Eyebrows and eyelashes

What eyebrows fit the oval face


The horizontal shape of the eyebrows emphasizes the correct proportions, makes the face rounder and visually shorter. Psychologists believe that the owners of horizontal eyebrows are distinguished by a strong spirit, leadership qualities and independent character. The main thing - do not reduce eyebrows to the bridge of the nose, otherwise you will immediately get an inhospitable evil look. It is better to slightly raise them during a conversation - this will give your look softness and friendliness.

Tip! The beginning of the horizontal eyebrow is low enough, which makes the look heavy and even somewhat gloomy. This nuance can be quickly corrected - just correct the shape with tweezers. Extend the eyebrow tip (if necessary, you can draw it with a pencil), at the base, remove the hairs located in the bottom row, and make the head rounded.

Be sure to observe the symmetry of straight eyebrows - this is the main key to success.

For painting such a form, use neutral shades. The bluish-black color draws too much attention to itself and underlines all the flaws in appearance.

Kinked or strayed

The correct form of eyebrows for girls with an oval face can not do without a beautiful break. This classic view is considered a reference and resembles the wing of a flying bird.

Such a solution is ideal for romantic people of all ages and classes. Due to the kink, the look becomes open, and the girl herself looks much younger than her years. Eyebrows tease better emphasize the unusual almond-shaped eyes.

Tip! When forming a fracture, do not forget about the sense of proportion, otherwise instead of a gentle open look you can get a predatory, angry or bewildered face. Clearly define the beginning, middle and end of the arc. Make the break yourself soft, and the tail - a little thinner.


Beautiful arched eyebrows will give an oval face balance and serenity, make it softer and more feminine. But keep in mind that this form requires particularly careful study. It is very important to maintain a balance between the length and thickness of the arc, as well as their height (arch). The latter can be low, medium and high.

Tip! To make the image as natural as possible, make a smooth transition and select the optimal thickness of the arcs.

How to shape the eyebrows correctly?

To get the perfect eyebrows for an oval face, learn how to shape them. This detailed instruction will also help you with this:

Step 1. Decide on the beginning of the eyebrow. To do this, attach one tip of the pencil to the wings of the nose, and the second - to the inner corner of the eye. This place will be the beginning of the eyebrow.

Step 2. Find its end. Now move the tip of the pencil to the outer corner of the eye. The completion of the brow will be just at this point.

Step 3. And the last - bend. Position the tip of the pencil so that it crosses the pupil exactly in the middle - in this place you need to make a bend.

In order not to forget the location of the points found, mark them with a cosmetic pencil. Look at this photo and do the same.

Tip! To distract attention from small wrinkles, slightly shorten the length of the eyebrows.

Step 4. Decide on the width - in most cases the expression of the face depends on this. So, the owners of a sophisticated face perfectly fit eyebrows of medium thickness. If they lack volume, powder, paint, pencil will help to fill it. Their shade should be combined with the maximum skin tone. Also do not forget to shade cosmetic carefully.

For girls with thin eyebrows and a small forehead, the beginning of the arc should be emphasized with a light pencil, and the tip should be made darker. But with eyes close set to each other, it is necessary to expand the distance between the eyebrows to 2 centimeters. As for the inaccurate and bristling hairs, they will have to be additionally fixed with gel, giving the right direction with a fine brush.

Tips to help you choose the right eyebrow shape for your face type:

How to adjust the form?

There are 4 methods of eyebrow shape correction for an oval face:

Method 1. Plucking is the most common method in which excess hairs are removed with tweezers. This is not a quick deal, and for many it is quite painful, but it is just perfect for home care. The main thing - do not overdo it and do not pull out too much.

Method 2. Wax - is used in salons, it is considered very fast, but it can cause significant discomfort.

Important! Remember that some wax ingredients can cause an allergic reaction.

Method 3. With the help of threads - this is the most ancient method, which is often used today. The technology is simple:

  • Take a strong thread and fold it in half,
  • Tie a knot,
  • Put on your thumbs and index fingers,
  • Twist it several times to make a loop in the middle,
  • Thread the excess hair into this loop and remove it, then squeezing, then unclenching your fingers.

Method 4. Depilatory cream - on the principle of impact resembles a wax treatment, but differs from it in the complete absence of pain.

Important! Depilatory cream can also cause an allergic reaction, so first try a small portion of your wrist or elbow. In the absence of redness and irritation, you can proceed to the eyebrows.

Eyebrow care principles

Having picked up the correct eyebrows for an oval face, get acquainted with the main rules of care of them:

  • To maintain shape, regularly remove regrown hairs in any way acceptable to you,
  • Daily brush them with a special brush,
  • Do the depilation in the direction of hair growth, otherwise you can damage the bulbs and cause the appearance of ingrown hair and severe irritation,

  • Prefer tweezers with rounded ends,
  • Perform the procedure only in good daylight.
  • If necessary, use a magnifying mirror,
  • Regularly lubricate the eyebrows with burdock or castor oil - these are the best preparations for enhancing hair growth and strengthening,

  • To ensure that the depilation is absolutely safe, carry out all actions with clean hands and tools treated with alcohol,
  • Try not to stretch the skin of the eyelids - it contributes to the appearance of wrinkles,
  • To remove a hair in one motion, grab it at the very bottom,
  • To reduce the pain, apply a hot compress to the eyebrow area or wipe it with ice. This should be done before the procedure,
  • At the end of the process, lubricate the skin with a disinfectant
  • Pamper your eyebrows with a massage. It is performed by an ordinary brush from an old mascara and consists in repeated combing,
  • Once a week, perform a nutritional mask. Mix burdock, olive and castor oil in equal quantities, warm it with water vapor, apply on 2 cotton sponge and apply on eyebrows for 15 minutes. Wash off any residue with warm water.

See also: Secrets of the perfect eyebrows (video)

Form options

All women dream that their eyebrows are beautiful, neat, well-groomed. But not everyone knows what their form is best suited and most advantageous will present all the other facial features. Experts say that the owners of an oval face can safely experiment with their appearance, trying different forms of eyebrows during the correction.

Often a straight eyebrow shape is chosen for an oval face.

