
Eggplant color


The last few seasons in fashion have been natural-colored hair. Bright, saturated and causing colors faded into the background. But the stylists decided to turn their eyes on undeservedly forgotten tones, returning lilac shades to the podium. We will tell about one of them - aubergine.

Eggplant color is popular with many women, but it is especially honored by older women. It is a purple shade with notes of red. But it does not look cheap, on the contrary, it is noble and elegant. In addition, he has one undoubted advantage over other hair dyes - it is suitable for girls of all color types, as it contains both warm and cold notes.

Above is an example of how eggplant-colored hair looks.

Those who want to get eggplant hair color should take into account that he is a little older. In addition, the condition of the skin should be perfect, the selected shade has the ability to identify all the flaws.

Eggplant will give a beautiful shade of black or chestnut curls. If their owner also has skin of cold shades - it will look great. In addition, he will visually add volume to his hairstyle. Those who have a warm color type, it is better to paint only a few strands.

Eggplant color is also suitable for girls with a pale face, green, hazelnut and brown eyes. In the photo you can see the various options for staining.
In general, the final result depends on your original hair color. On dark eggplant will fall flat and the shade will be saturated. On light - too bright and intense. You can combine it with blue, orange or red.

But if you still doubt whether the shade will suit you or not, first use a tinted shampoo. Unlike paint, in case of failure, it can be easily washed off. Moreover, it does not penetrate the hair roots, and therefore it will bring less harm to them.
Try not to keep the paint longer than the allotted time. Otherwise, get hair unnatural purple.

Eggplant hair color quickly loses brightness and saturation, so update it with tint balms and shampoos.

The resulting tone must be supplemented with appropriate makeup. Choose shades of the same shade and pale lipstick. But do not overdo it. Too bright make-up in combination with such hair color will look vulgar.

Eggplant staining results are presented above.

edit Description

  • Eggplant color is a tandem of two opposites.
  • The color of eggplant is a complex version of dark purple with a brownish subtone.
  • Eggplant is one of the most complex representatives of the palette that dominates and attracts attention. It is perceived as mystical, and therefore is rarely used in the design of a modern interior, especially in the premises of those people who strive for a restful and balanced state.

He looks noble, creates an atmosphere of mystery and gives the image of aristocracy.

edit applying color

  1. With eggplant color, most of them are soft and stable, but combinations with brighter and cleaner shades are possible, which creates a resonance between a reserved and noble basic tone and complementary ones.
  2. But it can be shaded with a bright green color, this combination is perfect for evening dress.
  3. If you need to wear it during the day, you can calm it down with the help of light colors, white and light beige colors will perfectly cope with this role.
  4. If you use it in the interior, then its combination with rich pistachio tones will be bold, this design is perfect for the living room.
  5. And if you add more white to it, then the space will visually increase, which will be a huge plus for small rooms.
  6. In order not to get too gloomy and overwhelming the interior, it is desirable to dilute the eggplant with light shades, then the room will be more airy in appearance.

Your color type

According to A. Mansell (this is such a very intelligent professor, recognized as a genius in the scientific world), there are only color types ... 12. But in order to navigate, how to choose the paint, look and makeup palette, shades of clothing, it is enough to choose one of the main 4: winter, spring, summer or autumn. We will try to make as clear as possible a list of features characteristic of each of them.

Hair is an extremely important component of your image, because it is in direct contact with the skin and is located right next to your face. And depending on what state and what color they are, those around you perceive your appearance.

So, in order to choose the right shade of paint, you need to make a start from which color type you belong to. Another important rule is: nature is not stupid, it gave you hair that, from her point of view, perfectly suits you.

If we do not agree with it, then we have the right only to slightly change the shade, but not to change the color drastically. Is that in the experiment. With a slight slight color change, you can make the appearance brighter, more contrast and attractive.

