Greasy hair

Alerana for hair prone to fat: care from root to tip


ALERANA shampoo is designed to strengthen weakened, falling hair, enriched with natural growth stimulants. The unique formula of ALERANA shampoo was developed by specialists of a pharmaceutical company to strengthen weakened, prone to hair loss. Shampoo for oily and combination hair is additionally enriched with natural extracts of wormwood, horse chestnut and sage, which normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, soothe and heal oily scalp.

unique formula developed by Vertex pharmaceutical company specialists
contains a complex of natural ingredients
provides gentle care, taking into account the characteristics of oily hair
do not disturb the natural acid-base balance of the scalp
Mode of application

Apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, beat the foam, massage, leave for 1-3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To achieve the best effect after applying the shampoo, it is recommended to use ALERANA Balsam-conditioner.

Use shampoos for oily hair

Many modern hair care products contain natural ingredients that can remove inflammation, soothe the skin and give additional nutrition to the roots. Improperly selected shampoos make you go back to the daily shampooing, and clean hair looks messy after a few hours.

A good remedy is not only hygiene, but also a way to permanently get rid of greasy strands that spoil the appearance.

The broken microflora adversely affects the health of the curls. Shampoos for oily hair reduce the secretion of skin secretion to a minimum. In such products, manufacturers add mild detergents that do not cause allergic reactions or dandruff. Selection of shampoo for oily hair should be given more attention - This is an important step towards solving a problem.

Main components

  • water,
  • surfactants, including SLES,
  • sodium chloride (thickener),
  • moisturizer, softener, emulsifier, foaming agent, stabilizer,
  • perfumery composition
  • panthenol (humidifier, conditioner, antistatic),
  • extracts of chestnut, nettle, burdock, wormwood, sage,
  • conditioner, softener,
  • wheat hydrolyzed proteins
  • conservatives,
  • citric acid (preservative, acidity regulator),
  • tea tree oil.

How is Alerana shampoo different from others?

Shampoo from Alerana is a concern for the health of weakened locks and gentle care for damaged hair. Specially developed formula allows adjust the lipid balance scalp, get rid of the appearance of excess skin secretion. Shampoo strengthens the roots, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

The manufacturer emphasizes the combination of active components of natural origin:

  • wormwood and tea tree oil have an antibacterial effect and restore acid-base balance,
  • extracts of sage and horse chestnut reduce inflammation and leave a feeling of freshness,
  • burdock and nettle strengthen and nourish the roots, prevent hair loss, return lightness and volume to curls,
  • thanks to hydrolyzed wheat proteins, the scalp gets extra nutrition and is quickly restored,
  • Panthenol prevents hair dehydration, protects and strengthens damaged tips.

How to use?

Apply shampoo to wet hair and spread over the entire length, paying particular attention to the roots. Foam the product with massaging movements, then rinse the hair with warm water. Reapply shampoo, leave for 3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. The manufacturer recommends the use of shampoo in combination with a mask or balsam-rinse of the same series.

Precautionary measures:

  • The shampoo is considered hypoallergenic, the only contraindication is individual intolerance. Before first use, test the product on the crook of your elbow or the back of your hand.
  • Do not use an expired product - after the expiration date, the shampoo loses its original properties and may be harmful to health. Follow the storage instructions on the label.

Shampoo Alerana for oily hair.

Well-groomed, elegant hair, unfortunately now it is a rarity. Polluted environment, frequent infectious and colds, poor-quality food, all this has a terrible, negative impact, primarily on the health of the skin and hair.

Why does hair tend to get fat faster? In this case, plays the role of many factors. Sebaceous glands produce a secret that is needed by the body. In addition to genetic heredity, the state of the internal organs to a strong production of sebum is affected by lack of sleep, chronic fatigue and even the wrong selection of care products. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, is the cause of fat content of the curls, which in turn provokes the development and growth of pathogenic bacteria and as a result leads to itching, dandruff and hair loss.

Shapmuni composition

Owners of such problems Aleran shampoo for oily hair will be an excellent solution. This is a fairly inexpensive remedy, it contains many substances and components that help get rid of excess oily scalp, help reduce hair loss, eliminate dandruff.

These natural, natural components are designed to solve the maximum number of problems:

  • to restore the structure of the hair, vitamin B is activated;
  • Strength and shine will give extract of poppy extract,
  • horse chestnut will help to accelerate the growth of strands
  • tea tree oil will save dandruff
  • Herbal extracts, wormwood and sage, will have an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp, and burdock and nettle will help strengthen the hair,
  • nourish hair, can lecithin.