A suitable eyebrow shape for an oval face may be as follows:

  • straight,
  • with a small room
  • arcuate.

The straight eyebrow is ideally suited to the oval face, it will not only emphasize its beauty, but also make it visually shorter. But there is one important point - it is necessary to ensure that the line does not turn out to be too low, as this will give the look of excessive severity and seriousness. If the eyebrow line is already down, do not despair, everything is fixable. It should be pulled out with tweezers hairs below, slightly thinning the line. The upper hairs do not need to touch. In some cases, you have to additionally use a pencil to draw the missing areas.

When choosing a form with a break, it is important to arrange them correctly.

Eyebrows with a small break go almost everything. Women of any age and style use this form to give beauty and charm. Owners of an oval face are no exception, they can also pull out hairs with a soft break. To the eyebrows were beautiful and looked natural, the angle of fracture should not be too sharp. It is recommended to pull out smooth lines that gradually taper off towards the tail.

The arcuate line will be ideal for those women who have a wide forehead. A curved arc gives refinement and femininity to an oval face. If you pull out the eyebrows in the form of an arc, you get an involuntary focus on the eyes. The correct arc should not be too pronounced, otherwise the look will be surprised, and the face will be oblong. Beautiful eyebrows imply a smooth bend.

Correction methods

There are several different methods of eyebrow correction that can be used at home. The most common option is to pull out excess hair with tweezers. This procedure is time consuming, however, you can fully control the entire process and the probability of removing excess hair is minimized. Every woman at least once in her life tried to pull out the hairs with tweezers. This method is considered to be ideal for home use.

Most often, plucking is done to adjust eyebrows.

Wax depilation can also be used. This is the fastest, however, at the same time the most painful method of correction. A large number of hairs are removed at a time, which can lead to severe discomfort. Many women are afraid to carry out a similar procedure at home and prefer to entrust themselves into the hands of professionals. Wax eyebrow depilation is a popular service in beauty salons. However, there are those girls who ideally mastered the art of removing excess hair with wax at home.

If you can pull out eyebrows with tweezers, absolutely everything can be waxed, then wax depilation has a number of contraindications associated with a possible allergic reaction.

In addition, waxing can still require additional correction with tweezers. Some hairs may simply not be caught by wax or concentrated in a place where there is a high risk of removing excess.

Depilation is another way to adjust eyebrows.

Another quick correction method is depilation cream. According to its principle of action, it is identical to waxing, the only difference is that the procedure is less painful. Depilatory cream quite often causes allergy on the skin, so it is necessary to start with a test on a small area and, in the absence of irritation and redness, it can be used for its intended purpose.

The oldest method of eyebrow correction, which some women continue to use in our time, is hair removal using ordinary thread. Simply folding the thread in half and twisting into a knot, and then successively squeezing and unclenching the fingers, allows you to remove unwanted hairs one by one. This method can be useful in extreme conditions, when there are no tweezers at hand, but you still want to be beautiful and well-groomed.

Removal of excess hairs is also performed using a thread Back to content Вернуться

Adjustment features

There are some small nuances that will help make the shape of the eyebrows for an oval face perfect. First of all, it should be avoided too finely plucked eyebrows, they have long gone out of fashion, giving way to the widest and most natural lines. The next important point is that you do not need to remove the hairs above the eyebrow without an extreme need; it is better to focus your attention on the lower hairs. They are lighter, easy to remove without discomfort.

Eyebrows need daily care

Not many women know, but the shape of the eyebrows for an oval face can express their character:

  • Straight lines are suitable for independent women with leadership skills.
  • The arcs convey a soft, gentle, serene, balanced state.
  • Eyebrows with a break fit romantic and feminine natures.

No matter what form of brows you choose, they need regular care. Excess hairs must be removed, eyebrows every day to comb a special brush and lubricate burdock or castor oil.

Ideal eyebrows for an oval face: 3 beautiful shapes

The most complete article on the topic: "perfect eyebrows for an oval face: 3 beautiful forms" for people from professionals.

Owners of oval faces are not for nothing considered to be real lucky, because with their eyebrows, they can perform any experiments. But is it really? What is the shape of eyebrows for an oval face is considered ideal?

Eyebrow types

Various eyebrow shapes

So let's look at what eyebrow shape is best for an oval face.

The branch of the championship consists of three types:

  • horizontal,
  • with a soft break,
  • arc-shaped.

Thinking about what eyebrows are suitable for an oval face, you can choose one of these forms. You can also change them depending on the time of year or your mood.


Besides the fact that the horizontal shape emphasizes the correct proportions of the face, it also visually makes it a little shorter. The only drawback - such eyebrows, if they are low set, make the look gloomy and heavy. But do not worry, it is fixable.

Horizontal eyebrows, as in the photo of Natalie Portman give the image of refinement

Gently remove the hairs from the bottom, a little thinning eyebrow, but you definitely should not touch the hairs from above. Do not forget about neutral colors for coloring eyebrows. In addition, during a conversation, try to raise your eyebrows, so look will be more friendly.

Recommendation! The horizontal eyebrows of a bluish-black color attract attention, simultaneously emphasizing all the flaws of the face. Creating perfect eyebrows for an oval face, give preference to natural shades, moreover now they are especially popular.

Naturalness in fashion!

This species is considered a classic and reference, causing a pleasant association with the wing of a flying bird. Beautiful eyebrows for an oval face with a break are suitable for women of any age and class. The main thing to remember is that when creating the correct form, it is necessary to clearly calculate the point of beginning, middle and end, a thinner eyebrow to the tail, and making the fracture softer.

Kinked eyebrows look beautiful on women of any age, as long as they are done carefully

Eyebrow Shaping

It is not enough just to choose which eyebrows are suitable for an oval face, you need to learn how to model them correctly.

When forming a fracture, it is worth paying attention to several points:

  1. Take a regular cosmetic or any other pencil and apply it with one end to the nostril, and the other to the inside of the eye. The point of contact of the pencil to the eyebrow will indicate its beginning.

