
10 most stylish hairstyles in 2018 on the example of stars


I wanted the best, but it turned out ... And you had such a new hairstyle looks ridiculous, not as we would like? We assure, unfortunate haircuts, styling are not only among ordinary people, but also among celebrities. As proof, we have prepared a selection of unsuccessful, horrible and strange female and male hairstyles of foreign and domestic stars. Just take a look at these photos and make sure that everything is not so bad.

Unsuccessful hairstyles of foreign stars

They are guided by celebrities, imitate them, grieve at their “falls” and rejoice at “take-offs”. Stars and their stylists are not entitled to even the slightest mistake. However, in reality, everything is different ...

Perfectly straight hair or flighty curls, a short square or long-length curls ... What the American actress just did not try, the R & B singer who released one of the most successful albums, and just an amazing woman - Beyonce. Slips in the choice of hairstyle was too short bangs, afrokosichki, shown on the following photos:

Scarlett Johansson

Esquire magazine in 2006 called Scarlett Johansson the sexiest woman, despite the sensational incident with the choice of a haircut in 2003 (next photo). Hair disheveled in different directions look slovenly, in a rustic way simply, sending the actress on the pedestal of the worst hairstyles.

Kelly osbourne

Kelly Osbourne often got into the TOP of unsuccessful images, haircuts, hairstyles. Fortunately, the star in recent years, happy changes in appearance and past failures can only be remembered by the photo.

Robert Pattison

Robert Pattinson is a British singer, actor, musician and model. Robert has a great sense of style., but even this did not prevent him from getting into the TOP of unsuccessful haircuts and hairstyles. Lyapus in the history of Pattinson was the following version of the haircut:

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is a bright and surprisingly beautiful foreign singer and actress who prefers mostly short haircuts. But even unsuccessful, strange images are peculiar to it.

“If you can’t say anything good, then don’t say anything at all. My hair is attached to my head, not to anyone else, ”- this is how Miley reacts to the criticism of fans.

Shia LaBeouf

Shia Labaf - a famous Hollywood actor, two-time winner in the nomination "Best Actor". In the TOP of unsuccessful hairstyles of stars, he fell for shaved whiskey and a long braid. Agree, the combination is not the best!

Jennifer Lopez

Pale lipstick, beet cheeks or mother-of-pearl shadows on tanned skin, awkward styling - all these failures while searching for the perfect image have gone to the Hollywood beauty! Today, Jennifer Lopez can be safely considered an icon of style.

Recall the most disastrous moments in the history of the transformation of celebrities.

With a breathtaking volume, ball hair, J. Law appeared in 2002 at the Oscars.

Of course, easy carelessness in styling gives the image a natural, lightness. But the chaos that is happening in the curls of Jennifer Lopez in the next photo - this is an obvious bust!

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera quite often “surprises” fans with unsuccessful, awkward hairstyles. Especially not lucky celebrity with pigtails.

And this hairstyle of the famous singer was compared with clown curls. The good news is that even despite the failure of Aguilera does not cease to experiment with appearance, thereby keeping interest in his person.

Britney Spears

The famous blonde Britney Spears is also not afraid of experiments. She was one of the first to demonstrate color coloring, hot pink, turquoise strands looked bold and stylish. Changes in life celebrity accompanies a new hairstyle or hair color. There are both ups and downs. For example, a long smooth bangs, which makes the face wider and older singer.

Or rim-braid, which visually makes the singer's ears big and lop-eared.

But the biggest failure for Britney Spears was shaving bald.

Epatage, extraordinary and an explosion of emotions - all this is inherent in the famous Lady Gaga. But even the desire to stand out, a great courage for creative experiments do not justify the terrible hairstyles of the stars.

Dreadlocks - it's bright, fun and unusual. But Lady Gaga let them down too long ...

Helena Bonham Carter

The lack of taste and style, strange preferences in the hairstyle often demonstrates Helena Bonham Carter. Not combed hair, excessive bouffant and children's hairstyles with bows on the head - a special and unique taste of celebrity.

Ann Hataway

The transformation of Anne Hathaway from a brunette into a blonde for a star ended in absolute failure. Unsuccessful coloring led Ann to the list of owners of bad, what's the worst hairstyle stars.