In any case, the solution of the issue should be approached comprehensively. Be sure to pay attention to proper nutrition. All the proposed semi-finished products, fast foods contain a huge list of chemicals and food additives that contribute to the failure of metabolism in the body. And thus provoke discord in the work of all organs. And as you know, hair and skin is a mirror of a person’s internal health. Therefore, in order to restore and maintain a good hair condition, it is first necessary to eliminate such products as well as fatty, fried, salty, all that contributes to the disruption of the sebaceous glands of the head.

Aleran shampoo for oily and combination hair

Caring for a mixed type of hair is more complex. In this case, the hair roots get greasy, and the tips suffer from dryness and brittleness.

In the care of the combined hair, can help a few unspoken rules:

  • try not to wash your hair too often
  • hot water should not be used, it should be warm or cool,
  • regularly cut split ends,
  • after washing, you can not rub your head with a towel, it is better to gently blot the hair and allow them to dry in natural conditions,
  • Avoid the aggressive impact of a hair dryer, curling iron, hair spray.

Among the huge selection of tools, the most positive result, helps to achieve shampoo Aleran for oily and combination hair. Developed by leading professionals, it contains unique, active ingredients that will help stabilize the activity of the sebaceous glands, and heal the inflamed scalp. At the same time, the wheat proteins contained in the shampoo will restore the hair structure, moisturize and nourish the tips.

With the right approach to the choice of high-quality and useful hair care products, you can achieve good results. Examine the benefits and choose shampoo for the combined hair, reviews on the official sites will help professional cosmetics. Supporters of a series of care products for oily and combination hair, have noted an improvement in the result after 2-3 weeks of use. Especially effective will be the effect when using the full set of drugs of the same line. Of the advantages, there is a reasonable cost, herbal, pleasant smell, delicate texture, the presence of natural extracts of herbs, vitamins, proteins, is well suited for daily use.

Such tools can be used as a treatment for increased oily skin of the scalp, the presence of dandruff and also intensive hair loss. And also used for prevention purposes to strengthen brittle and weak hair. The result can be successful only with a competent and stable approach.

How does oily hair

Alerana rather gently affects the epidermis - protects hair from negative factors, without disturbing its structure.

The shampoo acts on the scalp, provoking the transition of the damaged follicles into the phase of active growth. Additionally, the hair structure is restored, a lively luster appears, and the scalp ceases to peel off.

The composition of shampoos brand "Alerana" includes components that help eliminate the increased release of fat from the scalp and reduce hair loss:

1. Wormwood. It is added as an extract. The scalp is cleansed of dandruff, while being moisturized and saturated with nutrients, and organic acids regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The composition of the plant includes:

  • essential oils,
  • organic acids
  • glycosides,
  • vitamins
  • trace elements
  • protein,
  • tannins.

2. Salvia. Also used plant extract. Thanks to sage, the bulbs are strengthened, the structure is restored, the loss of dandruff is prevented and dandruff is eliminated. The sage consists of:

  • flavonoids,
  • alkaloids
  • tannins,
  • organic acids
  • essential oils,
  • glycerides.

3.Horse chestnut. The shampoo contains chestnut extract. It contributes to the normalization of blood circulation and strengthens the follicles. Horse chestnut includes:

  • B vitamins,
  • beta carotene
  • vitamin C,
  • vitamin k,
  • tannins,
  • starch,
  • pectin,
  • coumarin,
  • glycosides.

What problems eliminates

After applying Aleran brand shampoo, literally on the second day, the following result is observed: the curls become silky, well combed and do not stick together.

Attention! Herbal ingredients prevent the increased separation of fat, they normalize the circulation of blood circulation, thereby restoring hair growth.

Means for washing hair is available in plastic bottles. Volume - 250 ml. This is enough to use for 1-2 months, depending on the length of the curls.

To date shampoo is sold in pharmacies. The price of the bottle ranges from 250 to 450 rubles.


Alerana with active active substances, along with the advantages, has a number of limitations and contraindications for use.

The list of cases when using the tool is not recommended:

  • if a person has not reached the age of majority,
  • sensitivity to ingredients
  • the presence of minor scratches and other damage to the skin,
  • infectious pathology of the epidermis,
  • baby waiting period
  • lactation.

Before using the shampoo for people over 65, you should consult with a trichologist.

Instructions for use

If the hair began to strenuously leave the head, then it is necessary to monitor the process of salinization of the skin. The accumulation of dirt in the pores slows or stops hair growth and impairs the nutrition of the bulbs.

