
The best indelible hair oils


Indelible hair oil helps women to monitor the condition of their hair, gives the curls a well-groomed and neat look. Unlike conventional oil without flushing has a low density, so that it is very easy to apply.

More on options for indelible hair care - in the next video.

There are two types of hair oil: with silicone and without.

Any of these products forms a protective film on the hair that provides protection from the negative effects of the environment, it nourishes the strands with vitamins, essential oils and other useful substances, makes the hair strong. However, oil without silicone is different in that the film with which it envelops the strands is weak and quickly washed off. Cosmetics with silicone are naturally more harmful than products without it; nevertheless, the majority of girls close their eyes to this, fascinated by the excellent visual effect of non-glued, non-splitting, shiny curls, which can be easily combed.

In addition to all this there is a tool that is called natural silicone. This is broccoli oil. The homeland of broccoli is Italy, where it has been growing for two thousand years. This oil is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and fatty acids. It contains vitamins A, E, C, K, iron, potassium, calcium, oleic, stearic and many other acids. This tool is quite thick and instantly absorbed into the curls, has a sharp smell, but it quickly leaves the hair.

How to apply

Use this product, as well as many other types of cosmetics for hair. Apply the product should be starting from the tips, slowly moving up, you need to make sure that the layer was uniform. In no case should not allow the spread of indelible oil on the scalp and hair roots, as this can lead to clogging of the pores.

Then the hair follicles will not receive nutrients and oxygen.

How to choose

Surely, one type of oil is beautiful and the other is no good - it’s impossible, the type of hair and the woman’s preferences play a big role. A trial and error method will help you find the right tool for you, use the products of different companies in turn and stop the choice on the most effective one.

Comparison of two popular hair oils that do not need to be washed off - in the next video.

There are some tips on how to choose oil, given the type of hair.

  1. Ladies with hard curls It is worth paying attention to the medium viscosity products. Such cosmetics gives shine shine and lightness, perfectly nourishes.
  2. Owners of thin hair it is better to look at the liquid consistencies, which are commonly called fluids.
  3. Girls with dark or curly locks suitable indelible oil with fatty composition.

What oil to choose and how to make the right choice, you will learn from the video.

If you make a review of well-known manufacturers who have delighted customers with their products for many years, we will get the following picture.

The company was founded in 1932, Charles Revson and his relative, chemist Charles Lachman stood at its origins (it was he who contributed to the appearance of the letter "L" in the name of the company). Since then, Revlon has been one of the leaders in the cosmetics market. Hair Care Product Orofluido, released by this manufacturer is a healing mixture of rhizo, argan, tsiperus oil and linseed oil, which has a vanilla-sweet smell.

This composition gives curls amazing shine.

Reviews of oil in general are positive, customers note its chic effect, pleasant aroma and economy in use, of which the disadvantages are called rather high cost.

Pantene Pro-V

The history of the brand began during the Second World War, when provitamin B5 (panthenol) was discovered. Since then, the company has had a lot of changes, but it still does not lose its first position and offers the best combination of price and quality. The hair oil of this brand is gentle and airy, like liquid silk. It exudes a sweet, delicate aroma, envelops the hair with a non-greasy film, nourishes and protects.

If we analyze the girls' reviews about the product of this company, we will see that they differ, and in general, we can evaluate the quality of the oil as average.

The foundation of this company was laid in 1904 by the Frenchman Alfred Amour Garnier. Cosmetics manufacturer based on extracts of fruits, herbs, flowers and seeds, and flavored with a complex of minerals and vitamins. In addition to the above-described beneficial ingredients, Garnier Fructis indelible hair oil includes filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation and organic matter. In addition, part of the alcohol eliminates excess sebum. With regular use of this tool curls become healthy, voluminous, shiny and elastic.

As for the quality assessment, the reviews of the beautiful half of humanity on the oil of this company are ambiguous.

At the root of the Russian brand Estel was the firm Uni-Cosmetics, founded in 1999 by Lev Okhotin, a chemist by training. Nowadays, a wide range of hair care products allows you to choose the oil for any type of hair. For thin strands of light color, a product whose composition includes Inca-inchi oil is wonderfully suitable. In the ensemble with vitamin E, this oil gives silkiness and shine to curls. If you often use curling iron or hair dryer, you should pay attention to the product. Estel "Thermal Protection" with silk proteins.

