
Lemon Hair Lightening: A Budget Image Change


Girls who resort to lightening with paints suffer from thinning and brittle hair. It can be said that the procedure of coloring in a light tone is the most dangerous for the health of the hair. Therefore, some of the fair sex prefer alternative options, using natural substances that were known to the grandmothers. In this article, you will learn how to make curls lighter in a budget way using a lemon.

Operating principle

Is it possible to lighten hair with lemon? Let's try to answer this question in the article. Lemon is useful because of its composition: it contains vitamins, trace elements, acids and essential oils that nourish the strands, giving them a luxurious lookFor this reason, many people choose to brighten hair with lemon. Separately, you can highlight clarification with lemon essential oil.

The color of the curls depends on their pigmentation, the amount of eumelanin and pheomelanin: lemon juice penetrates the hair shaft, revealing its scales, contributes to the destruction of the pigment, making it lighter. Moreover, the clarification procedure continues for several weeks. Lemon juice is more suitable for owners of natural curls: colored strands in dark colors or a natural brunette can not be brightened in this way.

All dyeing chemicals work by the same analogy, however, the method using citrus is considered the most benign. But lemon staining has a significant drawback, which a priori cannot be with chemical clarification: over time, the pigment will begin to acquire its natural look.

Attention! Citric acid for hair can dry curls with frequent use in its pure form. It is not recommended to lighten up with this method if you have dry and exhausted curls.

How to lighten hair with lemon

The procedure of lightening hair with citric acid is very simple and will not require any help, everything can be done at home. Even teens can perform this clarification, as the plant is completely safe. However, it is not recommended to use this method for allergies to citrus fruits, as well as for sensitive scalp.

Check citrus sensitivity is simple: put a drop of juice on the area behind the ear lobe and observe the reaction.

Before and after pictures

What results can be achieved with the help of lemon:

Classic method

To perform the clarification will need:

  • Lemons
  • Warm water
  • Spray Bottle
  • Non-metallic mug and cup,
  • Sunny weather.

The process of preparing the solution is simple and is done in minutes. First, wash and squeeze the lemons. For long curls will need a full cup of sour juice. Fill it with 50 grams of warm water and pour the solution into the sprayer. Get so-called lemon water for hair.

Step back a few centimeters from the roots of the curls and process them along the entire length. After processing, go outside and wake up in the sun for about an hour and a half. If the window is not the warmest time of the year, then the whole process can be carried out in the solarium, going there for 5-7 minutes.

Next, you need to sprinkle the curls again with a solution and again go to the fresh air, only for half an hour. You can also prepare a more gentle mixture using not your favorite water, but your favorite conditioner.

To emphasize the individual strands, lubricate them with a cotton swab.

Cinnamon Mask

A strong combination that acts on the similarity of hydrogen peroxide, however, does not harm the curls.

Mix 3 tablespoons of cinnamon with 6 spoons of butter. Add lemon juice and mix well.

Apply the mixture over the entire length of the curls and wrap your head in a special cap and towel. You need to walk with such a mask for at least three hours, but if you have dry and brittle curls - an hour is enough.

Honey Mask

The recipe is simple: mix olive oil, honey and lemon juice to a state of gruel. Walking with such a composition is recommended for at least two hours.

This mask gives a double effect, as the flowers of chamomile give a beautiful golden hue to the light of their hair or copper - dark.

Recipe: Pour the dried chamomile with hot water and cook the infusion. When the infusion has cooled, add the juice of freshly squeezed lemon and apply the mixture on the curls with a cotton pad or dispenser and allow the mixture to dry naturally. It is advisable to leave the infusion overnight.

Nourishing and gentle mask that will give a shiny look to the curls and strengthen them. Read also about the peculiarities of kefir lightening.


  • 4 tablespoons kefir,
  • One chicken egg
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka,
  • 10 ml of shampoo.

Mix all the products, then apply the entire length of the hair with a brush. Heat the head with a hat and a towel, keep the composition for at least 8 hours.

Useful video: video mask recipe

Advantages and disadvantages


  • natural lemon juice is useful for curls, unlike chemical means,
  • You can achieve a bright shade without fearing that it will not work for you: the pigment is restored with time,
  • based on lemon juice, there are many gentle masks that will strengthen and shine the hair,
  • even a beginner can handle the procedure.


  • dries hair
  • not suitable for brunettes,
  • using this method it is impossible to get too light blond,
  • To perform the procedure, you need special conditions, such as weather

Who does not have time to prepare home masks, we offer a selection of gentle and effective lightening agents:

If you are a supporter of hair dyes, it is difficult to do without useful tips on how to choose the best dye to lighten.

Useful properties of lemon in cosmetology

The use of lemon for hair and scalp is indisputable - because citrus is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Useful components are contained in the juice, in the pulp, and in the skin of the plant - these are vitamins B, C, P, A, mineral substances - potassium, iron, copper, zinc.

Such a valuable composition favorably affects the beauty and health strands:

  • eliminates dandruff and serves to prevent its appearance,
  • eliminates skin diseases due to bactericidal effect,
  • reduces the fat content of the skin,
  • strengthens hair follicles
  • accelerates hair growth by stimulating blood circulation,
  • has a lightening effect on the curls,
  • gives the hair shine and extra thickness,
  • prevents breakage and split ends,
  • Used for hair restoration as an air conditioner.

