this is to have dry and disheveled facial hair, but you don’t need it. Another important point: if you do not use oil, the skin of the face will be very dry and, as a result, peel off, and this is the reason for the appearance of dandruff in the beard. We do not think that you are flattered by such a prospect.

Beard care oil incorporates argan oil, which helps “seal” split ends. It also helps the hair to maintain its natural sebum, which, thanks to it, is extracted from the skin follicle, which means thick growth and a neat appearance, and not a tumbleweed.

Error 3: You start using beard oil too soon.

Until your beard has grown at least a couple of centimeters, it is useless to use butter, because it will only oily skin, causing acne.

If your skin is too dry, add a couple of drops of oil to your day cream, this will help soften the skin and hair. And do not neglect the areas on the neck, where the skin is especially tender and sensitive, because using a trimmer can lead to irritation, and a cream in combination with beard oil will help to prevent this.

Error 4: You do not know when to stop shaving

Well-built beard - good luck for you who do not have the chin line of Captain America.

If you shave too low on your cheeks, you risk being like Wolverine. But to prevent this from happening, shave a straight line on your cheek as high as your beard will allow.

Always shave up from your cheekbones - if you slip your hand, you don’t risk shaving off a piece of your cherished beard that has been growing for months.

Also, when you form the hair on the neck, which should be the foundation of your beard, you should not forget that your natural chin line should be clear, here it’s better to shave from where the jaw meets the chin and move towards the ear.

Error 5: You do not care for your tools

Whenever you shave, your skin becomes a breeding ground for germs: warm skin that a razor has just walked through is a paradise for bacteria.

Unlike your hairdresser, the instruments on the sink were most likely not sterile. Especially if the last time you had the imprudence to slightly cut yourself when shaving. Use aerosol antiseptics for tools, this will help you not only to keep your tools clean, but also to protect yourself from microbes on your skin.

Error 6: Do you treat your beard as a pet?

She can be fluffy, she can be soft. It may seem funny to iron her all the time. But your beard is not a puppy, you do not need to pull and stroke it all the time.

Narcissism may have inspired you to grow it, but it should not be seen by everyone around you. And to make a cult out of your beard that you are so proud of that you do not miss an extra opportunity to stroke your beard is not right. Wear a beard confidently, your beard is a privilege, but please do not show it to everyone around you.

We looked at the main beard care errors with you and, finally, I would like to make out one more important question: how to make your beard look the best?

Even if you are not very fond of fashion, you still know that the beard is back in fashion. However, it should be remembered that this is not a goatee beard, but a thick luxurious beard. We will tell you about the main components of the luxurious look of your beard.

Which beard style is best for me?

If you have a long face, it is better to grow a little more hair on your cheeks, so this will help fill the face. In the same way, just the opposite should be done if you have a round face: remove the hair from the cheeks, which will help remove the width. But all this will help only if you know how to grow your hair.

If you grow a beard for the first time, you have the risk of getting teenage fluff on your cheeks instead of proud bristles and this will not help you to achieve the desired result. In case your facial hair leaves much to be desired, we recommend that you just touch the bristles, which will look more dignified in your case.

Like a haircut, the fashion for a beard tends to change. And if a couple of years ago, woodcutters' beards were in fashion, now more accurate and elegant beards are in fashion. Shorter styles will help emphasize the structure of the lines of the head and hide any flaws, such as weak chins or puffy cheeks. You may also think about a variant of prominent whiskers, surrounded by long stubble, this option is also not the worst.

Beard care

This is an important factor in making your beard look perfect. Wash it, just like you wash your hair. After all, you are caring for your hairstyle, so you should take care of your beard. Otherwise, if you ignore this question, you run the risk of such problems as growing hair, dandruff, itching, peeling of the skin, dryness and rash. We do not think that you would like to face similar problems on the way to the beard of your dreams.

Do not forget about scrubbing. For shorter, stiffer hair less than 2 cm in length, a facial scrub is the best option. Peeling the skin around the beard with a face scrub will keep it fresh and clean, and the beard itself will look less oily.

Doesn’t it seem that growing a beard is not so easy as it may seem at first glance? But believe me, if you provide it with proper care and abide by all these rules, within a few months you will achieve your cherished dream and be the happy owner of that very beard. Good luck to you!


Watch the video: The Best Tips For Your Short Beard (July 2024).