Shampoo Application Guide:

  1. It is not recommended to use the product if the strands are clean.
  2. Moisten the strands and gently distribute the product in the amount of one teaspoon. Next, lather and massage the head for a minute. Spread the foam over the entire length. Hold on hair and rinse off after 2–3 minutes.
  3. If the loss is abundant, then it is recommended to first dissolve the spoon of the product in warm water, then lather and apply on the head. So, gradually perform a head massage, rinse the hair along the entire length.
  4. If the head is very dirty, then wash should be repeated, but at the same time reduce the time of the shampoo to a minute.
  5. After applying the shampoo, you should use the balm of the same brand.

Means will provide ease when combing, and ringlets will reflect light and will soften.

Important! The course of application is 4 months, but many note a significant improvement after 2 weeks. To restore weakened strands, experts recommended the use of shampoo twice a year.

Effect of use

The ingredients that make up Alerana provide for the awakening of the hair follicles. But the total area of ​​the problem area of ​​the skin should not exceed 10 square meters. cm. The positive effect will be noticeable if you start using the product within the first ten days.

That the positive result was obvious, Consider the following:

  1. Treatment must be continuous.
  2. The first effect is noticeable after three weeks of using the product, but it will take at least 4 months to consolidate the effect achieved for a long time.
  3. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to repeat the courses of shampoo at least twice a year, namely: in spring and autumn, when the hair is particularly lacking in nutrition.
  4. After using the shampoo, you should apply the balm of the same company. In especially advanced forms, masks, sprays and tonics are used to strengthen curls.

Advantages and disadvantages

The process of hair restoration takes a lot of time. Promises of a speedy recovery of the scalp and hair are unfounded. Hair Cleanser "Alerana" has a lot of advantages:

  • effective cleansing and improvement of blood circulation in the skin,
  • strengthening the hair follicles,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands, which helps reduce fat secretion,
  • softening and moisture saturation of the skin and hair,
  • decrease in dropout
  • increased hair growth
  • no irritating components
  • economy at the expense,
  • hair stratification reduction,
  • elimination of peeling
  • antiseptic properties
  • shine
  • maintaining acid-base balance.

Despite the large number of merits, There are a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • To achieve the result, you must use the tool for at least 4 months.
  • If the scalp is sensitive, then you should first consult a specialist for advice.

The result after using Aleran shampoo for oily and combination hair exceeded the expectations of many buyers. They got rid of dandruff and increased fat, hair follicles woke up on the scalp, which led to their growth.

Useful videos

How to get rid of greasy hair.

A proven way to get rid of oily hair.

ALERANA / Alerana

What determines the beauty and shine of hair? Of course, from their health!
Are you dreaming to grow long luxurious braids? Do you want to forget about such an unpleasant problem like baldness once and for all? There is a solution! Healing damaged hair, strengthen the roots will help you medical shampoos and hair care products Alerana.
Aleran funds strengthen, treat, protect hair from the negative effects of the environment.

Shampoos and other hair care products are released in separate series for men and women, taking into account all the features of physiology. Alerana is the best solution in the fight against aging baldness, restoration of health, shine and natural elasticity of each hair. Means nourish weakened hair and scalp, stimulate hair growth, providing a gentle and delicate cleansing.

The series of shampoos includes products for delicate washing of hair of any type, taking into account all their features. All you have to do is determine your hair type and the problem that you need to fix, choose the right product for you - and in just a few applications you will see the difference.

The Aleran series also includes vitamin complexes necessary for nourishing your hair, and means for strengthening and growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Production - Russia.

Alerana products are intended for use in the following situations:

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • with increased hair loss, thinning,
  • prevention of baldness with unfavorable heredity,
  • hair growth stimulation
  • strengthening the hair follicles and the structure of weak hair.

ALERANA Dandruff Shampoo

Eliminates dandruff, restores the normal balance of the scalp, strengthens weakened hair. Contains PROCAPIL - a complex of components of plant origin, activating hair growth. Its particles enhance the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, improve nutrition of the roots, stimulate cell metabolism in the hair follicles.


Horse chestnut extract improves microcirculation of the scalp and hair follicles, soothes and refreshes the scalp.

Sage extract has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, heals oily scalp.

Provitamin B5 (panthenol) has a strong moisturizing effect, restores hair structure and damaged splitting ends, reduces stratification and hair loss, improves their appearance and facilitates combing. Panthenol stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increases the strength of collagen fibers.