First of all, conveniently located near the window. It is time to be daytime, no electricity. Wash all makeup off face and neck. Take a big mirror and look at yourself critically, as if from the outside. So to speak, with new eyes. Consider separately the shade of skin, eyes, lips. Remember what your natural hair, and go ahead.

edit The colors that eggplant combines

  1. Combination of black and white
  2. Light pink
  3. Gray
  4. Grass green
  5. Aquamarine blotches
  6. Lemon blotches
  7. Blue
  8. Brown
  9. Navy blue
  10. White
  11. Cream
  12. Pale yellow
  13. Soft blue
  14. Natural Pistachio
  15. The black

Use eggplant color in clothes

  • The color fits almost everything: full and slim, tall and miniature, blondes and brunettes.
  • You should not abuse eggplant, blond girls with white skin. The whole purple gamma gives such nordic young ladies an unhealthy look.
  • It will decorate almost any image: casual, evening, business.
  • Eggplant is bright enough for an evening out, discreet for a business image.
  • The saturation and complexity of color compensates for his loneliness in the image. True, this solution is best suited to beauties with red, chestnut or copper-blond hair.
  • An elegant highlight will be the wedding sets in the eggplant color for the groom or bridesmaids. The images of men, this color gives individuality, sexuality, nobility.
  • But the snow-white outfit of the bride against the background of bridesmaids' dresses in eggplant shade will look contrast, bright and even take a drop of mystery on the photo.
  • This color of clothing is chosen by people who want to find harmony with themselves and comfort.
  • An overabundance of eggplant tone in clothing can lead to a desire for privacy, lack of communication and the invisibility of a person to others.
  • This color is not suitable for a business meeting. The dress in eggplant tones will be harmonious for an evening dress.
  • It should be diluted saturated color with light shades of gray or yellow. It would be a perfect combination of an eggplant dress with a ring and earrings in which stones of the same color are inserted.
  • Clothing in dark purple colors suits almost any type of appearance.
  • The exceptions are people with a reddish skin tone.

Eggplant can be called universal. Subject to the main requirements for the shape of the cut and the choice of things in each style, you can find a decent use for this color. It will look most advantageous in styles:

  1. New look,
  2. Casual,
  3. Urban chic,
  4. Business
  5. Sports,
  6. Vintage
  7. Evibel,
  8. Gothic style.

It is not recommended to use color when creating an image in a vamp theme, since eggplant is too calm for an aggressively sexual mood of style. It is unlikely that the color is suitable for the romantic direction, where it is customary to use light and soft tones.

edit Psychological recommendations

  1. Eggplant has the properties to soothe very emotional people. Voluntarily, this color is chosen by mysterious, dreamy personalities with a subtle perception of the world. It is logical that eggplant, like all violet tones, is especially favored by creative natures. It is the color of mystery, magic, and the dark shade is also associated with the boundless night sky.
  2. Do not abandon its use in design, as it has a very positive effect on the human psyche, is a stimulant for creative people, and, no less important, it perfectly improves mood.

edit The use of color in cosmetics

There are ordinary tips hair coloring in eggplant color, the degree of usefulness of which is in question.

  • Owners of brown or green eyes with a pale skin tone will suit eggplant hair color.
  • The colder the natural color of the face, the more expressive the emphasis will be on the hair.
  • Lovers of such a palette of color, which is characterized by a warm skin tone, eggplant gives the image a few extra years.
  • As harmoniously as possible, this shade is reflected on the hairstyle of dark hair on the nature, complementing it with visual volume.

Eggplant hair color is able to express a variety of options depending on the original shade of hair. It is easy to achieve depth and concentration, working with naturally dark hair. With regard to fair-haired girls, serious vigilance is required so that the result of the experiment does not manifest itself in the worst manner.

An interesting combination can manifest eggplant color in the use of highlighting techniques. On the bulk of the hair a delicate shade of purple is the original decoration of the hairstyle with beautiful tints of color. Preferring this tone to create a unique image, do not forget about harmony with appearance. And an important role in this combination is played by the elements of makeup and items of female wardrobe.