Peculiarities of lightening hair with lemon

Lemon can make hair lighter, but cardinal results from the use of natural remedies should not be expected. For significant results, lemon mixes should be applied regularly and individual courses that are several weeks in progress. But after a single use of lemon, you can see that the hair became lighter by one tone.

The lightening effect is most intense in light brown and light blond hair - if desired, you can achieve lightening. 3-4 shades. Brunettes on lemon should not be relied on - the maximum that is really achieved is a light golden or reddish tint on the hair.

For a tangible result, a few drops of lemon juice can be added to regular shampoo. This will gradually lighten the strands.

There are many popular recipes for hair, in which the leading or additional ingredient is lemon. It is used for the preparation of nourishing and moisturizing masks, sprays and conditioners.

Lime lemon juice

This is a classic way that gives good results. For the procedure will require:

  • fresh lemon juice,
  • glass or ceramic container
  • brush for applying the composition, spray or cotton pad,
  • hair conditioner or heated water.

The amount of juice depends on the length of the curls - 50 ml is sufficient for short hair, 2 times more for medium hair, 3–4 times longer for long hair.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Place lemon juice in a bowl, add water or conditioner in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Apply the mixture to the hair. If water is used in the composition, the resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and the hair is sprayed over the entire length, except for the roots. If the mixture is made on the basis of a balm, it should be applied with a cotton pad or a wide dye brush.
  3. Immediately go out with your head uncovered or stand under the sun's rays by the window. It is necessary for citric acid to react with UV light, so the effect will be more pronounced. The exposure time is 1 hour.
  4. Wash off the product with plenty of warm water, very carefully washing out the smallest particles of lemon. After washing, apply a mask or balm on hair and dry it in a natural way.

Lemon essential oil for hair

Lemon oil is used in cosmetology to remove the yellowness of the hair after lightening with dyes or to make the natural hair color a couple of shades lighter.

It is very simple to apply an extract from a lemon - for this, you should add oil at the rate of 4-5 drops per 10 ml of base to your favorite balm or mask. Lemon oil in combination with a hair mask gives the best result - you need to keep such a tool for about 30 minutes. Composition based on balsam is kept for 10-12 minutes.

Hair mask with lemon

At home, you can make a mask with kefir. Kefir due to its acid content enhances the brightening effect of citrus. In addition, the composition of the mask has a nourishing effect on the hair and scalp, gives the curls softness and shine, making them supple.


  • kefir - 50 ml,
  • lemon juice - 30 ml,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • Cognac and shampoo - 30 ml each.


  1. Beat egg until foam appears, add kefir.
  2. In the resulting mixture, add lemon juice, shampoo and brandy, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Apply the product to clean damp hair with a brush or sponge.
  4. Warm the head, wearing a plastic cap and wrapping a thick towel.

The mask can be left “to work” for the whole night, or it can be washed off an hour after applying it with warm water using a balm suitable for the type of hair.

Lemon and Chamomile

Chamomile has not only a lightening, but also an anti-inflammatory effect, it gives an interesting golden shade to blond hair.

  1. 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiled water.
  2. Prepare a water bath and leave the composition to simmer on it for about 25 minutes.
  3. Strain the resulting solution.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil - olive or sunflower, and the juice of one lemon.
  5. Brush apply a mask on moisturized hair along the entire length.
  6. After 50 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Means with the addition of lemon should not be used very often to avoid drying the strands.

If a girl or woman wants to bring in small changes in the image without a cardinal change in hair color, then brightening with lemon is an excellent choice. This useful budget tool is safe and accessible to everyone.

How does lemon clarification work?

Blondes often use lemon juice to keep their hair white. Brunettes lighten the hair along the entire length or strands in order to give a natural shine to the natural shine of the strands sunburned in the sun with a red tint. Light-haired girls can lighten their hair as a whole, as well as strands, creating sun kisses on their hair.

Natural brightener effect is enhanced by sunlight., so that when applying a mask with lemon will need to take a sun bath.

What you need to know about lightening hair with lemon?

  • Lemon dries hair a bit, but it is easy to fix using nourishing masks, conditioners and oils.
  • Lemon can give clarified strands to reddish hues, but if you rarely use a natural brightener, this can be avoided.
  • Lemon bleached strands look like they burned out in the sun, making the hair natural.
  • Places that have been clarified with lemon will not exactly darken.
  • Lemon can lighten only natural hair. Painted hair is unlikely to brighten - in this case it is better to use honey and kefir masks.

How to make lightening hair with lemon?

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemons in a non-metallic container.
  2. For dry hair: add balm to the juice and leave the mask to brew for 15 minutes.
  3. For normal hair: pour lemon juice, diluted with water or chamomile decoction into a spray bottle.
  4. Apply a mask / solution to the hair along the entire length or partially using a cotton swab.
  5. Get out in the sun and spend at least 2 hours there.

It is better to apply sunscreen to the body.

  • Wash the mask / solution from the hair with warm water and apply a nourishing conditioner.
  • Allow hair to dry naturally.
  • The result may not appear immediately. Sometimes the hair lightening continues for another 2 weeks.