Hydrolyzed wheat proteins nourish hair, intensively restoring their structure.

Tea tree oil and wormwood extract are ideal for hair prone to fat, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, help eliminate dandruff.

Natural nettle and burdock extracts stop the process of falling out and promote the growth of strong and healthy hair, increase metabolism, give the hair a healthy shine.

Procapil® * is a combination of fortified matrikin, apigenin and oleanolic acid from the leaves of the olive tree to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Procapil enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, improves nutrition of the roots, stimulates cell metabolism in the hair follicles, activates hair growth. Procapil restores the various structures of the hair follicle to slow down the aging process.

* Procapil® - Sederma property, used with permission from Sederma.

September 03, 2018

I suffer from oily scalp and sparse hair. Head to the evening is not fresh! I tried a lot of famous brands of shampoos, but they did not give any special results, I still had to wash my head every day. From friends I learned about the brand Alerana and decided to try, there was only hope for him. I bought Alerana oily and combination hair shampoo and used it for 2 months. During the first two weeks, the hair got used to the new shampoo, they also had to be washed every day. But later I began to notice that my head was already fresh for two days. For me, this is a great achievement! This shampoo saved me, my hair also noticeably began to fall out less. Good shampoo, and relatively inexpensive!

August 23, 2018

To begin with, my problem was dandruff and brittle dyed hair, the head always remained greasy. What kind of shampoos I have not tried and how much money I spent on buying them a lot. And I turned to a dermatologist. The doctor advised me to buy Aleran shampoo at the pharmacy. He said that the shampoo is not expensive, and see the effect for yourself. And I was surprised to wash my head 1 week 3 times and already at the first use I saw, firstly dandruff diminished, secondly my head was not greasy, thirdly my dyed hair was restored and did not split and did not break. Now I think I can purchase the full range of this Aleran agent. Alerana is my salvation. My sister is struggling with the same problem, and I advised her to try to buy Aleran shampoo to try. Although she only washed her head once, but I already heard a positive verdict from her. Recommend to everyone and who will not regret the purchase of Aleran.

August 17, 2018

Alerana shampoo for oily and combination hair helps and helps me out. First, after using it, my combed hair has become much better looking. And secondly, I wash them less often than before. I use it for two months now and enjoy my hair!

August 07, 2018

After the birth of my second child, I, like most other happy moms, faced the problem of hair loss. As soon as the child was 3 months old, my long hair rained down on my head. Removing the next bunch of hair from the comb, I began to think more often about cutting my hair shorter. But nevertheless I decided to first try using shampoos for hair loss, specially created to solve my problem. My choice fell on shampoo brand Aleran. Bribed the composition of the shampoo with useful and natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp. Because I have hair that is prone to greasiness at the roots and dry at the tips, I have acquired ALERANA Shampoo for oily and combination hair. The smell of shampoo is a bit peculiar, but quite pleasant. Shampoo cleans hair well, it stays clean for up to three days. Alerana also has a positive effect on the hair structure - the hair has become noticeably thicker and more shiny. And the most important thing is that after a month of use hair loss almost stopped and new hair began to grow! I recommend to everyone, shampoo really helps to get rid of hair loss.

ALERANA Shampoo for oily and combination hair my love! How are you pleasant texture, aroma and detergent properties! Hair is well washed with a single soaping! The best find!

Oh, how I like ALERANA. This is not the first time I use products from this line. And always only good impressions. This time I decided to try ALERANA shampoo for oily and combination hair. I have just combined hair. Shampoo foams well. It is easily washed off without weighing down hair. Hair after shampoo easy to comb. And as an additional bonus from ALERANA, the use of shampoo prevents hair loss. I can not say that now for me this problem is relevant, but it will not be superfluous. The composition of the shampoo includes a lot of natural ingredients and vitamins. And what I particularly like about ALERANA shampoos is the fragrance. So gentle and unobtrusive. I advise everyone not to save on shampoos, but to use high-quality shampoo from a trusted manufacturer.

Shampoo for oily and combination hair ALERANA, I bought it not by chance, after winter, my hair became brittle, dull and began to fall out. The effect is noticeable, my hair became stronger, natural luster appeared and the loss stopped. The shampoo smells good, foams well and washes hair and scalp well. I apply according to the instructions - on wet hair, massage and leave for 3 minutes. Shampoo recommend!