In addition, you can buy a fluid-gloss oil, which perfectly restores hair and provides reliable protection from negative influences.

Women speak differently about the effect of the oil of this brand; in general, its quality can be assessed as average.


The company was founded in 2006 in Israel by the owner of a number of beauty salons Carmen Tal. The products of this manufacturer is quite expensive, but very effective. Revitalizing hair oil of this brand makes the hair soft and docile, has a unique smell of a mixture of ginger, musk and flowers, which is kept on the curls for a long time. In addition, the tool contains high-quality argan oil, it gives the strands strength and beauty. The consistency of the mixture is thick, but does not make the hair heavier and is used very sparingly.

Most women rate this indelible oil as one of the best, indicating only the very high price as the only flaw.

The history of the brand has been continued since 2004, when delicious handmade soap and body care cosmetics were brought to Russia from Denmark. The recipes collected in the wanderings, fragrant mixtures of flowers and herbs, valuable oils, useful fruits - all this formed the basis of the company's products.

However, natural components are not suitable for all women, they can cause allergies, therefore, customer reviews about oils from this manufacturer are ambiguous, and range from admiration to hate.

How to do it yourself

If you really want to use only natural cosmetics, without silicone and alcohol, then you can create oil for your curls at home.

You will need coconut nut, filtered water and clean non-plastic utensils. It is necessary to make a hole in the coconut and drain the liquid, after which break it and release the flesh from the shell. Then, using a blender, chop the pulp. Add some water if needed. Put the coconut chips in a bowl.

The water should boil, then, when it cools a little, pour the pulp over it. Store for several hours at room temperature, and then one night in the cold. The next day, collect the coconut oil in a glass dish and melt in a water bath, without bringing to a boil. Then strain and keep no more than two weeks in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Before use, the frozen means should be warmed in the palms or in warm water.

For self-production of such a tool will need olive oil, vegetable, or almond (170 ml) and burdock root (two tablespoons). Chop the root, add oil and place in hermetically sealed container. After that, the composition is recommended to stand for seven days in a dark place, occasionally shaking. Next, you need to put the mixture for fifteen minutes in a water bath, bring it to a boil. When the tool has cooled, it should be drained and put in a cool, dark place.

What it is?

Considered cosmetic can replace the use of natural oils. Their advantage is to save the time it takes to care for your hair. Indelible hair oils will help solve the problem of split ends, brittleness and even dandruff. The product is designed to facilitate hair care at home. The procedure does not take more than a few minutes. This factor can certainly be attributed to the advantages of the product. However, it is worth noting that these are not all positive aspects. Next we have to find out what, according to consumers, the best hair oil (indelible).

What is the feature?

The product contains silicones. With the help of these components straightening strands. Due to this peculiarity, the considered means help to solve the problem of split ends. Silicones stick together damaged areas. If you regularly apply indelible hair oils, this will eliminate their dryness. Girls also note the silky hair and their well-groomed appearance. If you use natural remedies, curls become harder. They stick together. It turns out that with such a tool is very difficult to gently style your hair.

The composition, in addition to silicones, cosmetologists have introduced special functional additives. These include a filter that prevents the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Silicone is also responsible for creating an invisible thin film around each hair. That is why the strands do not stick together after applying the tool. Moreover, evaporating, the cosmetic product leaves an attractive shine on the curls. The presence of silicones can protect hair from moisture, distribute trace elements, reduce the level of static electricity. Well, as we have said, this component will allow to align the hair along the entire length, even at the tips.

Rules of application

The main feature in the use of the product in question is staged application. At first it is necessary to process only the ends. Then you can begin to apply over the entire length. It is necessary to monitor the uniform distribution of the product on the hair. This will provide a wonderful effect.

It should be noted that the roots can not be processed with this composition. This can cause blockage of the pores of the skin of the head. This should not be allowed. When clogged pores hair follicles will be deprived of the opportunity to receive the necessary food for their normal functioning.

Experts recommend after applying the product to the hair to wait until it is completely dry and only then proceed to styling. By the time the procedure can take no more than five minutes. Everything will depend on the length and thickness of the processed curls.

What is the product for?

Indelible hair oils help make curls silky. Similar products are also intended to provide additional nutrition to weak and dull hair. The distribution of funds will facilitate the procedure of combing. With all this, many oils are able to provide protection from temperature effects. Regular use of care products prevents hair loss and disruption of hair structure.