    Photo of hair before and after brightening with lemon

    In this photo, the result is not a one-time long stay in the sun with hair moistened with a solution of lemon juice and water.

    In this photo you can see how lemon juice brightens brown hair.

    Recommendations and cautions

    • Lemon juice exerts its lightening effect only when UV rays hit it.
    • If the lemon is too dry hair, you can add olive oil.
    • It is necessary to avoid contact with lemon juice on the skin. Otherwise white spots may form.
    • Very important to rememberthat after brightening the hair with lemon it is impossible to contact with chlorine, that is, it is better not to go to the pool. Otherwise, hair may take on a green tint.
    • Dark hair lighten lemon juice is problematic, because it is not known what color will appear out. It is better to conduct a preliminary test on an inconspicuous strand.
    • You shouldn’t spend more than one procedure a day, because a very frequent lemon-clarification gives an orange tint to the hair.

    Lightening hair with cinnamon can be easily done at home using affordable.

    Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide is a simple and cheap procedure. Many girls use.

    Chamomile hair lightening is a useful, but not very effective procedure. Chamomile decoction more.

    Lightening hair with kefir will help not only to make the hair a couple of shades lighter.

    Brightening hair with honey is a rather effective procedure, and not only from the outside.

    Lightening hair with white henna refers to a budget way to become a blonde. This.

    The benefits and harms of the method

    The use of lemon, of course, belongs to folk remedies. And like any folk remedy, it is very slow in its impact. After the first lightening procedure, you will of course notice that your hair has acquired a certain shade. However, to the desired color will have to do the procedure more than once.

    Lightening with sour citrus has both positive and negative properties. The advantages of this method include the following features:

    • the hair stalk structure is preserved,
    • gloss appears
    • hair roots are strengthened
    • At times, falling out is reduced,
    • decreases hair fat,
    • dandruff disappears
    • can be used by pregnant women.

    Without cons, unfortunately, can not do. These include:

    • allergic reaction to citric acid,
    • hair washing after the procedure takes a long time
    • poor-quality washing of hair will lead to their high rigidity,
    • not recommended for frequent use, as you can overdry curls,
    • after some time, the pigment returns to its natural color.

    If you are not afraid of those cons, which implies lemon brightening, then feel free to start bleaching your hair. However, remember that depending on the desired shade of curls and the original hair color will have to work hard. You will need to do the Nth number of times to get a satisfactory result. Below are a few examples of the final version of the hair shade after lemon brightening:

    • auburn with a reddish tint will get beautiful women with dark brown curls,
    • brightening the light brown strands you will get a dark blond color with a gleam of gold
    • Blonde curl turns to light blonde,
    • wheaten hairstyle guaranteed redhead,
    • dark blondes will be able to transform into blond beauties without the slightest hint of yellowness.

    Important rules

    The process of bleaching with lemon is simple. He can even adolescents who can easily implement it at home, giving their hairstyle zest. And most importantly, parents can not worry, because such a lightening will not bring any harm, and the natural hair color will return after a while.

    However, do not proceed to bleaching with citric acid without thought. This is still an acid, and many people may be allergic to it. Most adults have probably already studied their bodies and know if they have a reaction to lemon or not. Although over time, everything changes. And if earlier you did not have an allergy to citrus, then after a few years it may appear.

    Therefore, before you begin to lighten lemon juice, check your skin for an allergic reaction.

    Susceptibility to acid is very easy to verify. To do this, put a little lemon juice on the earlobe and wait for the result. If after an hour everything is in order, then you can start the clarification. But first we will study certain rules of this process:

    1. Hair must be healthy, so there is no brittleness, dryness.
    2. Lemon juice dries curls. After lightening, rinse hair thoroughly. Stock up on hair masks with a moisturizing and nourishing effect. Do them regularly to restore the normal state of the locks.
    3. Lemon coloring is recommended only for hair that has never been dyed.
    4. At the time of staining make sure that the acid does not get into the eyes.
    5. When the lightening process is complete, let the hair dry without a hair dryer.
    6. Lovers of the pool will have to postpone his visit a maximum of a week. Chlorine and lemon are not very friendly. Therefore, in order not to spoil the clarification, avoid such contact.

    If with an allergic reaction to citrus everything is normal, then proceed to the bleaching. Ladies with stiff hair must make a pre-mask that will soften the hair. We buy not one lemon, but several depending on the volume of hair. Be sure to squeeze the juice from natural fruit, and do not buy in bags. Apply citric acid to the hairline copiously, so as not to miss a single strand.

    For the lemon procedure is best to wait for sunny weather. The sun will intensify the brightening effect. One hour will be enough. After all the manipulations do not forget about the moisturizing mask.

    Recipes for lightening hair with a lot of lemon. Below is an example of the most popular methods of coloring at home.

    As a rule, for clarification outside the salon, use lemon or substances obtained after its processing: citrus acid and essential oil. It is possible to use as a pure product, and in combination with additional substances.

    Whatever product you choose, prepare the necessary fixtures for the bleaching process. Get a special paint brush. If this is not possible, then a cotton pad will do. A plastic or ceramic container is required for the fluid to be painted. The sprayer will simplify the application of the mixture over the entire length of the hair.