Recommended fabrics

The expressiveness of winter is emphasized by smooth, flowing, highly textured, extravagant fabrics: brocade, satin, duchesse, silk, satin, velvet, taffeta and others. Acceptable use of leather (patent, smooth, embossed, woven).
When choosing accessories, in particular glasses it is better to give preference to glittering and shiny metals.

Hair coloring

With the help of toning you can deepen the natural color, it is also permissible to experiment with trendy accents and tones. Winter color type is in harmony with shades of Nordic blond, platinum. A bright winter can keep a uniform color. It is necessary that the hair kept smooth and shiny.

This is an opportunity to show your bright individuality! It is better to put shadows, creating theatrical effect, allocating a mobile eyelid. A clear line of liquid eyeliner, false eyelashes, delineated eyebrows.
Blondes can use sparkling shadows. Liquid blush, sparkles, mirror or vanilla effect of lip gloss will harmoniously look.

And finally, remember that color in appearance plays two roles: it draws attention to you, and then focuses attention on the face. When you don something that harmonizes in color with your natural hair color, eyes, skin tone, something unusual happens. Not only do you notice that you guessed with color, but also those around you unconsciously mark the harmony of your appearance. Be beautiful. It's simple!

Color type summer

You are a summer girl if:

  • The skin of the face has a light pink, light olive tone. Sunburn falls smoothly and immediately gets a pleasant shade. Wreaths appear under the skin, a blush easily appears. Most often there are freckles that have a slightly ashy color, and not pure brown.
  • The eyes combine several shades and are never bright, clear: nut-golden, gray-green and even golden-brown, but always in a cold range. Milky-colored proteins. Eyebrows, as a rule, are not brightly expressed, light gray color.
  • Your hair (not colored) has a shade from light blond to dark ashen. As a rule, women of this color type do not have short haircuts, but romantic hairstyles are suitable. You are distinguished by the complete absence of redhead in the hair. In the sun, they can fade, getting a light golden hue, so determine the color at the roots. In childhood, your hair is light gray-brown, with age it darkens a little.

Natural color seems dull and inconspicuous to you, but this is a deceptive impression. When dyeing, you definitely should stay in a cold range, choosing a color that is close to natural. Coloring, ombre, small accents of lighter tones, again, cold ones, will look perfect on you.

Much depends on the color of your eyes: if they are light and bright, choose lighter tones, if the eyes are deep dark, the hair can also be darker.

If a summer girl chooses cold tones, visually her skin becomes much cleaner, her pigment spots and wrinkles are less noticeable. This is minus 5 years to age, despite the fact that the color can be quite dark.

Color type autumn

If you are a fall girl, then:

  • Your skin can be both light and dark: bronze, olive, gold, peach, ivory, beige. It never has a pink blush. It burns you easily in the sun, freckles are almost always visible.
  • The eyes are very expressive, often brown, dark with patches of gold. There are light green, gray, blue. Red hair for green eyes - this is a classic of the genre.
  • The color of the curls, as a rule, like the owners, it varies from bright red to dark brown, always has a shade from warm golden to red and chestnut. This particular hair color is best for brown eyes.

You need to stay in this range. Experiment with depth, tone, color intensity. Avoid paints with blue pigment, cold colors will not suit you.

Make ombre even warmer shades. This will emphasize chestnut hair color and immediately begin to look much fresher. Bright copper hair color is suitable if your skin is light and clean, and your eyes are bright and expressive.

Color type winter

And here are the signs of a winter girl:

  • The skin contrasts very strongly with the hair: it is pale, even porcelain, it always has cold undertones, a bluish tint with black hair (contrasting winter). If you are blonde, and your skin is rather dark, then you, as it is not surprising, can also be a girl in the winter (non-contrast winter). It is the contrast between the color of the skin and the hair that determines belonging to the color type.
  • The eyes are always bright, the color is clear and rarely smoky: dark blue, gray, green, dark brown, blue, black. Squirrels are white and not yellowish. Saturated eye makeup suits you.
  • You have ash-blond hair color, but more often it is even darker, reaching a blue-black. Girls winter, unlike the representatives of the summer type, happy with their color. As a rule, you do not go soft curls, more to the face of short haircuts of a sports type.