Consider the possibility of additional power. Beauticians say that the product just needs to be applied in the care of long hair. After all, they always do not have enough food, delivered by masks, balms, conditioners. Indelible hair oil reviews have earned in most cases positive. They indicate that the product copes with the protection of curls from negative factors. During the procedure, strands are saturated with nourishing, moisturizing elements. Cosmetic facilitates combing and styling. All this, of course, had to taste the beautiful half of humanity.

Also, everyone knows the negative effect of a hair dryer, curling iron, ironing on hair. These devices help us to create beautiful stylish images. But they strongly violate the structure of the strands. By applying the best hair oil (indelible) before styling, you can protect them from the effects of hot temperatures. Many reviews indicate that even if you do not use other cosmetics for hair, the hairstyle has a beautiful, neat, healthy look.

The best oil for hair - indelible! Cosmetic Products Rating

Let's talk a little about brands. We bring to your attention a review of those firms that have managed to recommend themselves well. Products of these brands has been keeping customers attention for a long time.

  1. Leading positions confidently occupy the funds of the company Kapous. The brand represents a single product line, which is dedicated to the indelible argan oil. As you know, in the field of cosmetology it is considered one of the most valuable. There are five products in total. Among them there is oil for the ends of the hair. The indelible tool perfectly cares for the hair, providing nutrition and hydration. According to consumers, it is very economical to use.
  2. On the second place of our rating is the well-known brand Pantene Pro-V. The manufacturer can be proud of its excellent line of indelible cosmetics for hair care. These products are packaged in blue. In addition to shampoo, balm, mask, developed a great indelible means. This is thermal spray protection and hair oil. All products in the line perfectly complement each other. Regular use of hair provides silkiness and shine.
  3. Now let's talk about the products of the Revlon campaign. The brand is rightly called the cosmetic giant. His products came to the liking of many girls. Today we are interested in elixir for hair care. It consists of several most valuable oils (flaxseed, rhizo, argan). In combination, these components provide quality care. The product has a feature. It is distinguished from its fellows by its consistency (oiliness is slightly increased). However, this does not affect the final result. The cost of the product does not allow it to be called cheap, however, due to its economy in use, this product is available to every woman.
  4. Deserved universal love and brand Tasha & Co. The company is positioned as a manufacturer of cosmetics on a natural basis. Among the many products the brand has released and indelible hair oil. Reviews indicate that this tool deserves attention. It is recommended to use it in several ways. Can be applied to hair before washing and after.
  5. Garnier Fructis also offers non-washable hair oils. Rating completes the cosmetic product of this company "Transformation". Why love his beautiful ladies? According to their reviews, the effect of using the tool is fully consistent with the promises of the manufacturer. Curls get food, get shine. In this hairstyle remains light, without weighting.

What are the advantages of indelible funds?

Considered cosmetic products are often quite oily consistency. Despite this factor, the product after application does not lead to weighting curls. Means facilitates combing that allows to injure hair less. After using oils with silicones, the strands do not get oily shine. At the same time, the consumer is attracted by the silky curls acquired after using the product.

Another advantage of the considered products is the fact that even a large amount of the composition on the hair does not spoil the appearance of the hairstyle, the strands do not seem greasy or dirty.

The advantages of indelible oils include their efficiency in use. Even an expensive tool becomes available for most women, given the period for which one bottle is enough.

Of course, such cosmetics can not be called a product of first necessity. However, its use greatly improves the appearance. Thanks to its ease of use, indelible oils become favorites even for many well-known public people. After all, they are constantly under the scrutiny of the public.

Beauty Tips

Whatever you choose indelible hair oil, at home it is very easy to use. As we have said, the silicones that make up do their job. This is what gives the strands an attractive look. But in cases where the hair needs a wellness procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the acquired funds.

  • Experts draw the consumer's attention to the fact that if the product contains ingredients of natural origin, it will provide food to the strands.
  • If the problem is split ends, opt for tools whose consistency is medium viscosity.
  • Owners of thin and weak hair will be able to heal them using liquid formulations.
  • Curly girls are perfect oily products. They will ensure easy combing and smoothness.

Also, experts recommend testing products before purchasing. This allows you to choose the option that solves your problems as much as possible.