Drew barrymore

Well-known actress Drew Barrymore was not surprised by the fans. Black tips of blonde hair look ridiculous, inharmonious with respect to the basic hair tone, Drew appearance features.

Paris Hilton

Amazing blonde model, the owner of the largest hotel chain Paris Hilton can also "boast" mistakes in choosing hairstyles. You must admit that two braids decorated with daisies look extremely ridiculous.

Alla Pugacheva

Applied to the domestic scene Alla Pugacheva is not typical for cardinal changes in the image. Despite the constancy and restraint in hairstyle, make-up, we managed to find a few “misses” of stylists.

Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova is characterized by inconsistency in the image, long or short hair, even and curly, dark or light. Of course, without “punctures” does not do:

Not appreciated by fans of the singer of the spit Kanekolon, calling Olga "Baba-Yaga".

Maksim Galkin

The new hairstyle of Maxim Galkin “a la Hitler” is haunting the public, and the terrible image with braids, demonstrated by a celebrity at the press conference "Muses TV TV Awards 2018", will remain in the memory of many and for a long time. Fans, acquaintances of Maxim do not cease to discuss this failure and are eagerly awaiting a new, already successful image.

Keti Topuria

Katie Topuria - lover of bold and bright images. But the ideas of its reincarnation are not always supported and understood by those around them. For example, laying at the talent contest "New Wave 2014", associated with "Star Wars", looks extremely ridiculous, strange.

Philip Kirkorov

The audience has become accustomed to the unsuccessful outfits of the pop-king of the national scene of Philip Kirkorov, but hairstyles are another matter. In the arsenal of a celebrity there are a few blunders with hair.

We hope it will remain in the past, and today Philip Bedrosovich is surprising with a new and very successful image.

Eva Polna

Former soloist of “Guests from the Future” Eva Polna is one of the few Russian pop stars with magnificent forms. Instead of hiding the fullness of the face, bad hairstyles only emphasize this shortcoming. Taut bouclés are far from symmetry, look ridiculous and add 10 years. Cap of hair on his head, bright hair without the slightest volume look terrible, funny and stupid.

Nastya Kamensky

Dismiss the stylist would not hurt and Nastya Kamensky. In a colored jumpsuit with a tuft of curls, Anastasia appeared at the “New Wave” competition in 2014.

And with this miracle on the head of the princess R & B appeared on the song show X Factor 8.

Rate a few more strange styling Nastya:

Larisa Dolina

Larisa Dolina is remembered by many as a radiant blonde with playful curls on her head. They look harmonious, stacked one to one, like Hollywood stars. It is hard to believe that the following photos belong to Larisa Dolina.

Dana Borisova

In the top worst hairstyles hit and Dana Borisova. It seems that the head has not been washed for a long time. To justify this condition of the hair of a famous TV host will be difficult.

Anastasia Volochkova

The complete lack of taste is demonstrated by the famous prima ballet Anastasia Volochkova. Virtually every outfit is criticized. This is also added and hairstyle. Grandma's curls, the effect of dirty hair - an unfortunate replacement for the classic beam.

Alena Vodonaeva

Not appreciated by the audience and the new image of Alena Vodonaevoy. With a short thick bang, the TV presenter, the ex-participant of “House-2” looks like with a pot on her head. Soon the girl listened to the fans, who with obvious indignation perceived a new look, and got rid of bangs.

This is not the first mistake in changing the image of the famous blogger. In 2015, Alena showed off unkempt staining in green.

Vera Brezhneva

Sex blonde of domestic stage and film Vera Brezhneva distinguished herself with an unsuccessful choice of hairstyle at the Kansk festival. Diamond earrings, elegant black dress did not harmonize with a very modest bundle. For fans, it remains a mystery why a celebrity chose a homey crack at such a celebration.

Victoria Bonya

TV and radio host Victoria Bonia got into the TOP of unsuccessful hairstyles. Her attempt to transform into a blonde with darkened roots ended in an unpleasant yellow in color and burned curls.