All bright rich tones will suit you. If you belong to a cold type, you can experiment with bright cold shades of mahogany, ruby, chestnut. You may have chocolate hair color.

Young lady-winter can afford and blond. But note that if you have a lot of wrinkles on your face, then blond hair will emphasize this. From light pay attention to ashy shades. By the way, gray women are the best fit for winter women.

In short, if you want to change, then pay special attention to paints with blue or purple pigment.Avoid lightening in warm colors and coloring. With a solid saturated monogamous color, you look much more spectacular.

Color type spring

  • Your skin is transparent, light, of a soft-golden shade, peach or even ivory, with rozovinkoy. She does not need a lot of matting agents. There is a pink blush, your freckles are of a warm brown hue.
  • Eyes can be light brown, yellow-green, blue, turquoise, gray, hazel.
  • The main feature of your hair is warm, brown or reddish tint. They can be light-brown, brown of different depths, straw, reddish. But never - black or pure gray. Among the springs there are many blondes and brown-haired women.

If you are a spring girl, then blond, both saturated and restrained, will suit you, but at the same time be sure to have a warm shade. This type is suitable and gentle, close to natural shades of red and honey, caramel color. They look natural, not far from the natural blond hair. It can be light blond hair with lightening on one, maximum - on two tones.

Often spring complains that her hair is expressionless. Add a little warmth by bleaching individual strands, and your face will look different.

Choosing the right color for hair dye is not such a big problem. There are special tests that will give you the final correct version. But it is important to rely not only on the laws of color, but also on their own feelings. You need to dye your hair in a color that you will be comfortable psychologically. And it is also important not to be afraid of changes in your own appearance. Are you satisfied with your hair shade?

How to choose the perfect hair color: harmony with the color of the eyes

Often, the integrity of the image depends largely on the correct combination of shades of eyes with hair. As a rule, the main clues in this matter are given by nature itself, which creates unmistakable duets. If the thirst for change is stronger, then it is necessary to adhere to strict principles that help create the most attractive combinations. Consider them in more detail.


Owners of the sky-colored eyes are very often associated with blond hair. Yes, indeed, blue-eyed blondes are quite common, but this combination is not always the best, because there are a lot of options that allow you to emphasize your individuality.

Hair color for blue eyes is selected depending on the intensity of their tone, as well as the skin type of the "hostess". For example, saturated blue, almost blue, will be most beneficial to emphasize the dark head of hair. Optimal shades - dark caramel or light chestnut. Lighter shades of chestnut, as well as ash tones will be a great addition to the gray-blue eyes. They can also try to dye in light blonde. Such tones favorably set off the “cold” type, adding elegance and mystery to it.

Interspersed with warm colors on a blue background, the eyes make their possessor much softer and more gentle, which allows you to safely apply hair dyes of warmer shades. Red hair and blue eyes ... A bold combination, isn't it? However, this is exactly the case when it is more appropriate than ever. You can also use caramel-colored hair and golden tones. All of them will only be beneficial to emphasize the image.

Green color

The only taboo for green-eyed beauties is discoloration, which reduces to no the entire originality of the image, making it faded and dull. The green color in the eyes is found in several variations, each of which requires an individual approach to hair coloring. So, the color of hair for green eyes, having a nutty or marsh shade, is best to choose among dark tones. Chestnut, light brown or dark blond will be appropriate here. It is undesirable to conduct experiments with bright colors, as they will add a dullness and inexpressiveness to the look.

But to whom one can safely experiment, these are young ladies whose eye color is approaching the emerald one. This is an incredibly rare tone, because you can emphasize your uniqueness with the help of a whole palette of bronze and copper shades. Brightly red hair under green eyes of this shade is almost a classic image. You can also create a spectacular image by dyeing your curls in chestnut or golden colors.