    Citrus juice without additives is a gentle way of staining. Curls brighten one or two tones.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    • one day before the procedure do not wash your hair,
    • take 4-5 fruits and squeeze the juice out of them,
    • pour it into a spray bottle (if the curls are dry, then you need to add a couple of tablespoons of hair rinse),
    • Do not wet your hair before applying the juice.
    • sprinkle all the curls with plenty of liquid,
    • do not wrap your head (ultraviolet rays must freely affect the treated hair, enhancing the brightening),
    • leave the hair in this form for some time, which depends on the state of the curls: dark intact hair will take about 12 hours, a brittle pair of hours is enough
    • wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with balm,
    • repeat clarification preferably after 7 days, and so on each time until the desired result is achieved.

    Lightening with citric acid is a more radical way, as it is in itself a concentrate. Lightening will happen faster, but the curls will be dry.

    The action algorithm is similar to the first method. Only the method of preparing a liquid for coloring is different: one tablespoon of acid is diluted in two liters of water. The water should be warm so that the crystals of the substance dissolve faster.

    Lemon essential oil also belongs to the radical method, because after its exposure the hair becomes very dry. However, he gets to the pigment much faster and easier than juice and acid.

    Dyeing principle:

    • wash your hair with shampoo with the addition of essential oil, about five drops,
    • dry curls,
    • apply 3-4 drops of oil along the entire length of the comb,
    • brush hair,
    • let them dry naturally
    • it is recommended to fix clarification with essential oil only in a week.

    All three products are applied to the hair with a spray gun. Many may ask: why then prepare a special brush for dyeing, a cotton pad? It all depends on how much you are going to lighten. Of course, for the entire head enough sprayer. But if you need to paint a few curls, then a cotton pad is ideal. A brush is convenient when using a liquid with the addition of a balm.

    Rinse your hair with clean water, sometimes soda is added.

    Over the long history of lemon clarification, a sufficient number of mask recipes has accumulated to brighten lemon-based hair. It turns out that citrus goes well with many products. Such masks will not only lighten the curls, but also nourish them with additional useful vitamins.

    Cinnamon + Lemon

    A full-fledged mask is obtained from these products, if you add olive oil to them. Proportions:

    • lemon - 1 pc.,
    • Cinnamon - 3 tbsp. l.,
    • olive oil - 6 tbsp. l

    All mix and apply to the hair from root to tip. Hide curls under a special cap and wrap in a towel. Maintain three hours, provided that the hair is not damaged. For brittle curls, it is enough to walk in it for one hour. Then rinse the head with clean, warm water.

    Honey + Lemon

    Similar to the previous mask, add olive oil. In equal quantities, mix all the ingredients before the formation of a mushy mixture. Do not mix the mixture with a metal spoon, otherwise you risk getting a greenish tint on the hairstyle. It will be more convenient to apply honey-lemon composition with a brush or cotton pad, dividing the hair into strands. Next, collect the curls in a bundle and hide under the plastic cap. Then we wrap the head with a towel for four hours. Then we proceed to the washing of the head, not forgetting to soften the hair with a balm.

    Using this recipe, it is recommended to observe several conditions:

    1. Before applying the honey-lemon mask it must be heated. To do this, place the container with the mixture in a hot gas or electric stove and wait for 20 minutes.
    2. Plan the clarification for the weekend. The fact is that the mask is not washed off the first time, you will have to wash your hair several times.
    3. If you are allergic to honey, then we do not recommend choosing this method.
    4. The scalp should be free of scratches and redness.

    Chamomile + lemon

    This recipe will appeal to lovers of wheat color. Hair will not only brighten a couple of tones, but will sparkle with golden tints. Brown-haired will get a copper shade.

    First, prepare the chamomile infusion: two tablespoons of chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. While the infusion is cooling, squeeze the juice from one lemon. Then we mix two liquids and we fill in everything in a sprayer. Spray curls along the entire length.

    Intact curls are best left for 12 hours, brittle - for a couple of hours.

    Kefir + Lemon

    A gentle mask that will not only lighten the hair, but also strengthen it. Hair will look healthy, not overdried.

    It will take:

    • kefir - 4 tbsp. l.,
    • lemon - 1 pc.,
    • egg - 1 pc.,
    • Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.,
    • shampoo - 10 ml.

    Squeeze out the lemon juice and mix it with all the remaining components. Brush to dye the hair, apply the mixture along the entire length. We put a plastic cap on the head, hiding all the curls under it. We cover our heads with a towel and walk in this form for about eight hours.

    Care after the procedure

    Lemon, like any tool, changes the structure of the hair, and not always in a positive direction. Therefore, in order to correct the shortcomings that arise after such a procedure (fragility, dry curls), it is necessary to properly care for the curls after clarification.


    • get a comb from horns (for example, sheep, goat, bull) or wood,
    • Try to choose a shampoo made from natural ingredients for washing your hair,
    • soften curls with rinse is one of the most important conditions of care,
    • pamper your locks regularly with nourishing and moisturizing masks; they do not interfere with regenerating,
    • Forget about the hair dryer and dry the strands in a natural way.