Indelible oils for dry hair

Owners of this type of hair require intensive care and hydration. Otherwise, the hairstyle will have an untidy look. Dry hair has a porous structure. That is why they are pushes, bristling in different directions and devoid of healthy glow. What will help them? Natural oils have always been considered the most beneficial ingredients in care products. They are identical in action to synthetic products. However, they are considered to be absolutely harmless ingredients. How to apply natural hair oil? Which is better? The indelible hair care product can be also free of silicones and other components of synthetic origin. Many girls use these products at home every day. Consider the most popular oils.

Coconut power

This product is very much appreciated by cosmetic companies. It can be purchased in its pure form or you can choose the tool in which it is included. Natural oils can be applied before shampooing as a mask (for several hours). Also, a few drops can be warmed in the palms and process the ends of the hair. Coconut oil prevents the leaching of protein compounds from the hair structure. It allows you to quickly eliminate the split ends problem. Coconut oil is considered hypoallergenic. Absolutely all people can use it.

Olive oil

This product is rightfully deserved the title of "Best Hair Oil" (indelible). Reviews it collected in most cases enthusiastic. Many girls believe that this product is a storehouse of nutrients. Typically, the fair sex make various masks (nourishing and moisturizing) with the addition of olive oil. Many cosmetic companies introduce it into their products. There is also a sufficient amount of funds that do not need to be washed off. But the oil in its pure form can also be used. For example, owners of curly, unruly hair, on the contrary, dream of their weighting. This allows you to align the curls and make them more obedient. Therefore, after washing the head a few drops of olive oil can make the strands obedient. At the same time they look silky, acquire a healthy shine. In the application of natural oils it is important not to overdo it with the dosage. Otherwise, the curls will look fat and stuck together.

Consumer reviews

It's time to turn to the experience of others. We looked at some of the factors that will help choose hair oil (indelible). Which is better? You can be guided by the above brand ratings in choosing the means for yourself. Customer reviews confirm the effectiveness of the products reviewed.

In general, many girls are satisfied with the use of indelible hair cosmetics. They confirm that the hairstyle gets a gorgeous look in minutes. Negative reviews most often relate to the cost of expensive products. Also, girls who managed to try a lot of options for indelible oils, say that the choice should pay attention to their consistency.

More liquid formulations are always easier to distribute on the hair. They are well absorbed and evaporate quickly. In general, consumers are completely satisfied with a product such as an indelible oil. They believe that he should be in every lady's cosmetic bag. As for natural oils, this opinion is divided. Some ladies are delighted with the effect acquired after using the products. Others did not appreciate this product. It is good that cosmetic companies present a huge choice to the consumer. And you just have to pay attention to the tool that your hair will like.

Terms of use

  1. The only main rule in applying indelible oils is to rub a small amount of it in the palms (warm it), and only then begin the distribution with the tips, since they are most exposed to breaking and peeling, and gradually stretch it over the entire length.
  2. Do not apply this type of oil on the scalp, they can clog pores, which will disrupt the function of hair follicles, as well as lead to slow growth and an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  3. The exact amount of oil applied can not be calculated, because for each manufacturer it is different (carefully read the instructions on the package).
  4. Oils that do not require rinsing can be applied to both wet and dry curls - the effect will be the same.