Visual aid to determine the ideal form

  1. Directing the pencil to the outer corner of the eye, you can determine the best place to end the arc.
  2. Correct eyebrows for an oval face can not only emphasize dignity, but also divert attention from the “crow's feet” - small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. To do this, it will be sufficient to reduce the length of the superciliary arch.
  3. A certain width and shape of the eyebrows for an oval face can visually correct the defect of the wide-set eyes. Just increase the gap between the arcs to 2 centimeters. For a thin face, broad eyebrows are better suited, insufficient thickness can be corrected with a cosmetic pencil or paint.

Eyebrow shape can even visually change the look.

Correct correction process

You can carry out the removal of unnecessary hairs either by contacting a beauty salon or with your own hands. Choose the most suitable option for you.

The following instructions will help you learn how best to pull out eyebrows, as well as to avoid the most common mistakes during depilation:

  1. Quality tool - the key to a successful procedure. Choose your tweezers with rounded tips, as well as a mirror with a magnifying effect.
  2. Plucking should be done only in good light, you do not want to remove too much?

High-quality tools and good lighting will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

  1. Carry out the correction according to the direction of hair growth, otherwise you risk damaging the hair follicles.
  2. To reduce the pain in the process of plucking hairs, first apply a hot compress to the skin (it will expand the pores), or use an ice cube (guarantees an anesthetic effect).

It is important to know! Beautiful eyebrow shapes for an oval face are created by an exceptionally clean and disinfected instrument. After the procedure, it is also necessary to treat the skin with a disinfectant.

Eyebrow care

To keep your eyebrows looking healthy and well-groomed, do not forget about their daily care.

Here are some simple recommendations that you will always look stunningly fulfilling:

  1. Be sure to use castor oil. The price for it is small, but it has established itself as an excellent means to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. Every day, apply a small amount of liquid to the hairs and soon you will notice a tangible result.
  2. Do not forget the constant eyebrow massage. Buy a special brush for this and comb them with it.

Do not forget about hair massage

  1. Once a week, indulge your hair with a nourishing mask.. For its preparation it is necessary to mix in equal quantities of castor, burdock and olive oils.

The oil mixture should be slightly heated in a water bath, moisten cotton pads in it and place them on eyebrows for about 5-10 minutes. As a result - shiny and beautiful hairs.

  1. Special packs will not be superfluous.. For example, you can heat a little vegetable oil, moisten cotton pads in it and put them on your eyebrows. Top with a pair of strips of parchment and a warm paper napkin.

After 20 minutes, rinse the oil with warm water.

  • If you like to color eyebrows, then after the procedure they will require special care. Mix 5 grams of castor oil with 10 grams of vegetable, add to the mixture a couple drops of camphor oil. Lubricate the received liquid eyebrows daily wash before bedtime.

Dyed hairs require special care.

Or here's another option. In equal proportions, mix petroleum jelly, castor oil and beeswax. Stir well with a daily mass of grease.


We told you which eyebrow shape is best to choose with an oval face shape. If you want to get even more information, we recommend watching the video in this article.

Properly created eyebrow shape will be a great addition to the perfect image.

Now you know what shape of eyebrows can brighten your appearance even more and how to care for them so that they always look amazing. Choosing eyebrows for an oval face, do not forget to focus on your own style and taste. If suddenly you have any questions on the topic of the article, ask them in the comments to the material.

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Facial features, hairstyle, hair color tells a lot about a woman. Eyebrows are no exception. Experts are able to determine the character, temperament, lifestyle of a girl by eyebrows.

Beautiful eyebrows make the face expressive

Man is born with a certain line of eyebrows, but it does not always correspond to his appearance. Cosmetologists offer to correct the mistake of nature and correct the shape of the eyebrows for different types of face.

The main types of face, their characteristics

To properly form a line of eyebrows, experts determine the degree of roundness, face sizes: figure out its shape.

When choosing a line of eyebrows take into account not only the individual shape of the face, but also the size of the nose, swelling and the width of the lips.

There are only 7 of them and they correspond to geometric shapes:

  • Rectangle: the face is characterized by a straight, high forehead and wide chin, pronounced brow ridges and cheekbones.
  • Oval: differs from the rectangular type of soft lines. The cheekbones are slightly wider than other parts of the face. Features do not differ angularity. The oval shape of the face is considered classic.
  • Diamond face type: bright cheekbones, high, rounded forehead, narrowed oval-shaped chin.
  • Trapeze: characterized by clear, bright cheekbones, straight, but not wide forehead, the width of the face gradually decreases from the chin to the forehead line.
  • Triangle: face sizes smoothly decrease from forehead to chin. The shape resembles an inverted triangle apex down.
  • Square: the line of width and length of the face is approximately the same. The features are sharp: straight and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, straight chin.
  • Round form: all outlines are smooth. The type of face is similar to the square shape, but the lines along the contour are smoothed. The widest part is the cheekbones.

The shape of the face is determined visually or with a soft ruler.by measuring its length and width. Hairdressers mask unwanted features of their appearance with the help of a hairstyle, and cosmetologists carry out the appropriate form of eyebrows.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types

Eyebrows can visually change the type and expression of the face: open the cheekbones or make them invisible, change the height of the forehead or smooth out the pointed line of the chin.

Specialists give some recommendations for eyebrow correction depending on the shape of the face.

When choosing the line of the shape of the eyebrows take into account not only the individual shape of the face, but also the size of the nose, swelling and width of the lips. Eyebrows, strings, made a smooth arc, and located high from the eyes, look ridiculous, if the facial features are rough. A wide eyebrow does not fit a graceful, refined and small face.

Women need to know how to choose the shape of eyebrows for different types of faces.

Eyebrow shape for oval face type

For different types of facial beauticians offer certain forms of eyebrows. They emphasize the dignity of the external appearance of the woman, hide the sharp features. In order not to violate the features of the classic oval, the eyebrow line is low.

It is made straight with a slight rounding. from the middle. A high arc and a sloping line will bring the face to a rectangular type. Suppose a soft break in the middle of the line. A “flying”, arched eyebrow is the best option if the face is oval.

