Useful tips

Proper hair care: professional advice


Well-groomed hair can be seen immediately. Recently, by the type of hair, you can determine the status of a person in society. After all, it is difficult not to replace when the hair is shiny, soft, elastic. But not always well-groomed hair can be achieved only by investing a lot of money to visit expensive services. There are a large number of simple rules, following which you can achieve the appearance of hair, as if after visiting a beauty salon. Some rules seem impracticable, but fulfilling, at least half of them, will get half the success.

1. You can not wash your hair under a hot shower, it should be a small temperature.

2. It is necessary to wash the hair with boiled water or a decoction of herbs.

3. Rinse with an acidic solution with the addition of lemon juice or a solution with the addition of vinegar.

4. When wet hair, you can not comb it.

5. You should not go to bed with a wet head, your hair should dry well.

6. It is necessary to protect hair from cold or scorching sun.

7. Mustard will help strengthen hair growth.

8. Strengthens hair decoction of juniper and birch leaves.

9. The best dandruff remedy is considered to be the juice of onions, which is rubbed into the scalp.

10. A great method of hair loss is a mask of brandy, onion juice and burdock roots.

11. The mask, in which you need to add castor oil and alcohol, which you rub into the scalp, rinse with shampoo, it is better for children, rinse with lemon water or vinegar solution. For the application of such a mask on the scalp there should be no wounds.

12. When itching head, as well as the problem of hair loss will help decoction of thyme, oak bark and willow.

13. A good remedy for bark and burdock root.

14. From falling out, calamus root, nettle, and coltsfoot will help.

15. Add honey to the headwash solution and help strengthen the hair.

16. To grow hair you will need a decoction of the bone.

17. For oily hair suitable decoction of nettle.

18. Broth birch leaves will help get rid of hair loss.

19. A decoction of nettle with vinegar, strengthen hair bulbs.

20. From baldness will help sea buckthorn, like a mask and when taken orally. Also in the form of a mask to use sea buckthorn oil.

21. To make hair silky, a mask of mayonnaise, honey, olive oil and onion juice.

22. In winter, be sure to make masks with vitamins B6, B12, lemon juice and honey.

23. To make the hair more alive, will help the mask of brandy, butter and yolk.

24. Effective mask from falling out of the egg and gelatin.

25. A simple mask to maintain the beauty of hair from scarlet, honey and yolk.

26. For shine, health and beauty of hair will help mask from kefir.

Different hair care masks need to be done regularly, no need to wait until the hair starts to fade or fall out.

Shampoo selection

How to care for your hair? The advice of professionals in this matter is quite extensive. The first thing that dermatologists and cosmetologists pay attention to when it comes to proper hair care is how they are cleansed, what detergents are used for this, and how the headwashing process is carried out. It would seem that it can be complicated, but it turns out that there are also rules here.

It is very important to choose the right shampoo. After all, its composition is designed for a specific type of hair and scalp properties. Therefore, before choosing a detergent, it is necessary to study the recommendations to it and the components of this product. An important factor is the percentage of natural substances contained in the tool. As a rule, shampoos, created on a natural basis, are a bit more expensive, but we are talking about beauty and health.

If the hair quickly grows fatter within a few hours after washing, then, most likely, the remedy was chosen incorrectly. It is not necessary in this case to buy shampoo with a high content of protein. It is better to turn your attention to the means created on the basis of herbs, for example, chamomile, nettle or other. Dry and brittle hair, on the contrary, require more nourishing and softening substances.

Washing head

What else is included in hair care? Professional advice also covers the topic of washing. Experts say that you can not wash your hair with too hot water. Because of the high temperature, the hair structure is disturbed, it is very harmful for the follicles and can lead to their death. Water should be comfortable. Before you apply the shampoo on your hair, you must soak it well and allow it to soak in water for a few minutes. Only after this should be applied shampoo. It contains chemicals, and water, penetrating well into the structure of hair and skin, softens this factor. Shampoo must be applied twice. The first application provides a preliminary purification from external contamination.

Next, rinse the hair and apply shampoo again. This will provide a cleansing of grease. Then you can apply conditioner or hair balm. For a good effect, you need to follow the instructions on the product vial and keep it on the hair for the indicated time so that the hair roots do not get fat fast. Caring products should be applied only along the length of the hair, without touching the scalp. Finish rinsing is better with cool water, which will help the swollen scales to narrow slightly.