Best funds rating

  1. Gliss Kur Oil - Hair oil "6 Effects". Suitable for heavily damaged and dyed hair. This is a fairly concentrated tool that instantly restores microdamages to the curls, filling the voids between the cuticle scales with its nutrient composition. This product significantly improves elasticity, facilitates combing and styling. The action of the oil is possible due to the rich composition, which includes a complex of oils: coconut, marula, argan, as well as tiare flowers.
  2. L'Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil High Concentration Argan Oil - Nourishing oil. Designed for damaged and lifeless strands. The nutritional composition is supplemented with a vitamin complex: A, C and B groups, omega-3 fatty acids and natural oils. Due to this, the oil is extremely effective: it surrounds the collagen fibers with an invisible film, protecting them from drying out. It has antistatic effect, facilitates combing.
  3. Kapous Professional Studio Arganoil - Argan oil for all hair types. The product is immediately absorbed, penetrates deeply and absorbs the moisture of the cells of each hair. Increases elasticity, adds shine and radiance. The tool is particularly effective in dealing with problems after curling, dyeing and drying the hair dryer. Protects from the sun and preserves hair color. Can be used as thermal protection.
  4. MoroccanOil Oil Treatment For All Hair Types - Repairing hair oil. This oil combines argan oil and flax extract, solves the problem of loss and breakage. It feeds the strands, making them strong, resilient and strong. Provides reliable protection from exposure to high temperatures. Suitable for hair that have a thin structure, split, and also heavily fall out.
  5. Dr. Sante macadamia hair - Macadamia oil for hair "Recovery and Protection." Designed for hair that is often dyed and in need of enhanced care. Oil nourishes, revitalizes, protects and reconstructs damaged hairs. Macadamia oil is a valuable product that combines the perfect balance of vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals. The product will give the curls a second life: fill with radiance, lightness, softness and make them resilient.
  6. Natura Siberica - Sea buckthorn complex oils for the tips of the hair. Means sticks together scales of hairs among themselves, relieves brittleness and protects during hot styling. Without the effect of weighting, does not create the kind of unwashed hair. The product forms an invisible protective layer that reliably protects against UV radiation and exposure to laying devices. After this oil, the curls acquire a well-groomed and healthy look. The sea buckthorn complex included several oils: sea buckthorn, fir, macadamia and flax.
  7. Matrix Oil Wonders Indian Amla Strengthening Oil - Firming Indian Amla hair oil. Suitable for any type of hair, but especially effective for damaged. Returns strength, shine and lightness to strands. Prevents loss, removes split ends. Oil nourishes the hairs with life-giving moisture, protecting them from drying out. Strands are much easier to styling and combing.
  8. Dry body and hair oil Tasha & Co Beauty Care. The oil has an amber color and a light aroma, the consistency is viscous. Well applied to the hair, just a few clicks of the dispenser. This product is designed to moisturize, restore water balance and deep nutrition strands. It performs the function of thermal protection - enough to handle the tips and the entire length. Suitable for dry and weakened curls.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing a good indelible oil should, first of all, pay attention to the following facts:

  • take into account your hair needs, as well as their type,
  • select the oil at the price in the price-quality ratio,
  • look at shelf life and storage conditions.

Depending on the problem that needs to be solved, you can choose the following oils:

  1. to strengthen - avocado oil, coconut, grape seed,
  2. for split ends - almond
  3. for growth - burdock and castor,
  4. for fat curls - sesame and argan,
  5. for dry - nutmeg and flax oil,
  6. anti-dandruff - rosemary.


Whatever oil is chosen, the result will not disappoint. Because it contains all the necessary substances for the health and beauty of hair. Based on the lack of time and the fast action of indelible oils, it is possible to give preference to them. After all, these are unique cosmetic products that are created using innovative technologies.


Indelible hair oil is a special tool that is better to apply after water procedures, namely: evenly distribute it along the length of the curls, and not to forget about the tips, which are most affected by external factors. Its main advantage is that it is recommended to apply it without rinsing.

This amazing tool has such features:

  • protects the hair from the section, but if the problem already exists, it helps to cope with it,
  • luxurious shine is provided,
  • gives the head of hair elasticity and softness
  • guarantees high protection of curls from the negative influence of strong wind, sun rays of the sun and low temperature conditions,
  • Many cosmetic products are endowed with the function of thermal protection, with their help a hair is formed on the hair, invisible to the eyes, but reliably retaining moisture in the hair structure when using a styler or hair dryer,
  • allows you to restore damaged hair,
  • every hair is well moisturized and nourished,
  • the process of combing or styling does not require much effort, the hair is “docile”,
  • lowers the fluffiness of the hair.

Owners of dry, bleached, dyed or damaged curls cannot do without oil for hair. Although the representatives of healthy hair, such a tool will preserve their beauty, while it does not need to be washed off.

The peculiarity of the indelible oil is that it contains silicones that ensure the alignment of the curls. Due to this feature, such oil perfectly copes with the problem of split ends. It is silicone that guarantees the “bonding” of areas that have been damaged. With regular use of such an amazing tool, you can forget about the dryness of the hair, hair becomes well-groomed and silky.

Some representatives of the fair sex prefer natural remedies, but in this case they are not suitable, because after their application the curls become heavy, and they seem to be blinded. As a result, using a natural product is almost impossible to beautifully make a haircut.

It is also worth noting that the composition of indelible oil is quite extensive, since it also includes special functional additives that protect the curls from the negative influence of the environment. Silicone is included in the composition, since it has the main task - to create an invisible film around each hair, to prevent their sticking. Do not forget that when evaporated hair oil leaves a great shine. It is with silicone that the hairstyle is reliably protected from moisture, and the level of static electricity is also significantly reduced.