The roundness is adjusted by the width of the lines. A narrow eyebrow visually opens the face, but it will appear elongated. A wide line will give the lines of rigor and preserve the classic forms. To a broad eyebrow did not make a face gloomy, cosmetologists advise pulling out hairs. Correction is made on the lower edging.

Note! Experts recommend carefully select the eyebrow dye. If the line is wide, then refrain from black paint. Use mascara natural shades.

Eyebrow thread is painted in dark, if the shade blends harmoniously with the overall makeup and does not contrast with hair. For different types of face with certain forms of eyebrows requires a competent selection of colors.

Eyebrows for chubby girls

Straight eyebrows will make your face wider. For chubby girls, this is not the best option. The line raised in the middle will look beautiful. The shape of the eyebrow is close to the triangle.. The look will be open and flirty.

In order to slightly raise the eyebrow in the middle of the line, it is pulled out a little in the area of ​​the inner corner, where the break begins. The end of the line is made narrowed.

For thick eyebrows with a triangular face type, the recommended width is 1 cm.

If the eyebrow is wide, then a sharp lift line with a bend will do.. The “tail” is thin, but not short. He does not fade away. It make out a clear line.

It is important to know! Eyebrows require some care. To strengthen the hair follicles, use castor oil. The tool is applied to the entire surface of the eyebrows.

The hair is combed with a brush, additionally performing a massage. Once a week, a vitamin mask of castor, burdock and almond oil is applied to the eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape for triangular face type

If the face is triangular in shape, it is recommended to refuse sharp bends and straight lines. The perfect eyebrow will be in the form of the letter "S": the beginning of the line is a wide, soft curve, a thin, slightly raised “tail”.

The ending is not done excessively sharp, otherwise the eyebrow will look like a comma. It slightly frames the brow arc, turning to the outer corner of the eye.

S-shaped eyebrow is not easy to create yourself. At home, perform a different type of eyebrows: arcuate with a rounded end. The bend looks natural, without kinks. At the base of the line is wider than on the "tail". For thick eyebrows, the recommended width is 1 cm.

Rectangular face and eyebrow shape

Smooth sharp facial features, which has a rectangular shape, help straight eyebrows. The arched line will make the face look longer. With this correction option, the cheekbones will not look wide, but the forehead will increase even more.

The distance between the eyebrows make it big, this technique visually rounds the shape of the face. Thin eyebrows do not fit. Recommend to perform wide lines, slightly elevated. When correcting eyebrows respect the proportions of the lines.

The tips perform a narrowed shape, but not thin. The lines tend upwards. A downward eyebrow will emphasize the width of the cheekbones, which is not always desirable for a girl of refined nature. Excessively thick eyebrows make facial features heavier. Beauticians recommend thinning hairs or styling them with a gel.

Eyebrows for the face with a heart

The heart-shaped face has distinct cheekbones and a wide, but low forehead. Straight lines will visually make the forehead already, and the cheekbones more expressive. In this case, the chin will not seem so pointed.

Eyebrows in the shape of an arc that naturally bends around the eyes are recommended for the face with a heart.. That the forehead seemed higher, and cheekbones graceful, the line of eyebrows slightly raise.

At the base of the eyebrow is wider than at the end. A light, very soft break is made closer to the tails. This technique will soften facial features, make them easier and more pretty. Beauticians do not advise to shape the eyebrow in the form of a thin line. The recommended width is 0.5 mm at the base, 0.3 mm at the ends.

The calculation scheme of the ideal shape of the eyebrows

In order for the brow line to be correct, it is necessary to determine where it should begin and end, where it is located in the middle.

When calculating, the point at the lower edge of the nose is taken as a basis:

  1. Start. Determine the point of intersection of the vertical line from the starting point through the angle of the eye to the superciliary arch. Pencil put a mark.
  2. The middle. Brow arc intersects an imaginary line running through the pupil. The point will be the top of the eyebrow: in this place it is recommended to perform a kink, turn the arc. The midpoint is important to correctly correct the shape of the eyebrows for different types of face.
  3. Ending. The line goes through the outer corner of the eye. Depending on the shape of the face, the end of the eyebrow is made shorter or longer.

Marked points are connected in order to better see the correct contour of the eyebrow. Draw kinks and bends. By marking it will be easier to remove hairs and perform the correction.

Eyebrow shape: fashion trends

Narrow eyebrows-strings are a thing of the past. In 2017, the trend is broad lines with graceful kinks and drops. Sharp, angular shapes are absent. All elements are close to natural. They emphasize the sophistication of female beauty.

If a woman by nature has thin eyebrow shapes, then wide lines for different types of face are created with the help of tattoo.

In fashion - the volume. Experts recommend not to get involved in thinning eyebrows. It is advised to shave off the excess length and style the hairs along the intended line. For owners of rare eyebrows offer to resort to hair extensions.

Eyebrow line runs clearly along the brow ridge. Light smooth bends perform closer to the endings. Making kinks do not scheme for a perfect eyebrow, and in the third part of the line. The top is drawn in pencil so that the eyebrow looks clearly shaped.

Important to remember! Eyebrow hairs are laid around the perimeter of the indicated form. To give the image of carelessness make "boyish" eyebrows. The hairs at the base lift up using a brush. They are in a bit of a mess. At the same time, the hairs do not extend beyond the common outlined line.

Experts recommend that when selecting the shape of eyebrows for different types of face, not to get involved in thinning. It is advised to shave off the excess length and style the hairs along the intended line.

The shape of the eyebrows is designed to complement the appearance, image of a woman. Strict lines will tell about the decisiveness of character, slight bends - about gentleness and care.

Performing eyebrow correction, take into account the advice of experts and their own mood. The attitude changes, and the line of eyebrows goes down or flies up like a summer butterfly.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows for different types of faces:

How to choose the right bend for the shape of the eyebrows:

You can, following the fashion, to refusal to fill the makeup tools for eyebrows. But there will be no benefit from them if the shape of the eyebrows is not decided in advance. We tell how to properly "fit" it to your type of person.