September 28, 2017

To begin with, my mom uses this shampoo. Really? I never paid attention to him, but here I stayed with her for the night and decided to wash my hair, and used it, I don’t know why, my mother has several types, but I chose it. And so I was pleasantly surprised. First, hair combed easily. Secondly, the volume remained for 2 days. And thirdly, I wanted to check this shampoo for long-term use. Thus, I bought myself this shampoo and did not regret it at all. Thank you for such a delight.

Good day! I want to share my feedback on ALERANA shampoo for oily and combination hair.
I immediately liked his light texture, light grassy smell and good cleansing properties. It has a transparent gel-like texture, which easily turns into a light foam on your hair.
Hair cleans well, not to squeak, but it is good, otherwise the hair would be dried out. I love it when shampoo gently copes with pollution, and does not "kill" all living things. The skin after washing feels comfortable, I think natural components in the composition play no small role in this. For my combined hair type shampoo came up. Hair is clean, smooth and well-groomed!
Head with this shampoo my every 2-3 days as usual. The volume of hair retain as long as possible. I always apply my favorite balm on the ends of the hair, otherwise it will be difficult to comb my hair, and there is always not enough nutrition for my tips. Ideally, you should use a balm from ALERANA in a duet with shampoo, but use what comes up on hand.
After a couple of months, hair loss is significantly reduced, so the shampoo works and strengthens the hair roots, and this is the most important thing in the therapeutic shampoo!

Probably, everyone faced certain problems with hair: brittleness, weakness, split ends.
My hair has always been demanding - thin, prone to seasonal spring and autumn fallout.
For hair restoration, I used different means - mass shampoos and professional series.
I learned about Aleran's shampoo from my colleague who is on maternity leave. We met with her two weeks after the birth of the baby, and I was pleasantly surprised by the condition of her friend's hair - smooth, shiny. A friend told me that she had been using Aleran shampoo for about a month and was very pleased with the effect.
Being impressed, I went to the pharmacy, where I acquired Aleran shampoo for oily and combination hair.
I liked the aroma of shampoo - herbal, natural.
And after the first application, the result was already visible - the hair became smoother, acquired a healthy appearance.

Many women experience post-partum intensive hair loss, and I was no exception. I tried many products from folk to various brands of shampoos, balms and masks. And quite by chance at the pharmacy, I noticed Alerana, the pharmacist told me that they were taking it very well and praised. I decided to try it and did not regret it. After 2 weeks, the hair began to fall noticeably less, and then earlier and when washing the bun and then combing. After a month, the hairs could be counted on the fingers, and now I continue to wash Alerana periodically for a month and the hair practically does not fall out.

Shampoo action:

  • prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth
  • nourishes and heals hair follicles
  • removes dandruff
  • blocks reproduction of fungus causing dandruff
  • reduces itching and eliminates flaking of the scalp
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands
  • moisturizes the scalp and intensively restores hair structure

250 ml vial in primary carton.

Active ingredients

Procapil PROCAPIL is a combination of fortified matrikin, apigenin and oleanolic acid from the leaves of the olive tree to strengthen and prevent hair loss. The complex stimulates the synthesis of components of the extracellular matrix, providing dense strengthening of the hairs in the dermis, thereby reducing their loss. Strengthens the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, nourishes, strengthens and protects the hair follicles. PROCAPIL restores the various structures of the hair follicles and slows down their aging process, thereby preventing hair loss.

Pirokton Olamin Pirokton Olamin has active antifungal properties. It blocks the reproduction of the fungus that causes dandruff, reduces itching and eliminates peeling of the scalp, increasing the access of oxygen to the hair follicles.

Dexpanthenol Dexpanthenol nourishes and softens the scalp, normalizes metabolism, restores the hair follicles from the inside, promotes growth and healing of the hair.

ALERANA Intensive Nutrition Mask

  • intensive nutrition and hair growth stimulation
  • hair structure restoration
  • improve the appearance of hair


The drug contains capilectine - a herbal hair growth stimulant with clinically proven efficacy of action! *

The mask affects in two ways:

1) For hair follicles:

  • intensively nourishes and heals hair follicles
  • stimulates the transition of follicles to the growth phase
  • prolongs the life cycle of the hair

2) Full length:

  • strengthens the weak hair cuticle, returning the natural volume, strength and shine to hair,
  • eliminates damage and strengthens the cohesion of the scales on the hair shaft, protecting the hair from dryness and brittleness,
  • possesses conditioning properties, facilitates combing and hair styling.


Capilectine is a hair growth stimulant of plant origin. Capilectine improves cellular respiration and activates cell metabolism in hair follicles, which helps accelerate hair growth. Stimulates the transition of hair follicles to the active stage of growth, prolongs the life cycle of the hair, contributing to an increase in density.