It is worth paying attention that indelible oils should be applied to the hair stepwise, adhering to the following algorithm:

  1. initially means should be applied to the ends of the hair,
  2. after that, proceed to distribute the cosmetic product along the length of all hair,
  3. means should be distributed evenly, which will provide excellent results.

Should remember that categorical this product should not be applied to the roots in order to avoid the formation of occlusion of the scalp. This is a very serious problem, as clogged pores do not allow the bulbs to obtain the necessary nutrients for normal development. You should not immediately resort to laying after applying the oil, it is better to wait a little, so that the tool is completely dry on the hair. On average, the drying process is up to 5 minutes, although the density and the length of the hair has a great influence.

Important! You can not talk about the versatility of hair products, because shampoo, balm, mask and even oil should be selected individually. Only considering the peculiarities of your hair, you can choose the best option.

This cosmetic product has the following advantages:

  • strands get elasticity, hair looks more neat and fresh,
  • you can completely forget about the problem of split ends,
  • the curls do not become heavier, do not stick together, and also look natural,
  • styling is easier, and the hairstyle lasts longer,
  • after applying the product there is no need to rinse, which is very convenient and easy,
  • This cosmetic product acts as an oil mask, as the hair is completely protected from moisture, UV rays, mechanical damage,
  • Some oils are decorative, for example, you can buy a product with special pearlescent particles, after applying it the hair will get a shimmering shine.

As with any cosmetic product, this cosmetic product has some drawbacks, namely:

  • it does not help to cope with serious hair problems, because it does not have a therapeutic effect,
  • on average, such a product is more expensive than essential or base oils for hair.

Today, the choice of the buyer presents various types of indelible oil, so everyone can choose the optimal solution depending on their hair, the desired result, financial capabilities and so on. If we consider the basic options, we should highlight several types of oils.

  • Broccoli dries pretty quickly, moisturizes well, promotes regeneration, because it contains vitamin A, erucic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Grape Seed Means provides shine and softness, it absorbs rather quickly, while the curls do not look greasy. This substance contains vitamins A, E, B6, lecithin and is 90% composed of fatty acids.
  • Avocado allows you to retain moisture in hairs, promotes regeneration at the cellular level, because it includes such elements as omega-3 and omega-6, phytosterols, lecithin, and, of course, vitamins B2 and B6.
  • Jojoba - This is ideal for normal hair type, as this oil is very easily absorbed due to the content of vitamins F, E and A.
  • Argan characterized by an exquisite aroma and light texture, 80% consists of unsaturated acids, mainly linoleic, which is responsible for elasticity and elasticity, and also retains moisture in the hair structure.
  • Almond - an excellent solution for dry hair, because it contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, and such important vitamins as A, B, E and D.

Which is better to choose to care for the tips

To care for the tips of the hair at home, you can apply not only purchased, but also base oil indelible. The main thing is to choose a light tool that will not weigh down the strands. These include oils:

  • Broccoli - absorbs quickly, perfectly moisturizes, stimulates the regeneration process due to the high content of vitamin A, polyunsaturated fatty acids and erucic acid,
  • Avocado - rich in omega-3 and omega-6, lecithin, phytosterols, vitamins B2 and B6. It is this combination that ensures rapid penetration of the agent into the deeper layers of the hair, cellular regeneration, retention of moisture,
  • Grape seed - contains almost 90% fatty acids, as well as lecithin, vitamins B6, E and A. It is very well absorbed, leaving no greasy marks, gives softness and natural shine,
  • Argan - has a light texture and unobtrusive aroma. Contains about 80% of unsaturated acids, among which the most important linoleic. It provides the elasticity and resilience of the curls, the preservation of moisture in their deep layers and protection from its loss,
  • Jojoba - Great for normal hair type due to its easy absorption. Rich in vitamins A, E, F,
  • Almond - universal remedy for dry hair and skin care, in which there is a high percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins of groups B, D, A and E.

But the popular burdock, castor, olive oil is very oily in its texture and poorly absorbed, so they are best used only as masks.

To the base oil for hair, you can add a few drops of essential for the best effect without flushing and pleasant smell. The following essential oils are excellent as such an additive: orange, ylang-ylang, lavender, mint. They will help to cope with the cross-section, brittleness and dryness.