Oily hair can be rinsed after washing with a decoction of nettle or a solution with lemon juice, the water should be slightly acidic. This will help avoid quick salting of curls and add shine to them.

Proper drying process is included in hair care. Professional advice is based on the fact that high and low temperatures are very harmful to curls. It is important to dry your hair with cool, but by no means hot air. Keeping a towel wrapped in a towel is too bad for too long, it leads to excessive swelling of hair scales. They open up and may be injured. For the same reason, do not comb wet hair.

The choice of comb is no less important for healthy hair. It is always better to give preference to natural materials. They do not harm. Tools made of natural bristle help curls. It is necessary to comb hair with smooth movements from the tips, gradually rising higher. If they are confused, you should unravel them first, and then continue combing.

Hairdressing recommendations

How to care for your hair? Tips from professional hairdressers to help girls make their curls flawless. Let's look at the basic rules. Even those who have long hair, periodically need to trim the tips. Because it affects the appearance of hair and helps to improve the curls, as well as prevent their dissection above.

Girls who want to change their image with hair dye are recommended to change their shade first by applying tinted tonics. After all, even gentle paint brings harm to hair. Therefore, while there is no need in coloring, it is worth keeping them. Given that natural colors are in fashion, you can change the shade, say, to a lighter one, by regularly rinsing the hair with chamomile decoction.

Thin hair

Since the curls differ in type, the process of caring for them also has its differences. What should be the care for thin hair? The tips of the professionals here mainly come down to careful care of the curls. This type of hair is most vulnerable, therefore it needs constant protection. Burdock based masks strengthen and nourish. Well help rinsing hair decoction of chamomile, mallow or burdock root. General rules on the inadmissibility of high or low temperatures for this type of hair are particularly relevant. No hot water and hair dryer! Comb with natural bristles is most suitable for fine hair, given their tendency to damage. Do not forget about the various air conditioners and balms, the action of which is aimed at protection.

Winter care

How to care for hair in winter? Tips professionals will help you in the cold season to protect their curls. As already mentioned, low temperatures are detrimental to hair no less than high, so in winter you need to hide curls under a headdress. Leaving the tips uncovered, the women dry them and cut them. Coming from a cold air into a warm room, you must remove the headdress, so as not to expose the hair to steaming. This adversely affects their structure and contributes to the release of excess greasy coating. Moistening and nourishing hair in winter is just as important as summer. Therefore, do not forget about balms and conditioners with a nutritional basis.

How to wash curls with shampoo

You should start with how to properly wash your hair. Before you start washing carefully comb your hair with a massage comb or a wide comb. With such a preliminary procedure, washing will become more efficient, since dead cells will depart in advance and become easier to wash out. Markedly increased blood circulation in the skin of the skull. After that, wet your head completely and after pouring the shampoo on your hand, spread it on your hair, without missing a single strand.

Hair should be washed properly.

Correct combing of curled and straight strands

No less important is the procedure of combing hair. In order to properly comb long hair, first collect the tail and begin to scratch from the edge, gradually moving to the root. Hair is not long on the contrary, start from the root and move to the edge. Always remember that wet hair never combed immediately, it hurts the structure.

Do not comb wet hair.

Adequate drying after washing procedure

Equally important and properly dry the hair. Keep in mind that it is more pleasant for the hair if you do not use a hair dryer, and they will dry on their own in a natural way.

But there is not always time and desire for such an event, and even curling your hair, not heating up the curls first will not work without a hair dryer and curling. So try when you use something like a thermal protection means, it will help to preserve the health of the hair for a long time.

Using a hair dryer should be kept to a minimum.

Healing dry, thin curls at home

If your hair is naturally normal, but over time the type has changed to dry, then this means that you wash your head too often. For curls dry-type beauticians recommend the use of gentle care with the use of gentle cosmetics. Wash hair of this type is important with the use of a special shampoo that restores the structure of damaged curls, moisturizes and nourishes with micronutrients. Often cosmetologists recommend using special aerosols for moistening.

Dry hair requires special treatment.