Wheat Hydrolyzed Proteins nourish hair, intensively restoring their structure.

Keratin penetrates into the deeper layers of the hair, eliminates damage and strengthens the cohesion of scales on the hair shaft, protecting the hair from dryness and brittleness.

Jojoba oil provides intensive nutrition, softens and moisturizes the scalp, strengthens the weak hair cuticle, restores natural volume, strength and shine to hair.

Alfalfa Extract possesses conditioning properties, facilitates combing and hair styling.

Chuanxion extract gives shine to hair and slows down the aging process of hair.

Extracts of avocado, hi-shu and centella Possess nourishing, toning properties, moisturize the scalp and stimulate hair growth.

Action and active ingredients:

  • Natural components - tea tree oil, nettle and burdock extracts - prevent hair loss and promote the growth of strong and healthy hair, carefully care for the scalp.
  • Natural extracts of wormwood and horse chestnut normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, soothe and refresh the scalp.
  • Sage extract has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, heals oily scalp.
  • Provitamin B5 (panthenol) has a strong moisturizing effect, softens the skin.
  • Hydrolyzed wheat proteins nourish hair, restore their structure.

ALERANA Shampoo for dry and normal hair

ALERANA shampoo is designed to strengthen weakened, falling hair, enriched with natural growth stimulants. The unique formula of ALERANA shampoo was developed by specialists of a pharmaceutical company to strengthen weakened, prone to hair loss.Shampoo for dry and normal hair additionally contains poppy oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids, softening dry scalp, and lecithin, which restores the split ends, gives the hair a beautiful and healthy glow.


ALERANA shampoo is designed to strengthen weakened, falling hair, enriched with natural growth stimulants. The unique formula of ALERANA shampoo was developed by specialists of a pharmaceutical company to strengthen weakened, prone to hair loss. Shampoo for dry and normal hair additionally contains poppy oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids, softening dry scalp, and lecithin, which restores the split ends, gives the hair a beautiful and healthy glow.


  • unique formula developed by Vertex pharmaceutical company specialists
  • contains a complex of natural ingredients
  • provides gentle care, taking into account the features of dry and normal hair
  • do not disturb the natural acid-base balance of the scalp

Reviews about cosmetics Alerana

Growth stimulator for eyelashes and eyebrows 2 × 6 ml (Alerana, For eyebrows and eyelashes)

Julia Nikitina, Pyatigorsk, 05/07/2017

Conclusions: I liked the product, it is great to lie down, it does not flow, there is no smell. I make myself lamination of eyebrows and eyelashes, - after I started using this tool, I noticed that the eyebrows fit better, do not stick, the cilia are softer. New eyelashes have not increased, the growth has increased (while using the tool, although the same effect from the usual pharmaceutical oils) In general, the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes improved.

Shampoo for oily and combination hair 250 ml (Alerana, Strengthening hair)
Chelnokova Olga, Tikhvin, 12/18/2016
Conclusions: Shampoo smells like herbs, burdock extract. He washes his head well, does not cause discomfort (the head does not itch). On the packaging, it is stated that it "normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands." I do not agree. I clearly remember that at that time I was washing my head once every two days and by the end of the second day my head was already dirty.

The composition is normal, with sodium laureth sulfate. What do we see? Useful extracts of burdock, chestnut, nettle, wormwood and sage go at the end of the list. After the perfume! And fragrances in shampoo put, as a rule, the least (usually it is at the end of the list). Can such tiny amounts have a pronounced effect on the scalp?

In general, the shampoo is pleasant, not “aggressive.” I will recommend, he approached me, but I advise you not to expect too much from him. The usual care product at a rather small price, and yet it doesn’t cope well with greasy hair!

Vitamin and mineral complex 60 tablets (Alerana, Alerana)

Glushkova Julia, Perm, 09/15/2016

Efficiency, rating 3

To be honest, I did not see any efficacy. The hairs both fell out and continued even after taking this drug for a month. Before that, I was taking a course on another vitamin complex, and so the effect there was really quite uncomfortable for me to take 2 times a day in the morning and evenings. Periodically, you can forget

Conclusions: Perhaps only this drug did not fit me. But I won't order it anymore.

Vitamin and mineral complex 60 tablets (Alerana, Alerana)
Angelina, Saratov, 09/03/2016
Efficiency, rating 5

Very worthy vitamins. Really increase hair growth and slightly affect the loss. The hair is shiny and well-groomed. Packing is calculated for a month. Only 60 pieces. On the day of 2 pieces. Conclusions: Of course, the price bites, but this vitamin complex is very worthy. I saw the result from him and buy them not for the first time. And I will continue!