No less eccentric appearance can have a girl, whose green eyes are interspersed with terracotta or brown. They will even look organically, having not the most natural red color, which is almost impossible for other types.

Brown color

Perhaps the most common is the brown color, which, as it turned out, is just a mutation of blue. Owners of such eyes are considered incredibly passionate and passionate natures, having a very non-permanent nature. It is precisely the desire for frequent changes that can make you change your appearance quite drastically. However, they are also obliged to carefully select shades that correspond to their type.

Hair color for brown eyes is not difficult to pick up, especially having understood their shades. Universal will be caramel, amber and golden tones, which harmoniously fit into any image.

When choosing a hair dye in this case, you must also rely on the skin type. So, its cold light shade will not tolerate a combination with rich dark tones, unless their owner wants to age significantly at once. In all other cases, the best option would be a preference for copper, chocolate or caramel shades that fit the image perfectly, making it natural.

We observe the opposite situation dramatically in owners of dark skin and rich eye color. This option is the most organic for coloring in dark, close to black tones. Moreover, any light hair dye will do a “disservice” to a girl of this type who chooses her, turning her from a spectacular beauty into an artificial and lifeless doll.

Very delicate and stylish images are obtained when duet red hair and brown eyes. Photos can show us all the delights of this combination. Brown-eyed beauties can not limit themselves to the choice of the palette, since almost all of its tones will look organic. However, when choosing such a color, you should pay attention to the condition of the skin, because it should be close to perfect. The thing is that even the smallest flaw will be visible against the background of red hair, not to mention the early stages of couperosis or acne.

1. Skin color and hair color must match

Remember that nature has defined: each skin type has its own hair color, due to melanin pigment. Skin color and hair color should match. Example: blond hair color corresponds to blond hair color, if the skin has a copper tint, then hair color is brown, olive color, skin color hair color - brunet. The red color with the whole palette of shades goes to women with white and pink skin.

Therefore, to look natural, it is desirable not to violate this rule. The ideal dye for your hair will be 1-2 tone colors lighter or darker than natural strands.

2. Hair, skin and eye color should be carefully selected.

Determine the color scheme of your appearance. Who are you - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn in accordance with the tone of the skin, its natural color of hair, eyes. Because the spectrum of each color type consists of certain colors, hair tones. For example, you have defined your hair color - brown hair of the fifth degree, but you still need to know which tone suits you - warm or cold. After all, it is necessary to combine hair, eyes and skin according to the rule “cold to cold, warm to warm”. he hair, skin and eye color must be carefully chosen.

People with gray, blue eyes and white skin are suitable for cold tones: ashy brown, ashy and platinum blond. People with brown, green and hazel eyes and skin of warm tone will suit warm colors of hair: honey-chestnut, copper and golden shades. Burning hazel - eyes brighter than red will not do anything. They are good to choose a dark chestnut or black.

Those who constantly blush on the cheeks, warm colors do not fit, they give the face an additional blush. Therefore, it is better to dye hair with cool tones: sandy, champagne tone, ashy blond or cool brown color. Those who are allergic to the face, you can not dye your hair in red shades: pomegranate, mahogany.

3. Choose your skin color.

If the condition of your skin is not very attractive: acne, rash, liver spots, circles under the eyes, then very light and very dark hair is not desirable for you. Such radical colors can emphasize everything that you don’t always want others to notice. Foundation, powder and other cosmetics can hide it, but you will need to always carry them with you. Even in the summer in unbearable heat. Is it worth it or not, you decide.

4. Do not break wood

If you decided to radically change your appearance - you were a brunette, and you decided to become a blonde, then change your hair color gradually, no more than 2 tones at a time. Otherwise it will be very difficult to return to the same hair, because hydrogen peroxide can permanently change the structure of the hair and then you cannot do without a specialist. Yes, and loved ones may not properly respond to your reincarnation, causing you and yourself a psychological trauma.