Dima Bilan

Finishes our review of failed hairstyles bald Dima Bilan. The new image of the singer scared the fans, and rumors about Dima's poor health appeared in the media. Hopefully, Bilan will no longer have such blunders.

As you can see, even professionals can be wrong. They look ridiculous, terrible, funny, but continue to experiment, change. And what do you think the image was the most unsuccessful?

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Oscar 2018 close-up - makeup and hairstyle stars.

8 stars that surprised us with new hairstyles in 2017.

Long and deadpan

If you prefer the classic, do not give up the long curls. A woman with long hair always looks sexy and attractive. It is enough to use a moisturizing hair mask and spray protection that will help preserve the shine and brightness of the hair.

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Playful curls

They came to us from the 70s and for a long time remain on the list of the most popular celebrity hairstyles. Perhaps because the owners of curly hair seem to us cheerful and carefree. If you want to give your image a little playful mood, it's time to take advantage of this opportunity.

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Wavy haircut “bob”

Inspired by the image of Selena Gomez, the star stylists took note of the idea of ​​“decorating” the “bob” haircut that had long been customary. To give the image of originality, it is enough just an ironing for hair and a little imagination. Believe me, everyone will appreciate this hairstyle!

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Pixie “for growth”

This is an elongated version of the famous pixie hairstyle that Twiggy so loved. In the modern world, more and more girls wear it, including supermodel Cara Delevingne.

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Curls like Rapunzel

No wonder the heroine of the cult cartoon is so proud of its long hair! To grow curls that never end, it will take a lot of time and patience. The benefit of modern girls can take advantage of hair extensions. And easily change your hair once a month!

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Curls like a princess

Playful bangs and perky curls - well, why not an image of a charming princess from a fairy tale? If you want to be like a magic heroine, ask your hairdresser to make you bang on two sides and curl your hair a little. We are sure that this image will not leave indifferent any man!

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Smooth asymmetrical "bob"

Another type of beloved by many. A girl with such a hairstyle looks very restrained, but at the same time sexy. In combination with a bright make-up, this image is the best suited for intellectuals and business people.

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Asymmetric one-side installation

This hairstyle helps to hide the flaws of the face. It can also be used to owners of multi-colored hair, in order not to better emphasize the bright shade.

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Rock and roll

Complete chaos and lack of order! Under this motto, the pop diva Lady Gaga went to the hairdresser to portray her mood with the help of her hairstyle. And many fans began to imitate the singer, because this style looks very stylish and original.

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Foreign famous personalities

The first appeared before the public in the new image of Cameron Diaz and Ashlee Simpson with the option of caret in the bob version. Famous blondes of Hollywood showed how elegant and stylish they look with short curls.

Disheveled curls and asymmetry made the images of celebrities young and updated, as shown in the photo. The caret with a ragged contour and an expressive short ladder is perfectly combined with the light blond with which it is used to associate.

The icon of Hollywood style and fashion Victoria Beckham demonstrated the classic bean in all its diversity. The shortened neck and elongated temporal locks are emphasized by the contrast of coloring.

Bright star of Hollywood and owner of gorgeous hair Jennifer Aniston won over all in 2018 with a universal square. Natural coloring and cascade in combination create a magnificent effect of loose hair.

Fashion for short hairstyles conquered and captured Hollywood new season. Young and talented Jennifer Lawrence, the actress and the face of House Dior, appeared with a short pixie haircut.

The tenderness and touchingness of the new image appealed to fans, study photos of celebrities with short hairstyles in 2018.

Short style fans

Holly Bury is recognized as a true fan of short hair among the stars. She again showed how feminine and sexy can be an image even with a haircut under the boy.

Holly demonstrated an ultra short model with elongated strands at the crown. Negligent styling with a glamorous Mohawk is a worthy variant of newfangled trends. Grooming angered the tranquility of critics, the photos are presented in the gallery.

Even Jennifer Lopez and Vanessa Paradis got rid of their luxurious hair, preferring shorter hairstyles.