In searching for the perfect shape of eyebrows, it is important to achieve a harmonious balance between what is given by nature (natural bending is a hint to which you should listen) and what you want to get, depending on the type of person. All of them require a different approach to the correction of the shape of the eyebrows, and it is no coincidence: if you do it correctly, you can soften some of the shortcomings that you have long wanted to hide or, conversely, turn them into advantages.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types

  • The dream of many girls with this face shape is chiseled cheekbones instead of rounded cheeks, no matter how cute and charming they look from the side. Therefore, they abuse contouring, trying at least visually to make the cheeks more sunken. But much more likely to get sculpted facial features, if you give your eyebrows shape with a graceful kink. They must have a corner and a pointed "tail". Since chubby people, as a rule, do not have sharp facial features, such eyebrows in their case look especially expressive, bringing character to the image.
  • If the face is oval, it means that when correcting the shape of the eyebrows, it is best to strive for their “straightening”. At the same time, they can be slightly rounded. But a sharp break is something that, on the contrary, should not be. He will give facial expression extra rigor. And the eyebrows-arches will make the face too elongated - this effect is also hardly desirable.


  • The most characteristic of a square shape is a wide jaw. The task is to visually soften the geometricity that distinguishes this type of face, as well as to “narrow” it a little.So, being defined with a form of eyebrows, choose soft arches, roundish, without points and "corners". Also, attention should be paid to the width of the eyebrows: girls with a square type of face, say beauty gurus, thin eyebrows are contraindicated. The natural average width will be perfect.

Diamond shaped

  • This face shape is also called "diamond." It is angular, so eyebrow wizards recommend smoothing this feature with a soft, rounded bend. Light geometricality at the highest point of a brow lift is permissible, but there should be no sharp kinks. Again, not the best solution to make eyebrows straight - the arched shape is considered the most suitable for girls with a diamond-shaped face.

More information about makeup for different types of face

  1. Makeup for a cool face
  2. Contouring oval face
  3. Square face makeup

How to determine the correct proportions of eyebrows? Step-by-step instruction

It is possible to start eyebrow makeup and the correction of their shape only after determining the correct proportions. Find out how to do it.

  • First, determine the fit of the eyes. They are considered to be widely planted, if the distance between them is greater than their width, and more - they can be closely planted or have a normal fit.
  • Second, mentally divide the eyebrows into three parts - the beginning, the bend (their upper point) and the tip.

To correctly determine the proportions of the eyebrows, mentally draw three lines - to the beginning of the eyebrow, to the bend and to the tip. The line to the beginning of the eyebrow should run vertically upwards from the “wing” of the nose. The line to the bend is drawn from the center of the chin through the pupil to the eyebrow. And the line to the tip - from the "wing" of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Eyebrow care

One thing is to determine the correct proportions of the eyebrows and give them the correct shape that suits your type of person, quite another to provide them with care. We tell about it in more detail.

  • In time, pull out the grown hairs with tweezers in order not to lose the created shape, and even if you do not stack your eyebrows with the help of cosmetics, comb them with a special brush.
  • If you want to grow eyebrows, include in the diet products with the content of vitamins A, C and E. Or use care products: natural oils, for example, castor oil strengthen hairs and stimulate their growth. Use, besides castor oil, lemon, rose or lavender oil.

Apply them in the following way: moisten a cotton pad with an oil, rub it over an eyebrow and leave it for 30 minutes or even overnight. Repeat the procedure every day until you notice the result, and if irritation appears on the skin, try an alternative method of growing.

Make sure that eyebrows or makeup products that are not intended for them do not fall on the eyebrows - for example, a moisturizer or tonal foundation. If this could not be avoided, immediately clean the hairs - the formulas of other products can slow down their growth.

  • Another way to grow eyebrows is to not make a correction for several months and allow the hairs to grow unhindered. This method requires patience, but the result is worth it.

How to draw perfect eyebrows?

Before you begin to transform the eyebrows, you need to comb them with a special brush that does not differ in appearance from the brush of the mascara. This will help to place all the hairs in places, and then you can easily fill the "gaps" between them.

As for the drawing itself, it requires accuracy. The most important thing for you is to choose

, which will look on the eyebrows as natural as possible.

To fill the "empty" areas girls usually use pencils and felt-tip pens. But if you want to draw an eyebrow from scratch, it is better to take another tool - for example, shadows. The pencil will give a very bright, unnatural shade - it is most convenient for them to draw the contour.

If in the morning you have every minute counted and you do not want to spend a lot of time to sharpen a pencil, you should use an automatic instead of the classic version of it.

  • Draw the eyebrow outline in the form, first from above, then from below (to make the lines symmetrical, do the makeup in parallel on both eyebrows), and then fill it with light jerky strokes. Detailed photo instructions for eyebrow makeup can be found at the link.
  • The special gel will help to fix the makeup: it can be both colorless and tint - black, gray, brown. Thanks to him, the hairs "fall down" in the right direction and fix on the whole day. If you do not have a gel for eyebrows, for their styling, you can use regular hairspray. But do not spray them all over the face - apply a little on the eyebrow brush and only then apply the hair.

Do you know your type of face and the shape of the eyebrows, which corresponds to it? Write a comment.

Regardless of whether you are doing an almost weightless nude makeup or a rich evening dress, your eyebrows should be perfect. It is they who set the right tone, the whole look changes from their form.

Girls adjust the shape, based on fashion trends. The actresses of the forties could boast of an impeccable bend in a thin line. Modern girls, on the other hand, take their cue from the British model Cara Delevingne, whose lines are distinguished by a straight contour and density.

In order to emphasize your merits and make the look more open, you need to pay special attention to this particular part of the face.

All kinds of eyebrow shapes and how to choose it.

You will not meet two identical people, each person is unique. Selecting them as your favorite Hollywood star would be a mistake, because other contours are optimal for you.

Wide shape

Currently, this natural circuit is most in demand. This does not mean that they do not require care. On the contrary, even to create them you need to work hard. To achieve the desired effect of density, you need to grow hairs on the superciliary arches, where they are usually taken out. When you have restored the structure, only then you can proceed to the correction.

Remember that they must be proportional to your facial features. Girls with a miniature doll face such a detail in the image is contraindicated. Wide make the look deep and heavy. If you are ready to feel like a fatal beauty, then this is your choice. Your integral attributes in a cosmetics bag will become a comb and gel for shaping.