Shampoo for oily and combination hair 250 ml (Alerana, Alerana)

Anna, St. Petersburg, 08/13/2016

Efficiency, rating 3

I expected more from him. I struggle with the problem of hair loss, plus they quickly get greasy. Therefore, in my arsenal, 40 different shampoos were tried. On the fat content of the hair did not affect, my with the same frequency. Stopped hair loss - also did not notice a special effect. Conclusions: I do not recommend this shampoo. Did not fulfill the stated promises.

Shampoo for dry and normal hair 250 ml (Alerana, Alerana)
Shevchenko Olga, Volga, 06/01/2016
Efficiency, rating 3

Bought in the hope of stopping hair loss, but did not notice the promised effect. Shampoo liquid, consumption is very large. Hair after use is very dry and matted. Lathers very badly, it takes several times to wash the hair. And because of the liquid texture sometimes a lot of money comes out. Conclusions: I didn’t like it; it washes out badly, consumption was big, it dried. Could not use, so the effect also did not notice

Kalincheva Elena

I use ALERANA shampoo for oily and combination hair.
Hair after it is very pleasant to smell and easy to comb. I use air conditioning and masks occasionally, because after them my hair becomes greasy even faster (at least I have it). After about a month of using the shampoo, I noticed that there was no need to wash my hair every day. I am glad that I finally found a shampoo that suits me and copes with the problem of oily hair. The only drawback, in my opinion, is the price. But since I now use shampoo less often, then it will be enough for longer).

September 13, 2016

Kuksina Svetlana

ALERANA Shampoo for oily and combination hair suited me perfectly. The hair became docile and soft, and most importantly low-fat! I like the composition of this shampoo and it was produced in Russia, the quality is fully consistent with the price. Try new things without fear and find what you were looking for as I found ALERANA Shampoo for oily and combination hair!

09 August 2016

Emelina Elena

In addition to ALERANA Shampoo for oily and combination hair, I bought ALERANA Balsam-Rinse for all hair types. My hair is slightly wavy, so after washing it can be difficult to comb. The tips of the hair go awry and you have to comb them carefully but carefully. Earlier, when using balms, this problem was solved, but then the hair got dirty much faster. Now I decided to try ALERANA conditioner. Hair after it is perfectly combed, but at the same time to wash them more often is not necessary.

For the first time I found out about the products of "Alerana" in a pharmacy and decided to try. And for several months now I have been acquainted with Aleran shampoos and balsams. My hair is not very lush, the tips of my hair are dry, the scalp quickly becomes fat, so I take a line for oily and combination hair. Shampoo gel consistency, it has a pleasant smell, unobtrusive, probably similar to the smell of medicinal herbs. He foams well. Hair is also washed very well, which is called straight to the squeak! It is washed off too without problems and gives feeling of freshness and purity. After shampoo, apply some more balm of the same series to make them easier to comb. It is said that the shampoo gives not only a cosmetic effect, but also a healing one. After shampooing, a volume appears that keeps on the hair long enough for my oily scalp, which is very good! After a couple of months of use, hair becomes more dense, healthy, less fall out! After 5 months, I can say that the hair has become less dirty, which indicates the restoration of the balance of oily scalp. Would definitely recommend and advise everyone! And she continues to continue to use this line of your favorite hair care products!

Emeeva Angelina

Transparent shampoo, gel consistency - for me it is now important, I love these shampoos, it means there are no excess impurities. The composition of herbal ingredients, such as: chestnut extract, nettle, burdock, sage, natural preservative-citric acid. The smell is pleasant, not cosmetic, unobtrusive, with a herbal scent. Washes hair very well (for a long time this was not, right up to the squeak). It is washed off without problems. I always use the balm after washing, because the problem is to comb the hair after washing it. I didn’t cause itch, dandruff and other discomfort. After washing, the hair has a neutral smell, the hair comes to life as it were.
And yet, because I use shampoo recently, I have already noticed the result, now I wash my head less often. Now I wash every other day, and before that I would wash my head every day (I will wash it in the morning, and in the evening my head is already dirty). For me, this is already a success.
While I will use this shampoo, hoping for the result: my hair will grow faster, I dream of long hair.