Options for fashion models:

  • modern hedgehog is popular, suitable miniature or sports,
  • asymmetry is universal, in 2018 one or both temples are often shaved,
  • The bob season leader is like any type of face and hair,
  • the classic four-piece non-replaceable version of each season, the hairstyle is graduated, cut off by a ladder or cascade,
  • pixie - graduated 60s haircut, extremely popular today,
  • Mohawk-extravagance and brightness of the new fashion direction, allows you to maintain both business and hooligan style,
  • capriciousness — randomness and multi-layeredness create a cool and bold image,
  • Ladder ideal for curly curls,
  • Gavrosh is suitable for any type of curls, a great combination of very short strands with torn tips,
  • cap will allow you to correct defects (face type, big ears, etc.),
  • French hairstyle - straight lines, short head, long bangs look perfect.

The short, stylish haircut 2018 is the polished work of fashion and fashion industry professionals. Not far behind Hollywood and Russian popular stars.

Kristina Asmus and Tatiana Arntgolts changed their long hair to a cascade model, complete with extended bangs. The image looks feminine and resembles the hairstyles of the middle of the last century.

Changes in the image were shown by the presenter Lera Kudryavtseva with the ultramodern version of the bob and the singer Valeria with a shortened pixie, the clear leaders of the hairstyles of this season.

TV hosts Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova and Yulia Menshova, as well as singer Polina Gagarina, were amazed by the image update. Short celebrity haircuts can be seen in the photo in the gallery.

Choosing a trendy square and short bob of a textured shape, celebrities emphasized their individuality, charm and courage in making stylistic decisions.

Hairstyles are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. A game with bangs and asymmetry allows Russian stars with short haircuts to make a variety of styling.

Worst hairstyles

There are cases when a short hairstyle spoils the appearance of a person. For example, popular actress Anne Hathaway had to cut his chic curls for the role of a homeless child in the film "The Miserable".

Celebrity's haircut upset her fans, and the actress made her cry. True, the position was saved by Oscar for the role.

Miley Cyrus made a mohawk-style haircut that does not look on a round face and visually expands it even more.

Fans did not support the choice and style of Miley's short haircut, who decided to get rid of her luxurious hair, look at the photo. But Miley herself chose not to return to the long curls.

Making a new haircut is the easiest way to change the image and a great time saving on styling. Short hairstyles open up the face, attracting attention. But you need to carefully approach the choice, especially the stars that are always in sight.

Unsuccessful option shows Renee Zellweger. The hit season of the bob is not suitable for a round celebrity face.

The same goes for shortened pixie Scarlet Johanson. The appearance of a celebrity has lost its expressiveness and sharpness.

Hair tends to grow, especially today there are a lot of means to achieve a fairly rapid growth result.

But in order to avoid even short-term, but discomfort, responsibly and carefully approach the choice of short trendy haircuts, presented in the photo as new modern trends.

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Zooey Deschanel

That's who first comes to mind when it comes to the constancy of style, so this is Zoe. Her chestnut thick bangs to the eyebrows and curls below the shoulders, to which we are all so accustomed, add to her retro charm.

In 2002, the actress risked becoming a blonde for the role in the film “Elf”, but quickly returned to her usual image.

Dita Von Teese

Dita is a burlesque dancer in the spirit of the 30s and 40s. It is important for her to look as if she had left a pin-up style poster: retro clothes and graphic curls.

The artist says that this style is her way of self-expression, and she does not want to go out of her image in ordinary life. Even the paparazzi can not shoot Dita with straight flowing hair. When she has time to do styling?

Fashion celebrity haircuts in 2018 (with photo)

The year turned out to be rich in bright and bold changes in the image of stars of the first magnitude. The trend was set by Ashlee Simpson and Cameron Diaz, who appeared before the public with a new version of bob-cut haircuts. The two most incendiary blondes of Hollywood demonstrated how elegant and stylish you can look with a rather short and feminine haircut.

Asymmetrical hair styled with light curled locks made them look fresh and youthful. Bob-car with both torn, clipped feathers contours, and decorated with expressive "steps" looks great in combination with classic shades of blond, which these actresses are not going to change.

The famous Victoria Beckham demonstrates completely different facets of a spectacular short haircut in her own way. The title of the European style icon, which she rightfully bears, obliges to much.