Preparing a remedy: peppermint tincture or burdock oil

As a folk method, you can prepare the tincture of peppermint. To do this correctly, put in a mug dried mint in the amount of two tablespoons and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid tightly and leave it for 30 minutes. Mint tincture rinse hair well after daily washing. Peppermint causes the sebaceous glands to work more actively, so that the fat on the head of hair is produced naturally.

Mint has a calming effect.

Natural Healing Serum: New 2017

Burdock oil is also suitable as a natural moisturizer. To prepare, mix burdock and olive oil, and then apply on curls before you begin to wash your hair. Wrap your hair with plastic and a towel on top, it will create a warming effect for the head. Wait 40 minutes - an hour and begin to gently wash off the head.

Burdock oil - natural hair moisturizer

Oily hair care

Often, dry hair can become oily due to the incorrect operation of the sebaceous glands of the head, then the saling of the hairstyle begins. To reduce fat should be:

    Eat right, try to stop eating sweets,

Give up sweet

  • Start taking vitamin complexes, including vitamins E and B,
  • We strongly recommend not to use all sorts of balms and oils, which make the already greasy hair heavy,
  • Excessively combing the head and being in elevated temperatures makes the sebaceous glands more active,
  • Use of cosmetics: paints, sprays and varnishes for fixing haircuts

    Try to choose cosmetics and hair products with a beautician to form a set for oily hair. Choose shampoos and rinses that normalize the condition of the sebaceous glands and cause the decrease in fat content. You can separately buy a degreasing agent and use it with a classic shampoo.

    Use natural cosmetics

    Yolk cream is the best product for healthy styling.

    The healing folk mask from the yolk also helps with hair fat. It consists of a teaspoon of alcohol, raw yolk from an egg and a teaspoon, boiled oxen. Rubbing this mixture into the scalp after you wash your hair. Applying the mask to the hair, wait ten minutes until the applied mixture starts to act, and then wash off the head with warm water, gently massaging the scalp. Egg yolk is needed to reduce the release of fat to the scalp, and the alcohol dries the hair so that the fat that has already accumulated there disappears.

    Hair mask with egg yolk will strengthen the strands

    Professional care for fatty and keratin strands

    Keep in mind that even if you seriously care for your hair, you will not be able to reduce the time it takes to grow a new centimeter of hair, no matter how cool. The fact is that every person’s hair growth rate is genetically incorporated and there’s nothing to be done here. But you need to know that there are factors that can reduce the natural growth rate, slow down. This is not good, especially if you plan to release the curls.

    Oily hair requires special care.

    A series of essential trace elements for colored hair

    The following vitamins are considered important for hair growth:

    • Trace Element B1. It is responsible for the growth rate of hair, the absence of fragility and the presence of natural shine. Contained in plants: peas, wheat, soy and other things
    • B2, aka riboflavin. This trace element is needed to improve the natural circulation of blood in the skin of the skull, this vitamin affects the overall condition and hair color.
    • The fact is that when the roots of the locks begin to grow fat, it happens quickly. In this case, the ends often remain dry, this situation indicates the absence in the body of this trace element. The source of this element are fungal products, animal liver, almond nuts, etc.

    Improper diet leads to deterioration of hair

  • Vitamin B3 or the so-called nicotinic acid, which is needed to improve the quality of oxygenation of each hair on your head. This immediately triggers improved growth of curls. If you have gray hair at an early age, then this is a sign of insufficient amount in the body of this trace element. So that the scalp is saturated in the right amount, eat more beef.
  • To save time for fast food of the head, you can use special vitamin complexes aimed at saturating the body with the right substances for the growth of hair.

    Vitamins will make hair stronger and more beautiful

    Healthy life in all seasons

    On individual aspects of the health of the body affects its condition as a whole. Improper diet, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, abuse of nicotine and other harmful substances leads to poor health. So, if you decide to change the image first go to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, then the hairstyle will become normal.

    Lead a healthy lifestyle

    Using body and scalp massage

    If you decide to turn to a healing massage, then this is the right decision - improving circulation of blood in the scalp - the key to improving the condition of hair and stimulating their growth. Independently move your hands over the head, make five-10 circular movements with the pads of your fingers before washing your head. It will take you five minutes a day, and the effect will appear in just a month.