Eyebrow shape selection for an oval face

Stylists argue that if you draw the eyebrows correctly, then it depends on how people will be perceived in society. For this reason, it is necessary to approach with all seriousness to this procedure.

If you have an oval face and you do not like your eyebrow shape, pay attention to the following recommendations, which will help, change and look in a new way.

Ideal for an oval face are these types of eyebrows:

Straight or in other words horizontal

Such eyebrows emphasize the eyes, do not lengthen the already oval face, but only draw its softness. This form gives openness and femininity. Visually rounding and improving proportions.

To face looked harmonious and affable it is necessary to pay attention to the very brow. The base of the form should not be too low, since such a look will always be dissatisfied. That is, the lower the eyebrow is planted, the look becomes impregnable and sullen.

This situation needs to be corrected. In this process, there is nothing difficult, the eyebrow can be made thinner by plucking excess hair from the bottom. Thus, the form will rise and more open eyes.

This form of eyebrows is suitable for women with a strong character, leaders by nature. But no matter how it was there, every woman wants to have her own charm. Proper eyebrow shape will help with this. Another tip: do not paint the horizontal eyebrow black, use better brown shades.

Here are some examples of horizontal eyebrows among the stars.

Straight eyebrows slightly raised top, emphasize the expressiveness of the look and look very feminine.

This look, intriguing due to the uneven surface of the base of the eyebrow and a raised end.

Kinked Form

This form is considered the standard of beauty in all ages. And now, many women prefer exactly the shape of the eyebrow with a break. For an oval face does not fit the line with a pronounced unevenness. Rather, it is necessary to resort to a soft fracture, without loading the eye.

Brovki with soft kinks are suitable for any age. It is desirable to take into account the shape of the eyes. After all, such a bend visually enlarges the eyes, making them more expressive.

It is necessary to draw from the beginning and approaching the top point to make an unsharp bend. Next, narrow the line directly to the tail. And here we have beautiful volatile brows.

The form expands the already beautiful big eyes and looks very attractive.

Gently raised at the top point draws attention to the face, and drop bangs round the shape.

Eyebrow correction - necessary procedure

It is important not only to make an attractive shape, but also to constantly maintain it. Regular correction helps to always look your best. And neglected eyebrows, in turn, turn their eyes away.

This procedure takes place every two weeks, maybe more. By removing unnecessary hairs that do not desirable affect the shape of the eyebrows. The standard correction method is to use tweezers. Quickly and conveniently, and most importantly, you can follow the process and not pull out too much.

Some girls prefer salon procedures. For example, waxing eyebrows is popular. The method is not new, but experts must perform it. You can just spoil the form yourself - remove the excess. It should be taken into account that wax is a beekeeping product that may be an allergen. This procedure is not for everyone.

Some manage to use a cream to remove unwanted hair. But be careful, this cream is not used for the face. Only if this is written on the packaging. Better not experiment with your appearance.

A new and interesting way to remove hairs is with a regular thread. This method has long been used by women in the east, but it came to us relatively recently. For the correction, you will need a simple piece of regular thread. We tie its ends to make a vicious circle.

Then he puts the thread on his fingers and scrolls on one side so that several curls are formed. We hold the design and thumbs, then attach to the hair, scrolling it. That's all, it is important to carry out the procedure counterclockwise, because otherwise it will not work. For those who have mastered this technique, the process of eyebrow plucking is quick and painless. It is very convenient, especially it helps to get out of the situation when there are no tweezers at hand, but there is always a thread.

How much more can you learn by practicing different new methods. New or just well forgotten old ones. It is important to be enlightened in matters relating to beauty. Maybe someday they will be useful to you and have someone to share.

It is important to remember such a truth that fashion does not dictate beauty standards, but we provide them with fashion. Therefore, if you have beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows do not need, change shape, just because it is so fashionable. The main thing that the girl had to face her eyebrow growth line. And what is fashionable today will not be fashionable tomorrow. Each person is individual and this is already very beautiful.

Give shape to your borders in order to feel more confident in the company and more attractive for you. This procedure does not take much time, you only need the desire to be transformed and be beautiful. After all, what else women need to shape their eyebrows, make up the eyelashes and paint on the lips. And here you are irresistible!

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Eyebrows for an oval face is best done arcuate or horizontal. You can give them a slight soft kink. It is believed that the oval-shaped face, gently rounded and narrowed in the cheekbone zone, is the standard of beauty. Classic “eyebrows teasing” are considered ideal for this type of oval face. With a slightly elongated facial oval, this same eyebrow shape will visually give it roundness. Arc eyebrows will also be very appropriate in this case.

Fractured eyebrows

This eyebrow shape for an oval face (causing an association with the wings of birds) is most suitable for romantic, feminine natures, because it makes the look frank and frank, and, in addition, rejuvenates its owner. The most successful eyebrows tease are combined with eyes that have an almond shape. Giving the eyebrows a kink, it is very important to show a sense of proportion: you need to make it exactly soft, and not too steep and elevated. Otherwise, you can create the opposite effect and give the face an angry, bewildered or too predatory expression.

The lucky ones, who have an oval face shape, should definitely try such an image: they will certainly like it. Eyebrows for an oval face are a fairly long, slightly elevated line with the tip steeply pointing down. The central part of the superciliary arch must be left wide before the break, and after it smoothly reduce the width, reducing it to nothing. In this case, the length of the superciliary arch should be shortened so as not to give the appearance a rather sad appearance.

How best to shape the eyebrows

Modeling flawless eyebrows for an oval face, you need to find the optimal length. You can do this as follows. Attach one end of the pencil to the sinus, and the other end to the inner corner of the eye. The touch of the pencil to the eyebrow will indicate where it is better to make it start. The point of intersection of the pencil, directed towards the outer corner of the eye and eyebrow, will indicate where it is better to make its end.

There is a little female trick: in order to divert attention from the fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (the so-called “crows feet”), it is necessary to reduce the length of the eyebrows.