By choosing a style that perfectly matches not only the type of person, but also the figure, Mrs. Beckham demonstrates how diverse the classic silhouette of a bean can be. Her preference for this season is long side strands, literally shoulder-length, frankly crooked hairstyles, besides underlined with bright contrast highlights.

The owner of one of the most luxurious headwear of Hollywood and the universal favorite, Jennifer Aniston this year not only appeared in two very successful films, but also set the tone for fashion in medium hairstyles.

As beautiful as she is wearing loose hair allows cascading design strands and delicate selection of colors coloring. The actress has never in her entire long career become a blonde, and her luxurious hairstyle is a great example of how natural, subtly selected shades can look impressive.

Pay attention to the photo, these celebrity haircuts in 2018 set new season trends:

Fashionable short haircuts for stars and celebrities in 2018 (with photo)

This season, the first ladies of Hollywood literally seized the fashion for very short haircuts. Jennifer Lawrence, the undoubted rising star of American cinema and the official of House Dior, tried on a gentle and touching image with a short boyish hairstyle in pixie strength.

Voluminous, with a “ragged” relief, curls in a completely new way discovered the charm and personality of Jennifer, who parted with long hair. Thanks to the new hairstyle, she not only received new offers from producers, and emphasized the individuality that distinguishes her from the happy young Hollywood stars.

Natalie Portman's haircut "under zero" right in the frame world history of cinema will not be soon forgotten. And although enough time has passed since the shooting, the beautiful Portman remains faithful to her short, slightly covering her ears and revealing hairstyles - this year she chose a soft car. Long complex relief bangs and thinned by “feathers” contour hairstyle perfectly emphasizes the softness and tenderness of the facial features of the actress.

Stars and celebrities with short haircuts in 2018 and their photos

But a real fan of short haircuts among the stars is Holly Bury. This troublemaker of fashion critics once again demonstrated how feminine and sexy you can look with a very short and even ruffian hairdo.

This year, Holi prefers a very short, with an open nape and long strands on the top of a “boyish” haircut. The styling of her hairstyle is also worthy of attention: a carelessly upset “hedgehog” and even a glamorous version of the Iroquois is a new trend, to which you should take a closer look.

Michelle Williams demonstrated another example of how sexy a short hairstyle can be. Platinum Pixie has become literally the new business card of the actress. Long bangs, flirtatiously covering the forehead and eyes, and a very short back of the head brought an intriguing contrast to the very feminine and soft image of the actress.

See how stylish stars with short haircuts look in the photo below:

Haircuts celebrities on medium hair and their photos

Do not forget that the best stylists work with every celebrity and changes in their appearance are the result of thoughtful and very professional work. And any new haircut for a Hollywood star is an accurate message for the beauty industry, setting the trend for a couple of seasons ahead.

To have a short haircut and not everyone dares to show off about it with a photo in tabloids. Particularly careful owners of luxurious hair, which have become part of their corporate identity. In this vein, celebrity haircuts for medium hair are of particular interest.

As always spectacularly, Kate Hudson set the trend for hairstyles on medium-length hair. This year her image is designed in the style of winners of beauty contests. Long, decorated with even, but structured strands, Kate's curls literally emit sunlight, no carelessness and vstrepannosti!

Only soft smooth lines of delicate styling. Stylists believe that the return to the fashion of simple and very feminine hairstyles like Kate is a new trend that is gaining momentum, returning us to the classical standards of beauty.

He is supported by another young English style icon and the real princess of the Duchess of Cambridge - Catherine. She clearly demonstrates a more aristocratic, but no less fashionable hairstyle option for medium-length hair, with absolutely smooth contours and long, elegant bangs. Beautiful natural hair shades and a very simple styling like a princess is another facet of the new trend.

At the same time, interest in a very short, neat "boyish" haircuts fueled, Barbados singer Riana, shining at the zenith of her fame. At the presentation of the next international award in the world of music in 2018, a celebrity appeared with an ultrashort haircut "garcon".

The natural hair color and very simple styling literally startled the admirers of the diva, which is famous for its rampant experiments with style.

New trends in "star" haircuts in 2018 - in the photo below:

Trendy haircuts Russian stars

The trend set this year by the most famous fashionistas is subject to a single idea - sexy femininity. Celebrity haircuts in 2018 demonstrate a variety of ways to implement it.