5. Dye your gray hair correctly.

Dye your gray hair correctly. To dye gray hair it is best to use light-colored dyes. The older we are, the lighter the hair color should be. Blond hair is young and refreshing, and dark hair makes us strict and senior. If you have a little gray hair, then buy an unstable, sparing paint a tone lighter than the natural color or the same tone. When the hair starts to grow, it will not be so noticeable.

Who has natural blonde hair - suitable wheat, natural blonde, ashy shades. These colors give a person a fresh, youthful, healthy look. If you have natural brown hair, you need to dye it in a slightly auburn color or light brown. Those who have a lot of gray hair or almost gray hair - not to do without durable paint.

7. Buying paint - read instructions

Buy paint not for the brightness, color of the package, the presentability of the model, but for the quality of the paint. If you buy an unknown paint, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions and the composition of the paint. Pay attention to whether the paint has a shade - cold or warm. Look at the palettes where the sample strands with the names of the paint tones are presented

8. Determine the time for your hair color.

Before you buy paint, think for how long you need this color. If for a short time, for the experiment, then you will need unstable paint, which will wash off in five to six weeks. This paint does not penetrate into the middle of the hair, but paints only its surface. It gives the hair a beautiful shine, but gray hair colors poorly. Ideally, the color of your hair and the color of the dye should match.

If you need to dye your hair for a long time, then buy a durable paint, well known to you (to avoid surprises). It penetrates into the middle of the hair, due to hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, which opens the hair scales (cuticle) of the hair and destroys the natural pigment. And the paint pigment takes its place. The cuticles are closed, but the structure of the hair is broken. Therefore, all resistant dyes contain, in addition to the oxidizing agent, various balms that nourish and heal burnt hair.

9. Prepare hair for coloring in advance

Before dyeing, begin to intensively care for your hair with masks, creams, air conditioners. Hair need to saturate with moisture and heal. So do the models that advertise dyes, so that their hair was perfectly smooth and well reflected color. Porous dry, the hair absorbs the paint quickly, but the result - stained

Grey colour

Gray eye color is not so often, but its owners can be envied. Just the hair color for gray eyes is the easiest to pick up, since they will create a harmonious duet with almost any hair. But without limitation, there is no way, the black-eyed, the blue-black and the dark chestnut will not fit with the gray-eyed, because these shades are capable of aging significantly. Agree, very few people expect such an effect.

The basic rule on which to focus is the skin tone: for cold, cold tones, for warm, respectively, the same. Following it, you probably will not lose, getting a shade that suits you perfectly.

How to choose a hair color to face: valuable tips

Many girls struggle with the desire to repaint because of fear of suffering a fiasco and get a result that is far from ideal. In such cases, the justification is to choose the argument that the natural color is perfect, and it is hardly possible to pick up the best. But in fact, it is not necessary to rush into the pool with your head, turning into a radically opposite natural hair color. In order to refresh the image and add gloss to it, it is enough to use paint that is on your color within two tones. This choice is the most optimal one for girls who are tormented by the question “What hair color will suit me?”, Because it is always successful, and it is almost impossible to spoil the natural beauty in this way.

To start choosing the color of the dye is only after a preliminary assessment of the type of your own skin, since there are a lot of nuances that should be taken into account. So, for the owners of light skin the choice of dark tones is highly undesirable.

Brow color according to color type

If you seriously wondered how to choose the color of eyebrows, you need to look at your own appearance. In the style there is such a thing as a color type, which combines a combination of hair, eye and skin shades, distributing all people into 4 categories: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Here, in accordance with them, you need to choose the color of your eyebrows. However, the difficulty is that very often transitional types are encountered that are difficult to determine. Therefore, first try to pick up the color in the eyes and hair.

Eye match

First, examine the question of how to choose the color of eyebrows in accordance with the shade of the eyes, as they are in close proximity and complement each other.

  • Greens

Stylists believe that the color of eyebrows for green eyes is difficult to pick up. It is not without trial and error. Silver is not recommended, i.e. any gray and metallic shades, as well as black. But you can safely experiment with a palette of rich brown color, graphite. Fit it under your hair - and the result will be perfect.