The width of the eyebrows is also important because it largely determines the expression of the face. Eyebrows of medium width are more appropriate on a thin face. If the eyebrows are not thick enough and wide, you can fill this gap by using a pencil, powder and paint. The choice of color should be coordinated with the skin tone.

The owners of the liquid eyebrows and low forehead is best to emphasize the beginning of the eyebrow with a pencil of a lighter tone, and darken the tip.

If the eyes are very close, you can visually correct this defect by increasing the gap between the eyebrows to 2 cm.

Are you the owner of disobedient eyebrows whose hairs grow carelessly and puff up in different directions? In this case, you can resort to using a special fixing gel and give them the right direction with a special brush.

What eyebrows fit an oval face? This type of appearance presupposes an initially beautiful form of eyebrows, and if there are no reasons for making corrections to the eyebrow line, one can limit oneself to simple care. As a rule, young girls can absolutely not take care of the adjustment: their eyebrows are beautiful initially.

How to care for eyebrows

Eyebrows of any shape need regular care. First of all, it concerns the removal of random hairs that appear behind the lines of the contour you created. If you have never done this before, it is best to contact a professional salon, where a qualified specialist will make you the necessary correction.

Horizontal eyebrow shape

If you want to slightly smooth the elongation of the oval face, then this eyebrow shape will suit you. After all, it will visually round it.Owners of such eyebrows are considered to have an independent character, leadership skills and strong character traits. Do not reduce eyebrows to the nose, if you do not want to look inhospitable. Better when communicating, slightly raise them - so you will be more attractive and friendlier.

The brows, somewhat low, also make the eyes look gloomy. This can be corrected by correcting them. To do this, you need to slightly extend the tips of the eyebrows and remove a few hairs in the area of ​​their natural bend, and round the head. It is also important that the symmetry of the horizontal eyebrows is observed.

Eyebrow cosmetics also require close attention and careful selection. You should know and remember that the radical black colors of this shape of eyebrows can highlight all the flaws of the face. To avoid this, choose the natural shades of special paint.

Eyebrows with a soft break

This shape of eyebrows for oval face shape is most suitable for nature, not deprived of romance and femininity. And all because then the look becomes sincere and frank, and besides its owner is somewhat rejuvenated. Most of all eyebrows tease will be combined with almond-shaped eyes. As in any other business, it is important to have a sense of proportion in the formation of a brow fracture. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite of what you wanted: your expression will become angry, bewildered or too predatory.

Form eyebrows: how to do it?

In order to get the correct eyebrow shape for an oval face, you first need to determine the optimal length. How to do it? It's easy: you need to put a pencil at one end to the nasal sinus, and the other - to the inner corner of the eye. The place where the pencil touched the eyebrow, make it the beginning. To determine its end, move the pencil towards the outer corner of the eye and eyebrow. In the place where they intersect, it is best to make it complete.

For those who already have wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, there is a way to divert attention from them: you need to make a smaller length of superciliary arches. The width of the eyebrows is also important, as for the most part the facial expression is determined with its help. So, for a thin face brows of average thickness approach more. In the case when they lack the thickness and width, you can use a pencil, paint and powder. Color, of course, must be chosen in accordance with the skin tone.

If you have liquid eyebrows and a low forehead, use a pencil of a lighter shade to emphasize the beginning, and the tip should be made darker. In the case when the eyes are close planted, you can visually smooth this flaw. To do this, increase the distance between the eyebrows to two centimeters.

And if “lucky enough” to have naughty eyebrows: hairs grow carelessly and bristling in all directions? Here comes to the aid of a special fixing gel, through which you can give them the right direction, using a special brush.

Which eyebrow shape for an oval face is more appropriate? Since this type of appearance implies a beautiful form of eyebrows, often the line of the eyebrows does not require correction. In this case, you can do only care. And girls often do not have to bother with adjusting eyebrows, because they are initially beautiful.


The shape of the eyebrows for an oval-shaped face is adjusted in several ways. The most popular is plucking. Its essence is simple: remove excess hair with tweezers. Although this is not a quick deal, but the probability of pulling out too much is minimal. A great way to self care for eyebrows.

Another method is hair removal with wax. This is at least the fastest, but very painful way to get rid of excess hair. But this procedure is better to take place in a beauty salon. It must also be remembered that some wax components may cause allergic reactions. But no matter how fast this way, but still have to trim the shape with tweezers.

With the help of threads

Eyebrow correction using ordinary threads is the oldest method. His method of execution is simple: the thread must be folded in half and tied in a knot. Then the thread should be put on the shifted fingers of the hands, and then twist it in order to create curls in the middle. Then, putting this middle to the excess hair, just squeeze and unclasp your fingers.


Another fashionable trend is the eyebrows, the outer edge of which is raised to the temples. The “wings of the swallow” give the face openness and clarity to the look. This feminine ascendant form is a selection of sophisticated girls. The main secret is that the bend is actually done over the outer edge of the eyes, which visually increases their size.

The top point is noticeably above its base. In make-up you can whiten the space under it. This technique will make the line even more perfect.

Eyebrows arc

This type is quite versatile, as it suits owners of different types of faces. Another advantage is that such a form is easy to create and maintain.

After all, slightly curved lines follow the natural contours of our face, sometimes you need to remove only a few hairs to create such a shape. By choosing this form, you can vary the size of the arch:

Arched smooth lines make the whole look softer.

Creating a different form

Correction of the line can be started only when you are convinced of the correct choice of form. Why is it important? Regular plucking can affect the growth of hairs and later, if you want to change shape, it will be difficult or almost impossible.

To create the correct form, you need to know where there will be three main points:

To outline these contours, you can use a simple cosmetic pencil or brush.

  • Position the instrument vertically so that one end coincides with the nostrils, and the other with the inner edge of the eyebrow. This point will be the beginning of the line.
  • Next, deflect the pencil from its original position by about 30 degrees so that it passes through the center of the pupil. Where the pencil will come into contact with the skin, it is worth making a bend.
  • Rejecting the instrument even more, so that it passes through the outer edge of the eye, we get another point. This will be its ending.

When you have finished marking, you can begin to pluck unnecessary hairs. To reduce pain, you can massage eyebrows with soft pressing movements. The blood will flow to this area and make the procedure more comfortable.