For example, as it was done by the owner of the angelic appearance of Frenchwoman Vanessa Paradis, who changed this year with blond curls and turned into a short-haired brunette. The caret Vanessa has made is one of the most versatile solutions.

Sarah Jessica Parker chose the classic version, giving her long hair a noble look with the help of her hair with smooth clear contours and soft, but expressive styling. But in fairness it should be noted that this year the majority of celebrities chose fashionable haircuts of various lengths.

Strange as it may seem, the leaders of popularity turned out to be quite classic styles - bean, garcon, pixie and square - in original design and design.

The global trend is also supported by Russian stars, their haircuts this year are designed in the spirit of femininity and precisely calculated individuality. For example, like Christina Asmus and Tatiana Arntgolts - the two most popular blondes of Russian cinema. A cascade on medium-length hair, arranged in neat curls, is complemented by a very long bang - perhaps a little conservative, but very feminine, as the trend requires.

In 2018, her own image and hairstyles were replenished by two more representatives of Russian show business in a very stylish way. TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva showed the most fashionable version of the bob haircut - with a perfect silhouette and expressive side strands.

Shortened and trendy pixie singer Valeria chose this season for herself. A little careless, but carefully thought out easy styling, which allows such a hairstyle to do - an absolute hit this season.

Angelina Jolie

In the 90s, Angelina Jolie had many experiments with her hair - she tried on the image of Marilyn Monroe and the supershort hedgehog. But after the 2000s, she came to her favorite hairstyle: long brown hair, gathered at the crown and loose at the back.

Gisele bündchen

Blonde, like a bit burnt-out curls in a beach style have long become a feature of the Brazilian top model. This simple styling is one of the most desirable hairstyles in the world, which millions of women dream to repeat. We would not exchange such a treasure for anything either.

Anna Wintour

Few people remember the chief editor of the American edition of Vogue magazine with a different haircut. Anna Wintour is the very constancy: she bade farewell to long hair at the age of 14, and for more than a quarter of a century she wears a bob-square with fringe. By the way, the model of Anna's shoes also does not change from year to year.

Kate Middleton

The status obliges the Duchess Kate to always look elegant and restrained, and her favorite hairstyle helps her in this. Therefore, Kate for many years wears brown hair with twisted ends, length up to the shoulder blades.

The duchess sometimes varies the shade of hair and their length, but never moves too far from its “gold standard”.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston's crown haircut is a cascade with the effect of burnt strands, which she made specifically for the role in the TV series "Friends". In the 90s, this hairstyle won the hearts of girls around the world and became incredibly popular.

After that, even if the actress and experimented, it is quite cautious.

In the life of Lucy Liu there were such haircuts as a bob with twisted ends from the 2000s, but the actress quickly realized that this was not her story.

Smooth or slightly curled long hair of the same length, which Lucy almost always wears, goes to her most.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow's recognizable style is straight hair without a hint of protruding strands, combined with the most classic shade of blond.

Despite the fact that Gwyneth's haircut from the movie “Be careful, the doors are closing” comes to mind, she didn’t go very far with her, returning to her usual image.

Mireille Mathieu

Laying under the name "sessun" or "page" long ago fell in love with the diva of the French chanson Mireille Mathieu. She wears it for about thirty years, or even more.

Now the singer's hairstyle has become the benchmark haircut "page" for many fashionistas.

Julianna moore

The actress nature rewarded with beautiful hair color, which she does not change. We agree with her - it is a pity to paint such a gorgeous redhead. And Julianne does not like complicated haircuts - she prefers to wear hair below shoulders.

Taylor Swift

The image with which everyone associates the well-known country pop singer is wheat hair and straight bangs covering her eyebrows. And recently also a hairstyle-caret.

By the way, at the beginning of her career, Taylor walked for a long time with long flowing curls and did not wear bangs. But for some reason, few people remember such a singer.

Maybe this is the case when the correct hairstyle helped create the image and make the singer recognizable.


Watch the video: 10 Short Hairstyles That Will Stun You (July 2024).