    Those who have tried clarification with citrus will confirm that you will not see a radical change in hair color. At best, blondes can get a soft transition from regrown roots to dyed curls. Brunettes will be able to be content with golden-wheat shades.

    Of course, choosing citrus clarification or not is an individual matter. But if you put hair health on the scales, then you can afford to at least once in your life try a centuries-old beauty recipe.


    Lemon for lightening allows not only to achieve results of dyeing, but also to strengthen the hair. In the recipes of homemade masks, this fruit is quite common. In addition to being a natural component, it contains a huge amount of vitamins that are beneficial for the scalp and hair follicles.

    The main effect of lemon is hair lightening, which is due to the high content of organic acids.

    Brightening hair with lemon helps eliminate the following problems of scalp:

    • weakening
    • lack of shine
    • dandruff,
    • dropping out.

    Unlike most chemicals, the essential oils contained in lemon juice do not cause any damage to the hair follicle and skin. The only drawback is the drying effect, which is easy to avoid. To prevent scalp and curls from drying out, you need to mix an additional softening component with lemon juice:

    Unlike most chemicals, essential oils contained in lemon juice do not cause any damage to the hair follicle and skin.

    • kefir,
    • honey,
    • herbs,
    • essential oils,
    • other.

    Lightening with lemon should be carried out in accordance with the existing recommendations; it is also not advisable to change the proportions of the compositions in order to prevent undesired color and damage to the curls or skin.

    To brighten hair with lemon remedy, use different recipes. It is better to choose a suitable version of a mask or rinse, focusing on the features of the type of hair. While preparing the product, the proportions should be kept, but the total amount can vary depending on the length and density of the hair.

    The procedure does not violate the hair structure.

    Simple recipe

    The simplest recipes, how to lighten hair with lemon, is the use of pure fruit juice or its mixture with ordinary water. If you use lemon without other additives, it should be borne in mind that this option is only suitable for people with healthy scalp and strong hair. With excessive dryness of the treated area, you need to choose another method. To lighten the curls with lemon juice, you need to squeeze the liquid from a large fruit and apply it to the full length. Then wait for the drying of the hair and wash their heads. You can get an instant effect if after applying the product to go to the sun for 1.5 hours. Of course, in the cold season it is impossible to do this, so this option is relevant only in the hot season. Despite the rapid result that can be achieved, it should be understood that the hair can become very dry from the sun, so you will need to regularly make moisturizing masks.

    You can also make a rinse, which will give a light effect of lightness, but will add shine and silkiness to the curls. Rinsing liquid is made with lemon and water (for 1 l of water - 5 tbsp. L. Of juice). Rinse the head immediately after shampooing.

    Lightening hair with honey and lemon is one of the most effective recipes for achieving a lighter tone and strengthening of the hair. The mask is prepared from a mixture of citrus juice and honey. The mixture is made with an aspect ratio of 1: 1 and applied for eight hours.

    By applying a mask with fruit juice and honey, you can achieve a brightening result of one or two tones. But after the fifth-sixth procedure, the hair becomes noticeably lighter, and the overall condition of the hairs also improves.

    With honey. Pigments are well extracted, making the lightening stronger.

    Integrated mask

    For dyed curls the complex means of lightening and simultaneous healing of the hair is ideal:

    • lemon juice (4 tbsp.),
    • chamomile (25 g),
    • hot water (0.2 l),
    • honey (4 tbsp. l.).

    To prepare the remedy begin with steaming herbs with boiling water. The cooled (warm) and filtered broth is supplemented with fruit juice and honey. After that, a mask is applied to dry hair. The action means at least half an hour.

    For owners of dry scalp and weakened hair, staining can greatly harm. In order to get the desired tone, you need to perform hair clarification with kefir (0.1 l), citrus juice (4 tbsp. L.), Egg and brandy (0.1 l).

    The mask is spread over the entire hairline and a shower cap is put on top. Make the procedure better just before bedtime. Wash their hair, just waking up in the morning.

    Kefir and lemon juice - the perfect combination that contributes to the rapid lightening of hairs on two or three tones. Despite the naturalness of the components, use a product with kefir and lemon should not be more than once every two weeks.

    With kefir. A slimming mask that fits all hair types

    Positive reviews and deserved mask with citrus, olive oil and cinnamon. Each of these components in itself has a lightening effect. In the complex, these products give a unique effect.

    Preparing such a tool without much effort and cost. In a bowl, mix cinnamon (3 tablespoons) with lemon juice and olive oil (0.1 l). Six tablespoons of a homemade balm are added to the mixture for application to curls.

    Masked cover hair. After three to five hours, wash your hair with shampoo. Additionally, use a balm or rinse is not necessary.

    With cinnamon. In combination with lemon, they act no worse than hydrogen peroxide, but do not harm the hair

    With peroxide

    Lightening hair with peroxide and lemon has been used for many decades. Hydrogen peroxide gives the maximum result even with the original dark tone. For the procedure you will need to shift the juice of fresh lemon (10 ml) with hydrogen peroxide (50 ml). The resulting liquid is poured into the sprayer and evenly cover it with all hair. The hair should be moistened very well. Wash your hair in 20–40 minutes depending on the original color. Clarification with hydrogen peroxide can have a negative result, because the tool has a strong chemical effect. You can not use a mixture of lemon juice and peroxide, when the hair is weakened and fall out, the scalp is sensitive and curls have a natural light shade.