It is necessary to thin the hair:

  • between the eyes, where there are small, but dark hairs,
  • top and bottom of the eyebrow line itself.

Other secrets you can find out by watching the video.

Before proceeding to the procedure itself, it is necessary to disinfect tweezers. Pay attention to the edges of the tool should be well polished, so as not to hurt you. Correction is carried out in conditions of good light and with a large stock of time. Haste in this matter is the worst enemy. It is better to choose a mirror that, in which there is a small magnifying effect, this will allow you to notice even small hairs.

Try to grab a hair closer to the base and in a sharp movement in the direction of growth remove it. This technique will not allow the hair to break and will not leave a dark spine that does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Daily care

Eyebrows require careful regular care. This is not about correction, but about nutrition.

Those frequent manipulations that we carry out with they sometimes have an aggressive effect on the very structure of the hair. Painted require special attention.

For girls who, together with the correction, also apply pigment, it is necessary to use emollient oils.

  • Cotton swab can be wetted in castor oil and hold it for hair growth. Excess oil from the century can be removed with a cotton pad.
  • Another soothing and nutrient can serve as compresses of aloe juice or tea. Saturate the cotton pads with strong, fresh tea brew, apply them to the eyelids and eyebrows.
  • Once a week you can arrange a real spa at home and make them nourishing masks. It is necessary to lightly apply a fine scrub. Then wash off the abrasive particles and apply a mask. It can be either on the basis of oils (mix of burdock, castor and peach), and on the basis of ointments, such as vaseline.

After such intensive care, you will notice the effect. They will turn into smooth, silk ribbons with an enticing bend.

Do not forget also every day to form fluffed hairs with a special comb.

Eyebrow Shape for Diamond Face

This type of face is characterized by the presence of prominent temples and wide-set eyes. Diamond-shaped faces are also called diamond. Soften chiseled, embossed facial features can be using smooth lines. Owners of a diamond face will fit eyebrows of the following forms:

  • arc-shaped,
  • with a soft break,
  • ascending

Do not forget that for them it is important not only a rounded bend in this case, but also proportionality. It is best to choose the average line thickness. Also, if your color type allows, it is better to choose light shades for coloring.

The following types are leading in their popularity:

  • horizontal and wide as a fashion
  • ascending and with a slight kink, classic feminine choice,
  • arc-shaped.

Girls with an oval type of face are real lucky girls, since when choosing a form they can decide on clear, thick lines without harming their feminine appearance.


It is important not only to choose a suitable form, but also to be able to support it. Natural types of eyebrows, such as horizontal and wide, require correction less often, but they are not suitable for everyone.

Properly selected eyebrow shape will not only make facial features expressive and open, but also help to hide some of the flaws in appearance. Stylists distinguish the following 7 basic types: rectangular, diamond-shaped, square, oval, pear-shaped, round, triangular.

  1. Correction methods
  2. How to choose the shape of arcs?
  3. Useful recommendations
  4. Features home care

Classic and having the right proportions is considered an oval face. The widest part is the cheekbones, a slight narrowing goes to the chin and forehead. The jaw line has the narrowest size. The forehead is larger than the chin, but not by much. The oval face type does not need any special correction. He will suit various hairstyles, makeup and accessories. However, scruffy and irregular bend eyebrows can ruin even the perfect appearance.

How to make your eyebrows more expressive?

The ideal shape of eyebrows for an oval face is easily obtained if the so-called triangle rule is applied. To do this you need a pencil or a small stick. There are 3 points: the beginning (the first intersection of the pencil with the arc and the inner corner of the eye), the arch (height of the arc) and the end (the wand intersects with the outer corner of the eye and eyebrow).

If you are a little carried away, and the width has suffered, then you can fix it with shadows, pencil or tattoo. It should be remembered that the oval face does not accept too thin, black arc. They make the forehead large and wide. Pick the most natural shades. If you want to divert attention from the wrinkles near the eyes, then you need to reduce the eyebrow. A special gel or wax used for styling hairs will help to make the contour clearer.

Pay attention to the bangs. An excellent option would be a long and oblique, which can be removed behind the ear. It will emphasize the expressive contour and oval of the face. Here, too, do not harm. Extremely short bangs, as well as strongly thinned and straight will spoil the face of this type.

Care after the correction at home

Usually, to maintain the shape, it is necessary to correct it once every few weeks. It depends on the color, thickness and speed of hair growth. Also, any mechanical effect is traumatic, requires additional care. After correction daily it is recommended to apply various oils for food. Well suited almond or castor. They will increase hair growth, and eyebrows will become thicker. It is convenient to do this with a small brush. Apply oil in the direction of hair growth, as if smoothing them.

After it is absorbed, you can make a massage in different directions using the same brush, this is given time daily. Warm oil compresses are also an excellent care product. Soak a cotton pad with heated olive oil and put on the eyebrow area. To enhance the thermal effect, you can use a napkin or a small towel. After the procedure, be sure to rinse them thoroughly. Such compresses are recommended for owners of thin arcs.

You can cook at home a special composition for food. Take an equal amount of honey, petroleum jelly and castor oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply. Soon the hairs will become obedient, shiny and thick. Girls with an oval face type have more freedom when choosing hairstyles, shape and width of eyebrows, makeup and accessories, but they should follow the basic rule: do not spoil the natural data, but only emphasize them.

Correct eyebrow shape for oval face: description, technique and recommendations

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What eyebrows fit the oval face

The oval shape of the face according to all canons is ideal. Girls with such appearance do not need to hide weaknesses and it is enough just to emphasize their strengths correctly. There are several different types of eyebrows that are used for an oval face, and you can choose any of them.

Various forms of eyebrows are suitable for an oval face.

Accurately selected eyebrow shape for an oval face, which takes into account all the features of external data, will allow the girl to spend the minimum amount of time on everyday makeup. If your own eyebrows are very thin and do not match the desired shape, you can use a contour pencil or special shadows for drawing hairs. Their color should be one shade with hair or slightly darker.


Watch the video: Perfect Eyebrow Shapes for Your Face. Wishtrend TV (June 2024).