    Head massage improves blood circulation

    Fruit mask for the beauty of the hair: the composition of the mixture

    For hair care, it will be useful to use a fruit mask. To do this, you have to mix kiwi, grapefruit and drop a little liquid honey here. If the hair is long, then prepare the mask in proportion to the length. Apply evenly, smearing along the length and rinsing with warm water. Wash off after 15 minutes so that the hair is cleared of fruit softness.

    The advantage of using this tool is the use of fruit acids.

    Professional hair care tips

    Hair care at any age should be comprehensive. Only in this way can you achieve the perfect state of your hair. What procedures should be performed regularly with hair?

    The main stage of hair care is washing them. It would seem that there is nothing complicated. However, many professional stylists say that with the wrong approach to shampooing, hair loses its attractiveness and becomes dull. Here are the main recommendations from professionals regarding hair washing:

    • Too often to wash your hair is not worth it. The optimal interval is two days. The only exception will be, perhaps, hair with high fat content. They are washed daily or every other day,
    • So that the hair does not lose a healthy shine, do not wash it with too hot water (it dries the hair shaft),
    • Hair washing is carried out twice, and it is necessary to rinse them well with running water after it. If there are any problems with the hair, the hairdressers recommend using several complementary products in the washing process. For example, if your hair is brittle and prone to oiliness, then you can first wash it with a shampoo for oily hair, and use a conditioner for a second wash to increase the volume,
    • Shampoo is not recommended to be applied directly to the hair. It is better to lather a small amount of the product in your hands, and then apply it to moisturized hair,
    • Conditioning agent must be applied to the hair from the middle,
    • The conditioner is not recommended to be rubbed into the scalp, since the hair at the roots will become oily and lose much in volume,
    • To flush the conditioner from the hair use cool water, and if you want to make your hair shiny, then walk along their entire length with a piece of ice,
    • 2 in 1 shampoos try to use as little as possible. Such tools are suitable for quick washing and will be a suitable option when traveling.
    • Use dandruff shampoos only if there is a problem. If you managed to get rid of dandruff - immediately switch to another shampoo that will match the type of hair,
    • Use dry shampoos in extreme cases (for example, take it with you on a long journey, where it will not be possible to wash your hair well).

    Experiments - aside!

    Proper hair care is a responsible business, so it must be approached seriously, without experiments.

    • Do not put experiments on hair, using unknown novelties of cosmetics. If your hair requires restoration, then it is advisable to make a program in advance, after consulting with your hairdresser,
    • Choosing shampoo and hair conditioner is necessary carefully, taking into account the type of scalp and hair type,
    • When choosing a shampoo, remember that it is intended more to care for the scalp and helps to improve hair growth. Its additional function is to clean the hair shaft from dust, dirt and fat particles,
    • Permanent hair coloring leads to drying of the scalp. In this case, you need to wash your hair with a delicate shampoo with a moisturizing effect.
    • At least once a week, follow the scalp peeling procedure. During this procedure, you can not only remove the dirt and dead cells, but also a layer of sebum. This will provide access to oxygen to the hair follicles. Hair will receive the necessary amount of nutrients and become much more beautiful and healthy.

    Hair drying

    The process of drying hair has some features, without which you can not make them attractive.

    • Wet hair is not recommended to comb. Hairbrush will injure and stretch the hair, change their structure. As a result, split ends appear, hair shafts become brittle,
    • If you are drying your hair with a hairdryer, then try to direct the stream of hot air from top to bottom. To fix the hair done, use cold air. This will help make the hair shiny,
    • In the summer, try not to dry your hair at all. They will be too dry from the sun. Use repair masks for dry hair for their care,

    Hair Styling

    Hair styling procedure is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

    • If you need to focus on beautiful curls, apply a small amount of mousse on your hair and then perform a hairdryer styling, gently pressing the strands with your hands,
    • Lacquer when styling should be applied only to dry hair, because the moist means immediately sticks. If you need to make the hair more lush, give the hair a volume - lift the hair strands and send a stream of varnish to the roots,
    • To fix the hairstyle with lacquer, it is necessary to slightly place the can in some distance from the head and hair,
    • The styling done on wet hair will stay bad, so try to dry your hair thoroughly with a hot stream of air, and at the very end wrap your hair with cold air.