    Lemon Lightening: Instructions

    1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon. If the lemon is hard you can knock it on a hard surface. Continue knocking lemon until it is soft, then it will be easier to squeeze. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice.

    Lemon Lightening

    2. Pour lemon juice into a spray bottle and add water.

    Lightening hair with lemon For applying lemon juice to hair, it is best to use a spray

    3. For dry hair, mix lemon juice and hair conditioner. Lemon can dry hair, so hair conditioner is needed. Mix the mixture in a small bowl and set aside for 15 minutes.

    Brighten hair with lemon mix lemon juice and conditioner

    4. Apply sunscreen to the skin. When you apply a lightening mixture to your hair, you will need to spend 2 hours in the sun, so you need a cream to protect your skin from burns.

    Brighten hair with lemon Apply sunscreen to the skin when you sit in the sun

    5. Apply the mixture to your hair.

    - For full coverage of all hair, spray the lightening mixture onto the hair with a spray

    Lemon Brightening Spray the mixture onto the hair

    - If you want to lighten individual strands of hair, it is better to use cotton balls.

    Brighten hair with lemon Apply a mixture of lemon with a cotton swab

    - If you use a mixture with air conditioning, it is best to apply a painting brush. When using the air conditioner, separate strands will be very difficult.

    6. Find a comfortable place in the sun. Under direct sunlight you will need to sit for about 2 hours to notice color changes.

    Lighten hair with lemon Sit in the sun for 1 to 2 hours Brighten hair with lemon The sun should fall on the hair

    7. Reapply lemon juice after 90 minutes. Continue to sit in the sun for another 30 minutes. If you do not have enough time to sit on the street so much, you can postpone the second lightening of the hair with lemon the next day.

    Lemon lightening of hair Repeated use of lemon juice after 90 minutes

    8. Wash your hair as usual.

    Lemon Lightening Wash hair as usual

    9. Apply conditioner to hair

    Lemon Brightening Apply Conditioner

    10. Do not expect instant results. The color will continue to brighten for 2-4 weeks.

    Lemon Lightening: How to change natural hair color

    - Dark Brown Hair: Light Brown or Greyish Beige

    - Light brown hair: Golden Blonde

    - Dark Blonde Hair: Light Blonde

    - Auburn Hair: Dark Blonde

    - Light red hair: Dark blonde / Blonde

    - Black hair: will not greatly change their color.

    Lemon Hair Lightening: Tips

    - Lemon juice dries hair, so after each hair wash use an air conditioner to moisten hair!

    - After the application of lemon juice, be sure to stand in the sun. Blow-drying your hair does not activate the process of lightening, because lemon juice is not activated by heat, it is activated by UV rays.

    - Works best in the summer when the sun is more active!

    - You can also use lime juice if you do not have lemon juice on hand. It has about the same concentration of citric acid as lemon juice.

    - Add a couple tablespoons of olive oil to lemon juice to nourish your hair.

    - When brightening the hair with lemon, make sure that it does not get into your eyes, as it will bake!

    - If you do not have a spray, you can blot the resulting lemon juice with a paper towel and put it on your hair.

    - For a soft whitening effect, you can rinse your hair with a mixture of lemon juice and chamomile

    - Do not use lemon juice in bottles.

    - Do not use lemon juice on hair that was previously dyed with chemical dyes and was in contact with chlorine, as this may damage the hair and the color will not please you (green)

    - When you go out in the sun protect your skin with sunburn cream

    Lemon Brightening Hair: Warnings

    - Avoid visiting the pool immediately after applying lemon juice. You do not want your hair to become green.

    - It is difficult to say how brightening hair with lemon can affect dark hair. You may notice a minimal effect, or your hair may get an orange tint. In order to find out the possible outcome, try to lighten only a small strand of hair at the back of the head.

    - Brightening hair with lemon juice is unpredictable. You can not be sure what shade to turn out.

    - During the day it is impossible to carry out more than one lightening procedure, the hair may become copper.

    - The method is not effective enough for dark brown and black hair

    - Do not do this too often, as the sun can seriously damage your skin. Watch your tan, it’s easier to prevent sunburn than to heal ..

    Lemon Hair Lightening: Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Does lemon juice damage hair?

    Yes, but minimal compared to chemical paints. Remember that lemon is a natural chemical free product. After lightening with lemon, the hair becomes dry, but after applying the conditioner the dryness disappears.

    2. Brown hair after clarification with a lemon gain a copper shade.

    Yes, if you do it too often. Lighten hair can be no more than 5 times then everything will be fine, and the hair will not get a copper shade.

    3. Lemon juice will lighten my hair forever?

    Yes, places that are lightened probably will not return to their original color.

    4. Can I lighten colored hair with lemon?

    No, sorry! Lightens only your natural hair color. But if you really want, try on a small strand of hair and see the result. If it satisfies you, then boldly proceed to lighten your hair with lemon.