How to apply on curls

If you decide to use the base oil as an indelible, then after washing your head, 2-3 drops of the product should be applied to the wet ends, after rubbing it in your palms. For better distribution, the strands should be brushed with fine teeth.

Essential oil should be added to the base in a ratio of 1: 4. Before using it, be sure to apply the product to a small area of ​​skin to ensure that there is no allergic reaction.

It is also possible to carry out aromatherapy with ether. To do this, evenly apply a few drops on the brush, and then slowly comb the length and tips.

Such a procedure is fully capable of replacing the use of indelible means. It should be noted that the comb should be chosen from natural materials and with rare teeth.

Purchase Rating

  • Loreal Professionnel Mythic Oil - a professional hair product with a pleasant floral scent.

Ingredients: avocado oil and grape seed oil, as well as silicones.

It helps to instantly nourish and soften the strands without weighting them, to give a glossy shine and elasticity. 1-2 portions of the product are applied to wet or dry clean hair.

The average cost of Mythic Oil is 1000 rubles, but the product is consumed very economically and one bottle is enough for almost a year. Macadamia Healing Oil - reducing agent, among the components of which can be distinguished the precious oils of argan and macadamia, vitamin E and silicones.

This mixture helps to restore dry and damaged hair, making them healthy and shiny. In addition, the product has UV protection.

3-4 drops are applied on wet tips. The product has a rather expensive price - 30 ml of oil cost 1800 r. Dove dry oil - an elixir containing macadamia, pomegranate seeds, coconut, almond, sunflower and palm oils.

Not without silicones. The tool helps to nourish the curls, give extra shine and softness, has a pleasant spicy aroma.

The manufacturer indicates several methods of application: wet or dry hair, before styling. Budget price - about 300 p. for 100 ml. Garnier Fructis Transformation - an elixir that provides instant transformation of dry and damaged hair.

The formula with argan oil allows you to nourish every hair, give softness and elasticity, facilitate combing. Contained here and numerous silicones.

There are several application options: before washing the head, on wet or dry strands, before laying, at any time to add extra shine. Elixir has a small price - only 200 p. per bottle of 100 ml. Marix Oil Amazonian Murumuru.

The tool with a smoothing effect, which included exotic amaurian palm oil murumuru and vitamins. Among the advantages can be distinguished economical consumption, thermal protection function, a significant simplification of the process of styling and scratching, increased natural shine.

The product can be used as a daily indelible care or night nutritional mask-wraps. The price of a 125-milliliter bottle makes 900 r.

Silicone-free products

As you know, silicones do not restore hair, but only create an invisible film on their surface., which provides a short-term visual effect in the form of gloss and elasticity.

Many do not like silicones, as it is believed that they are able to accumulate in the body. But finding a purchaser without silicones is quite difficult.

These cosmetic products include:

  • Phyto secret de nuit - hair cream, consisting of macadamia oil, numerous plant extracts and glycerin.

It helps to provide deep recovery and nutrition, to restore damaged hair to life. Lush revive balance - hair moisturizer that contains only natural ingredients: olive, coconut, avocado and jojoba oil, oatmeal milk, extracts of orange and jasmine flowers.

Created to care for the tips, returns them natural shine and softness. The Body Shop Grape Seed - serum gloss, based on grape seed oil.

Does not contain parabens, silicones and sulfates.

Selection rules

When choosing a purchase, pay attention to the following points:

  • Manufacturer specifies product ingredients in descending order..

That is, if a particular component is at the end of the composition, then it is almost absent in this tool.

Look for a product in which the right ingredients will be at the beginning or middle of the list.

  • Give preference to oils with a light texture.: Avocado, broccoli, argan, macadamia, coconut or grape seed.
  • It is recommended to choose a product with thermal protection function., to minimize the effect of ironing and hair dryer, as well as to protect the hair from the sun.
  • Choose a product that suits your hair type.. There are special oil elixirs for curly and unruly curls, oil consistency sprays for all types and products designed to care for damaged hair.
  • Reviews of the most popular indelible hair oils from world famous brands can be found in the following video:

    Therefore, try to create a healthy and nutritious diet rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Then very soon you will see a noticeable improvement not only in the condition of the hair, but also of the whole organism.


    Watch the video: One 'n Only Argan Oil Permanent Hair Color Review (June 2024).