It is much easier to choose the color of eyebrows for blondes with blue eyes, because there works a clear, unshakable ban on dark, rich, bright colors. Therefore, gray, light brown shades, graphite (the ideal color for blue-eyed beauties) is your palette.

In many ways, the brow color for brown eyes will depend on the shade of the hair (see below). The main points of makeup here - dark brown, chocolate shades and the whole range of black.

Perhaps the most difficult thing is to find a match in the color of eyebrows with a gray tint of the eyes, because many people make a total mistake. For some reason, it seems to everyone that harmony is a complete correspondence, that is, a coincidence of a palette. However, gray eyes and the same gray eyebrows - an unfortunate combination that can spoil even the most beautiful and sweet face. So for gray-eyed beauties need shades like wet asphalt or light brown.

Find the right eyebrow color for your eyes, and then get to study the palette for your hair shade. Everything is much simpler here, and the palette is richer, and the stylists offer so many options that you will definitely be able to choose for yourself something worthwhile. But at the same time never forget about the color of your beautiful eyes.

Matching hair color

The defining moment in our question is precisely hair color and eyebrow color, their conformity and complete harmony. If you can beat your eyes and fix your eyelids and eyelashes with makeup, then you cannot get away from the idyll that should exist between the hair and eyebrows.

The ideal color of eyebrows for blondes should be 3 (in extreme cases 2) darker than the shade of the hair. Then they will turn out natural and beautiful:

  • ashen blondes need a gray color,
  • natural blonde - wheat brown, light gray,
  • warm, wheat blondes - light brown, golden brown, honey.

On fashion shows, models often demonstrate white eyebrows for blond hair: girls should understand that this is a shocking, which should not be guided in real life.

It is a little easier to choose the color of eyebrows for brunettes, who should be guided by several uncompromising rules. Firstly, if the face needs to be made younger, lighter and lighter, eyebrows should be 1 tone lighter than the hair. If you create an image of a business lady or go to a party, in this case - take it 1 tone darker. Secondly, cold ones go to cold shades, exceptionally warm ones to warm ones:

  • neutral brown - dark brunette,
  • chocolate, dark brown - summer color type,
  • graphite - winter color type,
  • eggplant - to brunettes casting blue,
  • anthracite (shade of wet asphalt) - brunettes with blue-black hair.

Now you know what color of eyebrows suits brunettes, and you will be able to pick up products with such shades that fit perfectly into your color type.

It is easiest to choose the appropriate color of eyebrows for red hair, because here, according to stylists, there is a wide field for activity:

  • bright red color - copper-haired,
  • chocolate - dark red,
  • terracotta - chestnut.
  • brown, terracotta, chocolate - bright red,
  • mahogany, terracotta, copper - bright red,
  • graphite, chocolate - red-brown.

If you are not sure what color of eyebrows is suitable for your color type, it is better to first consult a specialist. They may be a hairdresser, stylist or makeup artist. There are special computer programs that help to select the desired range and color palette. Having decided on the color, make no mistake with the means for coloring.

Cosmetic educational program

The color type of appearance is a combination of the color of hair, eyes and skin, which is characteristic of one of the categories adopted in the style. All people are divided into autumn, winter, spring and summer. Within each group there are gradations and divisions.

What can be attributed to eyebrow liner, how to use it correctly and the TOP of world leaders - this is all in this article >>

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Pencil / marker / marker

Since this is the most common tool for coloring this part of the face, you need to know the palette, eyebrow pencil colors and when it is better to use them:


  1. Brown eyebrow pencil suits chocolate brunettes,
  2. gray-brown - brown-haired,
  3. dark brown - bright brunettes, brown hair,
  4. reddish - fair-haired.

Light coloured

  1. Use white pencil as a base to give softness to the base color,
  2. Blonde - Blondes,
  3. ashen - brown-haired,
  4. beige - warm green-eyed and blue-eyed blondes,
  5. pink is applied strictly under the eyebrow for bleaching: it will make the makeup more natural.