    Other methods of lightening hair

    You can use these methods in combination with lemon for better results.

    1. Try lightening your hair with Siberian Cassia. Cassia is a plant that contains a faint golden or light yellow dye. It is known as “colorless henna” and will give your hair golden shades.

    Lemon Bleaching Hair Try brightening hair with Siberian Cassia

    2. Use chamomile tea to brighten hair. Chamomile tea works best on light brown or light hair, and it can be applied to hair like lemon juice, as well as with lemon juice.

    Brighten hair with lemon Use chamomile tea to lighten hair

    3. Use hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair. It can not be "natural", but really works. Read more here. Peroxide Brightening

    4. Try some cinnamon to lighten your hair! Cinnamon works great on dark hair, and it smells better than hydrogen peroxide. Read more here Cinnamon brightening hair

    5. Try using honey to lighten hair. Honey does not dry hair like lemon or peroxide and also helps make hair lighter.

    Lightening hair with lemon Honey for lightening hair

    Lemon Lightening: How Effective

    On a ten-point scale, using lemon as one of the brightening methods can put a bold ten. Many wonder how an ordinary fruit can affect our hair? The fact is that the acid contained in lemon has several properties. For example, it penetrates freely into the hair shafts and destroys their pigment. It only works gently and gently, as opposed to chemical paints. In addition, after a certain amount of time, the destroyed pigment is restored, and our hair becomes the same shade, which cannot be guaranteed by dyed products of famous brands. Brightening hair with lemon is most effective for owners of blond and fair hair, but also dark-haired girls can expect a good result. Brightening hair with lemon will give them a guaranteed shade a couple of shades lighter.

    Lemon Bleaching Hair: Precautions

    Those girls and women who decide to brighten their hair with lemon should remember a number of simple truths. For example, concentrated lemon juice is very aggressive and can ruin the structure of your hair. Lemon can cause dry, brittle and damaged hair.

    After lightening the hair with lemon, it is necessary to use firming and moisturizing, nourishing masks, creams, and balms. Moreover, it will be necessary to do this every time during bathing procedures. If your hair is already damaged, it is better not to use lemon to lighten the hair.

    Rinse the hair after lightening with lemon is better with a little warm water, it is recommended to dry naturally, without using a hair dryer.

    Remember the sense of proportion when brightening hair with lemon. He, of course, is able to make your hair more shiny, but can also contribute to their loss.

    It should also be foreseen that if you brighten all hair with a lemon, their color may become the same as when dyeing a banal hydroperiod. It is necessary to process only their upper layer.

    Lemon Lightening: Recipes and Technology

    There is a huge number of all kinds of masks to brighten hair with lemon. Only lemon and standard ingredients can be used; many stylists recommend adding herbs and medicinal plants to the composition of the brightening lemon masks. Do not forget that the effect will be better under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

    The classic mask for lightening hair with lemon contains lemon juice and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair or individual strands. After that, stand a little under the sun. The stay is limited to half an hour. Rinse your hair with cool water and treat it with balm.

    Another recipe for lightening hair with lemon is quite long, it is good that its result lasts a long time. From a couple of lemons you need to gently squeeze the juice, stir it in a liter of water. Every time after the bath procedures it is necessary to wash the hair with this “lemon water”.

    You can add lemon oil and shampoo. Enough a couple drops. Shampoo with lemon oil drops should be shaken before use.

    The traditional recipe for lightening hair with lemon is familiar even to teenage girls. It is simple and affordable. Lemons and warm water or hair conditioner will be needed. The first thing you need to squeeze the juice of lemons. It is advisable to use ceramic dishes, in any case not aluminum. After the juice is obtained, it is necessary to mix it with warm water or conditioner. From the roots it is worth to retreat a dozen cm, you only need to process the top layer of hair. After the lightening procedure, it is recommended to spend at least a couple of hours in the open air in direct sunlight. If you lighten your hair in winter, use the solarium service. When the hair is washed from the lemon mask with shampoo, treated with balm or oil, you need to stay in the sun for half an hour.

    Effective mask using lemon and chamomile. For its preparation you need the juice of a medium-sized lemon, a couple of tablespoons of chamomile, a glass of water, a few drops of lavender oil. Mix all ingredients and fill with boiling water. Leave to reach the infusion for half an hour. Apply the finished mass for 20 minutes to the hair, then we wash the hair with shampoo and treat it with balm.

    Second mask recipe with lemon and chamomile prepare a little longer. 10 dried chamomile flowers should be poured with a quarter-liter of boiling water and left to come up in a water bath for about 25 minutes. After the broth, you need to cool and pass through a strainer. Add two spoons of vegetable oil and juice of medium lemon. Apply the mask on your hair for about 50 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

    Lightens well mask with the addition of rhubarb. This plant is in the garden of almost every hostess. When making masks with lemon and rhubarb, 5 lemons, a pile of rhubarb root, half a liter of vinegar, chamomile, a pile of honey and one and a half pile of alcohol are used. The recipe is quite complicated, so it is important to correctly fulfill all its conditions. Squeeze juice from lemons. Cut the rhubarb and chop together with a lemon zest with a blender. Mix vinegar, boil. Boil 15 minutes, add chamomile. After our broth has cooled, pass it through a strainer. Add honey, lemon juice and alcohol. For the clarification procedure we dilute with water in proportion 1 liter of water: 1 spoon of broth.