    Optional hair care

    Professional hair care involves the use of a set of additional measures aimed at improving their condition. Weekly on the hair need to apply a repair or vitamin mask.

    • Hair masks are recommended at least once a week. And for dry and brittle hair masks need to be done daily for a week. Rub these tools into the scalp is not worth it, apply a mask gently along the entire length of the hair.
    • Oils and hair masks can replace air conditioning.
    • Masks to restore the structure of the hair is applied at bedtime, and in the morning - wash the head.

    Hair care products

    Now the market has a huge amount of cosmetic hair care products. With their help, your hair will quickly recover, become shiny and docile. But how to choose from the variety that is really suitable for your hair? Tell about it further.

    Professional hair care is carried out using special tools that are sold only in beauty salons and specialty stores. Each of the professional hair products has a narrow spectrum of action and is intended to solve a specific problem:

    • Everyday hair care products. They are the most accessible and popular, intended for a wide range of consumers,
    • Medical cosmetics for hair is sold in pharmacies and is intended for the improvement of the scalp,
    • Folk cosmetics are made from natural ingredients, therefore they give the hair the greatest benefit.

    There is a narrower division of cosmetics for hair. They are divided by focus of action:

    • Shampoo designed for washing the scalp and cleansing hair from dust, dirt, excess sebum. Selection of shampoos professionals recommend doing, based on the type and structure of hair. Available shampoos for dry, brittle, oily, dyed hair. There are also shampoos with a therapeutic effect, designed to combat dandruff. When choosing a shampoo, it is important to pay attention not only to the labeling of the hair type, but also to the composition of the product. Typically, the basis of cosmetic shampoo is sulphate - a tool that promotes quality cleansing of hair and the formation of foam.
    • Air conditioners. These compounds are designed to control the level of moisture in the hair shafts. Thanks to the conditioner, the hair becomes docile, smooth, soft and shiny. The composition of hair conditioning agents contain silicone oils, thickeners and fragrances. They also have proteins that ensure the preservation of elasticity and facilitate the process of combing.
    • Balms. The creamy substance nourishes and saturates the moisture over the dried hair shafts. Balm is recommended to be applied immediately after washing, on damp hair. In addition, experts recommend using this tool for dyed and weak hair. If your hair is oily, then balm is absolutely not suitable for them. It only enhances the secretion of subcutaneous fat.
    • Hair dye. This cosmetic component is used mainly for painting gray hair or changing its natural shade. The composition of many hair dyes contain chemical compounds that negatively affect their structure, but at the same time contribute to intense staining. If you do not want to spoil the structure of the hair, you can choose a gentle version of the paint, based on natural dyes.
    • Styling products. The choice of hair styling is huge. These include paints, mousses, foams, gels. They help give the hairstyle an extra volume and fix it well. Gel is considered the most versatile hair styling product. Foams are recommended to use for the formation of hairstyles for normal and greasy hair. But the varnish is used for fixation.

    Daily hair care is a guarantee of health

    Daily hair care makes them beautiful, silky and soft. They are a reflection of the internal state and human health. The deterioration of the hair often signals malfunctions of the internal organs of a person. If you are missing some nutrients and vitamins, the body, first of all, stops supplying them with hair follicles. About how fast hair grows read here.

    Hair is not a vital organ, so their nutrition with a shortage of certain elements will be reduced

    This, of course, will immediately reflect on their condition - the hair will fade, cease to shine and may even begin to fall out. Make hair beautiful, using only cosmetics, it is impossible.

    It is necessary to solve internal problems:

    • Less expose the body to stress and anxiety,
    • Eat right and balanced
    • Less hair exposure to chemical exposure (curling or dyeing),
    • Drink a sufficient amount of fluid (not less than 2.5 liters per day),
    • Get rid of bad habits (alcohol and tobacco use),
    • To reduce (or completely eliminate) the use of hormonal drugs,
    • To minimize the negative impact of harmful external factors.

    Now our readers know how to care for hair properly. To keep your hair healthy for a long time, daily monitor the general condition of your hair.


    Watch the video: 10 Hair Care Myths You Should Stop Believing (July 2024).