  1. Gray - ashy blondes,
  2. dark gray - dark blond,
  3. light gray will be perfect for colorless eyebrows.

The black

  1. Black - blue-black brunettes,
  2. black-brown - fair-skinned brunettes.

Different colors for coloring eyebrows with a pencil should be selected in accordance with the color type.

Shadows / Powder

If you are used to using crumbly means, select the appropriate eyebrow (or powder) colors.


  • Graphite (gray gray) - blue-eyed and green-eyed.



  • Eggplant color - brunettes with blue-black hair,
  • anthracite (a shade of wet asphalt) - to warm brunettes.


  • White shadows can be diluted any other too bright and saturated color,
  • Blonde - Blondes,
  • ashen - to cold blondes,
  • beige - warm blondes,
  • pink, like a pencil of the same color, is applied under the eyebrow.

Try, experiment, look for your eyebrow color that fits perfectly into your image. If you find it and you like it and everyone around you, you may want to buy paint. It will save you from the daily duties of spending time on the morning eyebrow makeup.

A palette of colors for eyebrows gives users a variety of, rich, rich colors. In many ways, the result will depend on which firm and which pigment you choose.

If you do not want to spoil your hairs with chemistry, there are natural products for their coloring. Match appropriate colors henna for eyebrows, which is characterized by brightness and saturation. Eyebrow Tint is especially popular - henna in eyebrow capsules from Godefroy (USA):

  • natural black,
  • dark brown,
  • neutral brown
  • light brown,
  • graphite.

However, remember about one significant drawback of henna - it will not stay on its eyebrows for as long as regular paint.

Estel's domestic eyebrow dye is very popular: the colors are all diverse and very saturated, giving a lasting, shimmering effect. Products are presented in two versions.

1. Estel Enigma:

  • graphite,
  • Bordeaux,
  • brown,
  • blue black
  • Violet,
  • light brown,
  • emerald,
  • brown-copper
  • the black.

2. Estel ONLY Looks:

3. Refectocil

A lot of good reviews collected Austrian eyebrow paint Refectocil: the colors are no less vivid and bright. Brand - Austrian company Gschwentner Haarkosmetik. Shades:

  • the black,
  • graphite,
  • blue black
  • Navy blue,
  • brown,
  • light brown,
  • chestnut,
  • red,
  • Violet.

Austrian eyebrow paint Refectocil is good because it offers trendy colors that are now in trend. Shades can be mixed with each other, creating a completely new palette.

4. Capus

For some, Italian Kapous eyebrow dye can be an ideal coloring option: colors are not numerous, but this brand has many other advantages. Palette:

The pigment is resistant to moisture and sunscreen, does not contain such harmful substances as ammonium and phenyldiamine, is simple and easy to use, easy to apply and mix with other shades.

5. Igora

You can try to paint the German paint Schwarzkopf Igora Bonachrome for eyebrows: the colors are represented by a poor palette (light black, blue-black and brown). However, this brand has its own distinctive features, which force it to give preference to it. Among them:

  • short exposure time to the skin,
  • the presence of all necessary in the kit,
  • ease of use
  • resistance and saturation of the resulting shade.

Overcoming language barriers

To guess the color for eyebrows, look for the following marks on coloring agents: Brow - eyebrow, Blonde - light, Taupe - taupe, Soft Brown - warm brown, Medium Brown - brown, Caramel - caramel, Chocolate - chocolate, Dark Brown - dark brown, Ebony - ebony, Granite - granite, Natural Black - natural black.

Now you probably know what color brows choose in accordance with the shades of your hair and eyes. If you previously thought that such details do not play a special role in your appearance, make sure of the opposite. Just a few experiments with coloring tools - and you will surely find that one color that fits perfectly into your image. Before paint it is better to try a pencil or a shadow, which in case of failure can be easily washed off. Look for - and your eyebrows will shine with new tones, making you bright and unique.


Watch the video: Coloring Apple, Orange and Eggplant - How to Draw Fruits (July 2024).