February 11, 2016

After the destructive effects of colds and caps, I decided to restore my damaged hair with the help of ALERANA shampoo. Shampoo for oily and combination hair. Since my hair is greasy, I have to wash it every day, in the morning, and in the winter, so as not to catch a cold, to blow dry and to go to work in a hat. In order to at least reduce the washing of the head, at least twice, I decided to try the effects of Alerana shampoo on myself. I have been using it for about 2 months and I am very pleased: my hair really did not get dirty so quickly, it is light and docile, it looks very healthy and well-groomed. The shampoo has a pleasant smell and no dyes. I use it now every other day - 2, but my hair still looks freshly washed. I am very glad that I managed to find such a wonderful tool.

February 03, 2016

All summer I have been using ALERANA® shampoo for oily and combination hair.
Hair after it is very pleasant to smell and easy to comb. I use air conditioning and masks occasionally, because after them my hair becomes greasy even faster (at least I have it). After about a month of using the shampoo, I noticed that there was no need to wash my hair every day. I am glad that I finally found a shampoo that suits me and copes with the problem of oily hair. The only drawback, in my opinion, is the price. But since I now use shampoo less often, then it will be enough for longer).

Sumbayeva Anastasia

After two weeks of using ALERANA® shampoo for oily and combination hair, I decided to share my impressions with you. Just want to say that I found my perfect shampoo. I have oily hair, recently began to fall out badly. After using ALERANA® shampoo, your hair has become much less fat, and most importantly, hair loss has decreased! My hair became noticeably stronger, acquired a healthy look (smooth, flowing), and all this made me very happy. ALERANA® shampoo for oily and combination hair is just great.

December 14, 2015

Due to pregnancy and childbirth, I, like many women, had hair loss. There was a tuft on the comb, my hair began to be around the house! Apparently, my husband got tired of it, and one fine day he gave me this shampoo. At first, I was skeptical , realizing that shampooing alone does not solve the problem. But I really liked the condition of the hair after washing. Shampoo washed them perfectly, it looked as if they were creaking clean with shine! It was easy to comb, surprisingly, without using an air conditioner. which i am in I move to shampoos, Alerana For Oily to Combination Hair is very good! After about two weeks of use, I noticed that the hair on the comb remains less, and many new ones have grown! After a month, I continue to use it, and I want to say that the hair has gained a healthy shine, has become strong and remains fresh for a long time! To eliminate the problem of hair loss in full, I plan to purchase Alerana vitamin-mineral complex in the near future! Thanks to those who developed this series.

December 11, 2015

Poluyan Ekaterina

For a long time I was looking for a shampoo that would suit my hair, after which the hair would not seem sticky and dry at the ends. Here is a find of Aleran shampoo for oily and combination hair. In general, super shampoo, I recently bought daily care for my husband for my husband, and his hair is generally like straw and curly, the hair clipper barely takes, and after Aleran the hair is soft and easy to comb. Now use only these tools.

Zueva Love

I tried various means, incl. folk, but the result did not bring me. I realized that I need a special tool, for which I went to the pharmacy. On the advice of a pharmacist, I purchased Aleran shampoo and spray. I did not know this brand, but I obviously reacted with confidence to it, because it is ours, made in Russia. I had been using the products for almost a month, during which I was pleased to note that the amount of hair falling out became less and less, the hair became thicker, silky, shiny, light. This result stunned me, I want to tell everyone about it. Now I can once again live my usual life, enjoy simple things, spend time with loved ones and not worry about my hair. Thank you I want to say the brand Aleran, which I recommend to all.
It is very important to find quality products that support healthy hair, actively fights hair loss, gives them lightness, density, silkiness and shine. For myself, I discovered the products of Aleran, I was very pleased with her. Now I can say that thanks to Aleran's shampoo and spray, my hair remains healthy, shiny and continues to delight its owner. Thank you, Alerana.

August 05, 2015

I have long hair, lower priests. Light and very thick, although thin. I always buy expensive products to care for my hair - shampoos, balsams, masks, etc.
And I have always believed that my hair is fine, that a comb of hair on a comb after combing is normal! But after I used a whole bottle of Aleran shampoo for combined and greasy hair, donated by my mother (I can't take a photo with her - I didn’t think about it and threw the bottle away!), I began to notice that the hair on the comb began to remain much less. From the nearest salary I plan to stock up on this shampoo, and I will advise her friend - she has hair, as they say, “strewed”. Amazing tool, perfectly cleanses and nourishes the hair, they shine and look healthy. Wonderful shampoo!


Watch the video: Korres Rice Proteins and Linden Shampoo Duo (July 2024).