    Concentratedlemon juice is pretty dangerous for clarification, but if used wisely, it is a panacea for dark-haired ladies. In order to lighten dark hair, it is necessary to apply lemon juice in its pure form to the hair along the entire length, then dry and wash with shampoo. Do not forget to use a nourishing or moisturizing balm. It is recommended to make such a mask no more than once in two weeks, in order not to spoil the hair.

    Lemon can be made essential oilwhich also serves to lighten hair. Add a few drops of lemon ether to your shampoo and use it as usual. After a while, your hair will definitely brighten.

    You can also water for rinsing the head add lemon juice at the rate of two spoons per liter of water. Thanks to the lemon hair will be bright, shiny and soft.

    Another common way to lighten hair is to mix lemon juice with honey. Not everyone will like this recipe, because honey will have to be applied to hair, a sticky mass can drain and cause discomfort. The juice of two lemons mixed with two cups of honey. If your hair is long, then increase the number of ingredients. It is good to mix weight and to apply on dry hair. Leave for five hours. Rinse. Use shampoo and balm is not necessary, because honey has a moisturizing effect.

    Helps to lighten the hair blend kefir with lemon. Mix the egg with a stack of kefir, lemon juice and two spoons of brandy. In this mass, add a little shampoo. Apply the mixture on your hair, put a special plastic cap on top and wrap your head with a warm towel. The procedure is preferably carried out in the evening. In the morning, wash your hair and treat it with a balm.

    Lemon Lightening Hair: Causes for Failure

    Despite the fact that brightening hair with lemon is a very effective way, tested by more than one generation of women, there is a possibility that it will not bring the proper result. The reasons for this are very ordinary.

    Black hair can not be brightened with lemon.

    The result of lightening affects not only the color, but also the structure of the hair. If the hair shaft is thick, then the hair will be lightened even worse.

    Lack of ultraviolet rays. The action of lemon juice in the process of lightening activates exactly the sun.

    Use lemon juice industrial production. It is necessary to use only freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    If you have dyed or permed hair, brightening with lemon will not work.

    The mechanism of action of juice

    Lemon allows discoloration of the strands due to the presence of natural acids. These substances raise the cuticle scales and remove the natural pigment, which makes the curls lighter.

    However, note that the tool interacts poorly with artificial dyes, its use can give unpredictable results.

    Useful citrus components penetrate the strands, restoring their internal structures. They also accelerate blood circulation in the dermis, start metabolic processes at the cellular level, which contributes to the growth of healthy and strong curls.

    General rules

    If you are going to use lemon juice to brighten, you need to know how to properly apply it on the strands. This will give a uniform shade and keep the hair from drying out.

    Consider the following professional recommendations:

    • If you have tough strands, mix citrus juice with natural oils.
    • Strictly maintain the proportions of the ingredients indicated in the recipe.
    • Take only fresh juice, packaged contains many chemicals, and it does not give the desired effect.
    • In order to lighten the strands as quickly and efficiently as possible, after applying the juice, go out into the sun. Ultraviolet enhances the action of acids found in lemon. In winter, you can simply stand by the window located on the south side.
    • Do not leave lemon filled juice overnight, this may make the strands too stiff and dry.
    • The use of acid-based products is strictly prohibited in case of violation of the integrity of the skin.
    • Apply the juice to dirty hair, so you can protect them from drying out.
    • It is necessary to wash away means long and very carefully. If you do not completely remove it, the curls will become stiff.
    • Do not lighten your hair several times in a row with the help of juice, let them rest for at least 7 days.

    Continue to make masks based on citrus until you get the desired result. However, the clarification should not last more than two weeks, otherwise you can damage the strands.

    Juice discoloration

    Squeeze the juice of four lemons of medium size, if the strands are dehydrated, add a tablespoon of conditioner. Pour the composition into a container with a spray. Liberally sprayed on dry dirty curls, make sure that all areas are uniformly treated.

    To enhance the effect we go out in the sun, you do not need to cover your head with anything. If possible, we walk in the open air for one hour, if not, we hold the mask for two hours. Wash off with shampoo, then apply a moisturizing balm.

    Brightening hair with citric acid

    A tablespoon of citric acid diluted in two liters of warm water. Dirty dry curls poured abundantly with means that they are all well soaked. We leave for an hour, if we amplify the effect with ultraviolet light, and for two hours, when we are not going to leave the room.

    Wash off the mask with shampoo water to remove any residue. Reviews confirm that the acid acts more efficiently than juice, because it is a highly concentrated product. However, after its application there is a chance to dry the strands.

    Therefore, the procedure is repeated no more than once a week, and between sessions make moisturizing masks.

    Effective masks

    The combination of citrus juice and other useful components will not only change the color of the hair, but also get rid of some problems with it. Hair masks with lemon for lightening are very simple to prepare and apply at home, they are of affordable cost.

    Let's get acquainted with the most popular and effective recipes.


    Watch the video: HOW TO EASILY REMOVE HAIR COLOR. With Lemons! (July 2024).